C++ :: Creating Public And Static Field In A Class - Unresolved External Symbol Error
Apr 5, 2014
I'm trying to create a public and static field in a class called ResourceManager. But when trying to access the field even from inside the class it wont work. I'm getting this error message:
Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static int ResourceManager::num" (?num@ResourceManager@@2HA)
Here's my code:
class ResourceManager {
static int num;
static void loadContent();
I am currently working on an Account login system and when I run the program I receive this error message:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
If you want to see the full code of the source file just ask
const int NUM_OF_ACCOUNTS = 1; Account *account = new Account[NUM_OF_ACCOUNTS]; int AccountSearch(int number, string password); foundAccount = AccountSearch(aNumSearch, passSearch); int AccountSearch(int n, string p); { int x = 0;
When I try to compile a program from a C book I am following I am getting these errors, I have looked for ways to resolve it but I wasn't able to.
Error3error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _druk_instructiesC:UsersIvoDocumentsVisual Studio 2012ProjectsConsoleApplication2ConsoleApplication2Handspel.objConsoleApplication2 Error4error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _speler_keuzeC:UsersIvoDocumentsVisual Studio 2012ProjectsConsoleApplication2ConsoleApplication2Handspel.objConsoleApplication2 Error5error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _machine_keuzeC:UsersIvoDocumentsVisual Studio
I am working on building a set of templated data structures for my own learning and have run in to an error when instantiating my templated linked list. I receive the following error:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall LinkedList<int>::~LinkedList<int>(void)" (??1?$LinkedList@H@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function _main
--LinkedList.h-- #ifndef LINKEDLIST_H #define LINKEDLIST_H template<class T> class LinkedList {
class DataBase { // Change the connection path here to your own version of the database public SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=(LocalDB)v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|UberDatabase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;"); public DataBase() { } }
And in the same namespace as this class I have a form that calls it like so:
DataBase dBase = new DataBase(); SqlCommand trythis = new SqlCommand("Register", dBase.con);
However, I'm getting the field initializer error on dBase.con. I'm not sure why, but when I call the database from another file (program.cs) it works fine this way.
I'm doing a homework assignment where I have to calculate monthly interest from a starting balance. I've pulled several sections of the code from various parts of the book. So my problem may be that I'm not combining them correctly.
I'm getting the following error: Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(void)" (??0SavingsAccount@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function _main
The ios flags are new to me and that may be part of the problem. As soon as I can get a working program, I'm going to make the starting balance and interest rate user inputs. But I get seem to get past this error.
#include <iostream> #include "namespaces.h" namespace mycode { void foo() { std::cout << "foo() called in the mycode namespace" << std::endl; } }
When I try to run this code i keep getting these errors;
Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl mycode::foo(void)" (?foo@mycode@@YAXXZ) referenced in function _mainC:UsersHomeDesktopgameDevWin32Project1Win32Project1Source1.objWin32Project1
My code is rather short, but when I compile it, I get 1 error about an unresolved external symbol, it probably has something to do with the file processing. . .
Just a basic keylogger using SDL
Keylogger.h #ifndef KEYLOGGER_H #define KEYLOGGER_H #include <fstream> #include <SDL.h> using namespace std; class Keylogger{
[Code] .....
Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp___CrtDbgReportW referenced in function "public: char const & __thiscall std::_String_const_iterator<class std::_String_val<struct std::_Simple_types<char> > >::operator*(void)const " (??D?$_String_const_iterator@V?$_String_val@U?$_Simple_types@D@std@@@std@@@std@@QBEABDXZ)C:Usersaviedocumentsvisual studio 2013ProjectsPracticePracticeKeylogger.objPractice
So even though I have so many issues with linking libraries, I apparently became the go-to person for a fellow college friend of mine for a sql library. He's using the mysql connector/c++ and his team has had quite a few issues getting it set up. I've solved two out of three issues:
1st issue I solved was that they didn't know how to build boost, I just linked it and they were good to go.
2nd issue I solved was that they were missing libmysql.lib, I just installed the mysql server onto their computer and linked that up. 3rd issue is where I am now stumped at, as they get a compile error: LNK2001 unresolved external symbol: _get_driver_instance().
The project builds on Win32 platform, but not on x64.
