Visual C++ :: Detect And Find Rotation Angle If Skeleton Tracked Turned 180 Degree To Kinect

Sep 25, 2013

I m developing an application using kinect.The IDE I use is Visual studio 2012 and kinect SDK 1.8.I m developing using vc++

I want to overlay an image on the person tracked when the person turns 180 degress to kinect. ie the person is not facing the kinect.

how do i track the rotation angle of the person as he/she turns away from kinect.

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Visual C++ :: How To Lock In A Single Skeleton In Microsoft Kinect SDK V 1.7

Mar 25, 2013

I m trying to lock a single skeleton using Microsoft Kinect SDK v 1.7 . My requirements are

•First lock a single skeleton.
•Check the tracking state of the of the locked skeleton.
•If the tracking state of the locked skeleton is NOT Tracked,then
• ----->check for the next closest skeleton
•----->lock this skeleton.

How do I do this using vc++2010. The code which i tried is given below.

TrackSingleSkeleton(NUI_SKELETON_FRAME* pSkeletonFrame) {


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Visual C++ :: Placing Image In Kinect Color Frame?

Dec 10, 2012

I m trying to place an image on the colour frame of the Kinect live video. I m able to overlay the image using alpha blending mechanism.

The image used is a bitmap image of dimension 128*128.

The Kinect has a resolution of 640*480.

IDE used is Visual studio 2010 and I m developing using c++.

The Kinect has a render target whose size is taken as 640*480 so that it stretches for the complete window. So when I try to overlay the image it appears 5 times because of this stretching.
If I increase the image size to 640*128 i get a single image that is stretched horizontally across the window with dimension 640*480.

I have created a function that will create a render target with bitmap properties and size equal to 640*480. This is used to store the data from the Kinect, frame by frame, and draw it on to the screen

So I think when I overlay the image, it gets replicated 5 times to meet the render target size.By default the image is placed at the left top position.

My doubts are

- How can I use different functions to specify the size of render target for Kinect as 640*480 and the size of render target for bitmap image as 128*128.

- How to I give overlay or place the image on the live video at a specific location.

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C/C++ :: Find Angle And Radius Of Given Point Of A Circle

Oct 7, 2013

Let (x,y) be the center of the circle. (x,y) will not be (0,0). I have radius of the circle. Now i want to find the angle and radius of the given point inside the circle.

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C :: Adding Two Polynomials - Degree And Coefficient

Jan 13, 2015

This program should add two polynomials, but for some reason, it just asks for polynomial degree and it's coefficients, then, it just stops

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100
typedef struct polinom {
int n, cl[MAX], st[MAX];

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: How To Detect Multicast Group Address

Nov 13, 2013

I have a problem with UDP Multicast. I managed to send UDP Multicast telegrams and receive them. But when I receive the telegram I need to find out to which multicast group address it was sent. So far I have:

recvfrom( hSocket,
(SOCKADDR*) &from,

When I read from.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr; then I get the original IP Adresse from the sender PC but I also would like to know to which group address it was sent. Is there a way to get this infoamtion?

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Visual C++ :: Detect ItemID And Delete That Line From File

Oct 14, 2013

I have a text file name fruit.txt that contains the following information of fruit id, fruitName and fruitQuantity.


If let's say I key in 2, it will search for the id=2 and delete the whole line and the id of banana which is orignially 3, will become 2 and orange which is orignally 4 will become 3 etc.

I researched on how it can be done and most suggested to put inside a vector and fout the line.

I know how to put the values in the vector but how should I go about searching for the id and if the id is found it will delete that line inside the file.

ofstream fout;
ifstream readFile("fruit.txt");
while (getline(readFile, line)) {


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C++ :: Recursive Function - Take Number And Return With All Sevens Turned Into Eights

Apr 16, 2013

Task: Write a recursive function `seven_up` which takes a number and returns that number with all the sevens turned into eights.

- Example

cout<<seven_up(777)<<endl; //prints 888
cout<<seven_up(1234567890)<<endl; //prints 1234568890
cout<<seven_up(50)<<endl; //prints 50

- Hint: It's like removeFirst, except:

0. Base Case: If the number is one digit long, we don't want to erase it (by returning 0). Instead, riddle me this: When I have a one-digit number, what happens if I change all the 7's into 8's? Well, if the number is 7, it becomes 8, but otherwise it's unchanged.

1. Recursive Call: If the number is longer, then we strip off the last digit, figure out what the answer for the rest is (the recursive call on n/10), and then put the last digit back on the number when you're done.

Hint: You probably need to store the least digit (the n%10) and check if it's 7 separately.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int removeFirst(int n) {
return 0;
return 10*removeFirst(n/10)+n%10;

[Code] ......

I tried other algorithms but i don't get it.

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Visual C++ :: How To Detect If Window Media Player Is Running In Full Screen Mode

Jan 21, 2013

How can I check if window media player is running in full screen mode & topmost in c++ MFC?

