C++ :: Hypotenuse For ONE Side And ONE Angle?

Dec 7, 2014

On a right angled triangle, if the user inputs only ONE side length (not the hypotenuse) and only ONE angle, what code is required to work out the hypotenuse? I know how to work out the final side and the remaining angle once I have this.

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C/C++ :: Calculating Hypotenuse Of A Triangle

Apr 3, 2014

I wrote a function to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle. My code looks fine but when i enter the two sides it does not give out the right answer. I really don't know what to do.

#include <stdio.h>
double hypotenuse(double side1, double side2);
int main(void){
double side1, side2, hyp;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Program To Calculates Hypotenuse Of A Right Triangle

May 12, 2014

How to do the function part here is the question. "Write a program that calculates the hypotenuse of a right triangle. the program should ask the users to enter the length of the two legs of the right triangle and the program should call a function hypotenuse() that will calculate and display the length of of the hypotenuse. NOTE: The program should include a prototype for the function hypotenuse()" i have this so far

#include <iostream>
4 #include <cmath> // Needed to use the sqrt function
5 using namespace std;
7 int main()
8 {
9 double a, b, c;

[Code] ....

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C :: Print All Pythagorean Triples With Length Of Hypotenuse

Oct 2, 2014

So this is a programming assignment right now that I'm working on. I was able to satisfy two or the requirements: to print all Pythagorean triples with the length of the hypotenuse being below the entered value and to state how many Pythagorean triples there are. I've come into a problem, though, since the final requirement is to state the largest Pythagorean triple. The problem is that it posts the values of a,b,c after the loop exits, which are going to be the values right below N (eg. N=19, then a,b,c=16,17,18).

Here is the program:

#include <stdio.h>
void main () {
int a,b,c,N;
int ctr = 0;

[Code] ....

My questions is how to fix this problem because putting it in the for loop will just cause it to repeat all values.

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C :: Calculate Hypotenuse Of Right Angled Triangle - Function Does Not Take 0 Arguments

Mar 9, 2013

error C2660: 'CalculateHypotenuse' : function does not take 0 arguments


[Code] .....

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C++ :: Can Be Used For Server Side Programming

Nov 28, 2013

I know this question must have been asked before, but the problem that I am facing is that I am using a library PoDoFo to parse PDF files. It seems that it is only compatible with C++.

Now I want the application to be web-based. That is, the user uploads a PDF file on the server, the server parses it and the parsed content is then sent back to the user.

Is such a thing possible with C++, or maybe any good work-arounds? Or should I look at server-side scripting languages like PHP and their respective libraries?

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C++ :: Angle Between Two Points

Apr 19, 2014

i'm working on a robotics project, to move the robot from it's current position to target position i need to calculate the angle first before i can move the robot.this the code I use to calculate the angle:

double cal_angle ( int current_x , int current_y , int tar_x , int tar_y )
return atan2(tar_y - current_y, tar_x - current_x);
int main ()


as u can see the angle between x4,y4 to x1,y1 should be 3.14 (180)however , the result are correct as long as the distance from the current position to target position > 1 (not sure actually).

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C/C++ :: Side Effect In Sequence Point?

Nov 4, 2014

A sequence point in a C program is defined as "Any point in a program's execution at which it is gauranteed that all side effects of previous evaluations will have been performed and no side effects from subsequent evaluations have yet been performed."

What is a side effect?

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C++ :: Calculate The Angle Between Two Vectors

Feb 20, 2014

My question is not in c++ programing , but because my aim is to make code that calculate the three angles between two vector i ask my question here

So as the title i have three point that create two vector and I want to get the angles in x,y and z of the point2

I used crosproduct that give me one angle without axe , I don't know in which axe this angle

My aim is the three angles for the 3 axes ....

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C++ :: Finding Angle From 3 Points

Nov 10, 2013

I am making a game and I am trying to rotate an image so that it is always pointing at the player. I have two lines, the first point of both of them is on the image and the second point of one line is on the last position of the player, and the second point of the other one is on the current position of the player. To rotate the image I need to get the angle between the two lines. how I can get that angle with only the points from the lines?

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C++ :: Get Angle Of Bullet After Bouncing?

