C :: Text Based Web Browser From Scratch

Sep 13, 2014

I have written a text based web browser from scratch. Meaning that I'm not using libcurl in any way to retrieve the web pages.Now I'd like to add HTTPS functionality to it, but I can't seem to find a guide like Beej's Guide to Network Programming related to HTTPS.

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C++ :: Run From Context Menu With Selected Text From Browser

Jan 5, 2014

I'm trying to build an app, but i don't know which is the best language choice. For starters, the app should be able to:

1. run from context menu
2. when selecting some text from a web browser (ff, ie), that text is captured (preferably not in clipboard) and sent as argument to the program via context menu and the program starts executing...

Is this possible?

e.g. [URL] ....

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C++ :: Loop In A Text-Based RPG

Feb 13, 2013

I am working on my first RPG. Nothing fancy so far... I haven't developed a story or anything, just trying to get the gameplay hammered out. Anyway, I have a couple of NPCs and Items and I was wondering how I should program these interactive spots. I'm unsure whether I should loop the Room info or continue forward with if statements. With Items, I want to prevent the player trying to use the option to get the item again (after you pick up the item, the option is gone. Here are a couple examples of where I have the problem

else if(playerloc == 3)
cout << "There is a hooded figure in the corner. "
<< "The person waves you over.


What I want to do after the character interaction is complete is continue forward with the option to go south or east. I could return to the room menu, or continue by coding forward and allow the option to go east or south with more if-else-if chains..

In the next bit, I want to program the item to be picked up and then the treasure chest will be empty.

else if(playerloc == 5)
cout << "There is a treasure chest in the Northwest corner of this room.


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C++ :: Make Basic GUI From Scratch Without Using Any Programs?

May 26, 2013

I have learned the basics you need to know about c++ so I was wondering, how do you make a GUI from scratch without using any programs like qt, daniweb, ect. Is there like a ongui() or something?

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C++ :: Text Based RPG - Object Not Being Created?

Oct 24, 2013

I'm currently creating a text-based RPG, to get myself back into learning C++ again. The problem seems to be with the if-else ladder of statements, the user selects which race they wish to play as, which as a result creates the appropriate object for that race.

This is the character selection option code:

std::cout << "Please select a race: Human [1], Elf [2], Dwarf [3] or Orc [4]
std::cout << "Race selection: ";
std::cin >> race_selection;
switch (race_selection) {

[Code] .....

The problem here is, regardless of which race I use using the above switch statement, the Human object always seems to be created, instead of the object for the desired race.

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C# :: Display Data In Text Box Based On ID

Dec 23, 2014

I have a area in my Project where i need to display a title and content in two text boxes. The Data base tables are:

ID | Title | Content

This is what I have so far, I know I am on the right track, I just cant figure out how to get each box to display based on the ID.

private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
try {
string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sdcAssistDB"].ConnectionString;
OleDbConnection dbConn = new OleDbConnection(connStr);

[Code] ....

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C :: Build A Linux Process Scheduler From Scratch

Apr 5, 2013

I'm trying to build a Linux Process Scheduler from scratch but dont know where to start.

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C :: How To Write Header And Color Table From Scratch

Jun 4, 2013

I have been learning about the .bmp format an am able to read in an 8bpp image into an array. Now I want to know how to take an array ex: Matrix[i][j] and print to bmp file. This is what I have so far,


/////////////// write image to disk
void writeBMP(unsigned char **Matrix, int Matrix_dimension){
FILE *out;
int ii,jj
int filesize = 54 + 4*256 + Matrix_dimension*Matrix_dimension;


how to write the header and color table form scratch.

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C++ :: Basic Parts Of Text Based RPGs?

Oct 22, 2013

How you'd type yes or no scenarios for a text based RPG? And I mean a really basic like 'you see ..... what do you do?'. Also, how would you finish a code like this.

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C++ :: How To Create Text Based Game Running On Console

Mar 12, 2013

I want to create a text-based game with C++, running on the console. I have made some other text-based console games.

Which is the most interesting text-based game to learn how to program for beginners?

