C# :: Filling And Sending A POST Form

Mar 21, 2015

I'm building a project in my free time and in the last part of it I need to fill a form of a website and then 'hit submit', but how it can be done. Btw the form is a 'POST' form so it's harder than a 'GET' one.

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C Sharp :: Create Instance Of Form Into Non Form Class To Access Button / Label

Nov 23, 2014

I have a non form class. I want to update label/ check status of check box etc.. in non form class ( here resides functions that contains logic). How can i do that ?

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C# :: How To Access User Control Form One Of The Child Form

Apr 22, 2014

I hav created mdi parent form that contain one user control. I want to access that user control from one of the child form

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C# :: Login Then Close Form And Open Main Form

Aug 25, 2014

This is more of a Application Design question, Let's say I have Form1(Login), this is opened from Program.cs, when the user enters details, the Event Handler makes a instance of a class, adds the data and stores the instance within Program.cs class.

So the best thing to do here, is to close the Form1(Login) and open Form2(Main) via Program.cs so that I can send the List<Login> object with my Login instance objects to said form. This form will remain open throughout the applications use as it's like the main GUI for all the programs functions.

When I close this form, I may want to save some information before the application is terminated, so I may as well store the Login instances in Program.cs anyway.

Main stepping stone: Multiple (usually around 3 max) users can login this system if need be, which will mean closing Form2(Main) and then opening Form1(Login) so that once Form1 is closed it can recreate the From2(Main) form and pass the new List<Login> to that form.

What's the best way to do this, at the moment i'm creating the Form2 instance like so:

//Detect the Login form being closed
loginForm.Closed += new EventHandler(OnLoginClosed);
//Open the main form when the login is closed
private void OnLoginClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)

[Code] .....

This seems like it will work and do the job, but is there a better and cleaner way? The List<Login> will be passed to Forms which are created via Form2(Main) as this information will be needed. It's just that ive been told not to use Forms for too much data containment.

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C++ :: How To Attach Image To A Post

Feb 8, 2014

See Title.

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C/C++ :: Program To Post To Facebook

Mar 4, 2014

I made a game, but to finish i need to communicate the users score to a website. i want it to post the score. i tried to look this up but it all went above my head. is there a simple way to do this?

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C Sharp :: How To Do Get / Post For Array

Sep 25, 2012

How do I do a get/post for an array in c#? In C#, you get and set variables like this:

public int ID { get; set; }

How would one get and set an array in C#?

This will not work:

public uint [5] BIG_Hash {get; set;}

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C# :: Sharing Variables From Login Form To Another Form

Mar 10, 2015

I have a form with 2 text boxes (Email and Password)

The user fills in the text boxes and clicks on the Log in button. The code behind the log in button does the following, First connects to a table (Users) in phpmyadmin. Next runs a SQL query (SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE Email = '" + sEmail + "' AND Password = '" + sPassword + "'") sEmail being the variable created from the text entered in Email text box and the same for password.

Next if the record count == to 1 it opens up the main menu form and if the record count == 0 it fails and the user does not get to the main menu.

All of the above is fine and working however what I want to do is take over a variable from the log in form to the other forms.

The code is below for the sign in button as all my code is behind that (I think this may be where I'm going wrong).

public partial class WelcomeForm : Form{
public static string connStr = "server = localhost; " +
"database = ppw5; " +
"uid = James; " +
"pwd = buster;";

[Code] .....

And the Main menu form where I'd like to take a variable over with me, lets assume the variable is the UserID from the database table that I pull from the dTable I created.

public partial class MenuForm : Form {
//Call the CloseProgram class and create a new method called ClassClose.
CloseProgram ClassClose = new CloseProgram();
WelcomeForm User = new WelcomeForm();
public MenuForm() {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Send Request Via Post Method

Sep 15, 2014

how do i send post with data to a php page on the net using c++? im using this for a file uploading site for my school group. and also, im planning to pass this as my project. but, i cant find a concrete way on how to send post method with data to a php page. ive been fed up with a lot of answers from the net, yet, each time i try to use them, i get errors. ive tried every library you can see till the third o of google. ive also tried a wrapper from this site, but, ive got no succes. im using dev c++.

