C/C++ :: Text Based Game - Adding Players Names?

Mar 28, 2015

I am trying to make a very simple text based game and I want the players to be able to name their characters. Thus, I am trying to have the game ask "how many players will be playing:" and then taking that number (X) and create a place to store that information. I'm trying to get the game to ask, "What is the name of Player1?" Then once the user enters the name it would ask "What is the name of Player2" and that cycle would continue until PlayerX has entered their name. Is what I am doing close?

Here are the errors:

error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'string'(ln 29 col 1)
Error2error C2678: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char>>' (or there is no acceptable conversion) (ln 30 col 1)

int NumberOfPlayers;
if (Response1 == "Yes") {
cout << "
How many players will be joining us on our adventure: ";


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C++ :: How To Create Text Based Game Running On Console

Mar 12, 2013

I want to create a text-based game with C++, running on the console. I have made some other text-based console games.

Which is the most interesting text-based game to learn how to program for beginners?

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C++ :: Text Based RPG Game - Saving Integers And Strings

Jul 14, 2013

I am working on a text-based RPG game and I want to allow the player to save his progress. So I need to save several integers and a string. And my problem starts here "How can I save integers and load them?". I read the tutorial but I dont understand. I need to write a function to save game?

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C++ :: Video Game - Compare 3 Players Score And Output Highest

Oct 21, 2013

I was tasked with creating a program that asks for the scores of three gamers then takes these scores and outputs the highest. I THINK I have the other parts down but I don't know how to get the program to compare the scores and output the highest without having to write a long list of commands comparing playerone to playertwo, then player one to playerthree, then player two to playerone, etc.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int playerOne, playerTwo, playerThree;
cout << "Please enter score for Player One: ";
cin >> playerOne;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Adding Employee Names In Function Arranged Program

May 13, 2014

The program that I have written below is working. It calculates a number of payroll type variables and most recently the net pay average (All this is working 100%).

My problem is that I need to add first and last employee names to the program but every time I do this I end up ruining the working program. I've successfully added first and last names to similar programs in the past(ones that make use of an array and while loop) but never to a program that uses functions (I always have problems doing this).

My question is what codes do I use to add a first and last name variable and where do I put those codes within my program so it runs/displays correctly.

I think the coding must be similar to what I've used in the past charr and of course firstname[i] and lastname[i] lines.

Current Input File:


Ideal input file (would include names) Example.
1645 Bob Smith 40 25.00


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//function prototypes
int readalldata(long int[], int[], float[], const int);
void findovertimehours(int[], int[], int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Tile Based Game Display

Apr 10, 2013

I have been writing a fairly simple turn based rpg game in c++ and at the moment it has a 2d integer array for the map, which I can display using periods for the blank areas and letters for the various people in the game, and I am trying to figure out how to upgrade to a tile based display.

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C/C++ :: Creating Two Dimensional Terminal Based Game?

Apr 4, 2014

i am working on class project in which i have to save the tank from canon....imy tank is moving only when i press the moving key.. and after that i see blank screen what should i do to run my process when i am not pressing moving keys....

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C++ :: Turn Based Game - How To Make It Cross Platform

Sep 12, 2014

I am starting a turn based battle (similar to pokemon) app. How could i make this and make it cross platform. Also is it possible to make it access gps and allow other devices with the same app communicate with each other?

I have done things on the command line but i never made anything with images so i dont even know where to start for this app.

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C++ :: Adding Inventory Into Game

Sep 2, 2014

I am making a text based rpg for school and im having troubles with it. Ineed to add an inventory into my game and im not to sure as to where or how.. this is what i got for player

#ifndef PLAYER_H
#define PLAYER_H
//console Util.h includes <iostream> , <string> and <window.h> and defines
//the NOMINMAX macro. As a result of including ConsoleUtil.h, PLayer will
// also knaow about thoes objects.
#include "ConsoleUtil.h"

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Two Player Strategic Battle Turn Based Game - Assigning Controls

Nov 1, 2014

I am making a game which is a two player strategic battle turn based game..... The game will require each player to choose a attack. What would be the best key configuration for set of four attack. Like

player 1: 1,2,3,4;
player 2: 7,8,9,0;
where 1&7 are for kick 2&8 are for punch etc.....
player 1: q,w,e,r;
player 2: u,i,o,p;

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C/C++ :: Racing Game With Graphics - Adding Color To Enemy Car

Oct 11, 2013

I am trying to make a racing game in c/c++ using graphics. My problem as of now is that i cant get color in the enemy car when i add color it flickers

How do i remove the flickering

Here is the game which i have made till now.

void enemycar(int x, int y) {

[Code] ....

