Visual C++ :: How To Receive POST Data

Sep 24, 2014

I need to write an interface program in C++ to receive occasional data being sent to me from a different company from across the internet. The company says they will send the data using POST. They have given me a document that lists their data specific parameters and their meaning.

How do I receive this data in my C++ program?

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C/C++ :: How To Send Post Data Using Httpsendrequest

Sep 8, 2014

I'm trying to send a simple text string using httpsendrequest, everything works fine, the string is sent but I don't know how to retrieve it in the PHP server. Also when I use internetreadfile, the dwBytesRead is 0 meaning that there is no response from the server though the application works fine. This is the code that I have so far.

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x600
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#define BUFLEN 200
static const char *acceptTypes[] = {"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", NULL};
static const char *postData = "teststr=Hello+world&testval=42";
int main() {
HINTERNET hSession, hConnect, hFile;


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C++ :: Streambuf For Socket - Send / Receive Data

Mar 27, 2014

I am trying to make a streambuf for a socket, which will use either WinSock or POSIX sockets depending on OS. I understand about how to send and receive data via sockets, but I don't really understand how to put that into a 'streambuf'. What functions do I need to override?

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C# :: How To Send And Receive Data From Serial Port

Aug 13, 2014

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
serialPort1.PortName = "COM1";
serialPort1.BaudRate = 9600;
serialPort1.DataBits = 8;
serialPort1.Parity = Parity.None;
serialPort1.StopBits = StopBits.One;


In my project i have a serialport control and a button, there is no error but i want to know how actually this works, i want to send and recieve the data from the serial port don't know how to do it..

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C# :: Receive Data From Serial Com Port In One Line And Convert To Int

Mar 8, 2014

i have problem i make code that take data from serial com port for weighting machine it is ok working but it recieve data in more lines.I try to make it receive data in one line In code below i need to take weight fro weight bridge machine automatically by timer in visual studio works but receive weight values in more lines. I need to receive weight in one line and automatically updated then convert t to integer

void Application_Idle(object sender, EventArgs e)
label3.Text = serialPort1.IsOpen ? "[Open]" : "[Closed]";


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Visual C++ :: Can Overlapped Buttons Both Receive Notification

Oct 17, 2013

I have multiple bitmap buttons of non-square shape. Because of their odd shape I can overlap them and they will still look good on screen, which is what I want - that certain layout.

The problem is that because underlying button in reality is square (which I am subclassing), the bitmap of one button may overlay with the non-bitmap area of the other button (in the underlying square). This means that 2nd bitmap button will not receive notification because the press is registered with top level window only.

Is there a way that both windows can receive the notification and check if they are in the hot spot, they will respond? I know this is against windows design.

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Visual C++ :: Send Message - Receive / Respond

Jan 2, 2014

I have a problem in a c++ project. I have created a .dll file and hooked to an .exe

I want this .dll to make a ping or to send a message like hello somewhere, and IF ping or message doesn't receive an answer that's means the user has suspended-terminated this dll from the exe then the exe will close. How can i do that?

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C Sharp :: Server Sending Data Then Client Receive And Store In Database Table In Windows Service

Dec 22, 2014

When server send data then client receive that data, in C# windows services where data receive continuously (Using IP Address and port number) . This below code writing in console application . i want implement same logic in windows service side. but i want data receive continuously.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;


Above code write in console application, same logic implementing in windows service, but i want data receiving continuously

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C++ :: How To Attach Image To A Post

Feb 8, 2014

See Title.

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C/C++ :: Program To Post To Facebook

Mar 4, 2014

I made a game, but to finish i need to communicate the users score to a website. i want it to post the score. i tried to look this up but it all went above my head. is there a simple way to do this?

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C Sharp :: How To Do Get / Post For Array

Sep 25, 2012

How do I do a get/post for an array in c#? In C#, you get and set variables like this:

public int ID { get; set; }

How would one get and set an array in C#?

