Visual C++ :: Creating Loop To Call In Entries From Text File Named Set

Jul 14, 2013

I am trying to create a loop to call in the entries from the text file named Set. The entries of Set.txtare :

1 2 3
2 4 5
and so on .. (64 such combinations)[/CODE]

It basically means the first combination for testing is 1 2 3 and next has to be 2 4 5 and so i have 64 such entries defined in set

My test files are located in D://data// and are named tst_data1 to tst_data64.

I created a loop for test set but its incorrect

// loop for test samples
char basefilename[] = "D://data//";
char , testFilen[160], numiChar[10];

for (int i=1; i<=64; i++) {
strcpy(basefilenme, "D://data//");
strcat(testfilename, Set[]);

[Code] .....

How can i call the Set .txt and how to define it.

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C Sharp :: Call That Counts Number Of Entries In Database - Cast Error

Jul 14, 2013

I have an issue with a database call. I've got a database call that counts the number of entries in the database:

        private static Int32 dbCount() {
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Employees", conn);
            Int32 count = (Int32)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
            return count;

Afterwards I'm using this as a check throughout my application:

           if (dbCount > 0)  {
                // do something

When I execute this code I'm getting the following error: "Operator '>' cannot be applied to operands of type 'method group' and 'int'"

So I'm guessing it has something to do with the cast of the dbCount-object but I don't understand why as I already stated that the count-object to be an Int32.

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C :: Summing Entries In A For Loop

Sep 26, 2014

Basically, say i wanted to sum all the values enter for x. First, i ask the user how many x's there are, then create a "for" loop to ask for x1, x2, x3, .. xn. Then i want to know the cumulative total of x. How would i do this? This is the sample code i have made right now inside of my main function:

int N;
int I;
int X;
//This is where i ask for how many x's there are//


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C++ :: Call Text File In Input Overload Operator?

Nov 12, 2013

i am doing some practice problems and i can't seem to figure out how to do this. basically we have a students number of test scores, then the name followed by the scores they have in a text file. Then we have to make a class with a constructor, copy constructor, destructor, and overload the = operator and the input and output operator. Are we suppose to call the text file in the input overload operator?

Here is what i have so far.

This is my header file.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class StudentTestScores{
string studentName;


i am 100% sure the overloading the input is wrong

here is the implementation of the constructor copy constructor and desctructor

#include <iostream>
#include "StudentTestScores.h"
using namespace std;
StudentTestScores::StudentTestScores(string name = "", int numScores = 0)
studentName = name;
numTestScores = numScores;
if (numScores <= 0)
testScores = NULL;


and here is the notepad file

Justin Bieber491.469.184.681.081.5
Miley Cyrus380.
Kim K490.575.661.481.677.2

The program is suppose to use all the information and read from the notepad and output the exact things as the notepad file

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Visual C++ :: Creating Static Text Boxes Dynamically - Assigning Unique Control ID?

Dec 16, 2012

I'm using CStatic inherited class in my code and creating static text boxes dynamically. Now for assigning unique control ID I'm creating a static control from resource editor and destroying it before calling CStatic::Create() and using its control ID say ID_STATIC_SAMPLE.

If I do not use this parameter of Create(), the static control is also being created, so what is the use of this unique ID. And any other better way to assign a ID for dynamically created static controls.

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Visual C++ :: No Member Named Stoi In Namespace Std

Oct 20, 2013

I am trying to test out stoi() function found in the link below.

[URL] ....

but I got the error "No Member named stoi in namespace std." ...

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C++ :: Creating A Text File For Randomly Generated Numbers

Apr 28, 2015

My code compiles, but it doesn't get past this:

Here's the code:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

//ofstream random_numbers("randIntContainer.txt");
ofstream random_numbers("D:/StudentData/Documents/DataStructures/SortingAlgorithms/randIntContainer.txt");
void generateNumbers();

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Writing To Named Pipe Coming From A Service (session 0) Without Admin Rights

Dec 9, 2014

I'm trying to write to a named pipe created by a service, as we all know the session 0 isolation implemented in vista and forward makes this task a bit complicated.

well at this point i managed to make almost all to work but my real problem comes when i try to write on the named pipe from my GUI application with no administrator rights

If i run the GUI application with admin rights it works 100% but, I don't need that application to require the user admin rights and for security reasons i rather to leave it without admin...

so i started my research and i found that there is a way to achieve this by calling CreateNamedPipe() with a low integrity security attributes...

well how to implement but i finally made it, the problem is that it gets worse than passing null security attributes, it works with admin rights with NULL security attributes, but when i pass the low integrity security attributes it gives "access denied" even when using admin rights, so i guess im passing the wrong security attributes but how to manually create the security descriptor string.

