C++ :: Save Top 10 Scores In Simon Game - Filling Array Not Working Correctly

May 17, 2013

I wrote a Simon game, and wanted to save the top 10 scores. I was working right, until I decided I wanted to still be able to read the file if someone enters a name containing spaces. Now, the results aren't right.

void FillScoreList(string Simon_Names[], int Simon_Scores[]) {
ifstream Simon_HiScores("Simon_Data.txt");

if (Simon_HiScores.is_open()) {
for( int x=0;x<10;x++){

[Code] ....

Even without trying to read names with spaces, I'm getting

dad 1
... either a long number or a zero. No names

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C++ :: If And Else Statements With Game Scores

Oct 20, 2014

I am in comp. Sci 1 at my school and I have to write a program that deals with gamer scores and the trophy they get according to expert level. For example Tom is a beginner and gets a gold medal if >=10000 a silver >= 7500 bronze if >= 5000 and no trophy if he score <5000 ! I have do this scoring for Beginner, Immediate and Expert.

Should I set up the beginning like this:

case 'B':
if (score >= 10000 )
trophy= gold
if (score >= 7500)
trophy = silver
if (score >= 5000)
trophy= bronze
else = none

Not really sure how to go about solving this problem

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C/C++ :: Do-while Loops Not Working Correctly

Oct 28, 2014

I have an assignment for class .. It works, the do-while loop isn't working correctly. Once I am doing inputting information for any employee It should ask to continue. It doesn't, It skips that loop and prompts to enter the type of employee again.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main( ) {
char empInput;
char continueResponse;


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C++ :: While Loop Condition Not Working Correctly

Dec 8, 2014

The while loop part of my program isn't working right. stringOriginal is an array. If a large amount of characters passed the max 80 im processing is typed, it goes into a infinite loop. Also the condition doesn't work i type in quit and the loop continues.

while(stringOriginal != "quit"){
std::cout << "Enter a string of characters you would like to reverse

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C :: While Loop Not Working - Not Sure Whether Fflush Or Scanf Is Used Correctly

Jan 17, 2015

I just started learning programming. I tried using this but the loop is not working ....

#define PI 3.1416
void main(void) {
char choice;
float r, area;

[Code] ....

However when i removed this portion below, and replacing it with choice='Y';, the loop works just fine although my intention is to continue the loop only when 'y' is entered.

printf("Continue? Y/N:");
scanf_s("%c", &choice);
choice = toupper(choice);

I think that I'm using the code wrongly but i'm not sure where the mistake lies in

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C/C++ :: Double Comparison For Range Is Not Working Correctly

Mar 17, 2015

I am trying to compare a double to be within various ranges, but the comparison is not working correctly. Rounding precision is not a concern, because if the value will match the boundaries so rarely, and it is rounding up to the higher range is acceptable. Below is the doe at issue:

if (kq == 2) {
if (fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] < 450,000,000.00) ktti[ky-1][0] = 1;
else if ((fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] >= 450,000,000.00) && (fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] < 525,000,000.00)) ktti[ky-1][0] = 2;
else if ((fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] >= 525,000,000.00) && (fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] < 650,000,000.00)) ktti[ky-1][0] = 3;
else if ((fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] >= 650,000,000.00) && (fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] < 750,000,000.00)) ktti[ky-1][0] = 4;
else if ((fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] >= 750,000,000.00) && (fundt[kq-1][ky-1][2-1] < 850,000,000.00)) ktti[ky-1][0] = 5;

[Code] ....

I know that a triple-dimension array looks complex, but I can guarantee that is a double. The literal constants I am using should automatically be doubles. The subscript of [2-1] looks odd, but this is code I was given to maintain, and that is how it is written elsewhere, so I kept it for consistency. The problem I am having is that when I run this code, all the data I input is less than the 450 million value, but the run falls through all the if and if-else conditions, and the else code is what is actually executed, i.e., I always get six as my result.

I am running on a Sun Sparc, and the compiler used is SunStudio 12. I have tried using variables, with the values listed above assigned to each variable, but it does work either. When I use variables, if the input value is negative, the comparison for less than 450 million works, but any positive input values will through to the else and give me six.