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C :: Reading Text From A File And Trying To Set Names To Structs

Feb 5, 2013

I am reading text from a file and trying to set names to structs. Here is the input file

Quincy Richard Steven
Donna Elizabeth Francine
5 2 9
4 5 7
5 9 6
4 6 5
7 8 9
6 9 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_CHARS 20
// Structure that has 2 properties: name and scores.
struct person

[Code] ....

In the nested for-loop it should read in the name of each men and print it out, like so:

Code: Quincy Richard Steven

However it is printing out:

Code: QuincyRichardStevenDonnaElizabethFrancine

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C++ :: Arrange Names Alphabetically From A Text File

Feb 25, 2013

I'm trying to arrange names alphabetically from a text file. Inside my textfile, it's like : "John", "Edward", "Peaches", "Anna"... etc.(It has thousand more names, all with quotations, separated by comma and I think it's not typed line by line... but using only one line). How can I read each name separately?

this code, it works if the text file contains names separated by lines and without commas and quotations. I do not know with the case I've stated above.

string numbers[1000];
string line;
string number;
string y;
string x;
int z = 1;
ifstream myfile;


This only shows the data inside text file. I'm new in c++.

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C++ :: Loop In A Text-Based RPG

Feb 13, 2013

I am working on my first RPG. Nothing fancy so far... I haven't developed a story or anything, just trying to get the gameplay hammered out. Anyway, I have a couple of NPCs and Items and I was wondering how I should program these interactive spots. I'm unsure whether I should loop the Room info or continue forward with if statements. With Items, I want to prevent the player trying to use the option to get the item again (after you pick up the item, the option is gone. Here are a couple examples of where I have the problem

else if(playerloc == 3)
cout << "There is a hooded figure in the corner. "
<< "The person waves you over.


What I want to do after the character interaction is complete is continue forward with the option to go south or east. I could return to the room menu, or continue by coding forward and allow the option to go east or south with more if-else-if chains..

In the next bit, I want to program the item to be picked up and then the treasure chest will be empty.

else if(playerloc == 5)
cout << "There is a treasure chest in the Northwest corner of this room.


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C++ :: Program To Read Middle Names Within Text File - Full String Not Appearing

Oct 24, 2014

I've a problem here...

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

[Code] ....

The program needs to be able to read the middle names within the text file named Info2.txt

Simply adding the Mname or any related value where the other to name values doesn't do anything and only the 1st line appears on the output.

Don Jon111012
Jack Bo Todd151015
Jill Jo Jane161011
Bob Jack Chuck 131513
Da Fu111012

That is the correct way it appears in the text file. Also I know it's commented out, but that just to keep the program from crashing.

current output

Survey Results:

Name Results
Don Jon 33.00

This is the Info1.txt file info by the way.

Ken A202017
Gus B151015
Bill C151512
Jara C151720
Lu E101510
Chow B171015

And the output

Survey Results:

Name Results
Ken A 57.00
Gus B40.00
Bill C42.00
Jara C52.00
Lu E35.00
Chow B 42.00

Which when ran with Info1 selected, it is the correct output I'm looking for. I've tried getline and other solutions and they didn't work.

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C :: Text Based Web Browser From Scratch

Sep 13, 2014

I have written a text based web browser from scratch. Meaning that I'm not using libcurl in any way to retrieve the web pages.Now I'd like to add HTTPS functionality to it, but I can't seem to find a guide like Beej's Guide to Network Programming related to HTTPS.

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C++ :: Text Based RPG - Object Not Being Created?

Oct 24, 2013

I'm currently creating a text-based RPG, to get myself back into learning C++ again. The problem seems to be with the if-else ladder of statements, the user selects which race they wish to play as, which as a result creates the appropriate object for that race.

This is the character selection option code:

std::cout << "Please select a race: Human [1], Elf [2], Dwarf [3] or Orc [4]
std::cout << "Race selection: ";
std::cin >> race_selection;
switch (race_selection) {

[Code] .....

The problem here is, regardless of which race I use using the above switch statement, the Human object always seems to be created, instead of the object for the desired race.

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C# :: Display Data In Text Box Based On ID

Dec 23, 2014

I have a area in my Project where i need to display a title and content in two text boxes. The Data base tables are:

ID | Title | Content

This is what I have so far, I know I am on the right track, I just cant figure out how to get each box to display based on the ID.

private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
try {
string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sdcAssistDB"].ConnectionString;
OleDbConnection dbConn = new OleDbConnection(connStr);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Basic Parts Of Text Based RPGs?

