C++ :: Two Player Strategic Battle Turn Based Game - Assigning Controls

Nov 1, 2014

I am making a game which is a two player strategic battle turn based game..... The game will require each player to choose a attack. What would be the best key configuration for set of four attack. Like

player 1: 1,2,3,4;
player 2: 7,8,9,0;
where 1&7 are for kick 2&8 are for punch etc.....
player 1: q,w,e,r;
player 2: u,i,o,p;

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C++ :: Turn Based Game Turn Order?

Feb 14, 2013

How would one cycle through a turn order in a turn-based game? I was thinking an array of every creature (including the player) and have a pointer to the array++ after the turn, but I couldn't put all the objects into an array.

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C++ :: Turn Based Game - How To Make It Cross Platform

Sep 12, 2014

I am starting a turn based battle (similar to pokemon) app. How could i make this and make it cross platform. Also is it possible to make it access gps and allow other devices with the same app communicate with each other?

I have done things on the command line but i never made anything with images so i dont even know where to start for this app.

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C/C++ :: How To Write A Function For A Single Turn Involving Die In A Game

May 16, 2014

So basically it consists of implementing a single turn for the game called 'pig' and printing out scores and probabilities of those scores. So this is what I have thus far :

int randomNum (int min, int max) {
return min + rand () % (max - min + 1);
} int singleTurn (int holdValue) {
int totalRoll = 0;
int score = 0;
do {
score = randomNum(1,6);


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C# :: Three And Four Player Uno Game

Feb 26, 2015

I'm having some problems figuring out 3 and 4 player games in an Uno game I'm working on. I'm not sure what specifically the problem is, however. I've tried everything I can think of; I'm at a loss for what to do next. Two player games work perfectly, which makes the nonfunctional 3 and 4 player games seem odd to me. Here is the code:

public void MoveOpponents() {
if (nextPlayer == 0) {
if (Main.dir == Direction.Clockwise) nextPlayer = 1;
else nextPlayer = numPlayers - 1;

[Code] .....

The code for the human player is in Update(), but I won't show that because it's actually quite similar to the above code.

Right now what it's doing is jumping all over the place, making opponent 2 play before opponent 1, then I play, then opponent 1 plays. Then I play again. It's really messed up.

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Visual C++ :: Rearrange Controls In Controlbar Based On New Size?

Feb 3, 2014

I have to rearrange my controls in a controlbar based on the new size resulting from dock/undocking of the bars or resizing of the mainframe.

Is there a message I can use? How to determine the new height when docked?

I tried to use its OnSize-function. The problem with it is to get the new height. When the function is called, the height I get from GetWindowRect is the old height.

Is there a better function than OnSize() ?

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C++ :: Two Player Tic Tac Toe Game - Use Enums When Possible To Represent Values

Apr 19, 2013

Here is the code I have written so far. My problem is that when the second user enters its position the last user's position is wiped of the board. I want to know how I can hold that position and keep doing so until the game is finished. I thought that calling the previous function would do that (and you can see where I have put that into a comment) but it doesn't.

#include <iostream> //includes header file
using namespace std;
//function prototypes
void printLeftUpper(int i, int j);
void printMiddleUpper(int i, int j);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Text Game - How To Make Player Go Back To Previous Location

Mar 19, 2013

I have started making a text adventure game.

if (Choice == 2) {
cout << "" << endl << "You follow the light to the end of the hallway, you find your self in a room" << endl
<< "with natural light coming from a hole in the ceiling." << endl << "" << endl << "You hear the door you just came through, slam behind you!" << endl << "" << endl
<< "There are three possible directions." << endl << "" << endl << "Do you:" << endl << "" << endl << "1) Go forward" << endl << "" << endl << "2) Go left" << endl

[Code] .....

Ignore the if (Choice == 2) at the beginning, that's linked to some previous code.

I want to make the player go back to the first bit of text but i'm not sure how to do this if they keep choosing to go back and forth from one location.

I first thought of doing it by just putting the text back in after they have chosen the option, but I can't do this infinite times.

