Visual C++ :: Creating Static Text Boxes Dynamically - Assigning Unique Control ID?

Dec 16, 2012

I'm using CStatic inherited class in my code and creating static text boxes dynamically. Now for assigning unique control ID I'm creating a static control from resource editor and destroying it before calling CStatic::Create() and using its control ID say ID_STATIC_SAMPLE.

If I do not use this parameter of Create(), the static control is also being created, so what is the use of this unique ID. And any other better way to assign a ID for dynamically created static controls.

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Visual C++ :: How To Control Toolbar Dynamically

Sep 21, 2013

I want to control my toolbar dynamically.

First I added tool bar with style including TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS | TBSTYLE_LIST.

Then added the tool bar to a rebar. I added tool tips by handling TTN_GETDISPINFO.

Everything works fine. But when I try to add text to right of the button, the text
gets added but button size is not automatically changing.

The following code is not working .

void SetToolbarText(HWND& hwndToolbar,LPTSTR szText)
TBBUTTONINFO tbbi = { 0 };
tbbi.cbSize = sizeof(TBBUTTONINFO);
tbbi.dwMask = TBIF_TEXT;// | TBIF_SIZE;//if I add TBIF_SIZE code will work!
tbbi.cchText = 0; = 200;


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Visual C++ :: Insert Common Control Into View Dynamically

Jun 23, 2013

This is what I try to achieve:

1. Using a CScrollView as the View class type.
2. Using Document/View Architecture.
3. Insert multiple Common Controls such as CEdit, CButton, CListCtrl into the View dynamically.
4. All the Common Controls is base on a template created by user. So I do not know the quantity of the Common Controls.

This is the plan on how to do it:

1. In View OnInitialUpdate(), read the template to get all necessary info on the Common Controls to be create.
2. In View OnInitialUpdate(), create all Common Control. Some Common Control may not have WS_VISIBLE as it may not needed at initial stage.
3. In View OnUpdate(), I need to refresh the Common Control properties such as is its text, position or its visibility. This should happen if Document call UpdateAllView().

My Question:
1. Is this a normal & useable plan?
2. Do I miss other functions for any other messages?
3. Still wondering if I need to involve any coding in OnDraw() for this plan.

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Visual C++ :: Tabbed Dialog - Getting Text From Edit Control

Apr 26, 2014

I have a tabbed dialog with a couple of Separate dialogs. I created classes of CDialog for each dialog. Im trying to get the text from the edit control from the tabbed dialog and it appears in a message box when I press a button on the main dialog.

myDialog test;
CString bla = test.m_edit1;

The m_edit is a variable of CString for the edit box

it gives me a error and crashes.

How do I get the text from the other dialogs edit control?

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C# :: Proper Validation Of Text Boxes?

Dec 1, 2014

So I am writing a multiform multiclass project for a class and I initially set out to create a validate class to check all of my text boxes. However after writing a few simple boolean functions to check if the box was empty or not, or if it was indeed an integer, decimal ect. I realized I was going to have to call these functions for every text box and also have all of my decision making based on the returned boolean variable still in the code portion of my form. I was wondering how do most people do it, should I write a class that validates the entire form at once(one form has 7 text boxes, one has 9). I suppose I am asking what would the industry standard be, how would a professional do it? While my simple functions would work, and while I could write one large function that validates them all at once both paths leave something to be desired in terms of re-usability for the entire form validation, and compact/cleanliness of code for the simple functions.

My validate class currently stands like this:

class Validate {
bool isValid = true;
int trash;
bool valid_string(string input) //parameter is textbox.text property {
if (input == string.Empty)

[Code] ......

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C# :: Bingo Calling Machine / Changing Numbers To Different Text Boxes?

Dec 28, 2014

I've recently started creating a bingo caller application. I need in changing numbers to different text boxes. When a number is called it will be displayed in a text box and the last four numbers previous to that. However the oldest number needs to delete and for the remening numbers to move when a new number is called.

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C++ :: Recursive Function - Creating Vector Of Every Unique Combination Of Commands

Mar 24, 2013

I'm trying to write a recursive function that takes in a vector of strings that contains

"1 forward", "2 forward", "rotate left", "2 backwards" ... etc

how can I write recursive function that creates a vector of every unique combination of commands?

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C Sharp :: Show Results From Values In Text Boxes On Clicking Or Pressing Tab Button

Feb 21, 2013

I am developing application software.entering two textbox value,while click or pressing tab button in third textbox, the result needs to show in third textbox.