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C++ :: Passing Lambda As Template Parameter Not Working Correctly

May 30, 2013

I've was trying out a function template to automatically get the type of a lambda, but it seems that it won't compile

I've tried two different ways:

template<class HASHER>
auto make_unordered_map(size_t bucketCount, HASHER const && hf)
-> unordered_map<string const, HASHER>&& {
return unordered_map<string const, int, HASHER>(bucketCount, hf);
} auto x = make_unordered_map(1, [](string const& key)->size_t { return key[0]; });

template<class HASHER>
auto make_unordered_map(size_t bucketCount, HASHER const && hf2)
-> unordered_map<string const, int, decltype(hf2)> {
return unordered_map<string const, int, decltype(hf2)>(bucketCount, hf2);
} auto x = make_unordered_map(1, [](string const& key)->size_t { return key[0]; });

The test code are located here:

1. [URL] ....
2. [URL] ....

They are both based on the code that is stated to work in those examples. I.e.:

auto hf = [](string const& key)->size_t { return key[0]; };
unordered_map<string const, int, decltype(hf)> m (1, hf);

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C++ :: Random Number Generator Isn't Working Correctly - Ignoring Conditions

Apr 12, 2014

My random number generator isn't working properly. It seems to be ignoring my conditions when it compiles and I enter the input. The program is supposed to accomplish the following.

1. Let the user input how many digits he or she would like to have in the random numbers.

2. Let the user type in how many of the numbers that he or she wants.

3. It will then generate the numbers.

4. It will display the minimum or maximum number it can be with the number of digits the user entered. And display the number of numbers that the user wanted. It also is supposed to check and output only up to the max of that digit range.

so if someone entered they wanted a digit of 1(1-9) but said they wanted 300 numbers it would only output 9

the user says that she would like 3 digits to be in the numbers generated. So it will output numbers between 100 and 999. then the user says that they would like only 3 random numbers. So it will output three random numbers in between 100 and 999. Also all of the numbers need to be unique so they can't output more then one of the same number.

I am not sure why but it ignores my conditions. Ill type that I want 7 but it just outputs a bunch of random numbers. it dosen't stay in the ranges.

Class file.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include "TargetGen.h"
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C :: Save And Load Game

Nov 26, 2013

I am trying to put my Save and Load function in my game, this is what i have:

/* Save game */
void GuardarJuego() {
FILE *fsave;
char turno;
fsave=fopen("SAVE.txt", "w");
fputs(*****, fsave);

[Code] .....

My game code is this: [C] GameCode - Pastebin.com

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C++ :: Battle Simulator - Save / Load Functions Not Working

Oct 16, 2013

I've been working on a battle simulator, and using it as a learning experience. So far, I've been able to debug the program, and learn some stuff, and it's been running smoothly. It's still runnable, but I've been trying to make it so the player can save his character, and continue the game later. However, I'm not sure whether it's the save or load function that's not working, because even if i save to a txt file, it's just a bunch of random characters. I don't know if that means it's not saving correctly, or if it's just supposed to be like that. Anyway, here are the two functions I'm speaking of:

void Game::saveGame(Character &player) {
std::ofstream saveFile("save.bin", ios::binary);
saveFile.write((char *)&player, sizeof(player));

[Code] .....

My program is in multiple files, so I can't really post the whole code easily, but I can upload or something if I really need to.

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C++ :: Video Game - How To Set Up Save System

May 20, 2013

I would like to create a video game. It would be text based. How could I set up a save system? Also, how would I load it?

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C++ :: Correct Guesses Before Game Was Over - Save To A Text File

Feb 12, 2013

cout << "You've made 3 mistakes ! Game is now over !" << endl;
cout << "You had " << correctGuesses << " correct guesses before the game was over" << endl;
this info into a text file...

example of a guessing game code...

