Visual C++ :: How To Handle Open Document

Oct 11, 2012

I have an MFC program created from the app wizard. It is an MDI program, reading/writing text files using Serialize. I can read the document and know that the entire document was read into my buffer without any errors. This was verified by compaing the number of bytes read with the file length.

How do I get the document to display in my main/child window?

How do I read the document from the window so I can save it back to the file?

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C++ :: How To Open A Word Document

Feb 10, 2013

how to open a word document in c++?

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C/C++ :: How To Open Word Document

Feb 10, 2013

I have this question, How to open a word document in c++?

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Visual C++ :: Passing File Handle To DLL?

May 6, 2013

I write a small application and using the following API to open the file:


Then I pass the hHandle to a DLL exported function, in that function, I will call

DWORD dwFlags = 0;

ASSERT(GetHandleInformation(hFile,&dwFlags) != 0)

to check if the handle is valid. However, the assert fails. And I use GetLastError to get the error code 6, which means invalid handle.

What is the problem with my codes?

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Visual C++ :: Pass A Handle To A Function

May 5, 2013

Visual C++ 2010

I'm using SFML with Visual C++ and need to pass a handle to a function. I've tried to find this on the web with no luck.

The handle happens to be a sprite defined as: sf::Sprite Numbers(MyNumbers);

Now I want to pass "Numbers" to a function.

???? getFrame(??????) {
return ????

How do I do this?

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Visual C++ :: WTL - Handle Splitter Position Changing

Sep 6, 2013

How can I handle splitter position changing?

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Visual C++ :: Breakpoints Will Not Be Hit - No Symbols Loaded For Document

Apr 10, 2013

I am using Visual Studio 2010 with WindowsXP 32 bit. when i placed break points in my solution and trying to debug then i am getting THE BREAKPOINTS CAN NOT BE HIT NO SYMBOLS HAVE BEEN LOADED FOR THIS DOCUMENT issue.

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Visual C++ :: Free Image Library That Handle PNG Resolution

Mar 14, 2013

Need a free image library that can handle png xresolution and yresolution. I need it to be compatible with visual studio 6.0

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Visual C++ :: Use CFormView As Main View Without Using Document Support?

Jul 17, 2013

Is it possible to use a CFormView as the main view without using document support. IE pointing CWinApps m_pMainWnd to the CFrameWnd derived MainFrame and attaching the CFormView from there. It does not seem to be working and I was wondering before I waste any more time on the solution if it is even possible. I know it is an easy solution if I create a true SDI application however I have no use for documents in this application.

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Visual C++ :: FileSet - Cannot Access Variables From Document Class

Jul 31, 2013

I have written a class "FileSet " in program's Document class.

This class contains other Four classes as

"Machine1" , "Machine2", "Machine 3" and "Machine 4".

Now my problem is Machine 1 can not access variables from Document class or other variables from FileSet.

How to access them ?

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Visual C++ :: Adding Splitter Windows Makes Mainframe Unable To Get Current Document

Apr 7, 2014

I created two split views like this:

BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext ) {
CFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext);
if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic (this, 2, 1) ||


When I step into CMainFrame::OnAlohaHowAreYou(), I found m_pDoc is NULL. If I remove the split views and make CMainFrame::OnCreateClient() like below, then there is no problem.

BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext ) {
CFrameWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext);
return TRUE;

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Visual C++ :: Why Cannot Open TIFF File

Jul 12, 2014

I am trying libtiff library (I downloaded the source codes as part of SDL2, but I test it separately). There is a test file named ascii_tag.c.

There is a line

tif = TIFFOpen(filename, "r");

and it breaks here when I run the program. Filename is:


static const char filename[] = "images/ascii_test.tiff";

and the file exists on disk, because the program just create it and closed the file handler. The error I got:

Debug assertion failed ... program name ... File: (and this is the strange thing!) f:ddvctoolscrt_bldself_x86crtsrcfstat64.c

Why it displays this path? I did not added this path to project so why it tries to call this file? I have installed VC in different location and running x86 32bit machine.

I already succeed to run test raw_decode.c where I used libtiff.lib and libjpeg.lib also here I used the libraries. I already succeed to open file there using

tif = TIFFOpen(srcfile,"r");

and srcfile = "./images/quad-tile.jpg.tiff".

Well I tried to use different path as "./images/ascii_test.tiff" but this also results in break. Where could be the problem that ascii_test.tiff cannot be opened?

Complete code:

/* $Id: ascii_tag.c,v 1.7 2008/04/15 13:32:12 dron Exp $ */
/* Copyright (c) 2004, Andrey Kiselev <>
* GNU */
* TIFF Library
* Module to test ASCII tags read/write functions.
#pragma once
//#pragma warning( disable : 4355 )


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Visual C++ :: Crashing On Fstream Open File

Jan 20, 2013

other posts talk about the fopen function and don't really give any solutions to this the var that has the file path is a char* and has been converted from a system::string^ it is completely valid when I paste it in windows bar.

private: System::Void button3_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
if(textBox1->Text[0] == (char)'' || textBox2->Text[0] == (char)''){
MessageBox::Show("Please select a valid m3u and path", "Problem",
MessageBoxButtons::OK, MessageBoxIcon::Exclamation);


it crashes right at the function call when I put breakpoints in it says , debug assertion failed and shows me the fclose.c file location and Expression: (stream != NULL)

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C++ :: Can't Open Chrono Header File In Visual 2010

Aug 20, 2013

Its really essential for the program I'm trying to write.

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Visual C++ :: Find And Open A File On Remote Computer

Feb 26, 2013

I have a file on one server(Windows 2003) and need to access from another server (IIS server - Windows 2008) , I have written the program for the same which works fine and I can access the file.