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C++ :: Pointer-based Data Loading From A (text) File

Dec 4, 2013

I have two classes, productListType and buyerListType, that are each basically linked lists. To create the linked list for an object of productListType, I successfully wrote a non-class function createProductList to read the product data from a text file. The class definition for buyerListType has a data member productBoughtRecord that is of type productListType to aggregate the details of the products purchased by a particular buyer during transactions. I decided to make productBoughtRecord a pointer since the contents of this data member would wax and wane over the course of several transactions, depending on the amount and frequency of payments made by the buyer. I have provided a rough sketch of the class below:

class buyerListType
setCustomerInfo( ....., productListType* p);
productListType* productBoughtRecord;

I'm similarly trying to write a non-class function createBuyerList to load the record of customers from a text file. How do I determine what the value of the formal parameter p in member function setCustomerInfo is, in order to be able to set the data member productBoughtRecord? take into consideration that an object of class buyerListType would have multiple buyers with varying amounts of products purchased.

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C++ :: Text Based RPG Game - Saving Integers And Strings

Jul 14, 2013

I am working on a text-based RPG game and I want to allow the player to save his progress. So I need to save several integers and a string. And my problem starts here "How can I save integers and load them?". I read the tutorial but I dont understand. I need to write a function to save game?

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C/C++ :: Text Based Game - Adding Players Names?

Mar 28, 2015

I am trying to make a very simple text based game and I want the players to be able to name their characters. Thus, I am trying to have the game ask "how many players will be playing:" and then taking that number (X) and create a place to store that information. I'm trying to get the game to ask, "What is the name of Player1?" Then once the user enters the name it would ask "What is the name of Player2" and that cycle would continue until PlayerX has entered their name. Is what I am doing close?

Here are the errors:

error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'string'(ln 29 col 1)
Error2error C2678: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char>>' (or there is no acceptable conversion) (ln 30 col 1)

int NumberOfPlayers;
if (Response1 == "Yes") {
cout << "
How many players will be joining us on our adventure: ";


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C++ :: Write Interactive Text Based Menu Interface (using A Loop)

Sep 27, 2013

Write an interactive text based menu interface (using a loop) that will allow the user to

Enter a task or assignment Display all of the tasks that are in the file Find a task by Course Quit For each task, you need to keep track of:

Course Name that it is for (e.g., CS162)
Description of the assignment (e.g., Finish Lab 2)
Due date (e.g., 9/26/2009)

Allow the program to keep looping until user wants to quit. When the program starts, it should load the tasks from external file ("tasks.txt") into memory. When user enters the three items of a task, the program needs to read them in, save them in memory and eventually write them to the external data file ("tasks.txt"). The file format could look like: (The ';' is used as a delimiter or field seperator.)

Some Implementation Requirements:

Write at least four functions WITH arguments for this assignment. Use struct named Task to model task Use array of structs to model the collection of tasks. Hint: In this assignment, the description and course name may have multiple words in it. Therefore, you now SHOULD read using the 3 argument version of get. Watch out. When using the 3 argument version of get you need to make sure to remove the delimiter or newline. Therefore, anytime you read (even a confirmation message), make sure to eat the newline! Make sure to have a delimiter written between each item in the file – like a newline. This will be important when you read the information back from the file.

This is my code so far:

#include <iostream>
int main()
char cname[25],desc[20];


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C++ :: Generate A Report Based On Input Received From A Text File

Nov 5, 2014

Here is the assignment... Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student’s name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy. And the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits

Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits

and this is the code I have so far...

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class_level classLevel;

[Code] .....

My main question is did I use the namespaces and enum correctly? And my second question is whats the best way to input the data from the text file? This is really where I get stuck.

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C++ :: Generate A Report Based On Input Received From Text File

Nov 7, 2014

Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student’s name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
The second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

So I basically did it in parts and got everything working and then had to make the namespace so I had this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ......

I know I have to clean it up and change it but it ran like it was suppose to. Then I tried adding the global namespaces and I this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class_level classLevel;

[Code] ....

with this i keep getting an error saying tys::deriveClassLevel: must return a value and tys::fys::deriveClassLevel: must return a value. I have been messing around with this part and struggling I thought I used the namespace to run the if statements with the criteria for the years of school. Basically I have been stuck for awhile and trying to change things around but I cant seem to get it to work.

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C++ :: Generate Report Based On Input Received From Text File - User Defined Namespace

Nov 11, 2014

Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student’s name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
and the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits

Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits

NOTE : use ignore() function with ifstream objects whenever you want to ignore the newline character.