This will not work:

public uint [5] BIG_Hash {get; set;}

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C++ :: Send Request Via Post Method

Sep 15, 2014

how do i send post with data to a php page on the net using c++? im using this for a file uploading site for my school group. and also, im planning to pass this as my project. but, i cant find a concrete way on how to send post method with data to a php page. ive been fed up with a lot of answers from the net, yet, each time i try to use them, i get errors. ive tried every library you can see till the third o of google. ive also tried a wrapper from this site, but, ive got no succes. im using dev c++.

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C# :: Filling And Sending A POST Form

Mar 21, 2015

I'm building a project in my free time and in the last part of it I need to fill a form of a website and then 'hit submit', but how it can be done. Btw the form is a 'POST' form so it's harder than a 'GET' one.

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C# :: Force A Post Back To Different Page

May 21, 2014

i have a page (which i did not create) which opens as a modeless box with a save button. The save works great in saving comments. However the client wants to have the comments update on the page where the link is for the editable modeless box. is there a way to post pack to the original page to force the page to refresh the information?


All information is gathered on the page load event.

there is a section that shows all the comments for a certain item

a link to edit the comments that opens up a modeless box

save button in the modeless box

I have tried the


And response redirect but they give me errors of unknown url) i am guessing it has something to do with the dynamic data crap.

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C++ :: HTTP POST Request - Connection Failure

Apr 22, 2014

I have issues with this i am new to winsock. so i was learning to use winsock for http POST request

Compiles correctly, but doesnt connect i get the error "Connection Failure" what do you think can be wrong

My code goes like this:

Code: #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <Winsock2.h>

[Code] .....

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C :: Send To Another Host Via HTTP Post And Existing XML File

Oct 6, 2014

My user requires that I add function to an already working C server that will send to another host via http post and existing xml file. I have googled and found C# and C++ on how to do this but nothing using C. Where do I start?

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C Sharp :: Use Return Type Bool In WEB API Post Method?

Oct 3, 2012

I sew lot of sample for ASP WEB API. In althose link the post method is using

HttpResponseMessage as return tyope

Is it possible to use return type bool in WEB API post method?

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Visual C++ :: Finding Value In Data File Closest To Calculated Data?

Jan 11, 2014

I'm reading from a file the middle column of data (Volts) where my test file "AP.txt" is opened by my program. Here is a segment of the data:

time Volts dV
49552 -66.20183 -0.01556807
49553 -67.76025 -0.01556495
49554 -69.30704 -0.01533247
49555 -70.81799 -0.0148486
49556 -72.26774 -0.0141133
49557 -73.63226 -0.01315276
49558 -74.89141 -0.01201764

Since the calculation I performed gives me -71.77 Volts, I need to match this value to the time that this occurs closest to using my program, and output the time that this occurs at.

Here is my program so far:
int main()
std::ifstream inFile;"AP.txt");
ofstream results_file ("maxvaluewithinput.txt");
float TimeAtdVMax = 0;
float VoltsAtdVmax = 0;


If you're curious, this program isn't for homework. It's part of the independent learning on C++ I'm doing for a Master's Thesis; the program will eventually model the APD90 of a ventricular action potential.

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Visual C++ :: Reading In Data And Displaying Out All Data In Linked List?

Feb 6, 2014

I am wanting to be able to add as many different instances of data, while the user has not stated 'n', but then it only ever writes back to the screen the input for the last set of data. Where as I want to display back to the screen all the data that has been entered.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
/*Function Declaration*/
void createItem();
void returnItem();
//Items structure


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C++ :: Develop A Function Which Prints A Binary Tree Using Post-order Traversal?

Feb 26, 2013

I am trying to develop a function which prints a binary tree using post-order traversal (left, right, root) but I am experiencing some troubles. The code is compiled but when I run the program it crashes right before printing the post-order traversal.

Below you can find my code and the output from debugging.

