Visual C++ :: Free Image Library That Handle PNG Resolution

Mar 14, 2013

Need a free image library that can handle png xresolution and yresolution. I need it to be compatible with visual studio 6.0

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Visual C++ :: MFC Dialog Clipping Off In Low Resolution

Mar 25, 2013

I have an mfc dialog of size 1280 X 1024 and when i change the resolution to 800 X 600, after adding scroll bar, it don't show the entire dialog contents, Seems like it clips the 800 X 600 portion.

I have handled VScroll and HScroll. It works fine for higher resolutions!

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Visual C++ :: How To Find Printer Resolution From GetDeviceCaps

Dec 6, 2012

I have written a program to capture signal from machine and display it on screen in the form of sinosoidal wave. I have print buffer for 256 X 400 pixel strip chart. This prints fine if I set page size A4 and resolution 600 DPI. If anyone changes print parameters , there is problem. I can resize the printer buffer and interpolate the stored signal.

My problem is , how to find the printer resolution from GetDeviceCaps ? how to know the Print Type Normal / Draft etc in mFC.

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C++ :: Template Function Overloading Resolution Different In Visual Studio And GCC

Jun 13, 2014

I stumbled upon an unexpected difference between GCC and VisualStudio: Different overloaded functions are called in the following example:

// -------- can assume this is located in 'tool.h' file --------------
// Fwd declaration support foo( const int& ) gets called as expected by both compilers
// void foo( const int& n );

template< typename T >
void foo( const T& n ) {

[Code] ....

What happens: I expected that by calling bar(1) compiler will notice both versions of foo() and call the best match, in this case foo(const int&). That is not the case.

Note that overloaded foo(const int&) is below bar(). It seems that at that point GCC does not see overloaded version, and happily calls template version. Visual studio on the other hand has no problem finding them both.

If I introduce a forward declaration of foo( const int& ) before bar(), both compilers call that version correctly. Unfortunately, that is not a solution for my problem here.

Template version is part of a library while overloaded is part of the user code. Both would be located in different (header) files and I would not like to impose #include order to the users or to be dependant on it.

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C :: Produce Image Using GD Graphics Library?

Mar 20, 2013

I am trying to produce a image using GD graphics library. I can succesfully display my image, however I cant display this image along with a printf function too?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <gd.h>
int display_picture()
gdImagePtr gdImage = gdImageCreate( 50, 50 );
FILE *jpgFile = NULL;

[Code] ....

The picture displays but not hello.

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C# :: Compare The Image Of A Button To Another Image In Visual Studio

Jul 3, 2014

Im trying to compare the image of a button to another image in Visual Studio like so...

Image active = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\StarWars Status\active.png");
Image stunned = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\StarWars Status\stunned.png");


btnStatusPlr1.Image SHOULD come back as True.Then I realized it might not be the same as setting the buttons image in the properties (Which is what i did to get the original image (the one being compared to))

I do have a feeling ive done something wrong here (Yes im a noob /> )

Variable active, is the same image as the buttons default (Well should be)

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Visual C++ :: Getting Free Disk Space Of Certain Directory?

Nov 23, 2014


_int64 free_space_64bit;
PULARGE_INTEGER lpFreeBytesAvailable, lpTotalNumberOfBytes,lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes;
//char currentPath[MAX_PATH];
//GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, currentPath);
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA("H:C", lpFreeBytesAvailable, lpTotalNumberOfBytes,lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);
free_space_64bit = lpFreeBytesAvailable->HighPart << 32 | lpFreeBytesAvailable->LowPart;

This directory "H:C" does exist, if I comment out the GetDiskFreeSpaceExA line, the program doesn't crash, but it leads to some peculiar results (some uninitialized and random value, but at least it doesn't crash)

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Visual C++ :: Passing File Handle To DLL?

May 6, 2013

I write a small application and using the following API to open the file:


Then I pass the hHandle to a DLL exported function, in that function, I will call

DWORD dwFlags = 0;

ASSERT(GetHandleInformation(hFile,&dwFlags) != 0)

to check if the handle is valid. However, the assert fails. And I use GetLastError to get the error code 6, which means invalid handle.

What is the problem with my codes?

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Visual C++ :: Pass A Handle To A Function

May 5, 2013

Visual C++ 2010

I'm using SFML with Visual C++ and need to pass a handle to a function. I've tried to find this on the web with no luck.

The handle happens to be a sprite defined as: sf::Sprite Numbers(MyNumbers);

Now I want to pass "Numbers" to a function.