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C++ ::  Making Simple Game In SMFL - Player Class Does Not Have Type

Jul 20, 2013

I'm trying to make a very simple game in SFML, and i have a problem. Whenever i try to create sf::Sprite for the class where all properties of Player (his sprite, health, speed, etc.) It gives me error.

#include <sfml.h>
#include <list>
class Playerclass{
int xspeed, yspeed;
float health;
sf::Sprite entsprite();

[Code] ....

The error is with player.entsprite.setTexture(texture) : "'player.Playerclass::entsprite' does not have class type".

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C++ :: Tile Based Game Display

Apr 10, 2013

I have been writing a fairly simple turn based rpg game in c++ and at the moment it has a 2d integer array for the map, which I can display using periods for the blank areas and letters for the various people in the game, and I am trying to figure out how to upgrade to a tile based display.

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C/C++ :: Creating Two Dimensional Terminal Based Game?

Apr 4, 2014

i am working on class project in which i have to save the tank from canon....imy tank is moving only when i press the moving key.. and after that i see blank screen what should i do to run my process when i am not pressing moving keys....

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C++ :: How To Create Text Based Game Running On Console

Mar 12, 2013

I want to create a text-based game with C++, running on the console. I have made some other text-based console games.

Which is the most interesting text-based game to learn how to program for beginners?

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C++ :: Text Based RPG Game - Saving Integers And Strings

Jul 14, 2013

I am working on a text-based RPG game and I want to allow the player to save his progress. So I need to save several integers and a string. And my problem starts here "How can I save integers and load them?". I read the tutorial but I dont understand. I need to write a function to save game?

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C/C++ :: Text Based Game - Adding Players Names?

Mar 28, 2015

I am trying to make a very simple text based game and I want the players to be able to name their characters. Thus, I am trying to have the game ask "how many players will be playing:" and then taking that number (X) and create a place to store that information. I'm trying to get the game to ask, "What is the name of Player1?" Then once the user enters the name it would ask "What is the name of Player2" and that cycle would continue until PlayerX has entered their name. Is what I am doing close?

Here are the errors:

error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'string'(ln 29 col 1)
Error2error C2678: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'std::basic_istream<char,std::char_traits<char>>' (or there is no acceptable conversion) (ln 30 col 1)

int NumberOfPlayers;
if (Response1 == "Yes") {
cout << "
How many players will be joining us on our adventure: ";


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C++ :: Why Is Basic Battle System Failing (no Compile Errors)

Aug 4, 2014

Here's the source code from "battle.h" (which should probably be renamed to "animal.h")

Do you think I made my errors here or in one of the many other headers or cpp?

#include "Identity.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifndef battle_h
#define battle_h
int numbers1 = rand() % 5;
int numbers2 = rand() % 7;
int numbers3 = rand() % 9;
int numbers4 = rand() % 11;


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C++ :: Battle Simulator - Save / Load Functions Not Working

Oct 16, 2013

I've been working on a battle simulator, and using it as a learning experience. So far, I've been able to debug the program, and learn some stuff, and it's been running smoothly. It's still runnable, but I've been trying to make it so the player can save his character, and continue the game later. However, I'm not sure whether it's the save or load function that's not working, because even if i save to a txt file, it's just a bunch of random characters. I don't know if that means it's not saving correctly, or if it's just supposed to be like that. Anyway, here are the two functions I'm speaking of:

void Game::saveGame(Character &player) {
std::ofstream saveFile("save.bin", ios::binary);
saveFile.write((char *)&player, sizeof(player));

[Code] .....

My program is in multiple files, so I can't really post the whole code easily, but I can upload or something if I really need to.

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C :: How To Turn Up Error Checking On IDE

Dec 8, 2013

The reason being is that it says that my program is right

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NFlights 10
struct date {
int month;
int day;
int year;
int hour;
int minute;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Turn Recursive Into Iterative

Jul 10, 2014

map< int, int > cache;
int count( int n ){
if( cache[n] != 0 ){
return cache[n];

[Code] ....

I don't know how to turn this recursive function into an iterative...

