C++ :: Getting Sprite To Animate With SFML

Dec 10, 2013

So this is my first try animating on my own, without a reference right in front of me. It's not working, I did check some of the projects I've made in the past, but for one those were done with Allegro, and really it should be able to move over to SFML quite easily, but it's not. It does display on the window in the correct place, but there are 3 pictures in the file and I want it to cycle through them, but it shows all three at the same time, and it only works once. if I press space a second time, only one of the pictures shows up, and it doesn't cycle at all. Here is my .cpp file :

#include "headers.h"
#include "SwordSprite.h"
int top = 0;
int left = 88;
int right = 132;
int bottom = 35;
SwordSprite::SwordSprite() {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: 2D Sprite Shakes While Being Followed By Camera

Jan 28, 2013

I'm making my view follow around my players ship, so it is always in the center, however at any angle other than 0/90/180/270 the player sprite starts shaking, more so when speed is increased and when the angle is closer to 45/135/225/315

I'm using SFML2, I would take a screenshot but it only captures one frame, which doesn't actually show it shaking.

void ViewFollowPlayer(sf::View& View, sf::RenderWindow& Window, double Delta)
double pSpeed = Player.getSpeed();


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C++ :: How To Move Sprite Depending On Rotation

Jan 13, 2015

how I want my sprite movement to work: if my sprite is faced upwards and i press W, it will move up. If my sprite is faced to the right and i press W, it will go right. etc. // It doesn't work like that right now and how to do it.The sprite's rotation works fine.

if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Q)) {
playerSprite.rotate(-0.08 * dt);
} else if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::E)) {
playerSprite.rotate(0.08 * dt);


My question is how do I move the character depending on the rotation?

Also, you might see the "if(havePlayersCollided == false) {playerSprite.move(yadiyada)}" . yes i dont need the haveplayerscollided function because it doesnt work the way I want it to. I might make a thread for it in the future, but right now I need to get the rotation movement fixed before I move onto the collision detection between players.

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C++ :: Make Object Rotate Until It Looks At The Sprite?

Oct 10, 2013

Is there a way to make an object rotate until it looks at the sprite?

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C++ :: Allegro Sprite Is Not Showing Up In Right Spot

Jun 8, 2013

So I have a small game I'm making using OOP principles, I know it's a little bit of overkill but it's just for educational purposes. I have a sprite character that can be moved around with no problems, but I made a sword for him as a separate sprite that doesn't follow him. The sword sprite is supposed to cover his arm and his body as it swings, but it just stays in the upper left corner.

I messed around with the initialization of the sword in the main.cpp and I changed in sword.cpp and sword.h and it still is showing up in the same place. I even looked at the GetX() and GetY() statements I made and they seemed to work fine and when I debugged it, the variable values showed up correctly, but the sword doesn't move.

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C++ :: Draw The Same Sprite Multiple Times (SDL)?

Sep 7, 2014

I have a question about SDL and drawing sprites (SDL surfaces). My idea is that the user can create a wall of separate sprites by create one sprite each time in the current mouseX and mouseY position, when the user push down the e-key. The problem is that I have no idea how I could draw the same sprite multiple times without to delete the previous one.

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C++ :: 2D RPG Game - Smooth Sprite Movement (SDL)

Feb 7, 2015

I'm making a 2D rpg game, but I have some problem with the sprite movement. The sprite movement feels choppy. That's because I move the sprite 5 pixels per seconds. I now that I need somthing that have to do with SDL_getTicks and deltatime, but I dont know how to use/implement it.

Here is a little part of my code:

float spriteDstY;
float spriteDstX;
float speed = 5;
while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)!= 0) {
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Get Smooth Sprite Movement In SDL By Using Delta Time

Nov 30, 2014

I'm trying to get smooth sprite movement in SDL by using delta time. The way I'm calculating it is

long last = 0;
float deltaTime = 0.0;
long now = SDL_GetTicks();
//deltatime is in seconds
if (now > last) {
deltaTime = ((float)(now - last)) / 1000;
last = now;

And I'm updating the sprite like this:

virtual void update(float deltaTime) {
float dx = 100*deltaTime;
transform->position.x += dx;

But the movement is still noticeably jerky. Also, if I'm correct, my sprite should move 100 pixels to the right every second using this method, so it should take the sprite 8 seconds to reach the end of my window, since it's 800 pixels wide, but it takes it way longer than that. In other words the delta time I'm calculating can't be correct. Am I doing something horribly wrong? I'm guessing it has something to do with rounding, but I'm not sure.

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C/C++ :: Draw Sprite On The Window Of Third Party Application

May 8, 2014

How can I draw a sprite/graphic on the window of an third party application? E.g. I want to draw a graphic beneath each tab of Firefox for additional information. The position of the sprite needs to be relativ to the position of firefox, so if you move firefox, the sprite moves with it.

