C++ :: 2D Side Scroll Game - Background Is Not Working Right

Dec 30, 2013

I am working on a 2D side scroller game. Where a ball is moving continuously towards right . I used a camera to follow the ball as soon as ball reaches the center of screen. I created a horizontal line to look like the surface on which the ball is rolling.

line runs from x=0 to x=800 (i.e screen width)

NOTE: (0,0) coordinate is at top left corner of display.

Problem: My display is 800 x 400 . Camera follows the ball, but soon the ball crosses x=800 and starts moving in black background. I want that line surface to stay there instead of going out of bound.

Additionally! I generated obstacles from x=800 which also move out of bound along with my line.

What should be done here? This is just my first c++ game project, so i might be skipping things that can solve the issue.

[Update] these screenshots manage to show, what the real problem is: [URL]

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C# :: Getting Windows Game Animated Background?

Mar 22, 2014

I want to have an animated background for my games logon screen. However sprite sheets only support an image size of 2048x2048. So my question is sense the background is 640,480. Would it be logical to use a video as the background and draw GUI components over the drawn video frame?

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C Sharp :: Scroll Images In Dicom Viewer Using Scroll Bar?

Aug 28, 2012

I want to know how to scroll images in dicom viewer using scroll bar control

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C :: Arithmetic And Guessing Game Program Not Working Right

Nov 8, 2013

I am relatively new to C programming, and I am encountering numerous issues with this program that I cant seem to figure out how to fix.

First, when the user selects the arithmetic game, I keep on getting different incorrect answers from the arithgame function. For example, when I am presented with the question 3+2=_, sometimes the function claims the answer is the first number, 3, and other times the function gives me a multiplication answer, 6. This happens in both the addition and multiplication parts (ie. the multiplication answer will either be the first number or the addition answer).

Additionally, I cant figure out why my guessing game loops forever, rather than letting me guess until I get a correct answer.

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C++ :: Save Top 10 Scores In Simon Game - Filling Array Not Working Correctly

May 17, 2013

I wrote a Simon game, and wanted to save the top 10 scores. I was working right, until I decided I wanted to still be able to read the file if someone enters a name containing spaces. Now, the results aren't right.

void FillScoreList(string Simon_Names[], int Simon_Scores[]) {
ifstream Simon_HiScores("Simon_Data.txt");

if (Simon_HiScores.is_open()) {
for( int x=0;x<10;x++){

[Code] ....

Even without trying to read names with spaces, I'm getting

dad 1
... either a long number or a zero. No names

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C++ :: Hypotenuse For ONE Side And ONE Angle?

Dec 7, 2014

On a right angled triangle, if the user inputs only ONE side length (not the hypotenuse) and only ONE angle, what code is required to work out the hypotenuse? I know how to work out the final side and the remaining angle once I have this.

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C++ :: Can Be Used For Server Side Programming

Nov 28, 2013

I know this question must have been asked before, but the problem that I am facing is that I am using a library PoDoFo to parse PDF files. It seems that it is only compatible with C++.

Now I want the application to be web-based. That is, the user uploads a PDF file on the server, the server parses it and the parsed content is then sent back to the user.

Is such a thing possible with C++, or maybe any good work-arounds? Or should I look at server-side scripting languages like PHP and their respective libraries?

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C Sharp :: Scroll To Top Of The Screen?

Jun 12, 2012

I have screen, where I need to scroll automatically top of the screen if any error comes.

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C/C++ :: Side Effect In Sequence Point?

Nov 4, 2014

A sequence point in a C program is defined as "Any point in a program's execution at which it is gauranteed that all side effects of previous evaluations will have been performed and no side effects from subsequent evaluations have yet been performed."

What is a side effect?

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C Sharp :: How To Give Scroll Bar For Group Box

Oct 11, 2012

Is there any methods to add scroll bar for group box

My code scenerio is: I have many groupbox in form, all group box will be appears in same place and also height and width is fixed. I'm doing group box visible true/false according to condition.