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Visual C++ :: Creating Loop To Call In Entries From Text File Named Set

Jul 14, 2013

I am trying to create a loop to call in the entries from the text file named Set. The entries of Set.txtare :

1 2 3
2 4 5
and so on .. (64 such combinations)[/CODE]

It basically means the first combination for testing is 1 2 3 and next has to be 2 4 5 and so i have 64 such entries defined in set

My test files are located in D://data// and are named tst_data1 to tst_data64.

I created a loop for test set but its incorrect

// loop for test samples
char basefilename[] = "D://data//";
char , testFilen[160], numiChar[10];

for (int i=1; i<=64; i++) {
strcpy(basefilenme, "D://data//");
strcat(testfilename, Set[]);

[Code] .....

How can i call the Set .txt and how to define it.

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C++ :: Creating Objects Dynamically?

Nov 11, 2013

How would I implement a way that i could create as many objects as the user wants?

Let's say every time a user clicks space bar a new cat object would be created, because right now i create lots of objects without initializing and every time i get a input i assign values to the object, the downside is that is limited for the amount of objects i create.

As well i don't want to cause a memory leak, specially in c++ because i need to use the delete keyword.

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C/C++ :: Dynamically Creating Array Of Pointers?

Apr 6, 2014

I have a structure, containing a pointer as a member. I dynamically create an array of that structure type, and then need to dynamically create an array for its pointer member.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


There is more of my program afterwards, but it shouldn't matter. The errors I am getting at compile time are that I cannot convert an int pointer to an int (line 29) and that test is not a member of CourseGrade (lines 44/45).

My thought is I might be using the * operator incorrectly. My code before hand in line 29 was

for (i = 0; i < numberStudents; i++)
*studentPtr[i]->tests = new int[numberTests];

but the compiler suggested a '.' rather then the '->'

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C/C++ :: Creating A Static Map

Jun 19, 2014

I have a class where I'm trying to create two static maps. I know I haven't separated the implementation from the declaration. This is how I'm required to program at the moment.

My example class that I'm trying to compile looks like this:

#include <map>
#include <string>
class Foo {


I keep getting compiler errors, though, saying:

invalid use of qualified-name Foo::map1
invalid use of qualified-name Foo::map2

I can't initialize these maps explicitly; in my real program they're created by reading in a few different files' data on startup. I need to be able to access the maps throughout my entire application, and I don't want to be required to read in the same data file over and over again.

how static maps can be created properly, or failing that explain another methodology I could use to make them available to my entire application?

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C++ :: Creating / Filling And Deleting Dynamically Allocated Array Of Objects

Jul 26, 2012

Project compile successfully but console turn off with "Windows " with error doesn't print or get anything

#ifndef Point_HPP // anti multiply including gates
#define Point_HPP
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Creating Public And Static Field In A Class - Unresolved External Symbol Error

Apr 5, 2014

I'm trying to create a public and static field in a class called ResourceManager. But when trying to access the field even from inside the class it wont work. I'm getting this error message:

Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static int ResourceManager::num" (?num@ResourceManager@@2HA)

Here's my code:


class ResourceManager {
static int num;
static void loadContent();

[Code] .....

I'm using Visual Studio 2012.

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Visual C++ :: Unique Random Numbers In Array?

Feb 24, 2013

Below is my code for a program that is suppose to generate and display six unique random numbers (between 1 and 54). The issue seems to be in my check for duplicates. I know what I am doing wrong but can't seem to find a way to fix it. I think it is getting stuck in an endless loop because the way I have written it looks like it checks the first value against itself which will of course look like a duplicate everytime.

using namespace std;
//function prototype


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C++ :: Creating Array Of Pointers To Base Class To Point To Derived Class Objects Dynamically

Jan 16, 2013

Please consider the following code :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class superclass;
class subclass1;
class subclass2;

[Code] ....

As you can see I want to create a dynamically allocated storage of references to a parent class each of which can then point to a child class, how ever I do not know how to extract the child class out again from that array so i may access its variable b.

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C++ :: Inventory Control Application - Editing Text File

Nov 14, 2014

You are requested to create an inventory control application for a drink stall (give a name to the stall). The application is used to show the list of drinks the stall sells, how many of each item on‐hand and the cost of each item. The records are to be saved and retrieved to/from a binary file called “drinks.txt”. For each drink in the stall, your program is to keep the information as a Record Structure called DrinkRecord. The structure should at least consist of the following:

(1) Item Number
(2) Item Name
(3) Quantity
(4) Unit Price

Your application should have the following features:
(a) Display a drink information
(b) Add a new drink information
(c) Update a new drink information
(d) Delete a drink information
(e) Display all drink information

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iomanip>


Everything works fine with minor issues, but I'm having trouble with the editing function. I need to be able to search for a specific drink then be able to edit its contents and print the new contents to the file. I have not created a structure yet. I will do that as soon as possible.