Full error message: dllentry.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class CFactoryTemplate * g_Templates" (?g_Templates@@3PAVCFactoryTemplate@@A)
The dllentry.cpp (a DirectShow base class) compiles on both platforms. It contains the external declarations:
extern CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[]; extern int g_cTemplates; g_Templates[] is then used in two functions: __control_entrypoint(DllExport) STDAPI DllGetClassObject(__in REFCLSID rClsID, __in REFIID riid, __deref_out void **pv)
myClass.cpp contains the definitions for the two externals in dllentry.cpp, at top level, just after the includes:
CFactoryTemplate* g_Templates=0; int g_cTemplates=0;
myClass.cpp also compiles by itself, but the project does not build. I checked all the libraries in the project settings and all seems to be OK, the 64 bit versions are used.
What should I do to make the project build for x64 platform?
#include <stdio.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream>// enable writing to and reading from files #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h> using namespace std; class Person {
[Code] .....
Error list:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl saveperson(void)" (?saveperson@@YAXXZ) referenced in function _main H:Cry_DevProgrammingC++Using_class_ in_ c++Using_class_ in_ c++Using_class_ in_ c++.obj Error 2 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl displayperson(void)" (?displayperson@@YAXXZ) referenced in function _main H:Cry_DevProgrammingC++Using_class_ in_ c++Using_class_ in_ c++Using_class_ in_ c++.obj Error 3 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl editperson(void)" (?editperson@@YAXXZ) referenced in function _main H:Cry_DevProgrammingC++Using_class_ in_ c++Using_class_ in_ c++Using_class_ in_ c++.obj Error 4 error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals H:Cry_DevProgrammingC++Using_class_ in_ c++DebugUsing_class_ in_ c++.exe 1
I'm trying to implement this queue class, and I don't know why it won't compile. I wrote a main function in the main.cpp file and even commented out the calls to functions add and removed and still gave me the fatal error.
My program will not run because of error LNK2028 "unresolved token" and error LNK2019 "unresolved external signal" and I do not know why. My teacher says that I need to make the constructor and display functions display class variables in different formats, but I do not know what to do with that. Here are my 3 files:
Header take 2.h:
#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Heading { private: string company, report;
[Code] ....
Here are the errors: Error1error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A0003C9) "public: __thiscall Heading::Heading(void)" (??0Heading@@$$FQAE@XZ) referenced in function "int __cdecl main(void)" (?main@@$$HYAHXZ)c:UsersOwnerdocumentsvisual studio 2012ProjectsClassLibrary2ClassLibrary2Source1.objClassLibrary2
Assignment: Design a class to store measurements. The class should have two data items, feet and inches, both integers. The class must make sure that the number of inches never gets below zero or above 11. If inches is outside that range, adjust feet accordingly. (Yes this means feet might be a negative number.)
Create a default constructor and one which receives one integer, a number of inches.
Overload the following operators: addition, subtraction, equality, inequality, incrementation (both pre and post) (should add one to inches), and output (in the form of: F’I”)
Code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class measurements {
private: int inches; double feet;
[Code] ....
I am getting a LNK2019 error and an LNK1120 errors:
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup
So I tried to make a tile map function to display my map as tiles. I keep getting unresolved external symbol errors, I've included the header file, and used every declaration in it, but to be completely honest this is mostly just a try to see if I could do it, and so far I'm failing. So if you can see why I'm getting the error.
I need a static hash table to keep track of all objects of a particular type that are instantiated in a Qt application but I have never used a template class as a static member object before and I can't seem to figure out how to initialize it. QHash is the hash table class that follows the template convetion:
template<class key, class data>
QString is probably self explanatory.
Example Header:
class MyClass { ... private: static QHash<QString, MyClass*> instanceTable; }
Here is my source that doesn't compile.
Example Source
#include header.h // using default constructor for table... QHash<QString key, MyClass* instance> MyClass::instanceTable(); // gives Error below. // Error in above line is "Declaration is incompatible with QHash<QString, Myclass*>"
I have tried doing it a number of different ways and none of them work. How do you initialize a static template object?
I'm writing a class "Property" for a program that manages different types of properties. This is my .h for y base class. I was trying to write a virtual void function to convert different children classes to strings that can be displayed, but Xcode is freaking out.
I had it as:
virtual void toString()= 0;
and it gave me an error message: "Virtual can only exist in non-static member functions" and "field has incomplete type 'void'"
I changed it to:
virtual string toString() = 0;
and the error message didn't change.
Is this an issue with Xcode or did I do something wrong? Even after changing it to string it told me that it "has incomplete type 'void'"....
