Visual C++ :: Capturing Both Soft / Hard Keyboard Inputs?

Oct 4, 2013

I have a C++ WIN32 DLL that acts as a server for a UI. Now i want to capture all keyboard inputs in the PC on the WIN32 dll, whenever the UI has active focus. If the user is typing something into another app, i don't care.

The trick is that, the keyboard can be both a software keyboard or a hardware keyboard. I want to be able to capture every keyboard input from the user on the PC in which the UI and DLL is running.

Is this possible to do? How can i implement this?

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C :: Capturing Keystroke From Keyboard

Jun 11, 2013

I want to intercept key to my program even if it is non active. I'am working on linux machine(ubuntu)..what should i use to do this?

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C++ :: Take Integer Score Inputs From Keyboard Into Array

Apr 2, 2014

This program is supposed to take integer score inputs from the keyboard into an array and use a sentinel of -999 to end the process.It should call a show() function which passes the array and displays the name and number of the integer for the output.

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int score(double array1[], int numbers);


I am getting an error in the for loop r<number which states "Error identifier "numbers" is undefined" and on my array1 "Error identifier "array1" us undefined" also in my for loop.

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Visual C++ :: Open Large Files - Save Video As Long As Users Have Space In Hard Disk

Jan 15, 2013

Opening large files in c++. In my application, i am trying to save video as long as users have space in harddisk. What I am trying to do is when user is recording video i am trying to append the video data in to the file. The problem is that every time file size reach over 2GB my software crashes.

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Visual C++ :: Low-Level Keyboard Input Detection?

Mar 13, 2014

I am writing an software that should be able to detect all keyboard inputs by the user. i.e., both hardware and software/on-screen keyboard.

This software is going to be written in a platform independent way and supposed to run on Windows, Linux, Android & iOS.

The idea is to capture the keyboard inputs from a low level, there by making sure that it doesn't miss any inputs even if it's a on-screen keyboard like in a mobile device.

I am looking at possible open source libraries that can be used.

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Visual C++ :: On Screen Keyboard Error On 64 Bit Windows 7

Dec 6, 2013

By using visual studio 2010, I have problem calling up on screen keyboard using line below for Windows 7 64 bit.

WinExec("OSK.EXE", SW_SHOW);

However, it is working fine on windows XP 32 bit. How to call up on screen keyboard for 64 bit windows?


int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) {
int nRetCode = 0;
HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
if (hModule != NULL) {
// initialize MFC and print and error on failure

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working In Visual Studio 2013

Feb 6, 2015

I downloaded Visual Studio 2013 on a new laptop. On my old one I could press things like ctrl + F7 to compile and ctrl + F5 to start without debugging however now it isn't responding when I type those commands. Nothing happens at all. How to change this? I googled "keyboard shortcuts not working in Visual Studio 2013" but per the usual Google comes up with garbage search results that do not pertain at all.

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C++ :: Capturing Files In A Directory

Jan 9, 2013

I'm using the following code to capture all files in a directory - but when I pass the "path" var such as "C:SomeDir" ffd.cFileName is just simply "SomeDir" and is seen as a valid folder and no more files are processed.. I'm trying to get the contents in that folder. I'm following this example here - [URL] .....

bool ListFiles(TCHAR* path) {
TCHAR * spec = new TCHAR[_MAX_PATH];
static std::stack<TCHAR*> directories;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Data Structure For Text Predictor Using Qwerty Keyboard?

Oct 30, 2014

i got project to make a program of text predictor. i know the concepts of c++. array, classes , recursion, in data structure linked list, stack, queues and trees etc.. but i still need to make fast and efficient program of text predictor.

i got data in file.txt , in fact it is a dictionary data.....

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Visual C++ :: Blocking Keyboard Play / Pause Button In Windows 8?

Mar 27, 2014

I am writing an application that needs to temporarily disable the Play/Pause button that appears on multimedia keyboards.

Normally, a key can be blocked quite easily by installing a low level keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL) where the KeyboardProc intercepts the key (in this case VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE) and returns a "1" instead of calling CallNextHookEx. I have tried this with other keys (including the Windows key VK_LWIN) and this works perfectly. I also have no problems with this method under Windows 7 where all keys, including VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE get blocked.