Jun 30, 2014

I'm trying to make a bullet bounce after it hits a wall. I think bouncing on the top and bottom wall works perfectly, but it won't bounce off of the left and right walls. How would I get it to bounce? This is how I get the direction the bullet it going whenever I shoot.

player.dir = GetAngle(player.mouseX, player.mouseY, player.x, player.y);
float GetAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
return atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);

Also what I was trying to do to make the bullet bounce.

if (bullets[i].x < 10 || bullets[i].x > screenWidth - 10 ||
bullets[i].y < 10 || bullets[i].y > screenHeight - 10) {
if (bullets[i].type == 8)
bullets[i].dir *= -1;

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C++ :: Testing Cos - Why Angle Is Not 45 Degrees

Apr 25, 2012

I developed this simple sample program to test cos():

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const float radiansToDegrees = 180.0f / 3.141592653589793f;
float c = sqrt(2.0f);
float a = 1;
float angleRadians = cos(a/c);
float angle = radiansToDegrees*angleRadians;

I expected angle to be 45 exactly, but it's value is: angle = 43.558804

Why is the angle not 45 degrees? What did I do wrong?

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C++ :: Add Value To Beginning (left Hand Side) Of String

May 19, 2013

How do you add a value to the beginning of a string instead of the end?

This is for an assignment and I have to convert the user input (always assuming its a valid decimal number) to binary and store it in a string. I've got up to dividing by two to get the remainder ...

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C++ :: 2D Side Scroll Game - Background Is Not Working Right

Dec 30, 2013

I am working on a 2D side scroller game. Where a ball is moving continuously towards right . I used a camera to follow the ball as soon as ball reaches the center of screen. I created a horizontal line to look like the surface on which the ball is rolling.

line runs from x=0 to x=800 (i.e screen width)

NOTE: (0,0) coordinate is at top left corner of display.

Problem: My display is 800 x 400 . Camera follows the ball, but soon the ball crosses x=800 and starts moving in black background. I want that line surface to stay there instead of going out of bound.

Additionally! I generated obstacles from x=800 which also move out of bound along with my line.

What should be done here? This is just my first c++ game project, so i might be skipping things that can solve the issue.

[Update] these screenshots manage to show, what the real problem is: [URL]

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C/C++ :: Pointer To Structure Required On Left Side

May 3, 2014

struct node


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C :: How To Use Accelerometer To Simply Light Up LED At Certain Angle

Mar 17, 2014

I want to use an accelerometer to simply light up an LED at a certain angle. I want to use all three axis each corresponding to a different LED.

I am however getting no change in the LEDs. My code is below.


#pragma config FOSC = INTIO67, FCMEN = OFF, IESO = OFF // CONFIG1H
#pragma config PWRT = OFF, BOREN = SBORDIS, BORV = 30 // CONFIG2L
#pragma config WDTEN = OFF, WDTPS = 32768 // CONFIG2H
#pragma config STVREN = ON, LVP = OFF, XINST = OFF // CONFIG4L


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C :: How To Calculate Total Sum Of Delay Of Receiving Side Packet

Dec 17, 2014

I want to calculate the total some of delay pf receiving Side Packet . Code is as Follow ..

What is weird that even if i invoke a sleep of 2 sec ,than its show delay always zero. Delay will be in microsec ..Is there any problem with logic or anything else..


{#pragma omp parallel private(nthreads, tid) {
/* Obtain thread number */
tid = omp_get_thread_num();
if (tid == 0) {
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();


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C# :: Server-side Validation For Deleting Orders In Progress

Apr 18, 2014


According to my project instructions, I have to make a "validation on the delete button, that before a record can be deleted it will check to see if the count of "In-Progress" orders for that product is 0. If it is greater than zero, it should not allow this record to be deleted."

So far I have on the code behind page:

protected void btnDeleteProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataView dv = (DataView)SqlOrders.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);


The professor said I have to: "As for getting the count, check your notes and book, specifically looking at SQL and the Aggregate functions. There is a function we talked about in class called "Count(OrderID)" and set the where clause to check for the productID.

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C++ :: FIFO Reads Endlessly After Closing It On Producer Side

May 10, 2012

Right after I close FIFO on the producer side, the app on the consumer side gets into an endless loop. select() returns that FIFO is ready to read. Below is the excerpt from the consumer code. The FIFO is opened "blocking" on both ends.