I've been writing my own implementation of quicksort in a .h file. I've gotten to the point where I think I'm done with the algorithm, so now I'm trying to make it so that if someone includes "quicksort.h", they will only have access to certain functions in the file. Kind of like public and private functions in a class, but without the "class" part of it. How do you do that?
In a numerically intensive code, I have a Cartesian vector class Vector3d which has the normal operator overloading and basic functions such as dot product, magnitude, etc. For simplicity, assume that it is not a templated class and its components are of type double.
I frequently need large 1-d arrays (e.g. stl vectors) of Vector3d. Two use-cases must be satisfied:
1) The trivial case in which the data are stored as stl vectors of Vector3d;
2) The more difficult case where the individual components are stored as stl vectors of double, and are not guaranteed to be contiguous in memory (so one cannot rely on "stride").
Assuming the array lengths are all identical, I'd like to be able to access both types in a single loop. The straightforward way for case 2) is to construct a temporary Vector3d from the three components (indexed with the loop index). However, I would prefer not to incur the overhead of the constructor.
Is it possible using template metaprogramming. Ideally I'd like a CompositeVector3d that inherits from Vector3d and is constructed with the component vectors, but can be dereferenced using the loop index in the same way as one would do with case 1.
I am not looking for the typical template metaprogramming utility of being able to operate on the entire array without explicit loops. I just want the syntactic "sugar" whereby CompositeVector3d and Vector3d act the same, plus the avoidance of the cost of the constructor. I am not averse to using an additional templated class (perhaps a Field or a View class) to access the basic storage in both case.
Is it possible to do this without using a full template metaprogramming utility?
I have read the book over and over and I thought I understand "CLASS". But when I applied it and write the code the compiler tells me that there is a compiling error.
1. I have this method addProduct(Product* pProduct) in a Class called ProductRack, the code is in ProductRack.cpp file. The declaration of the Class methods and private variables are in ProductRack.h header file.
2. But when I call a method in the DeliveryCHute Class from the ProductRack Class I get a compiler errors which are these:
A.IntelliSense: a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object B.error C2352: 'Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct' : illegal call of non-static member function
And this is causing the error:
if (Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct(pProduct) == false)
//THIS IS JUST ONE METHOD INSIDE ProductRack.cpp bool Project1::ProductRack::addProduct(Product* pProduct) { // Todo : Implementing if (Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct(pProduct) == false) return true;
I have a VC++ project to create a DLL that will be used as a Plug-in in an external programm. This DLL uses some MFC functions. The initial configuration of the project was:
-Use of MFC: Use MFC in a Static Library
-Common Language Runtime support: No Common Language Runtime support
-Runtime Library: Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)
This configuration worked fine, there were no compilation errors and the resulting DLL worked correctly.
The problem came when it was necessary to add to the DLL some functions of .NET, using the namespace System and similar. To do that, I had to change the Common Language Runtime support, to Common Language Runtime Support (/clr). Then, when I tried to compile, I got this message:
'/MTd' and '/clr' command-line options are incompatible
So I changed the Runtime Library to Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd). Then I got this error message:
Building MFC application with /MD[d] (CRT dll version) requires MFC shared dll version
So I also changed the Use of MFC to Use MFC in a Shared DLL.
After this, the compilation was correct. Then logically the size of the generated DLL is smaller, but this new DLL does not work correctly, the external program in which this DLL is used crashes.
I don't know what to do to fix the problem. Maybe I need to add some other DLLs or files to the directory where the DLL is located, where the external program uses it. But I would prefer to include a single DLL file, but this seems to be incompatible with the use of .NET functionality.
I've finally managed to do something with the combo box but knock down one wall it's like there's another one five inches behind it. What I mean is I've figured out how to add items to the combo box and have them show images in my picture box. Only problem is when I went to debug my combo box kept looping it's options over and over and over.
Private Sub xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone1"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Female_clear; xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone2"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Male_tan; xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone3"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Male_dark; End Sub
The subs, I know they aren't right but its just to show I know where they go. Anyway using Private Sub and End sub doesn't seem to work. I'll type them in then at the error box at the bottom it'll say that it doesn't exist in the namespace. Same thing happened when I tried to add public class beforehand to see if that would work same thing about the name space.
A static function can be called in relation to a particular object by a statement such as the following:
The function has no access to the non-static members of aBox. The same function could also be called without reference to an object. In this case, the statement would be:
where CBox is the class name. Using the class name and the scope resolution operator tells the compiler to which class Afunction() belongs."