So some groupbox ecxeeds the width and heighto so I want to put this all in scroll Bar

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C++ :: Making List Box With 2 Scroll Buttons

Oct 13, 2012

I want to make something like this for a game:

It is a "list box" that has 2 scroll buttons (scroll bar not needed). One button push, "scrolls" the list one entry.

Needs to run crossplatform (windows, linux).

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C++ :: Making A List Box With Two Scroll Buttons

Oct 13, 2012

I want to make something like this for a game:

Attachment 30507

It is a "list box" that has 2 scroll buttons (scroll bar not needed). One button push, "scrolls" the list one entry.

Needs to run crossplatform (windows, linux).

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C++ :: Code Blocks Horizontal Scroll Bar In Console

Oct 4, 2014

I want to show my output in one line. But my output breaks to next line even before endl is encountered.code blocks horizontal scroll bar in console? is it c++ formatting issue or console issue?

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C++ :: Add Value To Beginning (left Hand Side) Of String

May 19, 2013

How do you add a value to the beginning of a string instead of the end?

This is for an assignment and I have to convert the user input (always assuming its a valid decimal number) to binary and store it in a string. I've got up to dividing by two to get the remainder ...

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C++ :: Calculating Vertical Position Of Scroll Bar For A List Box?

Aug 16, 2013

im trying to code a simple list box for my self made GUI but i seem to be stuck at the scroll bar. I already finished with the calculation for the scroll bar size but how I could calculate it's current vertical position depending on the current item on top of the list box.

My current code looks like this

ListBox struct:
struct MenuListBox {
int PosX;
int PosY;
int Width;
int ItemsVisible; //Items visible at the same time
int CurrentItem;


Additional vars in the menu class:

MenuListBox* MenuListBoxes;
int ListBoxCount;

How could i calculate this:

New->CurrentScrollBarPosY = ; ?

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C/C++ :: Pointer To Structure Required On Left Side

May 3, 2014

struct node


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Visual C++ :: How To Scroll Text Drawn With DrawText

Apr 16, 2013

I have an emulation project I've been working for a long time (the Altair32 Altair/IMSAI emulator) and I'm trying to simulate a dot-matrix printer for list output in CP/M.

Here's what I have so far and where I'm stuck and need a push in the right direction. I'm using a dialog box with a green bar paper bitmap as the client area background. I used CreateFont to load a dot matrix printer TrueType font and have the base code to print on subsequent lines. So, based on the dialog size, font size, etc., I get about 10 lines of dot matrix printing, 80-characters wide. So far so good.

The problem arises in how do I scroll the text like on a printer? I thought about trying a static text control or an edit box, but the text to be printed is of an unknown size and ISTR that both of those controls have finite size limits (32k but maybe I'm wrong). They would also need to be transparent so that the green bar paper shows through.


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C :: How To Calculate Total Sum Of Delay Of Receiving Side Packet

Dec 17, 2014

I want to calculate the total some of delay pf receiving Side Packet . Code is as Follow ..

What is weird that even if i invoke a sleep of 2 sec ,than its show delay always zero. Delay will be in microsec ..Is there any problem with logic or anything else..


{#pragma omp parallel private(nthreads, tid) {
/* Obtain thread number */
tid = omp_get_thread_num();
if (tid == 0) {
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();


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C# :: Server-side Validation For Deleting Orders In Progress

Apr 18, 2014


According to my project instructions, I have to make a "validation on the delete button, that before a record can be deleted it will check to see if the count of "In-Progress" orders for that product is 0. If it is greater than zero, it should not allow this record to be deleted."

So far I have on the code behind page:

protected void btnDeleteProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataView dv = (DataView)SqlOrders.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);


The professor said I have to: "As for getting the count, check your notes and book, specifically looking at SQL and the Aggregate functions. There is a function we talked about in class called "Count(OrderID)" and set the where clause to check for the productID.