FifoClass fifo_r = FifoClass("/tmp/FIFO_READ");
int fdr = fifo_r.OpenR();// this->fd = open(name.c_str(), O_RDONLY , 0);
for(int i=0; ;i++) {
FD_SET(fdr, &rset);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Find Angle And Radius Of Given Point Of A Circle

Oct 7, 2013

Let (x,y) be the center of the circle. (x,y) will not be (0,0). I have radius of the circle. Now i want to find the angle and radius of the given point inside the circle.

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C++ :: How To Predict New Compass Angle Of Object With Information

Apr 16, 2012

In a cartesian coordinate system, I want to be able to predict a compass angle of an object. So I have a base position of (0,0) and then a distance and compass angle to an object. This object also has a heading and a speed. How can I predict the new compass angle of the object with that information?

my coordinate system is like this:

0 y
270-------------- 90 x

I think the first step would be to compute the cartesian coordinates of the object:

float degs_to_rads = 3.141592653589793 / 180.0;
x = distance * sin(angle*degs_to_rads);
y = distance * cos(angle*degs_to_rads);

then the next step would be to compute the predicted x and y from the speed and heading of the object:

predictedx = ??
predictedy = ??

then finally convert back to an angle, and distance:

newDistance = sqrt(predictedx^2 + predictedy^2);
newAngle = atan2(predictedy, predictedx);

fill in the blanks?? Are my other things correct?

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C++ :: Calculate Angle Value In Form Of Trigonometric Functions - Loops And Void

Jul 24, 2013

This is an assignment which the purpose is to calculate an angle value in form of trigonometric functions. These are the codes that I've wrote so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void menu(double &value) {
cout<<"*****Trigonometry Program*****"<<endl;

[Code] ....

I have completed the codes for the interface part. Before I proceed with the formula for the trigonometric functions, I would like to make sure the program is Error-free, which if there is accidental invalid input from the user, the program would the user to enter another input until it is a valid response.

The only problem I have encountered for this matter was in menu(value)

If I enter an integer, the program will proceed without error. However, If I enter a character, the program will slip into an endless loop which constantly shows this

*****Trigonometry Program*****
Please enter an angle value => Is the angle in Degree or Radian?
Type D if it is in Degree
Type R if it is in Radian
Your response=> 0 //my initial input for value

Do you want to continue?
Type Y to continue
Type any other key to stop
Your response =>

Where is the source of the problem? I'm pretty sure it's the loop, but I don't know what to do.

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Visual C++ :: CDialogBar Moves Content (other Windows) In MDI Application When Docked At Left Side

Feb 19, 2013

I have a question concerning the CDialogBar (:CControlBar).

I have a MDI application with a dockable toolbox (CDialogBar).

The user is able/allowed to move the DialogBar and to dock it at the right or left side When I dock at the left side, the content of my mdi-application (so all other open windows) are moved right (so the dockable bar moves the windows).

If i dock at the right side, nothing changes.

How can I change the behaviour of the bar, that the windows inside the application keep the same position when I dock left ?

(Problem is, that my windows are aligned on the right side of the application). When I dock the bar on the left, the windows are getting moved in the not visible area.)

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C++ :: Make Object Coordinates Moving In Straight Line With Angle Have A Sinus?

Sep 22, 2013

I want to make an object, which moves from x1,y1 to x2,y2 in a straight line, also make a sinus over the line (so the x,0 is the line itself, and cux,cury is the object. So the object will move as a sinus over the line. How do I do this in c++?

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Visual C++ :: Detect And Find Rotation Angle If Skeleton Tracked Turned 180 Degree To Kinect

Sep 25, 2013

I m developing an application using kinect.The IDE I use is Visual studio 2012 and kinect SDK 1.8.I m developing using vc++

I want to overlay an image on the person tracked when the person turns 180 degress to kinect. ie the person is not facing the kinect.

how do i track the rotation angle of the person as he/she turns away from kinect.

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C# :: Data Source Does Not Support Server-side Data Paging

Apr 20, 2014

Been trying to configure the GridView to display ony 4 rows of data at a time. I thought it wasn't working because I forgot to set AllowPaging to True, but after I did that, I just get the error of

The data source does not support server-side data paging.

Source Error:
Line 66: titlesGridView.DataBind(); // displays query results

Here is my Books.aspx.cs code:

// Fig. 29.11: Books.aspx.cs
// Code-behind file for the password-protected Books page.
using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
namespace Bug2Bug.ProtectedContent {
public partial class Books : System.Web.UI.Page {

[Code] ....

Am I missing anything or doing something wrong thats not causing it to page & only display 4 titles at a time?

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