C :: Convert Characters From Array Into ASCII Integers - Incompatible Types Error

Nov 22, 2013

The code is supposed to convert characters from an array into their respective ascii integers, and append a 0 if the number is less than 3 digits long. It then supposed to put it all together into one string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){

char file[] = "This is a test";
char *ptr = file;
int length = strlen(file);
int i, numbers[length];

[Code] .....

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C :: Error - Incompatible Types In Assignment

Oct 11, 2013

I am working on a double linked list and inside of my function to insert a node, I am getting an error of "Incompatible types in assignment". Here is my function code. Line 55 is where I am receiving the error.


45 struct lnode *ins_llist(char data[], struct llist *ll){
46 struct lnode *p, *q;
48 q = malloc(sizeof(struct lnode));
49 if ( q == NULL )


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C++ :: Operand Types Are Incompatible

Oct 14, 2013

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() {
double temp, result;
char type;

[Code] .....

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C :: Errors For Incompatible Types In Return

Oct 23, 2013

I am writing a program in C. The following is an extract from my code:


enum coin_types{

[Code] .....

I'm getting the following errors:

For: new = new_coins_data_line(line);
"Incompatible types in assignment"

For: return newdata;
"Incompatible types in return"

There seem to be problems with my variables and perhaps it is related to the type 'struct coin' which has an enumerated type within it.

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C++ :: Sorting Alpha Characters Not ASCII?

Nov 7, 2013

I am looking for a way to sort a string just by the alpha characters, not by the ASCII table. Therefore

string sort(string name) {
sort(name.begin(), name.end());
return name;

will not work. And I am looking for the most simple way to go about it!

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C/C++ :: Sorting Characters In Their ASCII Codes

Mar 25, 2015

I'm trying to write a lot of sample code to practice but I can not figure out how to take a string and sort each character in order of their increasing ASCII codes. I'm getting stuck trying to separate each letter to determine it's ASCII code. I know I have to use an array somehow, So far, this is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C++ :: Print ASCII Characters - Limit In For Loop

May 1, 2015

using namespace std;
int main(void){

[Code] ....

I am trying to print ascii characters but problem is If i put a limit in for loop to 255 or more than 126 the output don't stop it keeps on going

I know there is another way to this program but what i want to know this why this happen in this logic....it doesn't happen if a<=125 or less then 125.

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C/C++ :: Error - Initialization From Incompatible Pointer Type

Apr 8, 2012

Below is my code snippet.I'm getting "Error:initialization from incompatible pointer type" error on line 'int *q = status;'.

Obviously, I'm missing something but has no clue...:(

void findwalls(int *p,int y,int x){
int status[y_count][x_count][4];
int *q = status;
for(int i = 0;i < (y_count * x_count * 4);i++)
*(q + i) = *(p + i);

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C :: Display Numbers That Are Passed As Literal ASCII Characters To LCD

Mar 20, 2014

What shall I learn in order to send values from 0.00 to 5.00? I'm working with they Hitachi 16x2 LCD display.I've been sending/displaying literal values on it all day.


SendCharater(unsigned char val)

where the variable val corresponds to the LCD character table.I can also send Hello World to the display, like so:


void putsXLCD(unsigned char *buffer){
while(*buffer) // Write data to LCD up to null
while( BusyXLCD() ); // Wait while LCD is busy
SendCharacter(*buffer); // Write character to LCD
buffer++; // Increment buffer

I could type in putsXLCD("5.00") in order to display it on the LCD, but how do I implement this automatically for values, e.g. 0.00 to 5.00?It appears I can only pass literal values through the function SendCharacter, meaning that in order to display "0" I have to pass the value 0x30 (the hex value of "0" on the LCD Table).

My current thought process:Much like passing "Hello World" in the function putsXLCD(), I need to assign a pointer that points at each value in the "array" that I need to send. E.g., I need to send 3.24, so I need to point to "3", fetch the corresponding hex value in the LCD table, in this case 0x34, and the pass this 0x34 into the SendCharacter function, and so on. So, if this is the case, how can I fetch the corresponding hex value?