The solution needs to work on mac and pc. So I'll use a crossplatform framework like c++ boost or something.

Of course I can get the position and then just redraw it. But what's the best way to draw it?

Just found a tool which does what I need. Basically a HUD like this: [URL] .... The boxes with the numbers are what I need.

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C++ :: Creating Game Using SFML

Apr 26, 2014

I'm currently working on a 2D space shooter game in C++ using SFML library. What I need to know is how make an object (ex:laser) fire up from object (ex:player) when a user press button??

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C++ ::  SFML - How To Put Graphics Into Program

Oct 18, 2013

I use visual studio 2012. When I asked what I should use in order to put graphics into my program, I was told by the community that SFML works well. My only problem is that now I have SFML, where and how do I unpack it?

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C++ :: SFML 2.0 - Change Cursor

Sep 4, 2013

How to change what the cursor is in sfml 2.0?

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C++ :: Blinking Cursor In SFML?

Oct 22, 2013

so im trying to make a blinking cursor to give it a terminal feel, but it is speradic, since it is going at cycles instead of seconds. how can i fix this?

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
int main() {
sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(900, 750), "Fuck it. Uploads Happen.");


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C++ :: Tiled Map Loader For SFML

Jun 14, 2013

So I have the following code using [URL] ..... It compiles correctly, but does not display the map on the screen. Is it an issue with my code or an issue with the map file itself?

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <level.h>
int main(){
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(640, 480), "");

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Blinking Window In SFML

May 16, 2013

using SFML in visual studio 2012 ... this code gives blinking window.

using namespace std;
sf::RenderWindow window (sf::VideoMode(800,600),"GAME");


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C++ :: Red Black Tree - SFML

May 17, 2014

How to make a red and black tree using SFML ....because i really need...I really don't know how to use SFML i only know how to use win32 console.

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C++ :: SFML 2.0 Changing Alpha?

Sep 18, 2013

I want to change the alpha of a sprite without changing any other colours

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C++ :: Setting Up SFML With Eclipse CDT

Aug 12, 2013

I am having trouble setting up SFML 2.1 to run with the eclipse IDE for c++ development. I use MinGW for my compiler.

When I link my include folder, lib folder and dll's it will not run a simple SFML program.

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C++ :: SFML And OGL That Should Display A Rotatable Cube

Nov 26, 2013

I wrote some Code with SFML c++ and OGL that should display a rotatable Cube ....... it doesnt .. WHY?

void display();
void specialKeys();


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C++ :: SFML 2.0 Pixel Perfect Collision

Oct 15, 2013

I have the code and it compiles fine but it doesn't work. (i am using the coding made easy sfml 2.0 tutorials)


#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
class Player {
sf::Sprite player;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: SFML 2.0 - Text Scrolling On Screen

Sep 19, 2013

I have screen scrolling working but i want to have text scroll with the screen. because at the moment my player moves and the screen scrolls but the text doesn't.

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C++ :: SFML Window Title Bar Font

May 7, 2013

Any way in sfml of changing the font style and/or size used in the window title for RenderWindow?

As a secondary point - can the colour and size of the title bar itself be changed?

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C++ :: OpenGL Preserve States (SFML)

Feb 12, 2013

So I did read, however it said also that it was memory intensive and I had a question... I also came across this:

Window.draw("Sfml Text");

The problem here is that none of these commands exist!

Window.draw should exist and even though I have all the proper includes I still get it telling me that 'Draw' is not a member of sf::Window

I have encountered that error many times everywhere across my sfml related code, it's not like they removed all those features in the update (Which they did not) but, why then would it not be a member?

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C++ ::  how To Make A Drop Down List In SFML

Sep 5, 2013

How can i made a Drop down list in SFML ? This drop down list contains names of different animals...

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C++ :: Positioning SFML Text Specifically?

Sep 20, 2013

I am trying to position and sf::Text relatively to another sf::Text. Not over, or beneath or anything like that, but after- like so:

theTexts.push_back(UnitOfText(Text(outputstring,defaultFont, 15),theColor));
int i = (theTexts.size() - 1);
std::cout << i;
sf::FloatRect textRect ( theTexts[i].theText.getLocalBounds() );
theTexts[i].theText.setOrigin (textRect.width / 2, textRect.height / 2);
if(theTexts.size() > 1)
theTexts[i].theText.setPosition(theTexts[i - 1].theText.getLocalBounds().left,theTexts[i - 1].theText.getLocalBounds().top);

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C++ :: Errors When Trying To Debug The Code (SFML)

May 22, 2014

I'm currently just trying C++ with SFML. So I've installe SFML 2.0 for Visual C++ 2010 Express 64 bit, and I get an error while trying to run the debug of my code.

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1280, 720),"SFML Game1");
return 0;

And this is the result I'm getting when trying to run it

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

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