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C Sharp :: How To Get Text Property Of Link Button Inside Repeater Control

Jun 14, 2012

I am working with repeater.. Actually i have placed a linkbtn in item template.. In that linkbtn i am displaying names from database.... And i have created an event for the lnkbtn.. In that event i want to get the text property of linkbtn....

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Visual C++ :: Assigning Values To And Extracting Them From A Vector

Nov 28, 2012

I am writing a program to play rock paper scissors, and I am trying to get a vector to store the result of a given round of play, and output it as a declaration as to who won. I can't figure out how to store the values in the vector properly, and how to use the vector as an argument to output the result of play.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const string name[4] = {" ", "rock", "paper", "scissors"};
const string roundResult[3] = {"computer win", "player win", "tie"};


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Visual C++ :: Error Assigning Pointer To Iterator

Nov 27, 2014

im trying to port a code from vc6 to vs2013 and im having this error


Error11error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'char *' to 'std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<char>>>' on this line

vector<char>::iterator BufIt = (char*)lpBuffer;

what i do with this is to stack fragments of data of type char* coming from a socket in buffer to a vector that acts as buffer, I do this since I transfer big chunks of data and the data gets fragmented by the nature of the sockets, I stack the data once its complete I retrieve the final result from the vector.

this code worked flawlessly for long time but now Im trying to port and compiler throws this error, whats the new way to assign a char array pointer to a iterator so i can stack it in the vector.

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Visual C++ :: Dynamically Updating Image (PNG)

Dec 26, 2013

I am working on a Windows application using Visual Studio 2012. One of the screens have a text entry field for the user. Instead of using a standard text field control, am placing a image which looks exactly like a text field. Now what i want to do is, capture the key stroke and update this image with the characters entered by user.

The initial image shown to the user is "Blank_Text_Entry.png" and this is added to the resource as IDB_BLANK_TEXT_ENTRY.

This is a rectangular white image with dimensions 153 x 27, with a size of 250 bytes.

My goal is to be able to update this image dynamically based on key strokes by user and display it.

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Visual C++ :: CDHtmlDialog - Changing HTML File Dynamically

Apr 9, 2014

I am using CDHtmlDialog in my MFC application to create a UI with HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

In my project there's one dialog created from CDHtmlDialog and a corresponding HTML file for that dialog.

Now during run time i want to change the contents of the HTML file.

Not just the HTML part, i want to change the CSS & JavaScript too.

So basically what am trying to do is, change the entire content of the default HTML file.

Is this possible? If yes, how can i do that?

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Visual C++ :: How To Change Height And Width Of PNG Image Dynamically

Mar 4, 2013

I m trying to load a png image by giving the dimension of my own.

CImage Image;
Image.Load (L"D:ImagesPNG_ImagesImage7.png");

But here what happens is that I m not able to give my own dimensions.My code requires constant changing of dimensions of the image.

I tried using libpng.lib in my code.But I dono the keywords for loading the png image after including the lib.

I m using Visual Studio 2010. I m developing in vc++.

How do I load and change the height and width of a png image?

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Visual C++ :: Customize Control Scrollbar

Jan 16, 2015

I get a task: to color the control scrollbar (a gridctrl scrollbar, whatever). In the first attempting I didn't succeded ... So, I started to trying coloring a CListBox scrollbar ... I developed a derived CListBox where I override OnCtlColor:

HBRUSH CMyListBox::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) {
HBRUSH hbr = CListBox::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);

// TODO: Change any attributes of the DC here
// TODO: Return a different brush if the default is not desired

if(CTLCOLOR_STATIC == nCtlColor) {
pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(200, 34, 0));

[Code] ....

I colored everything, except scrollbars ) ... I attached the app demo ...

I already tried this solution: [URL] ....

but in my case, didn't worked ...

My question is, how can I color the control scrollbar ? It is possible ? If yes, how ?

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Visual C++ :: MFC List Control Position?

Feb 4, 2015

I have a mfc project with a List Control (Report View).

When I run the project, the list control appears in the middle of the window instead of appearing where I placed it.

Is there a qay to make it stay where I need it?

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Visual C++ :: Child Window On Top Of Control

Nov 30, 2014

I have a child window above an edit control.

When the position of the control in the parent in the child on top of it is clicked the control gets topmost. Is there any way to prevent this?

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