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Visual C++ :: Get Cursor Position For Picture Control With Scroll Bar

Apr 25, 2014

I was loaded a bitmap using this code. I'm using mousemove method to known the Dialog's mouse move position & get the RGB pixel.

I want to get the picture contol's mouse move position & using this point (x,y) i will get the particular color ref value R, G, & B.

My picture control size is 256 * 256 & I was loaded an image 512 * 512.

Using scroll bar, I was view the image but can't get the particular pixel in the picture control.

The below code get the Dialog's mouse move cursor position & RGB Values only.

void CMyDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {
int R,G,B;
ref = m_dcMem.GetPixel(point.x,point.y);
R = GetRValue(ref);
G = GetGValue(ref);
B = GetBValue(ref);
CButton::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

How can i get the picture contol position even use the scroll bar.

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Visual C++ :: How To Capture Mouse Scroll For CMFCRibbonEdit Class

Oct 18, 2014

For a ribbon bar with edit controls (CMFCRibbonEdit) I want to handle the mouse scroll events for the edit controls. That is, when the user clicks and then scrolls on the edit it will navigate a predefined list of strings. I want to capture the scroll event in order to update the edit text step by step.

This kind of behavior is implemented by the Spin Edit; I don't want to use the spin edit control since it only uses a list of integers and the spin buttons are too small.

Is there a way to catch the mouse scroll event for the CMFCRibbonEdit control? How to approach message handling for the ribbon (other messages than the COMMAND allowed by the ribbon designer). I'm using VS2010 on Windows 7 and the ribbon was designed with the ribbon designer?

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C++ :: FIFO Reads Endlessly After Closing It On Producer Side

May 10, 2012

Right after I close FIFO on the producer side, the app on the consumer side gets into an endless loop. select() returns that FIFO is ready to read. Below is the excerpt from the consumer code. The FIFO is opened "blocking" on both ends.


FifoClass fifo_r = FifoClass("/tmp/FIFO_READ");
int fdr = fifo_r.OpenR();// this->fd = open(name.c_str(), O_RDONLY , 0);
for(int i=0; ;i++) {
FD_SET(fdr, &rset);

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: CDialogBar Moves Content (other Windows) In MDI Application When Docked At Left Side

Feb 19, 2013

I have a question concerning the CDialogBar (:CControlBar).

I have a MDI application with a dockable toolbox (CDialogBar).

The user is able/allowed to move the DialogBar and to dock it at the right or left side When I dock at the left side, the content of my mdi-application (so all other open windows) are moved right (so the dockable bar moves the windows).

If i dock at the right side, nothing changes.

How can I change the behaviour of the bar, that the windows inside the application keep the same position when I dock left ?

(Problem is, that my windows are aligned on the right side of the application). When I dock the bar on the left, the windows are getting moved in the not visible area.)

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C# :: WPF Background Changed Event?

Dec 5, 2014

I'm still at the very beginning of learning WPF and there are still countless things i don't fully understand. For instance, as I can see in my WPF project, there isn't an event that would fire when the Background property of some control is changed. Or am I just missing it? If i'm not blind after all, and it really doesn't exist, is there any way i could get notified when the Background color of some control is changed?

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C++ :: How To Change Tab Background Color To Green

Aug 8, 2013

Okay, I have a form and I have a tab control thing. On the second tab, I have a button which is supposed to turn the background green.

So, I have this:

#pragma endregion
private: System::Void greenButton_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
this ->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Green;

But clearly that just turns the FORMS background green. How can I change the TAB background to green.

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C++ :: How To Change Background Color Of Edit Box

Nov 27, 2013

I am working on this project where I need to update an edit box every couple of seconds with a status and based on the status I need to change the color of the background to a particular color.I am able to update the edit box with the status but is clueless on how to update background color.I have read some info on line about this but is confused.This edit box is on a tab in a dialog. Also, on this tab is a Groupable List Ctrl.

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