Program which represents a Binary Search Tree and is modified with the following functions:
- smallest() - member function which searches for the smallest element in the tree.
- preorder() - member function which prints the tree nodes using pre-order traversal
- postorder() - member function which prints the tree nodes using post-order traversal (to be completed)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class TreeNode {


This is from the debugger log:

Child process PID: 5720
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:316
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:317
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:318
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:319
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
At C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksProjectsTestmain.cpp:279

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C :: Can't Seem To Receive UDP Packets

Jun 2, 2013

I'm trying to get a UDP server working and just can't seem to get it to read in any UDP packets. I can see the packet coming in on the correct interface and port from tcpdump, but my program never logs that it got the data.

I just keep getting a log showing that my recvfrom timed out. I'm pretty sure I'm setting everything up correctly.

int create_listen_socket() {
struct sockaddr_in si_me;
int sock_fd;
struct ifaddrs * ifAddrStruct=NULL;
struct ifaddrs * ifa=NULL;
void * tmpAddrPtr=NULL;
struct timeval tv;

[Code] ....

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C# :: Socket TCP Send / Receive

Jun 28, 2014

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
namespace test {

[Code] ....

I don't know if this is a bug in Winsock or the .NET Framework but i need to fix this or workaround. Recently I was working on a networking class and this error is breaking everything.

If you add Thread.Sleep(1) after Send() call then "TCP Bug detected" doesnt get executed but its not a reliable fix.

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C++ :: Winsock - Receive / Send Sequences

Oct 25, 2013

I'm trying to understand winsock with c++. Let's assume I have a 2 working applications, one is the client and one the server:

Client: I can enter a command, for example chat or filetransfer, it will then switch into this specific mode where I can enter commands like uploading a file, send a message etc.

Code: ....
while (rc != SOCKET_ERROR) {
if (strcmp(buf, "CHAT") == 0){
// start chat mode

[Code] .....

I'm in a recv/send loop and I'm using basically all the data is being sent/received there. Now, if I want to upload a file, I send a FILETRANSFER String to the server. Then I will probably need another loop that receives file requests from the client. The server will need more details about the file, like the path, name, size...

Now, my question is, what's the best practise for something like that? I'm having problems understand how I can send 3 different values from the server to the client and how he will receive them in the right order store them in variables. And also, after sending something to the server, in some cases, the client will have to wait for the server to answer.

Is there a good example of a similar application?

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C++ :: HTTP Response Receive Using Socket

May 18, 2014

I make a simple c++ http post request using socket and it is working fine. But how to get only the message of the response. Here is my receive code:

char buffer[1028];
recv(socket, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
printf("%s", buffer);

Then here is the response that the http send back.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Data: Mon, 19 May 2014 12:46:36 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.9 (Win32) OpenSSL/0.9.8y PHP/5.4.27
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.27
Coneten-Length: 28
Content-Type: text/html

All done! Do some stuff now. So what I want to try is get 3 things in this response and put them to string vector but how to do this. What I need is to parse the response and the 200 OK, 28 and All done! Do some stuff now. then put them to string vector.

expected result

response[0] = 200 OK;
response[1] = 28
response[2] = All done! Do some stuff now

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C/C++ :: Receive 20 Numbers Or Less And Find Average?

Apr 27, 2015

I made a program that is suppose to receive 20 numbers or less and find the average, then show all numbers entered but my average does not show. It shows as 0 and a line pops up after every number returned. I am stuck and dont know how to fix the logical errors.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
float num[20];
int amount_num;

[Code] ....

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C :: Reading File In But Receive Segmentation Fault

Sep 28, 2013

question regarding some segmentation fault I receive while running the code I have been working on. I am working on a card program and this is my input:

9D JH 7H JD 2S QS TD 2C 4H 5H AD 4D 5D
6D 4S 9S 5S 7S JS 8H 3D 8C 3S 4C 6S 9C
9C 6S 4C 3S 8C 3D 8H JS 7S 5S 9S 4S 6D
5D 4D AD 5H 4H 2C TD QS 2S JD 7H JH 9D

What I am trying to do is read in 52 cards name into array, set up the game and play it, when the game is done, I read the next 52 cards and play it again.

However, I encounter segmentation fault while running the program. Here is my code

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
#include "header.h"
extern FILE *open_file();


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