Oct 22, 2013

How you'd type yes or no scenarios for a text based RPG? And I mean a really basic like 'you see ..... what do you do?'. Also, how would you finish a code like this.

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C++ :: Pointer-based Data Loading From A (text) File

Dec 4, 2013

I have two classes, productListType and buyerListType, that are each basically linked lists. To create the linked list for an object of productListType, I successfully wrote a non-class function createProductList to read the product data from a text file. The class definition for buyerListType has a data member productBoughtRecord that is of type productListType to aggregate the details of the products purchased by a particular buyer during transactions. I decided to make productBoughtRecord a pointer since the contents of this data member would wax and wane over the course of several transactions, depending on the amount and frequency of payments made by the buyer. I have provided a rough sketch of the class below:

class buyerListType
setCustomerInfo( ....., productListType* p);
productListType* productBoughtRecord;

I'm similarly trying to write a non-class function createBuyerList to load the record of customers from a text file. How do I determine what the value of the formal parameter p in member function setCustomerInfo is, in order to be able to set the data member productBoughtRecord? take into consideration that an object of class buyerListType would have multiple buyers with varying amounts of products purchased.

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C++ :: Write Interactive Text Based Menu Interface (using A Loop)

Sep 27, 2013

Write an interactive text based menu interface (using a loop) that will allow the user to

Enter a task or assignment Display all of the tasks that are in the file Find a task by Course Quit For each task, you need to keep track of:

Course Name that it is for (e.g., CS162)
Description of the assignment (e.g., Finish Lab 2)
Due date (e.g., 9/26/2009)

Allow the program to keep looping until user wants to quit. When the program starts, it should load the tasks from external file ("tasks.txt") into memory. When user enters the three items of a task, the program needs to read them in, save them in memory and eventually write them to the external data file ("tasks.txt"). The file format could look like: (The ';' is used as a delimiter or field seperator.)

Some Implementation Requirements:

Write at least four functions WITH arguments for this assignment. Use struct named Task to model task Use array of structs to model the collection of tasks. Hint: In this assignment, the description and course name may have multiple words in it. Therefore, you now SHOULD read using the 3 argument version of get. Watch out. When using the 3 argument version of get you need to make sure to remove the delimiter or newline. Therefore, anytime you read (even a confirmation message), make sure to eat the newline! Make sure to have a delimiter written between each item in the file – like a newline. This will be important when you read the information back from the file.

This is my code so far:

#include <iostream>
int main()
char cname[25],desc[20];


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C++ :: Generate A Report Based On Input Received From A Text File

Nov 5, 2014

Here is the assignment... Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student’s name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy. And the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits

Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits

and this is the code I have so far...

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class_level classLevel;

[Code] .....

My main question is did I use the namespaces and enum correctly? And my second question is whats the best way to input the data from the text file? This is really where I get stuck.

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C++ :: Generate A Report Based On Input Received From Text File

Nov 7, 2014

Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student’s name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
The second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

So I basically did it in parts and got everything working and then had to make the namespace so I had this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ......

I know I have to clean it up and change it but it ran like it was suppose to. Then I tried adding the global namespaces and I this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class_level classLevel;

[Code] ....

with this i keep getting an error saying tys::deriveClassLevel: must return a value and tys::fys::deriveClassLevel: must return a value. I have been messing around with this part and struggling I thought I used the namespace to run the if statements with the criteria for the years of school. Basically I have been stuck for awhile and trying to change things around but I cant seem to get it to work.

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C++ :: Turn Based Game Turn Order?

Feb 14, 2013

How would one cycle through a turn order in a turn-based game? I was thinking an array of every creature (including the player) and have a pointer to the array++ after the turn, but I couldn't put all the objects into an array.

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C++ :: Adding Image Into Text Console

May 6, 2013

I would like to add an image to this code where the arrows are:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

float menuoption;
float minecraftoption;
int mobdetail;

[Code] ....

What is the code for adding an image (btw- I can't use Visual Studio C++ cause it lags so much!)

If code has some errors in it - I had to shorten it because it was 10,000 letters!

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C# :: Adding And Displaying Data From A Text File

Mar 6, 2014

Is it possible to display data from a textfile and also save data in to a textfile, reason being is for me to create back-ups of data into a textfile hidden somewhere in a safe location in the local disk or server in case of database error and failure.

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