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C/C++ :: Including All Repetitions For One Turn

Feb 22, 2015

I am trying to include all repetitions for just one turn but I keep getting

00.0 but I want (the one in red)
170.3 0 0.3
180.0 17 0.0
190.3 18 0.0
200.3 19 0.3
210.0 20 0.3
220.0 21 0.0
22 0.0

so basically I call a function that represents just one turn of getting a random number, and then when the player decides he wants to get a random number that is at least 17 and wants to repeat this 3x I have to print out this chart that shows the chances of the player rolling the numbers between 17-22 [how many times does he get 0,17,18,19,20,21,22] this is what I have

cout << "your score: " << (' ') << "chances for that score:" << endl;
/* score is the player's total score for the one turn */
int score = 0;
int score0 = 0; // 0


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C :: How To Turn User Input Into 2D Array

Mar 28, 2013

Say you the user inputs x number of names and then is to put in x amount of values for each name. How would you display these values in a 2d array and be able to add the values for each row which will represent each name?

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C++ :: How To Turn String Integer Into Array

Jul 23, 2013

int main () {
string integer1;
string integer2;
cout <<" enter your first number: " << endl;
cin >> integer1;
cout << endl;
cout << integer1 << " is your first number" << endl;

Now how do I turn the string integer into an array?

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C++ :: How To Turn A String Word Into Letters

Dec 9, 2013

I'm having trouble trying to turn a word into letters. I've seen other posts but they deal with a sentence and it only outputs the words only. What I want to know is how do they take a word (Ex: "word") and break it into individual letters, where I want to store them in a vector of string?

If it's not too much trouble, I would prefer without using pointers or "std:: " marks, since I am trying to avoid pointers and I'm using "using namespace std" all the time.


In the example "word", it should output into:


and I will push them back into a vector of string where each vector element contains a letter.

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C :: How To Take String Of Numbers And Turn It Into Array Of Integers

Mar 2, 2014

I know strings are essentially just arrays of characters, so what would be the easiest way to take each individual digit and put it into a separate space in an array?

ex.) *str = "90210"

array[0] = 9
array[1] = 0
array[2] = 2
array[3] = 1
array[4] = 0

All my attempts at achieving this just result in an array full of garbage numbers. What I've done is

int *array;
array = malloc(sizeof(int)*(strlen(str));
for(i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) {
array[i] = str[i]

also, I should mention that the string will be defined in main, and its converted into an array in a separate function.

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C++ :: How To Make A Loop That Keeps Track Of Whose Turn It Is And Their Score

Dec 11, 2013

[URL] ....

This is my code, but how can I implement this?

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C++ :: Turn Binary File Data Into Unsigned Character Array For Inclusion In Executable

Jul 10, 2013

So I wrote a program to turn a binary file's data into an unsigned character array for inclusion in an executable. It works just super.

I'm wondering how I can write a program that will perform this operation on every file in a directory and all it's sub-directories so that I can I can include everything I need all at ounce.

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C++ :: Simple AI That Follows Player

Apr 10, 2014

I'm having some problems with implementing an AI. It should be just a simple AI that follows player. Here is the code that I got so far:

(float)DirectionX = Circle->GetX() - AI->GetX();
(float)DirectionY = Circle->GetY() - AI->GetY();

(float)Hyp = sqrt(DirectionX * DirectionX + DirectionY * DirectionY);

DirectionX /= Hyp;
DirectionY /= Hyp;

x += DirectionX * 3;
y += DirectionY * 3;

This is what I got so far. It creates a vector in a direction I want to move, then just normalizes the vector. Simple as that. But I'm having 2 problems..

AI moves towards player only when Im at like the end of screen and the AI is on the other side, I must keep a certain distance for it to be able to move towards me. Basically, its not constantly moving towards the player. I also tried it with trig, using atan2 for angle and sin / cos for speed. Also didn't work, same result.

The other problem is when I want to add i.e 5 more AIs. For each new AI it creates, it makes a new update.. So, to kinda clear it up. If I'm in middle of the screen and an AI is spawned above me, it will move towards me. But when after that one, 2nd AI spawns beneath me, both 1st and 2nd AI move up. Basically, previous AIs take the update from last one that is created. For updating I'm using lists, objects and iters.

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