C# :: Sending Input To Specific Window

Feb 18, 2014

I have some experience in C# and choose the project of a "rapidfire script". It is a program, which shoot rapidly in a FPS by sending a "left-mouse-button-click" over and over again while the "real" left mouse-button is down.

Now, I tried multiple ways of sending the left mouse button but none of them worked the way I wanted them to. I tried SendMessage, PostMessage and mouse_event. One of them made the window unresponsive, another only pressed the mouse button while I was still moving the mouse and another didn't work at all.

I know a script which does exactly that and is coded in AutoHotKey. AHK is open-source but since I am not familiar with C++, it is very hard for me to understand what exactly is going on here:

AutoHotKey: keyboard_mouse.cpp

And here is the AutoHotkey-Script: AutoHotKey - pastebin.com

And my current code. The input delay is very irregular and strange. Sometimes the real "right mouse button click" gets ignored and I don't know why.

if (State == RapidfireState.ACTIVE) {
// Check if the left mouse button is down. If it is, send fire commands to the game
if (MouseDown()) {


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C :: Sending Simulated Keyboard Input Into Running System Application

Nov 26, 2014

I'm trying to simulate a ctrl+ keypress into a running application.

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void) {

My problem is that the rundb program needs the user to type ctrl-b then s to actually start executing. What is the best way to handle this automatically? Some sort of fork/pipe?

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C :: Calculator - Input Specific Number?

Feb 11, 2013

In my calculator, I am trying to make it so that you put enter 1 to add, 2 to subtract, 3 to multiply, and 4 to divide. I am facing the issue of making it so that you must enter a number, however instead of it being any number, it must be 1, 2, 3, or 4, and if it is not any of those numbers, you must re-enter the number. Here is a little snippet of my code:


printf("Please enter 1 to add, 2 to subtract, 3 to multiply, or 4 to multiply: ");
while (scanf("%d", &input) != 1) {
while (getchar() != '
printf("Invalid option. Please try again: ");

[Code] ....

how I can make the loop affect specific numbers.

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C++ :: Opens New Command Prompt Window For Input?

Oct 8, 2014

If I compile code which uses cin using the command prompt, then run the compiled program a new window opens when it reaches the cin line of code, for the input. If there is no cin used then all printing happens in the original window. Is there a way to stop this behavior of the opening of a new window?

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C :: How To Input Lines At A Specific Area In File

Feb 15, 2013

how can i input lines at a specific area in my file. please provide code

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C++ :: Reading Specific Input Syntax - String Parsing

Apr 21, 2013

I need reading a specific input syntax.

something like

<Input> :: R C <Content>


.3. .15 9.2
.1. ..6 ...
6.5 7.. ...

... .5. ..9
4.7 .8. 1.6
9.. .6. ...

... ..1 7.4
... 6.. .9.
5.1 49. .3.

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C++ :: Looping User Input For Specific Data Type

Apr 17, 2015

Here's my code so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int dayNumber = 1;

[Code] ....

The code, when run, prompts the user to input an integer like this:


Day 1
Andy :>12
Bill :>7
Charlie :>15

Day 2
Andy :>5
Bill :>25
Charlie :>14

Ok, so the code prompts the user to enter an integer for each of the 3 persons and then increments the "Day" and so on... When the user enters a negative value (-1, -2, etc.), the loop is broken and the program ends. Alright, everything is hunky-dory so far. 2 things which I can't figure out.

1. when the user doesn't enter anything and just hits return, the cursor drops a line and is still awaiting an input but doesn't show the prompt "Andy :>", for example. How can I get it to repeat the last prompt when the user doesn't enter anything? Like:


Day 1
Andy :>
Andy :>
Andy :>12
Bill :>25
Charlie :>15

2. When the user enters a letter or a special character, the program blows up. How can I correct this?

I've tried changing the data type for the variable used for the input, tried using getline, get, etc. With my current beginner knowledge, I'm missing something. So how can I get this to work?

The program should allow only integers to be entered, while allowing a negative number to trigger the loop to break or the program to end, and while re-prompting the last person if the user entered an invalid input.

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C++ :: How To Make Specific Character Show Up Specific Amount Of Times

Mar 5, 2013

How do I make a specific character show up a specific amount of times?