Windows 8 is a different story. When my application has input focus, everything works as expected, meaning the VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE key gets blocked and no other application responds to it. However, when my application loses focus, my hook procedure gets called (this was verified by sending out a OutputDebugString) but other applications respond to key even though I return a "1". As soon as my app gets focus again, everything is block as it should.

After some investigation, I found that the multimedia keys not only generate keystrokes but also generate WM_APPCOMMAND messages so I added ShellProc (WH_SHELL) hook with the following hook procedure:

LRESULT __declspec(dllexport)__stdcall CALLBACK ShellProc(int nCode,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) {
// Do we have to handle this message?
OutputDebugStringX(">>>>> HSHELL_APPCOMMAND");


This procedure is only getting called when my app has input focus. Whenever I have input focus and return "1" the Play/Pause command gets blocked. As soon as I lose focus the procedure does not get called/hooked.

As I have mentioned, the code works for other keys, just not the multimedia keys.

Alternatively, another way of blocking the multimedia keyboards Play/Pause button?

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Visual C++ :: Enter File Name By Keyboard Instead Of Command Line Arguments?

Mar 10, 2013

Actually the below program is for Dispersal Algorithm called Rabin-IDA; this algorithm divided the data into N pieces and then recombine it from M pieces (such that M<N).

Thus, the below program needs command line arguments,which entering by Project properties/Debugging. this argument is file name, where the program performing spitted the file into N files, and then recombine it from M divided files, and put it on another file which should also passing its name as argument .

Now my question is, How can i make this program enter the file name by keyboard??(i mean enter the files name by user from screen not as command line arguments) ... In another word, How I can exchange ?

argc == 3
argc == 2

To enter file name ? i mean what i should do to in


To pass my file name by use keyboard not Project properties/Debugging?)

the below code is just the main function of program, and the whole of it in this link [URL] .... Information Dispersal Algorithms Rabin-IDA.

#include "include.h"
void __cdecl _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) {
DWORD ini=GetTickCount();
try {
if( argc == 3 ) //recombine

[Code] ....

I know I should use getline() function but how exchange argv[] ?

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C :: Parsing String And Capturing In Variables

Nov 3, 2013

I have an input file that contains any number of lines. Each line will follow the same structure. There will be 5 fields, separated by 4 commas. Fields 1 and 3 will be single characters, fields 2,4,5 will be integers. Example:

<A, 123, B, 456, 789>

I need to iterate over each line, parse out the fields, and capture each field value into a separate variables.

header file: Code: #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>


I've used similar code to this before, but this time I'm getting the dreaded pointer from integer error on my strtok lines:

warning: passing argument 2 of 'strtok' makes pointer from integer without a cast'

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Visual C++ :: Program To Map Keyboard And Mouse To Xbox 360 Controller With Win32 And Xinput?

Aug 10, 2013

I am writing a program to map keyboard and mouse to an xbox 360 controller with win32 and xinput. I have everything going fine but when im trying to control the mouse with the thumbsticks I get problems with the movement if my program has the focus it moves fine but when I put another window in focus the movement is over sensitive here is the code I am using

if(_controllerState.Gamepad.sThumbRX >= XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB_DEADZONE) {
profile->Buttons[6]->input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;

[Code] .....

I have tried everything to fix it.

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C :: How To Get Memory Address Of A File In Hard Disk

Sep 12, 2013

I made a text file. I can do all File I/O functions in c. no problem! except that "I want to get the memory address of the beginning of that File", so that I can access each character of the file by incrementing memory address.

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C/C++ :: Two Hard-coded Arrays Into One 2-Dimensional Vector

Mar 20, 2012

Two Hard-coded Arrays into One 2-Dimensional Vector I have 2 arrays, each of them are hard-coded with integer values. I also have one 2-Dimensional vector and I want to put 1 array into the first column of the vector and the other array into the 2nd column of the vector. The reason is that I want to do math on the 2nd column of the vector only.

I am able to accomplish this with 3 arrays. Two of them are 1-Dimensional and the third array is 2-Dimensional.