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C# :: Force A Post Back To Different Page

May 21, 2014

i have a page (which i did not create) which opens as a modeless box with a save button. The save works great in saving comments. However the client wants to have the comments update on the page where the link is for the editable modeless box. is there a way to post pack to the original page to force the page to refresh the information?


All information is gathered on the page load event.

there is a section that shows all the comments for a certain item

a link to edit the comments that opens up a modeless box

save button in the modeless box

I have tried the


And response redirect but they give me errors of unknown url) i am guessing it has something to do with the dynamic data crap.

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C/C++ :: How To Send Post Data Using Httpsendrequest

Sep 8, 2014

I'm trying to send a simple text string using httpsendrequest, everything works fine, the string is sent but I don't know how to retrieve it in the PHP server. Also when I use internetreadfile, the dwBytesRead is 0 meaning that there is no response from the server though the application works fine. This is the code that I have so far.

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x600
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#define BUFLEN 200
static const char *acceptTypes[] = {"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", NULL};
static const char *postData = "teststr=Hello+world&testval=42";
int main() {
HINTERNET hSession, hConnect, hFile;


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Visual C++ :: How To Receive POST Data

Sep 24, 2014

I need to write an interface program in C++ to receive occasional data being sent to me from a different company from across the internet. The company says they will send the data using POST. They have given me a document that lists their data specific parameters and their meaning.

How do I receive this data in my C++ program?

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C++ :: HTTP POST Request - Connection Failure

Apr 22, 2014

I have issues with this i am new to winsock. so i was learning to use winsock for http POST request

Compiles correctly, but doesnt connect i get the error "Connection Failure" what do you think can be wrong

My code goes like this:

Code: #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <Winsock2.h>

[Code] .....

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C :: Send To Another Host Via HTTP Post And Existing XML File

Oct 6, 2014

My user requires that I add function to an already working C server that will send to another host via http post and existing xml file. I have googled and found C# and C++ on how to do this but nothing using C. Where do I start?

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C Sharp :: Use Return Type Bool In WEB API Post Method?

Oct 3, 2012

I sew lot of sample for ASP WEB API. In althose link the post method is using

HttpResponseMessage as return tyope

Is it possible to use return type bool in WEB API post method?

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C# :: Calling Method In One Form From Another Form?

Dec 6, 2014

I have a program which when a button is clicked on Form1 it runs a vision system operation on an image in a window on a Form1. There are also other buttons on the Form1 which can change things like threshold levels so the inspection can be run again with different settings. It all works fine but I want to change it to remove the buttons from Form1 so that when the user clicks on a button on Form1 it opens up another form, Form2, and all the buttons which were on Form1 are now on Form2 and the image analysis should run on Form1 when the buttons are used on Form2. I have taken over all the code from Form1 to Form2 and I'm trying to make this happen by creating a new oject on Form1 which calls a method on Form2 which contains the code which was in Form1 and called when the button was clicked on Form1 - not working!! I have a constructor in Form2 but I think I have become monumentally confused.

This was the code which was on Form1 when the inspection button was clicked.

private void cmdInspectOnce_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
iReturn = VisionSystem.InvModeSet(IpeEngCtrlLib.I_MODE.I_EXE_MODE_ONCE);
if (_imgEngines!=null && _imgEngines[0]!=null)

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C# :: Selection From 1 Form DatagridView On Second Form

Sep 5, 2014

I have 3 Windows Form: frmMain, frmFirstForm, and frmSecondForm.

frmMain is the form that will load when the application is started with 2 tabs to access frmFirstForm and frmSecondForm.

Here's my problem:

After making a selection from a combobox on frmFirstForm, I would like a datagridview header to change based on the selection made. Here is a list of items on one combobox: Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4. When somebody chooses Item one, the header on the datagridview on frmSecondForm should display: JohnItem1, PaulItem1, BradItem1 and so on. Those items are not part of the comboboxes, but they will be shown as header text on the datagridview on the second form either automatically or after clicking OK from frmMain. There's no OK button on frmFirstForm, but on frmMain.

The only code I have right now is the if statement on the form load on frmSecondForm. Here's what I have:

private void HeaderTextLoad() {
if(comboboxonfirstform.text = "Item1") {
datagridview1.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ItemJohn";
datagridview1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "ItemPaul";
... And so on.

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C++ :: Develop A Function Which Prints A Binary Tree Using Post-order Traversal?