Like I am generating a random number then I need to make "|" show up that many times on the screen.

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C++ :: How To Read Input Of Arbitrary Amount Of Numbers Instead Of Specific Amount

Feb 25, 2015

I'm trying to make a program that allows the user to input an arbitrary amount of numbers and finding the largest of all the inputs but I keep having problems with the output.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class comparator {

[Code] .....

And regardless of what numbers I enter, I always get the output of 10. Also I got the EOF idea from my textbook so if there is a better way of doing this I'd like to hear it. I don't know any clear ways that looks nice to end the while loop when the user doesn't have any more numbers to enter.

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C# :: Sending File Over TCP

Sep 16, 2014

why this code works only for file of smaller data. When I try to send for istance a image, the image arrive corrupted.


//read all file
byte[] vett = File.ReadAllBytes(s);
//read filename


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C++ :: Sending Constants As Parameters

Nov 21, 2013

What's the problem with the following:

#define K 3;
int max(int a, int b) {
return a>b? a : b;
} int main() {
cout<<max(K, K+3);
return 0;

Why is it not allowed, and how is it different from:

int max(int a, int b) {
return a>b? a : b;
} int main() {
cout<<max(3, 3+3);
return 0;

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C :: Sending A Packet Over Sockets

Oct 30, 2013

I have a socket connection already set up, my thing is what would be the best way to send a packet through sockets? My teacher wants us to convert the packet to bits first before we send it. I think he wants something like this:

struct packet{

int header
int message
int flag

}clientpacket; m

My question is how do we covert this to bits, before sending it. One of my friends said we can create a char[] array the size of the struct as a buffer. will memcpy() change the struct to bits if I copy it to the buffer?

this is how is suppose to look in bits for the header field/column.

Field : header
Field size(bits): 8
data format: Unsigned int
value example: 1
Value in bits: 0000 0001

I am confused, I think I send a structure over the socket but I did not convert it to bits before I sent it .

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C :: Sending Matrix Over UDP Socket

May 18, 2014

I want to apply program to send matrix from client and server ,and return back a processed matrix ..

How I can do it using UDP ,it was easy to use tcp for that!?

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C :: Sending Integer Via Socket

Dec 18, 2014

Verify my Method . I am not getting expected output ..


int Amount=500;
// Amount= ntohl(Amount);
printf("Data received: %d",atoi(Amount[0]));

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C :: Sending Numbers Through Sockets

Nov 1, 2013

I want to write a program(s) so that the client sits and waits for a scanf to receive an int, then send to server, server then receives the int, processes it, then goes back to sit and wait for new input. to start with, where do i start! server side, or client side? and also what order do i have to go in my program before the loop to set up the socket, and listen? and then what gets looped to keep the connection open and wait for new receive?

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C++ :: Sending A String To Program?

Jul 21, 2013

I have a project, to make a program that spams chat programs. I've been trying to figure out how to send a string to an open program such as notepad, or a chat window. I know how to simulate keystrokes but I have yet to figure out or find out any way of sending a string to a program. pseudo code:

int main() {
string a;
int howManyTimes;
cin >> a;
cin >> howManyTimes;
//user enters "pizza"
for(int i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++) {
//now I want "pizza" to be sent to the program keystroke enter or whatever the correct syntax is sleep
} }

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C++ :: Template Of Sending Text

Mar 1, 2013

I am writing some code to send text to a third part software. Basically each sending looks like this:

p << "set terminal eps
p << "set output '07.eps'
p << "plot '-' using ($1 == 0 ? NaN : $1) with lines linecolor 2 title 'comparison ratio',
'-' using ($1 == 0 ? NaN : $1) with lines title 'comparison ratio'
p << "set terminal wxt 7
p << "plot '-' using ($1 == 0 ? NaN : $1) with lines linecolor 2 title 'comparison ratio',
'-' using ($1 == 0 ? NaN : $1) with lines title 'comparison ratio'

Each time I have to change the number "07" and "7";decide to add or not the following parts: "using ($1 == 0 ? NaN : $1)", "with lines", "linecolor 2";and write the title 'comparison ratio' and the name of data to send "TOex_ar" and "TOnew_ar".Since I have to do this kind of thing 50 times in my code, and it is in the form of text, I am wondering whether in C++ we can write a template or function to simplify the program, just to input the changing parts.