But when this comes to the DLL (which registered successfully on Windows 2008), its not able to find the file on Windows 2003.

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Visual C++ :: Using Fstream To Open A File Created Only During Runtime?

Nov 20, 2012

I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 and I'm trying to use fstream to open and read a file that is created only during runtime. This file is written by another function running on another thread, and my program will keep trying to "open" the file until it can be opened, i.e. after it's created, then read 3 numbers from it and execute the rest of its code.

The file test.txt has the content


My program that polls and opens the file is as follows:

ifstream fin;
std::string tfile, snum1, snum2, snum3;
long int num2, num3;
printf("Begin prog %s
", tfile.c_str());


I executed the program by

Code: test_prog.exe "C: est.txt"

and waited about 3 seconds before putting the test.txt file into C:

My output was

Begin prog C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
fin is open
snum1 =
num2 = 0 num3 = 0
End of prog

The test.txt file disappears after I refresh the C: folder.

So the values for snum1, num2 and num3 are all wrong, as if the file was not read correctly.

If I put a while fin.good() loop after printf("fin is open "); for that entire block (until printing the values of num2 and num3), then I get

Begin prog C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
fin is open
End of prog

How can I correctly read a file that is only created during runtime?

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Visual C++ :: Overriding Open Button Handler Of CFileDialog

Oct 8, 2012

I have subclassed CFileDialog. I need to select both file and folder on certain case only. Suppose I have a folder selected and it is containing desired file type. Then in such situation, On clicking open button will not open the selected folder. But just close the CFileDialog with IDOK.

For doing this I need to provide my own implementation for Open button handler. I am not getting how I can do this.

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Visual C++ :: VS2013 Compiling With Header Redirection IDE Complains (Open SSL)

Aug 21, 2014

im trying to compile a project that uses Open SSL but i have a problem since compiler complains about this on some headers

The files are empty and only containing this line:


I understood that those headers redirect to the actual file in a different path from the include folder, must work in other compilers but VS2013 complains about it.

Im planing to work arround it like copying those files directly in the include folder or even take the time to redirect those includes to the actual file one by one but im guessing that there is a simpler way.

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Visual C++ :: Open QuickTime VR Image Into MFC Dialog - Heap Corruption?

May 17, 2013

I need to write a piece of code that opens a QuickTime VR image into an MFC Dialog. I drew a Dialog and put an "Apple QuickTime Control 2.0" into it. Then I created a Control variable in my Dialog class, called QtControl. In the OnInitDialog I set the file to open, calling the put_FileName of the control.

I tested it by:

- opening a dialog --> worked
- closing it --> worked
- opening again --> crashed. The error was:

"Windows has triggered a breakpoint in TestOcx.exe.

This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in TestOcx.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.

This may also be due to the user pressing F12 while TestOcx.exe has focus.

The output window may have more diagnostic information."

I tried many things and googled a lot, but the only way that I found to avoid this crash was hardcoding a valid URL in the QtControl resources at compile time. In other words, if I write a valid absolute path to a .mov into the URL property of the QtControl from Visual Studio and compile it, then it works. Obviously, I can't do this because the absolute Path is valid only on my PC.

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Visual C++ :: Windows Explorer - Open Files With Different Extensions For Viewing Purposes Only

Feb 16, 2013

I have an application that Opens files with different extensions for viewing purposes only. I use MFC with Multi-Document template.

When I go to Windows Explorer in Windows 7 and right-click on Libraries - Documents, and scroll down to New, Explorer shows multiple links for creating new files with these different extensions.

My application does not create New documents. It just opens them for viewing purposes. In fact, I have disabled the New portion of the mainframe window.

My code includes:

I am at a loss as to what portion of my code would have placed these links into Windows Explorer!

Is there any way to prevent them from being created in the first place?

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Visual C++ :: Open Large Files - Save Video As Long As Users Have Space In Hard Disk

Jan 15, 2013

Opening large files in c++. In my application, i am trying to save video as long as users have space in harddisk. What I am trying to do is when user is recording video i am trying to append the video data in to the file. The problem is that every time file size reach over 2GB my software crashes.

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C++ :: Calculate Something More Than A Var Can Handle?

Jan 1, 2013

Let's say I want to calculate something like PI using some algorithm, but with the number of digits I want to.

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C# :: How To Close Overlapped I/O Handle

Nov 6, 2012

Consider the following code which closes an overlapped I/O serial handle during application shutdown.



It works fine under .NET 2.0 but after switching to .NET 4.0 it crashes on the CloseHandle. Removing CancelIO doesn't work.

What the correct way is to close an overlapped I/O handle? And why is there the difference between NET2.0 and 4.0?

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C :: Handle Cmd Line Arguments?

Jul 30, 2013

How to handle cmd line argument in c.

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C++ ::  how To Handle Async Operations

May 29, 2013

I've been thinking over this for long time... For example, when a button is clicked, print a string "clicked" after 5 seconds. (the button won't be blocked)

Thread should be the only way to do this:

btn.on_click = []() {
thread thrd([]() { sleep_5_seconds(); cout << "clicked" << endl; });

the local variable thrd is destructed right after it starts, which may cause a crash, so use new operator:

btn.on_click = []() {
thread* thrd = new thread([]() { sleep_5_seconds << "clicked" << endl; });

The thrd never get deleted

How would you solve problem like this?

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C/C++ :: How To Handle Exception In Constructor

Apr 14, 2012

If a class A contains an array of objects of another class B.. And in the constructor of A, while constructing objects of B, any one object throws an exception, then how can we guarantee to release all the memory acquired.. so that there is no memory leak..

class B{};
class A{
  B Array[100];

In the above code, if in constructor of A, suppose 99 objects of B are constructed successfully, but 100th object throws exception, then how can we guarantee to release all the memory acquired by the other 99 objects?

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