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {

cout << "This is a very simple number guessing game. Each time you will be given a number of the range 0-10." << endl;
cout << "The objective of the game is to guess whether the next number is going to be higher or not. As simple as that." << endl;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: How To Deserialize Save Game Data (specifically Skyrim)

Jul 29, 2014

I'm working on my first own project which is to collect some info from a save game file and then parse it to a website. Skyrim uses a .ess file extension, which to my knowledge is a binary file. I know how to open a file for reading but how to extract the info I need from there. Do all games use a standardized serialization or can the format of this file be anything?

If reading the binary file turns out to be too difficult, would it be possible to hook the game and retrieve info that way? If so, where would you recommend to start learning that stuff?

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C++ :: Read Scores From File And Displays All The Scores

Aug 19, 2014

Okay so suppose that a text file grade.txt contains an unspecified number of scores. How would I program that reads the scores from the file and displays all the scores, their total and average? Scores are stored in the format of one score per line. Im having trouble with the whole #include <fstream> file and how to lay it all out in visual studio.

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C :: Arithmetic And Guessing Game Program Not Working Right

Nov 8, 2013

I am relatively new to C programming, and I am encountering numerous issues with this program that I cant seem to figure out how to fix.

First, when the user selects the arithmetic game, I keep on getting different incorrect answers from the arithgame function. For example, when I am presented with the question 3+2=_, sometimes the function claims the answer is the first number, 3, and other times the function gives me a multiplication answer, 6. This happens in both the addition and multiplication parts (ie. the multiplication answer will either be the first number or the addition answer).

Additionally, I cant figure out why my guessing game loops forever, rather than letting me guess until I get a correct answer.

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C++ :: 2D Side Scroll Game - Background Is Not Working Right

Dec 30, 2013

I am working on a 2D side scroller game. Where a ball is moving continuously towards right . I used a camera to follow the ball as soon as ball reaches the center of screen. I created a horizontal line to look like the surface on which the ball is rolling.

line runs from x=0 to x=800 (i.e screen width)

NOTE: (0,0) coordinate is at top left corner of display.

Problem: My display is 800 x 400 . Camera follows the ball, but soon the ball crosses x=800 and starts moving in black background. I want that line surface to stay there instead of going out of bound.

Additionally! I generated obstacles from x=800 which also move out of bound along with my line.

What should be done here? This is just my first c++ game project, so i might be skipping things that can solve the issue.

[Update] these screenshots manage to show, what the real problem is: [URL]

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Visual C++ :: Puzzle Game - Implement A Way To Save Board State Throughout User Inputted Path

Mar 16, 2013

I've been trying to figure out how to implement a way to save this board state throughout a user's inputted path. At the end, I need the output to print out the board states (user's path) of how he or she got the puzzle solved. This puzzle is the 15 Puzzle; but we have it to change by the user's input on what size they want to play (3x3 to 5x5). How to save the board state of each user input, then print those out in order from beginning to solved puzzle state. Subsequently, I would also need transferring the board state to change with using a vector to store the size based on user input. How to proceed, using a first search to solve the puzzle from the current board's state.


/*Calculations set as a header to keep compiling simple and faster*/

#ifndef calculations
#define calculations
int solved[5][5];
void initialize(int board[][5], int);
void slide(int board[][5],int move,int);
bool isBoardSolved(int board[][5],int);

[Code] .....

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C :: Filling 2D Array

Mar 24, 2013

So here is the C code:


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
//2D Array
int array[2][2];
int number = 1;


The array is not filled incorrectly for some reason, more specifically the first row.The first two cycles of the for loop seem to work correctly. One if the bugs seems to occur on the third. when array[0][2] is filled with number 7, for some reason array[1][0] changes it value to 7 as well.

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C :: Filling Array With Even And Odd Number

Jun 25, 2013

I have this snippet :

#define LEN 3
int main(void)
int a[LEN] = {0} , b[LEN] = {0} , i = 0;

[Code] ....

a[0] = 2 , b[0] = 1
a[1] = 0 , b[1] = 3
a[2] = 0 , b[2] = 0 */

The problem is some elements of the array would be remained zero and unused. Is there any solution about this wasting of memory?

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C :: Filling 2D Array Complexity?