What I used is this logic:

I compared media player full screen coordinates to that of monitor coordinates.If they are same implies media player is in fullscreen.But it has one flaw.Whenever there are control(for play,pause) displayed in full screen in media player, coordinates are not coming same as that of monitor.

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C :: AVL Left And Right Rotation

Feb 7, 2013

I am creating and implementing a left and a right rotation to balance a bst into an avl tree. I have made and tried 5 different codes that are commented in the functions left_rotate() and right_rotate() but none have run correctly. Sometimes the program works, sometimes there is a segmentation fault and sometimes not all inserted numbers are shown.


#include "avl.h"
#define N 10
void swap(int *a, int *b){

[Code] ....

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C :: Image Rotation Without Cropping

Nov 4, 2014

I am new to image processing..... and I am learning the concepts.

Recently I have done image rotation of grey scale image using the following formula:

x' = xcos(theta)-ysin(theta)
y' = xsin(theta)+ycos(theta)

The problem i have faced is image is getting cropped.

I want to rotate an image without cropping. I have searched a lot but I am not getting any algorithm based on C. How to get the algorithm for image rotation without cropping.

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C++ :: Angle Between Two Points

Apr 19, 2014

i'm working on a robotics project, to move the robot from it's current position to target position i need to calculate the angle first before i can move the robot.this the code I use to calculate the angle:

double cal_angle ( int current_x , int current_y , int tar_x , int tar_y )
return atan2(tar_y - current_y, tar_x - current_x);
int main ()


as u can see the angle between x4,y4 to x1,y1 should be 3.14 (180)however , the result are correct as long as the distance from the current position to target position > 1 (not sure actually).

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C++ :: Visualizing 3D Rotation Using Quaternion Data

Jun 10, 2014

Just bought a new ST Micro iNEMO-M1 system, and am looking to have my code visually show me the rotation information. I've got a working C++ code which actively acquires data from the sensor, and I'm looking to extend that into some visual interface which will show me on-screen the position of the sensor.

I figure using rotation information in the form of quaternion data is the most useful (want to avoid the gimbal lock problems associated with Roll/Pitch/Yaw).

What would be the best method to visualize the rotation of my sensor in real-time?

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C# :: Vertice Location After Quaternion Rotation

Aug 16, 2012

I have a 3d Point in space. From this point I have vertices defind by(scale). I have a Quaternion representing the rotation of the object (lets say a block). So...

(1) I know the point in local and world space and can translate.

(2) I know the scale of the object and it's starting vertices intersections at zero rotation.

(3) I have the quaternion which represents the 3d rotation and can translate that to degrees and Eulers.

How do i find the exact points of the vertices after the rotation. (what I'm attempting to do is plot points from vertice to vertice all along the sides/top/bottom of the object.)I have looked at Matrix4 transformations and Quaternions and still do not understand how to find the vertices after rotation.

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C++ :: How To Move Sprite Depending On Rotation

Jan 13, 2015

how I want my sprite movement to work: if my sprite is faced upwards and i press W, it will move up. If my sprite is faced to the right and i press W, it will go right. etc. // It doesn't work like that right now and how to do it.The sprite's rotation works fine.

if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Q)) {
playerSprite.rotate(-0.08 * dt);
} else if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::E)) {
playerSprite.rotate(0.08 * dt);


My question is how do I move the character depending on the rotation?

Also, you might see the "if(havePlayersCollided == false) {playerSprite.move(yadiyada)}" . yes i dont need the haveplayerscollided function because it doesnt work the way I want it to. I might make a thread for it in the future, but right now I need to get the rotation movement fixed before I move onto the collision detection between players.

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C++ :: Getting A Point Rotation Or Normal From 4 Vectors?

Dec 31, 2014

I'm trying to get a rotation of a spefic point in a 3D space using 3 or 4 coordinate/vector.

For example, I want to know the rotation of (5,5,5)

Using 4 vectors for example (0,0,0), (10,10,10), or 10,0,10, etc. (3 minimum)

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C++ :: Finding Rotation Direction From Two Orientations?

Mar 4, 2014

It is technically not a programming question and is more maths oriented. It has to do with game AI and specifically getting the AI to rotate correctly. I am trying to create the base method that handles AI rotation. It will take a target orientation and rotate the entity from it's current orientation to that target orientation.

Let's say we have a Entity that has the orientation of 1.57079 Radians (90 Degrees) and we want to change that Entity's orientation to 0 Radians (0 Degrees). How would one find the correct way to rotate from just them two orientations (IE find the shortest rotation direction from a current orientation to a target orientation)?

As my implementation stands now the Entity rotates just fine I think but always in a clockwise rotation (Because I can't figure out how to determine the best rotation direction). For example using the previous number (1.57079 Radians to 0 Radians) the Entity will rotate all the way around 270 Degrees clockwise instead of rotating just 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

I have thought about possibly projecting vectors a short distance forward from the current orientation and target orientation to figure out the rotation direction but not sure if that is a good way to implement it.