???? getFrame(??????) {
return ????

How do I do this?

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Visual C++ :: How To Handle Open Document

Oct 11, 2012

I have an MFC program created from the app wizard. It is an MDI program, reading/writing text files using Serialize. I can read the document and know that the entire document was read into my buffer without any errors. This was verified by compaing the number of bytes read with the file length.

How do I get the document to display in my main/child window?

How do I read the document from the window so I can save it back to the file?

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Visual C++ :: WTL - Handle Splitter Position Changing

Sep 6, 2013

How can I handle splitter position changing?

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Visual C++ :: Compiling Matrox Imaging Library

Mar 1, 2013

Has compiled Matrox Imaging Library using Visual Studio 2010. I have downloaded MIL and trying to compile a simple program in the installed directory called 'msimple.cpp', but getting the following error:

1>------ Build started: Project: msimple, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>msimple.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _fltused

1>LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol wmainCRTStartup

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: CString Class In Non-MFC Static Library

Sep 13, 2013

I have a non-MFC static library which I share between a number of different projects, some non-MFC and some MFC. Currently the static library uses a typedef of std::wstring and std::string for UNICODE and non-UNICODE builds.

After discovering it's possible to use CString in non-MFC applications, by including atlstr.h header, I decided I'd rather that than using stl strings and having to keep converting between the different types. However, I seem to be struggling with linker errors when linking the library with a MFC application.

Can I create a non-MFC static library using CString from atlstr.h and link it with a MFC application?

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Visual C++ :: Custom Control Library Design?

Mar 15, 2015

i want to design a custom control (Ui widget library) , this library can be used by any IDe developer to develop his UI.

how to design a custom control library and plug in.

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Visual C++ :: Additional Include And Library Directories

Nov 19, 2012

For each project in a VS solution it's possible to stipulate per-project folders that get searched in addition to the folders that you've set globally for Visual Studio.

Which folders take priority? Do the project's folders get searched first? Or do the global folder get searched first? Or is it possible to select one set as having priority over the other?

(this is VS 2005 BTW)

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C++ :: Scope Resolution Operator?

Feb 21, 2013

I have done alot of googling for the scope resolution operator and Ive gained a bit of an understanding as to what it does i know it can distinguish between global and local variables, but I see it used to access methods/members of classes such as this example, why not just use a dot instead to access it?:

sql:: Driver *driver;

Why is the scope resolution operator being used here?

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C++ :: Name Resolution Not Working As Expected

Apr 23, 2013

I have a global var (m) with an initial value 5.

I have a template class (A) that derives from a either a base class that has a member (_A1.m) or not (_A0), based upon it's template parameter. class (A) has a member function (fn) returns the value of (m) as it understands what (m) is.

However, this gives different results compared with a non-template class in a similar scenario. I'm expecting that if derived from _A1, that m should be taken from the base class scope and if derived from _A0, it should be taken from the global one.

Here is the code for your amusement:

int m = 5;
class _A0 {
_A0(int) {

[Code] ....

This compiled using g++ 4.5.3 and 4.6.3 with the same results:
Global value of m is: 5
B0 class has no internal m member. Object resolves m internally with value 5
B1 class has internal m member. Object resolves m internally with value 3
A<_A0> class has no internal m member. Object resolves m internally with value 5
A<_A1> class has internal m member. Object resolves m internally with value 5

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C/C++ :: Setting Resolution On Screen

Mar 29, 2015

Just reading some code and come across a section where its setting the resolution on a screen

so like

image->sizeY = 480;
size = image->sizeX * image->sizeY *3;
float sizeLog = ceil(log((float)image->sizeX) / log(2.F)));

So yea, my understanding of this code is that firstly there is member access and that a resolution is being set.

And then its like 640 * 480 * 3

and then the log of 640 *480*3 ...being divided by something else and being rounded up by ceil

is this the right way to look at it?

and also what is the log(2.F) - i don't really understand that.

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Visual C++ :: How To Create Image Buffer In MFC

Jan 27, 2013

how to create, initialize, and maintain a memory device context that works as a local buffer for images? The idea is to maintain some large images in local DCs and bitmaps, and only bitblt them to screen in OnDraw().

What I did so far was was to define CDC and CBitmap objects as members of my View class, and then tried to initialize them with the sequence that begins at "// Initialize buffer". I placed that sequence in either OnInitialUpdate, or PreCreateWindow, or OnPrepareDC, or the view constructor, to no avail. The code always crashes in OnDraw, and I've noticed that the m_hDC member of myDevice is zero at that point.