This is the code:

Service (session0) SERVER

DWORD WINAPI PipeThreadRSVS(void* pParameter){
bool Break=false;
char Received_Buffer[BlockSize+16];
DWORD BytesRead = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Open File Named In Unicode Characters

Sep 22, 2012

How to open a file which its name is unicode letters ? usually :

basic_ifstream<wchar_t> src("source.txt");

Work well to read file with unicode content not filename, so that example doesn't work :

basic_ifstream<wchar_t> src(L"source.txt");

Also, I have seen some alternatives for using open function but it doesn't work as well.

basic_ifstream<wchar_t> src;"source.txt");

I use g++ compiler.

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C++ :: Writing Output Of While Loop To Text File?

Jul 30, 2014

[URL] when I try to write my output to a file. I am building a life insurance premium calculator with c++. What my calculator does is read in a text file called "policies.txt" containing a number of different policies. For example:

Pol1 M N 20 100000 1 .04 99
Pol2 F S 30 100000 1 .05 99
Pol3 M S 72 750000 1 .03 99
Pol4 F N 45 1000000 1 .05 99

And using this, it creates a single premium. Once the calculator calculates the premium of each policy, I want it to write out the premium amount of each policy to a textfile called "output.txt". The problem is that when I check my "output.txt" file, only the premium for the last policy shows up. It only reads:

Premium for Pol4 is 220384
When I want it to read:

Premium for Pol1 is 14101.6
Premium for Pol2 is 14221.2
Premium for Pol3 is 582391
Premium for Pol4 is 220384

How come only the last policy is showing up? and is there any way to make all four policies appear in my output text file? Here is my code:

double ratesmn[86] = {
#include "MaleNonSmoker.txt"
- 1


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C/C++ :: Writing Into A Text File Using Nested For Loop?

Nov 15, 2012

My program involves trajectory planning using cubic spline method for a robotic arm. In the process, I had to calculate joint angles for each point in the path. In the last few lines of the code I need to write the values for counter and theta1 into a text file which I called "Test.txt". I am doing this using a nested for loop(the counter runs until it reaches 19 and hence need 19 theta1 values corresponding to it). However, I can't get all the theta1 values transferred to the text file.The statement within my inner loop is wrong and don't know how to fix it.
            current_time = GetTickCount();  
            //joint[0] = mult_joint[i][0];
            //joint[1] = mult_joint[i][1];
            //joint[2] = mult_joint[i][2];
            //joint[3] = mult_joint[i][3];      

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C++ :: Saving And Recovering A File Named By User-entered Parameter

Apr 7, 2013

1. How can I save a text file using a parameter which the user entered?

For example, the user enters the word "Johnny". The program will create a new text file "johnny.txt"

2. How do I search the directory for a text file after the user entered a keyword?

For example, the user enters the word "johnny". The program will search the directory and recover the text document "johnny.txt".

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C++ :: For Loop In Hangman Game - Read A Word From Text File Randomly And Matches It With Definition

Jun 26, 2014

Ok here I have a program that reads a word from a text file randomly and matches it with the definition. The user has to guess what the word is according to the definition.

I'm having trouble with my for loop, I'm not getting any errors. But I just know something is off.

Here's my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;
int main(){
int number;
int count = 0;
int numOfGuess = 0;

[Code] ...

This is words.txt:

apple#the usually round, red or yellow, edible fruit of a small tree
boat#a vessel for transport by water
horse#a solid-hoofed plant-eating domesticated mammal with a flowing mane and tail, used for riding
television#a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens
soup#a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc.
bottle#a container, typically made of glass or plastic and with a narrow neck
barber#a person who cuts hair
toast#sliced bread browned on both sides by exposure to radiant heat
radar#a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects
red#of a color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet

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C :: Anomalous Execution Of For Loop And The Function Call

Aug 18, 2014

I have a for loop, and after this loop, I am calling another function that wakes a thread S, and then thread S carries on its execution.


for (k = 0; k < num_msg; k++) {
if( (c % Messages[k][2] ) == 0 ) {
%d, act, %d


I am getting an anomalous output. Before all the iterations of for loop could finish, the program enters into the invoke_thread_S() and I can see the remaining iterations of for loop happening after thread S is finished.

What could be the problem here. Can I put a 'sleep' before I enter into invoke_thread_S() function, I tried it with a very small amount (in nano seconds), but that did not solve the problem.

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C++ :: How To Add A Call Function After Main Display Loop

Apr 29, 2013

How to ADD a call to the FindMostExpensive function AFTER the main display loop, and use the index returned to display the information about the most expensive car?

// Session7.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//using struct
// reading from file
// using functions

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // only used to tidy up the console output here
#include <fstream> // added file handling

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Creating Do-While Loop In Program

Apr 28, 2014

I need starting a do-while loop in my program that runs up to 10 time that asks the user to enter up to 10 scores, which include the slope and rating for the course, and calculates the handicap for each score.