For example :
ifstream transferSchoolFile ;
transferSchoolFile.open("student_status.txt", ios::in);

while( !transferSchoolFile.eof()) {
getline(transferSchoolFile,name) ;
transferSchoolFile >> id >> credits;
transferSchoolFile.ignore(); //Used here to ignore the newline character.

I did this in parts so I got it working with a four year criteria without the user defined name spaces.

include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

[Code] ....

So that worked fine then I tried with name spaces -

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class_level classLevel;

[Code] ....

I know I have some stuff to mess around with but I am currently stuck with two errors, first -

Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartupC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputConsoleApplication1MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)ConsoleApplication1

then -

Error2error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalsC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputDebugConsoleApplication1.exeConsoleApplication1

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C/C++ :: Generate Report Based On Input Received From Text File - User Defined Namespace

Nov 11, 2014

Program Description: Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student's name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
and the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits

Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits

NOTE : use ignore() function with ifstream objects whenever you want to ignore the newline character. For example :

ifstream transferSchoolFile ;
transferSchoolFile.open("student_status.txt", ios::in);
while( !transferSchoolFile.eof()) {
getline(transferSchoolFile,name) ;
transferSchoolFile >> id >> credits;

[Code] ....

I know I have some stuff to mess around with but I am currently stuck with two errors, first -

Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartupC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputConsoleApplication1MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)ConsoleApplication1

then -

Error2error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalsC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputDebugConsoleApplication1.exeConsoleApplication1

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C++ :: Plugin For All Browser

Jan 11, 2013

I want to create a plugin with c++ which will be supported by all Browser,i am stuck how to start.

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C :: Check For Browser Inputs?

Oct 26, 2013

Any chances for a c program to check for browser inputs?

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C# :: Ignoring Last-of-type In Web Browser

Dec 8, 2014

I'm using a Windows.System.Forms.Webbrowser and the document text contains

...<style type="text/css">
Table {
page-break-after: always;
table:last-of-type {
page-break-after: auto

As soon as call ShowPrintPreviewDialog() to show the print preview dialog, it appears to be ignoring


because the last page in the document is blank.

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C++ :: Web Browser - How To Run HTML Within Program

May 4, 2014

I am making a web browser and I have successfully made it so it shows the actual html but I want to know how to run the html within the program. I am using mac so it can't be the #include "windows.h" stuff and preferably I would like it to be cross-platform.

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Visual C++ :: Create Web-browser With ATL?

Aug 11, 2013

I'm trying to create a simple webbrowser at my app.

code sample:
ATL::CAxWindow m_wndContainer;
ATL::CComPtr<IWebBrowser2> m_spWebBrowser;
HWND hWnd = m_wndContainer.Create(NULL,
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WebBrowser,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC,IID_IWebBrowser2,(void**) &m_spWebBrowser);

everything is work fine except the fact the it seems that it create an IE version 7.0 and my machine have IE 8 installed.

it not suppose to create the IE according to my installed version?how do i suppose to do it?

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C# :: WPF Browser Application Not Displaying Controls?

Nov 22, 2014

This is my very first attempt at running a wpf browser app... I've create the project and i can see controls when i add them to the entry page, here's the default for the page

<Page x:Class="SandBoxWeb.Page1"


and i can see a nice bright green square with an orange outline. But when i debug, a new tab opens up in my browser and i can't see a single thing,it's just a white screen.

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C# :: Select Dynamic Web Browser From Tab Control

Sep 3, 2014

I have been working on my own custom web browser. If i insert a web browser in my tab control and name it i can easily just go webbrowser1.Navigate() in my button click to use the webbrowser methods.

I made a method CreateTab and it automatically adds a web browser to my tab along with a default web page.
My problem is selecting this webbrowser in other button clicks so i can call Home, Back, forward, etc.

Here is me method for creating a tab.

private void CreateTabItem()
{ //create a new tab
TabItem item = new TabItem();
item.Header = "Fitness" + i ;
WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser();
//browser.Name = "Website";

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Iterating Through Web Browser Controls?

Jan 31, 2013

there is a way to iterate through the controls on a webpage. For instance, I tried EnumChildWindows using the parent window of the browser, but I haven't had any luck - it returns nothing. s where I can start researching how to find the child controls?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010, programming in C++.

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