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C# :: Sending Messages To Log In And Password

Apr 20, 2014

I wanted to make an program which is sending messages to log in and password, but instead of message it gives me "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox, Text: AND HERE MY TEXT I WANTED.

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C# :: Sending X-AMF Type Packets

Jan 10, 2015

create BOT that adds friends on one of Chat websites.

Im using C#

On website there is a button that adds user to friends

<li class="friend"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Add Friend</a></li>

I captured packet that is sended to server then that button is clicked

POST (info hided)/amfgateway.php HTTP/1.1Host: (info hided)
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 52


It apears that this is AMF(Action Message Format) type packet Content-Type: application/x-amf it is in binary and this complicates things a little because I cannot send it with regular httpwebreqeuest class(Or I think so)

I used Fiddler4 with AMF plugin to check what data was passed with that packet

It apears that these numbers under content / 0 are User-id that is needed to add user to friends

I did a research with little success finding any usefull examples. I just found that there is a library for FLEX/FLASH remoting called fluorinefx and this should do the job but when I opened documentation it seems little too complex for me.

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C++ :: Sending And Receiving Data?

Jul 23, 2014

If I have a text file named, stuff at a specified path in the c : drive, how do I send the contents of this file to another computer using the Internet?

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C :: Function Not Sending Back Values

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to get all these functions work together and send the value of countX and countY back into main from function2() and function3() to be used by function4() later on.. But I keep getting 0 printed out and I am not quite sure why.


#define maxrow 20 //defines maxrow as a constant of 20
#define maxcol 30 //defines maxcol as a constant of 30


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C++ :: Sending Data From A File Via Winsock?

May 11, 2013

I want to send data from a file via winsock. The problem is that the only first line in the file is send.


#include <iostream>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")
#define SERVER "" //ip address of udp server

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Inserting Hex Value And Sending It At Serial Port

Dec 17, 2013

I am trying to convert decimal value 1 to 32 to hex value and insert it at 4th pos of char array and send it as hex value at the serial port .

My issue is it is converting to decimal to hex value but when it sends, it treat the converted hex value as char and sends it equivalent hex value.

For example

if decimal =1 then its hex = 1.
so , writebuffer[3] =1

But when we send whole writebuffer through send function, it treat this 1 as char and sends its hex value as 31. how to send its hex value.

unsigned int i=0;
char hex[3];
unsigned char hexunsigned[3];
unsigned int dec;
do {
unsigned char writebuffer[8] ={0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

[Code] ....

The send function is

void serial::send(unsigned char data[], DWORD noOfByte) {
DWORD dwBytesWrite;
WriteFile(serialHandle, data, noOfByte, &dwBytesWrite, NULL);

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C/C++ :: Sending Char And Storing It In Vector

Feb 3, 2014

I've got something I'm trying to accomplish, but crashes my program.

I've got my server and client code.

Having the client send a message they type (char Chat[1024]) And the server receiving the chat (char recv_chat[1024]) only to send it to all connected clients again. Which the server sends the recv_chat.

The client receives it (char recv_chat[1024]). This works, and the client gets the right info. However, I'm trying to store it using a vector. I'm sure I've tried any way possible.

Client storing vector pseudo-code:

vector<char*> SaveChat;
int main () {
while (true) {
if (newClientConnected) {


This doesn't work, and crashes my application. I've tried changing the vector to string, const char*, basically anything I can with no avail.

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C# :: Filling And Sending A POST Form

Mar 21, 2015

I'm building a project in my free time and in the last part of it I need to fill a form of a website and then 'hit submit', but how it can be done. Btw the form is a 'POST' form so it's harder than a 'GET' one.

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C/C++ :: Sending Data To USB Port In Ubuntu?

Apr 21, 2014

How to send a keystroke or a mouse event to another running process in Ubuntu? I want to write a C program that reads data from the USB port sent by AVR Micro Controller board continuously.In response to that it checks the data received and sends a command to another process running on the computer? Example,when the program reads 101 from the USB port it sends left mouse button down to the VLC media player window that is currently running?

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