Here's what I have so far:

//This program calculates a golfers handicap.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Getting A Word From A Text File?

Apr 26, 2013

im trying to have the nickanme set to be a random name from a text fille full of nickanmes i dont know how to do it heres my code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using FluorineFx;
using FluorineFx.Messaging.Adapter;


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Visual C++ :: Use For Loop To Read Certain Data From Txt File And Print To Console

Sep 28, 2014

I'm new to programming and i'm trying to do a certain task. I want to use a for loop to read certain data from a txt file and print them to a console. I'm trying to read student names and their grades.

Something like
3 // 3 represents the number of students.
George 97
Sarah 70
Maya 88

The data may vary but it's always in this format.

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C++ :: Creating A Loop To Calculate Formula?

Mar 21, 2014

I am trying to create a code and cannot get the following part to work :

for (int n = 0; n = timesteps; n++)
n = n + 0.1 ;
cout<< "timesteps"<< n << endl ; //print time step value =0.1
for (int j = 0; j < nodesinx; j++)
T[j][n+1] = T[j][n] + 0.16 * (T[j][n] - 1[n] - 2[T[j][n] + T[j] + 1[n] ; //equation
n= n + 0.1 ;
cout<< "temperature" << T[j][n+1] << endl;
T[j][n+1] = 0.0 ;

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C/C++ :: Creating A Binary Search Loop?

Oct 13, 2014

I am creating a binary search program that lets the user input up to 10 integers and then the program displays the array and sorts it. When the user is prompted to select an integer, if the integer is in the array, the program responds with the array subscript part. I can get the loop to work once and maximum twice, but then it wont search for the array or say value not found even though the number in in the array. I tried making the values NULL but that only lets me go through it one more time.

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printArray(int);
void selection(int);
int binarySearch(int,int,int);


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Visual C++ :: Counting A Word From Text File

Nov 24, 2012

The user will first enter the file name to be processed. The program can do the following 5 tasks:

1. Count the number of words
2. Count the number of alphabets (without punctuation marks)
3. Count number of sentences.
4. Count the frequency of each vowel.
5. Count frequency of the following three words individually: FAST, computer and engineering

There should be a proper menu through which the user can select the desired task. The program should continue until the user asks to terminate it.

Here is what i have done so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
int opt=0; //option number
ifstream fin;
string filename;


There are a few problems.

1- When I enter option 'q', an infinite loop starts.
2- The first time, the program gives the correct value. After that, each time it gives answer ZERO.
3- The last part is not working. I experimented something which failed. I don't know how to do the last part.

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C++ :: Creating Multidimensional Array In Infinite Loop?

Aug 13, 2014

From the example given below, I would like to Generate a matrix who stores a generated array for each iteration. I have an understanding of inputting single elements to a matrix but how can I input an array to a matrix. let's say I would like to input and array of 4 elements that should be stored as a single row of the generated matrix and do this for an infinite while{true} loop.

#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>

void printArray(int arr[], int size) {

[Code] ....

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C# :: Creating Multiple Labels In Foreach Loop

Apr 29, 2015

I am attempting to create multiple labels in a for each loop for each tag text (using htmlagility pack). My current code only creates one and doesn't change the first value (Which is AAE). I am using the labels to later input all the label.text into a database after the initial loop has finished (not shown).

foreach (var tag in tdTags) {
Label label = new Label();
label.Name = "contentName" + tag.InnerHtml;
label.Text = tag.InnerHtml;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Combing While Loop Read With Creating A Pipe

Oct 30, 2014

I have this if block that is supposed to be creating a pipe then forking and I would like to combine the while loop below it with it. How would I do that?

p = pipe(pipe1);
if (p < 0) {
printf("pipe error");
} else {
printf("successful pipe1 = %d",p);


I have trying to read this documentation but don't understand it. [URL] ....

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Visual C++ :: Can't Read In A Text File To Load A Struc

Apr 15, 2013

I am doing an exercise that reads in a text file and loads the data into a struct. My problem is it doesn't read anything from the text file. I think it's the way I'm loading the data. Oh, it does read in the first record that tells the program how many contributor records to create, but nothing after that. Here it is:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
const int strsize = 30;
const int SIZE = 60;

struct contributions {
char fullname[strsize]; //name
double donation; //donation

[Code] ....

Here is the record input:

Data file:
Suz Stuz
Froco Frock
Yandi Yuck
Dippy Dip

9 records - each struct has two members; full name and donation. First record should be number of contributors ...

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Visual C++ :: How Simplicity Read Text File Which Contain One Or Three Values

Oct 21, 2012

Text file can conain one or three integer values in string. How correctly and simplicity read this string?

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