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C++ :: Calculate The Angle Between Two Vectors

Feb 20, 2014

My question is not in c++ programing , but because my aim is to make code that calculate the three angles between two vector i ask my question here

So as the title i have three point that create two vector and I want to get the angles in x,y and z of the point2

I used crosproduct that give me one angle without axe , I don't know in which axe this angle

My aim is the three angles for the 3 axes ....

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C++ :: Finding Angle From 3 Points

Nov 10, 2013

I am making a game and I am trying to rotate an image so that it is always pointing at the player. I have two lines, the first point of both of them is on the image and the second point of one line is on the last position of the player, and the second point of the other one is on the current position of the player. To rotate the image I need to get the angle between the two lines. how I can get that angle with only the points from the lines?

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C++ :: Get Angle Of Bullet After Bouncing?

Jun 30, 2014

I'm trying to make a bullet bounce after it hits a wall. I think bouncing on the top and bottom wall works perfectly, but it won't bounce off of the left and right walls. How would I get it to bounce? This is how I get the direction the bullet it going whenever I shoot.

player.dir = GetAngle(player.mouseX, player.mouseY, player.x, player.y);
float GetAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
return atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);

Also what I was trying to do to make the bullet bounce.

if (bullets[i].x < 10 || bullets[i].x > screenWidth - 10 ||
bullets[i].y < 10 || bullets[i].y > screenHeight - 10) {
if (bullets[i].type == 8)
bullets[i].dir *= -1;

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C++ :: Hypotenuse For ONE Side And ONE Angle?

Dec 7, 2014

On a right angled triangle, if the user inputs only ONE side length (not the hypotenuse) and only ONE angle, what code is required to work out the hypotenuse? I know how to work out the final side and the remaining angle once I have this.

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C++ :: Testing Cos - Why Angle Is Not 45 Degrees

Apr 25, 2012

I developed this simple sample program to test cos():

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const float radiansToDegrees = 180.0f / 3.141592653589793f;
float c = sqrt(2.0f);
float a = 1;
float angleRadians = cos(a/c);
float angle = radiansToDegrees*angleRadians;

I expected angle to be 45 exactly, but it's value is: angle = 43.558804

Why is the angle not 45 degrees? What did I do wrong?

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C++ :: Array Char Rotation And Arrow Key Usage

Apr 27, 2013

I am doing a project for a class which involves making a game where there is an arrray that holds a player (you) and a zombie (comp). The player is suppose to be able to turn clockwise or counter clockwise, move forward, and backward and shoot. Im having trouble trying to rotate the char in an array. I am also trying to switch from using the W,S,D,A to the arrow keys but doesnt seem to work.

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include "color.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Petter;
const int COL = 15;
void initBoard(char[][COL], int, int);

[Code] ....

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C# :: Image Rotation Leaves Null Areas

Jan 29, 2015

I am working on a Paint program and I have a nice routine (copied from the Net) that beautifully rotates my Image by any chosen degree, and even preserving the entire Image with a 'noclipping' option.

The problem is - That after the rotation, say 45degrees, the areas in the corners, that originally were not part of the Image, cannot be drawn to. I have an 'eye dropper tool' that shows these areas to be null, having no color. My drawing tools will not work on these areas.

public static Bitmap RotateImage(Image image, float rotateAtX, float rotateAtY, float angle, bool bNoClip) {
int W, H, X, Y;
if (bNoClip) // use Clipping {
double dW = (double)image.Width;
double dH = (double)image.Height;
double degrees = Math.Abs(angle);

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Use Accelerometer To Simply Light Up LED At Certain Angle

Mar 17, 2014

I want to use an accelerometer to simply light up an LED at a certain angle. I want to use all three axis each corresponding to a different LED.

I am however getting no change in the LEDs. My code is below.


#pragma config FOSC = INTIO67, FCMEN = OFF, IESO = OFF // CONFIG1H
#pragma config PWRT = OFF, BOREN = SBORDIS, BORV = 30 // CONFIG2L
#pragma config WDTEN = OFF, WDTPS = 32768 // CONFIG2H
#pragma config STVREN = ON, LVP = OFF, XINST = OFF // CONFIG4L


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C++ :: How To Predict New Compass Angle Of Object With Information

Apr 16, 2012

In a cartesian coordinate system, I want to be able to predict a compass angle of an object. So I have a base position of (0,0) and then a distance and compass angle to an object. This object also has a heading and a speed. How can I predict the new compass angle of the object with that information?

my coordinate system is like this:

0 y
270-------------- 90 x

I think the first step would be to compute the cartesian coordinates of the object:

float degs_to_rads = 3.141592653589793 / 180.0;
x = distance * sin(angle*degs_to_rads);
y = distance * cos(angle*degs_to_rads);

then the next step would be to compute the predicted x and y from the speed and heading of the object:

predictedx = ??
predictedy = ??

then finally convert back to an angle, and distance:

newDistance = sqrt(predictedx^2 + predictedy^2);
newAngle = atan2(predictedy, predictedx);

fill in the blanks?? Are my other things correct?

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