Obviously, the initialization is wrong and MFC does (too many) things in the background which I'm not aware of.... My question was where can I read about that?

class CMyView : public CScrollView {
// ...
CDC myDevice;
CBitmap bmp;
CBitmap *oldbmp;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Covert Raw Image Data Into PNG

Sep 23, 2013

I have the raw image data and now want to convert it to PNG image. How can i do that? The raw image data is stored in a unsigned char *.

I know how to convert it to Bitmap, but how to convert it to PNG.

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Visual C++ :: Displaying JPEG Image

Mar 20, 2014

Which command should i use for displaying a jpeg image in Visual Studio 2008 (VC++)?In the past i used LoadImage function for displaying Bitmaps.

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Visual C++ :: MFC Button With Icon Or Image?

Jul 30, 2014

tell me the EASIEST way to create a button with an image on it.

I am not interested in using the owner draw property with CBitmapButton and then have to create a whole lot of bitmaps for all the different button states.

There must be a way to simply create an ordinary button which displays an image rather than or as well as a caption....?

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Visual C++ :: Reading Image File?

Apr 26, 2013

I have a jpg file. I have extracted the width and the length of the image. I have done that with some codes and markers. Now I need the image data starts as from that place i would like read the data and print the pixel value. I would like to display the pixels later.

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Visual C++ :: Dynamically Updating Image (PNG)

Dec 26, 2013

I am working on a Windows application using Visual Studio 2012. One of the screens have a text entry field for the user. Instead of using a standard text field control, am placing a image which looks exactly like a text field. Now what i want to do is, capture the key stroke and update this image with the characters entered by user.

The initial image shown to the user is "Blank_Text_Entry.png" and this is added to the resource as IDB_BLANK_TEXT_ENTRY.

This is a rectangular white image with dimensions 153 x 27, with a size of 250 bytes.

My goal is to be able to update this image dynamically based on key strokes by user and display it.

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Visual C++ :: Program To Resize Image?

Feb 19, 2013

I am currently working on problem set 4 for Harvard's online CS50 course. I am working on a program that resizes a bmp image by a factor of N. N in entered along with an in-file and out-file in a command line argument. The program needs to calculate the header file for the out-file and write it to the out-file. It then needs to actually resize the image and, again, write to the out-file.

The first question I have relates to the header file, here is my code for calculating the header file:

bi2.biHeight = bi.biHeight *n;
bi2.biWidth = bi.biWidth *n;
int padding = (4 -(bi.biWidth * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE))%4)%4;
bi2.biSizeImage = (bi2.biWidth * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE) + padding) * abs(bi2.biHeight);
bf2.bfSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + bi2.biSizeImage;

And here is my code for writing the new header file (bi2 and bf2) to the out-file:

fwrite(&bf2, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, outptr);
fwrite(&bi2, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, outptr);

At this point I need to actually resize the image. As far as I can tell there are 2 ways to go about this you either have to use an array to store each line you want to print repeatedly (and then you can just write it repeatedly) OR you have to move the pointer back in the input stream and repeat the read/resize/write process each time you need to print the row.

It is this that I am stuck on, first of all, I am not sure what system would be better for resizing the image, although I am leaning towards using an array, and regardless, I don't even know where to begin when in implementing either.

So what I am asking for is, first of all, just a "double check" to make sure my header code makes sense. And second of all, a push in the right direction for actually resizing the image. Here is my complete code:

* resize.c
* Resizes a BMP piece by piece, just because.

#include "bmp.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// ensure proper usage
if (argc != 4) {
printf("Usage: copy N infile outfile


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Visual C++ :: Updating Image On A Button

Aug 2, 2013

I have created an application that has bunch of buttons on top and i want to change the image when I click on the button. But unfortunately I can't get it to work.

Here is the code:

if (serialPort1.IsOpen) {
tsbCommPortOpenClose.ToolTipText = "Open serial port";
closeCommPortToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Open serial port";
tsbCommPortOpenClose.Image = Image.FromFile("Red.bmp");
[Code] ....

The second one which changes the image to "image2" works fine. Here is the definition of image2:

namespace Regress;
private Bitmap image2;
System.Reflection.Assembly myAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
StreammyStream = myAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Regress.Sharing.gif");
image2 = new Bitmap(myStream);

When I do the same with the other image that I want to use, it won't work! I opened the project properties and added the image into the resources too, and it still doesn't work. It fails and says the file was not there. I've put a copy of the file in the root directory and one in "Resources" folder but it still doesn't work.

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