Feb 26, 2013

I am trying to develop a function which prints a binary tree using post-order traversal (left, right, root) but I am experiencing some troubles. The code is compiled but when I run the program it crashes right before printing the post-order traversal.

Below you can find my code and the output from debugging.

Program which represents a Binary Search Tree and is modified with the following functions:
- smallest() - member function which searches for the smallest element in the tree.
- preorder() - member function which prints the tree nodes using pre-order traversal
- postorder() - member function which prints the tree nodes using post-order traversal (to be completed)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class TreeNode {


This is from the debugger log:

Child process PID: 5720
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:316
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:317
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:318
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:319
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:279

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C :: Filling 2D Array

Mar 24, 2013

So here is the C code:


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
//2D Array
int array[2][2];
int number = 1;


The array is not filled incorrectly for some reason, more specifically the first row.The first two cycles of the for loop seem to work correctly. One if the bugs seems to occur on the third. when array[0][2] is filled with number 7, for some reason array[1][0] changes it value to 7 as well.

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C++ :: Filling A Vector With Elements?

Mar 21, 2013

I'm writing a program with a class containing a private std::vector<bool>. I chose bool because the vector represents a 2D array (think grid) and I only need 2 states per cell. I kept it one-dimensional as this hardly complicates things.

My problem is that I don't know how to initialize the vector, i.e. fill it with 0's.

The grid's resolution is not known at compile time, so I imagine I have to set the size (and content) of the vector in the class constructor.

Here's what I have tried among several things:

Code: World::World(const u_short worldsize)
grid.reserve(worldsize * worldsize); // grid is the private vector; square dimensions.
std::fill(grid.begin(), grid.end(), 0);
std::cout << grid.size();
} The output is 0. Only std::vector::push_back seems to have an effect on size(), but judging by its description, it doesn't look like the right candidate to populate a vector with zeros. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Frankly I expected line 3 to set the vector's size.

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C :: Filling Array With Even And Odd Number

Jun 25, 2013

I have this snippet :

#define LEN 3
int main(void)
int a[LEN] = {0} , b[LEN] = {0} , i = 0;

[Code] ....

a[0] = 2 , b[0] = 1
a[1] = 0 , b[1] = 3
a[2] = 0 , b[2] = 0 */

The problem is some elements of the array would be remained zero and unused. Is there any solution about this wasting of memory?

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C :: Filling 2D Array Complexity?

Mar 24, 2013

Assuming that we have :

int arr2d[rows][columns] ; // Not valid syntax of course ... let be arr2d rows * columns size
for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
for(int j=0; j<columns; j++)
arr2d[rows][columns] = some_value;

What is the complexity? I believe O(n) and not O(n^2) on this case because if you have 3*3 size you would put 9 elements (from 9 elements input of course)... for each input you have one insertion and that is the meaning. Same as 4*4 size 16 input times 16 insertions .. or 5*5 and so forth...

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C :: Filling Float Array

Oct 6, 2013

What am I doing wrong here.


#include <stdio.h>
#define N 25
int main () {
int s,min,sec,total,mins;
float speed,splits[N];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Filling A Vector With Structs

Feb 1, 2013

How to fill a vector with structs that are read in from a separate file. Each line in the file would read for example "Doe John M 26" for the name of the person, gender and age. I just need to get pointed in the right direction so I can get this started.

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C++ :: Filling Arrays From A Text File

Jun 20, 2013

I am having a trivial trouble on how to create three different arrays from a text file. I am a beginner in C++. I have a .txt file containing a string of 'float' values as below:



Now, I want to make three arrays, p1[], p2[], and p3[] from them, so that
p1[] has elements from line: 1, 4, 7, ...,
p2[] has elements from line: 2, 5, 8, .., and
p3[] has elements from line: 3, 6, 9,... of the .txt file.

My original file has a huge amount of data, so I would have to use a loop, but I cannot think of a way to fill my arrays as described.

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C++ :: Initializing / Filling Container With Sample Of Another

May 22, 2014

I have a vector that I want to use to source another vector, something like copy_if, but without the need to allocate space first:

bool is_odd( const int x ){ return x % 2 == 1; }
std::vector< int > numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
std::vector< int > odd_numbers;
std::sweet_function( numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), odd_numbers, is_odd );
// odd_numbers is { 1, 3, 5 }

Even better might be a std::transform_if

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