Mar 24, 2013

Assuming that we have :

int arr2d[rows][columns] ; // Not valid syntax of course ... let be arr2d rows * columns size
for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
for(int j=0; j<columns; j++)
arr2d[rows][columns] = some_value;

What is the complexity? I believe O(n) and not O(n^2) on this case because if you have 3*3 size you would put 9 elements (from 9 elements input of course)... for each input you have one insertion and that is the meaning. Same as 4*4 size 16 input times 16 insertions .. or 5*5 and so forth...

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C :: Filling Float Array

Oct 6, 2013

What am I doing wrong here.


#include <stdio.h>
#define N 25
int main () {
int s,min,sec,total,mins;
float speed,splits[N];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Filling Int Array Using Binary File

Mar 2, 2013

I am trying to do binary filling. This is the Constructor code, you will see a couple of integer arrays:

Doc::Doc ( int useridValue , string firstnameValue , string lastnameValue , string deptValue
, int dayinhourValue[] , int dayinminValue[] ,int dayouthourValue[] , int dayoutminValue[]
, int timeperpatValue , int appValue[] , int applimValue[] ) {

[Code] ....

it gives an error:

void Doc::setdayinhour ( intdayinHOUR[] ){
for(int i=0;i<7;i++) {
dayinhour[i]=dayinHOUR[i];//highlighted area
} }

I am using this code for filling:

void main () {
Doc r;
ofstream outDoc("docdata.dat" , ios::out | ios::binary);
if (!outDoc) {
cerr << "File Could Not Be Opened" << endl;

[Code] ....

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C :: Word Search Program - Filling 2D Array

Oct 5, 2014

I am currently working on writing a word search program. However, I am stuck on reading the used input into the 2-D array. The code I've posted below is only dealing with the user input (I'll work on the word search part once I know i am correctly reading in the user input). I know the coding is bad practice with the use of hexadecimal, and getchar() ect. But I am currently using a microblaze microprocessor and this is just the way microblaze can interpret the information. As for the infinite while loops...that can be changed just trying to figure out how.

My question is how could I change my code to correctly read in the user input into the 2-D array?

#include "platform.h"#include "xparameters.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 20
int main() {
char grid[MAX][MAX], word[30];
int i, j, arr[2],num;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Filling Dynamically Allocated Array With Values

Jan 12, 2013

Just trying to fill a dynamically allocated array with values then I want to print out the values using pointer method:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long * extend_arr(long int arr[], long int length, long int val) {
long * array2 = new long [length + 1];
for (int J = 0; J < length; ++J)
array2[J] = arr[J];

[Code] ....

When this runs, I get an array with random numbers in it. For example, just trying to print the first value in *Block gives me random numbers each time. What is wrong with this as to why it is not holding the right values?

The extend_arr works perfectly fine, because when I try to access the values in the array using indexes (arr[0], arr[1], etc) it shows the right output, but using pointers does not. How can I make it work?

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 134561 23 29 640 112

As you can see, the primes end at 97 but it just keeps printing more

It now prints the correct values in the function if I set the last value in the array to 0. arr[length] = 0;

Now if I wanted to print the values in the array within main, why is that not working?

Nvm, I just changed the void function to return a pointer to an array.

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C :: Filling Structure Client / Storing Different Instances In Array

Mar 31, 2013

Here is what I have going on.


struct client {
char firstName[stnd];
char lastName[stnd];
long ID;
char email[stnd];
float funds;
float wager;

typedef client...I would like to have these fields filled with this function below and stored in an array... Basically Multiple users and this is my function for it, if I can get it to work proper -.- .... I don't get syntax errors but I do get warnings


void getct(client *cl, int *pclientCounter) {
char input[buff];
char *pinput = NULL;
int typef = 0;
int lengthf = 0;


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C/C++ :: Random Array Filling Of Airline Seating Assignment?

Dec 25, 2014

int firstarray[12][7] = { };
double firstClass(int airplane, int seats, double price)
cout<<setw(60)<<"You are in **first class** booking screen

[Code] .....

The thing is, The first 2 rows having 7 columns like this:


User gives an input of seats reserved, for example user inputs 3 seats, then the program should give output like:


I will not ask any specific seat but put assign seats randomly where available.. How to do it?

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