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C/C++ :: Program To Read In And Count All Printable Characters (ASCII 32-126)

Feb 12, 2014

I'm writing a program that reads and counts all the printable characters (ASCII 32-126)found in a text file.

For example if the text file read: Why so serious?

The output to the screen would display(in order of ascii value however):


However, I don't think it's reading any of the characters.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i, count[127];

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Convert Hex To ASCII

May 7, 2013

I want to convert Hex:390041 to ascii "90A",

39: 9
00: 0 -->Null
41: A

i am getting only "9" in the bytearray,i know 0 is terminating the array

unsigned int bytes[3];
int j=0,counter=0;
char c[2];


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C/C++ :: Create User Defined Dynamic Array For Player Scores - Missing Pointer Types Error

Jan 18, 2015

I'm completely new to pointers and have a homework assignment due where I'm supposed to create a user defined dynamic array for player scores. The only errors I'm experiencing is a C2109: subscript requires pointer type and only on the lines that use the int *score; variable (57, 62, 64, 69, 71, and 82). I've already tried adding = nullptr to the variable and that didn't work.

using namespace std;
void players(string[], int[], int);
void average(int[], int);

[Code] ....

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C :: Program That Reads Alphanumeric Characters And Computes Average ASCII Value

Feb 16, 2015

Write a program that reads alphanumeric characters from the keyboard, and computes the average ascii value of the alpha numeric characters, the average alphabetical character, the average numeric character and the average uppercase character. Outputting each, you program should terminate reading once it read a non-alphanumeric character.

Here's what i have so far.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main(void) {
int value = 'a';
int digit_loop = 0;
int alpha_loop = 0;
int upper_loop = 0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Convert Bytes To ASCII

Feb 7, 2014

How can I convert bytes to ASCII?, I read wikipedia about UTF-8 and I understood a little bit about add or split bytes to change the value.

Now I have those bytes

0xC7 0xE6 0xC2 0x91 0x93 0x7B 0xCE 0x01

And I found a program (DCode) that convert to 64 bits little-endian, supposedly those bytes in ASCII is this.

lun, 08 julio 2013 04:28:17 UTC <---

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C++ :: How To Convert A Single Character Into ASCII

Jan 26, 2014

I am making a text encrypter and I have to convert text into ASCII codes. I know how to convert a single character into ASCII -

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout<<"Text to ASCII converter"<<endl<<"Enter text to convert into ASCII - ";
char text; //defining input type, which is single character

[Code] ....

Try it here - URL.....Is there any way to run a similar program, which converts a string with spaces into ASCII code?

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C/C++ :: How To Convert Entered ASCII Value To Float

Sep 29, 2012

Converting ascii value entered by user.

How to convert it to float basic of c programming techniques only ....

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C/C++ :: How To Convert From HEX To ASCII Conversion In Embedded Project

Dec 1, 2012

i am doing an embedded project on avr microcontroller ATmega8515.actually my project is smart card based electricity billing using UART interfacing..so in this module HEX to ASCII conversion is not possible for me...

how to convert from hex to ascii.

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C/C++ :: Program To Count Different Types Of Characters

Sep 24, 2014

My goal is to create a program that reads a string and counts how many Uppercase, Lowercase, Spaces, and digits there are in the string. Right now this the output i get.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main() {
int iochar;
char string;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Enable User To Upload Image And Convert It Into ASCII Text Using SDL