I know how to pass ONE Array into ONE vector:

vector<int> myVector(typeArray, typeArray + 4);

however, when I declare a 2-Dimensional vector:

vector< vector <int> > myVector(3, vector<int> (2,0))

I am not seeing how to add TWO arrays or how to OUTPUT it to the screen.

Here is my code using DevCPP:

#include <iostream>    
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>


I don't get any errors, however, I don't know how to output it to the screen to see what it looks like.

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C :: How To Access Sata Hard Drive At Sector Level

Mar 7, 2013

I want to access sata hard drive(eg. D drive) at sector level using C programming.I want to read the values stored in the memory locations.

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C :: Compare Integers With Hard Coded Values Goes Wrong In DLL

Mar 6, 2015

I am about to transfer a project I have written in Applescript and Objective C to Excel/VBA/dll. I have started with the Objective C functions that I want to place in a dll and call via VBA.

The Objective C is C with a thin dusting of special Obejctive C code to have it talk with Applescript and the rest of the project so in theory it should be easy to make dlls written in C from it.

But I have already problems with the tiniest of all functions. I am sure it can be done more effectively but right now I need to know WHY it doesn't work if I am ever going to be able to transfer the much larger functions from Objective C to C.

Here is my original Objective C code:

Code: -

(NSNumber *)game:(NSNumber *)games gamechange:(NSNumber *)gameskifte
int gamesab = [games intValue];
int gameskifteab = [gameskifte intValue];


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C++ :: User Can Read Or Write Into A File That Is Not Hard Coded

Jan 16, 2014

int main (){
string filename;
cout << "Enter the file name: ";
cin >> filename;
ofstream myfile( filename.c_str(), ios::app);

Here is the code and my original question was how do I make it so that the user can read or write into a file that is not hard coded.

hard code example:

string filename;
cout << "Enter the file name: ";
cin >> filename;
ofstream myfile( "file.txt", ios::app);

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C++ :: Create A Program That Is Able To Save Database Of Items To File On Hard Drive

Mar 18, 2013

Write a program that is able to save a list of items such as books, CDs, or DVDs and the items that are saved must have attributes associated with them. For example a book has a title, author, publisher, and ISBN.I would like to create a program that is able to save the database of items to a file on the hard drive and also retrieve it from the hard drive.I have this for a start of how to set up a storing program.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main () {
const int arraySize = 10;
int a[arraySize] = { 2, 6, 4, 10, 12, 89, 68, 45, 37 };
int i, hold;


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C :: Program Respond To Keyboard Hit?

Mar 6, 2015

What C command responds to a keyboard hit? I want to exit in an orderly manner from a continuous loop when a key is pressed.

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C :: How To Ignore All Key Presses On Keyboard Except 1-5

May 7, 2014

Here is the function I am trying to modify...

void DisplayAdminMenu() {
char ch;
printf("Admin Menu");

[Code] ......

Error! Must enter a number between 1 and 5

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C :: Run Some Operation If A Key From Keyboard Is Pressed

Jun 2, 2013

I need to run some operation if a key from keyboard is pressed. so I go with

Code: c=getchar();

to get it read. yet the user could press a key anytime; so I'd need some if-loop. no plans on how it'd look like though...I suppose something like this below wouldn't work right?


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C++ :: How To Allow Pressing Some Keys On Keyboard

Jul 4, 2014

how can I allow pressing some keys on the keyboard in C++? I mean, when you are in the console and you are only allowed to press numbers before pressing enter, for example.

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C++ :: Read A String From Keyboard

Mar 27, 2013

char name[10];To read a string from keyboard.

what should i use :

this : cin>>name[10];
this : cin>>*name;

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C++ :: SDL - How To Get Keyboard Input Into Function

Aug 31, 2013

I am trying to get my keyboard input into a function, so that I can call a function like updatebuttons() and set global variables to 0 if the button is not down at the moment and 1 if it is. It seems simple, but I can't seem to get it to work right; I am not use to working outside of windows, so I am still a beginner with SDL.

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C++ :: Connecting Event With A Key On Keyboard?

May 17, 2013

I am gonna make a simple game in c++. I need a way how to use a particular key on the keyboard ,when I hit the key certain function should be called.

For movement of cursor on screen I want to connect arrow keys.

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