Apr 29, 2015

Using C . I have been tasked (for a University assignment) to create a program that will enable a user to upload an image and convert that image into ASCII text using SDL on a Linux system. I've managed to open a window, display an image (non-selected) and convert it into grayscale using

case SDLK_g:
for (int y = 0; y < image->h; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < image->w; x++) {
Uint32 pixel = pixels[y * image->w + x];
Uint8 r = pixel >> 16 & 0xFF;
Uint8 g = pixel >> 8 & 0xFF;
Uint8 b = pixel & 0xFF;
Uint8 v = (0.212671*r)+(0.715160*g)+(0.072169*B)/>;
pixel = (0xFF << 24) | (v << 16) | (v << 8) | v;
pixels[y * image->w + x] = pixel;

I am absolutely clueless as to how I can get the user to upload an image to the program and then begin the image -> ASCII conversion. I've found seem to be written in C++ or C# to make the conversion I should be using the GetPixelColour command?

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C++ :: How To Convert Data Types

Jan 9, 2015

How to convert these data types? i have an array of bytes in unsigned char[] array, and need to convert to const void* pointer.

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C++ :: Characters With Integers Tabbed To Right?

Oct 2, 2014

I took a month's break from programming, and got rusty. Here's the problem:

The character 'b' is char('a'+1), 'c' is char('a'+2), etc. Use a loop to write out a table of characters with their corresponding integer values:

a (tab) 97
b (tab) 98
z (tab) 122

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C/C++ :: Parsing Integers And Characters From A Single Line?

Mar 10, 2015

parsing integers and characters in same line.

I trying to parse g8,7.

token = strtok(NULL, ",");
token2 = strtok(NULL, "g");

I am trying to make 8 an integer so that i get two integers 8 and 7.

I already know how to get 7, but every time i do it i get (0,7) instead of (8,7).

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C :: Reading And Printing In A Specific Format Strings Of Characters And Integers

Feb 23, 2015

I have been skimming and searching but dont know how to word the search just right to find what I need to know. I have written simple stuff with the support of tutorials like weight conversion or loops counting up to a set number. Nothing amazing. The other day I found out how to input and print a string rather than a single text character which i though was bad ass. I even got it to read multiple strings on a single line and found a way to read multiple lines. I can even format it to read both integers and characters on the same line as long as I know the predefined format.

On to my question... How do I read multiple lines with both carecters and integers. for instance:

nissan 1996
toyota 1998
or more comples like
nissan gtr 1996
toyota markii 1998

I want to use
int year;
char make[10]; maybe need to use char make[10][10]; for an array i would guess.
char model[10]; optional for the extra data

but reproduce what i read in a different order. say...
1996 nissan
1998 toyota
vice the original format.

this is what I have tried.

Code: scanf("%s %s", &make,&year);

//The way I seen to read multiple lines was on here

scanf("%[^/t]", %make);

But this wont let me separate the two into two differnet definded data types. Let alone use printf to display them in reverse order.

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C :: Conflicting Types Error When Compiling A Lib

Dec 24, 2014

I'm trying to compile a library for use with PoLabs Pokeys 56U USB device (PoKeys56U) on Linux Mint 17 64-bit.

I'm using the information from here - New cross-platform library for all PoKeys devices - MyPokeys

When I run

sudo make -f Makefile.noqmake install

I get the following errors;In file included from PoKeysLibCore.c:22:0:

PoKeysLib.h:38:28: error: conflicting types for "int64_t"
typedef long long int64_t;
In file included from /usr/include/stdlib.h:314:0,
from PoKeysLibCore.c:21:

[Code] ....

Here is the offending code from the header file;

#ifndef __POKEYSLIB
#define __POKEYSLIB
#define USE_STD_INT

#ifdef USE_STD_INT
#include "stdint.h"

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Convert Characters To Hex Format

Oct 4, 2014

Is my understanding correct?

Ascii 'a' = 61 (Hex)
Ascii '0' = 30 (Hex)

So this is how we convert characters to hex.

Integer 0 = 0 (Hex), because it's not a character but an integer.

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C :: Convert Integers To Roman Numerals?

Nov 19, 2014

how to convert integers -> Roman Numerals using both if & switch statement.

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