C++ :: SFML 2.0 Pixel Perfect Collision

Oct 15, 2013

I have the code and it compiles fine but it doesn't work. (i am using the coding made easy sfml 2.0 tutorials)


#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
class Player {
sf::Sprite player;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Getting Perfect Numbers From Two Values

Oct 22, 2013

Find the perfect numbers between a starting value and a finishing value entered by the users. Display the results to the screen.

I've been told that I need to modify things under the void and the calcdiv in my main () but I can't seem to figure it out. It needs display the perfect numbers between the starting and finishing value. e.g. 28 and 429.

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
void calcdiv(int number) {
for (int i=1;i<=number/2;i++)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Ask User For A Positive Integer Value And Then Prints Out All Perfect Numbers

Sep 17, 2013

Write a program asks the user for a positive integer value and then prints out all perfect numbers from 1 to that positive integer. I have been trying for some time, i found a way to check if its a perfect number or not but could not find a way to prints out all perfect numbers from 1 to that positive integer. I am here so far.

using namespace std;
int main(){
int n,i=1,sum=0;
cout<<"Enter a number: ";

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Program To Allow User Input And Output Perfect Number

Mar 11, 2014

The problem that I am having is that , the program outputs numbers that are perfect numbers and im not sure where i can add a statement to make it so that if it isn't a perfect number it doesn't output...

#include<iostream>// allows user input/output
#include<fstream>//data file / result file
#include<cmath> // math function
#define in_file "data.txt"
#define out_file "result.txt"

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Creating A Function That Needs To Determine Perfect Scores

Jun 24, 2013

This program is incomplete as I am having difficulty creating the function that needs to find the number of perfect scores entered by the user. I have everything but the function complete ,here is my code:

// Write a modular program that accepts at least 10 integer test scores from the user and stores them in an array.
// The main should display how many perfect scores were entered (i.e., scores of 100), using a value-returning countPerfect function.
// Input validation: Do not accept scores less than 0 or greater than 100.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int countPerfect(int intArray[], int); // Function prototype

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Map Collision - Camera Detection

Jan 20, 2015

Still working with SDL2 and c++ my map collision is messed up since I implemented my Camera.

I do understand that everything has a relative Position on the Screen, depending on the camera.

Problem No. 1: The camera is not moving as fast as the Player, despite having the absolutly same velocity (4/-4)??? How can this be O_o

Problem No. 2: My tile collision is totally messed now. Probably its because of the difference between the Player Position and the camera :/ So if you can solve Problem no. 1, Problem number 2 might work out on its own :)

I will upload the code to github [URL] .....

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C++ :: Determine Whether There Is A Collision Between 2 Meshes

Oct 19, 2013

How can I determine whether there is a collision between 2 meshes? I'd just like to see if one mesh is inside another.

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C++ :: 2D Platformer Collision Detection?

May 4, 2013

I've been working on my 2D platformer for a while, and I'm running into a couple of problems. It seems to become laggy even when only about 25 entities need to do collision detection with the 8 walls in the area.

Only one thing to note: the BOOST_FOREACH(const Edge& edge, this->GetCollisonBoxEdges()) { sections actually aren't a loop, all players and enemies are basically a vertical line for purposes of hitting walls, so that's why there is some weird stuff in there (like assuming the edge is oriented a certain way, etc).

Asset::WallCollision Asset::GetClosestWallCollision(const std::vector<const Room::Wall*>& walls) const {
typedef std::pair< sf::Vector2<CoordT>, sf::Vector2<CoordT> > Edge;
const Room::Wall* wall_hit = NULL, * landing_wall = NULL;
util::intersect_ret temp, closest;
VelocityT para_vel;
if(this->m_StandingOn) para_vel = this->m_StandingOn->get_unit_parallel_vector() * this->mVelocity.x;
else para_vel = this->mVelocity;


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C++ :: SDL - Tile Based Collision Detection

Oct 14, 2014

I'm still working on my Project and the next Problem has occured: How do I detect collisions on a tilebased map? My tiles are 16x16 and the map is based on the tutorial of [URL] ..... I really like this Approach because I can define for each tile of what type it should be (so a earth tile can be walkable and lead to a secret passage).

The first Number stands for what Kind of tile it should be (e.g. Grass, Earth, Water, Blank,...) and the number after ":" stands for the type of the tile (e.g. solid, walkable, do dmg to the Player,...).

0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 //No tile and walkable
0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0
0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0 0:0
1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 //Grass tile and solid
2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 //Earth tile and solid

It's working just fine with loading the Images, but i've got no clue about the collision. I've already read a lot of stuff on the Internet but I don't get how to Combine it the structure from above. For example lazyfoo describes the collision with one object like one wall. So how can I check the Player Position with each tile?

For now there's no camera, but I plan to implement one later...

I'm trying to make a 2D platformer

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C++ :: Implementing Collision Detection Correctly

Sep 10, 2014

I'm making a 2D Terraria-like (side-scrolling RPG with destroyable blocks) game with SFML 2.1, and I have no clue how to correctly implement collision detection. Meaning that I have been successful at making it work, but it's not clean and definitely not dynamic.

By example, I mean design wise. What parameters should collision functions take? Where should these functions be located? The same 2 questions for collision reaction. Since I have multiple things that need to collide with each other (player with enemy, player with items, enemy with items, enemy with enemy, player with player, etc...), and the world has to be treated differently, things get complicated. There is no block class, just a vertex array, so collision with the world is based purely on coordinates taken from that array in the world class, which, considering it's the world and not something like a player or an enemy, doesn't inherit from the same base class that they do.

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Visual C++ :: Ceil Function Name Collision

Sep 29, 2014

cv::Size output_size
(gallerycols * 2 * its[0].cols(), ceil(4 / gallerycols) * 2 * its[0].rows());

Error18error C2668: 'ceil' : ambiguous call to overloaded functionE:JackyDownloadsvoronoivoronoi est_voronoi.cpp2071voronoi

I try to #include <cmath>

and use std::ceil to no avail

There are still function names clashing.

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C++ ::  Collision Free Hash On Unique Strings

Feb 28, 2013

I have following method to calculate a 16bit hash on a per definition unique string:

uint16_t IReferenceHolder::getHash(const std::string &ref) {
return std::inner_product(ref.begin(), ref.end(), ref.begin(), (uint16_t)0) % 65437;

Actually it calculates an inner product on each character adding it to the last result (see [URL] .....).

65437 is the nearest prime to 2^16. In fact I never need the full range of 16 bit, therefore 65437 different hashes are enough.

Empirically it seems - on unique strings - to be collision free. The strings have an maximum size of 255.

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C++ :: 2D Shooter - Collision Detection Design (Monsters And Bullets)

Jul 28, 2013

I have made a simple 2d shooter (bird eye view) and want implementing the collision detection between the monsters and bullets. The problem is as follows

Each monster has locationX, locationY as coordinates.
Each monster has a Rectangle representing its collision box, (if bullet inside rectangle then its a collision).
Each bullet has locationX, locationY as coordinates as well.

pretty standard up till now.

each frame I need to check if some bullet collided with some monster.

the brutal force is to keep a list of all the bullets and monsters and to check the possibility of collision between all of them which takes O(#bullets * #monsters).

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C++ :: White Pixel Value Different From 255

Mar 12, 2014

I am working on image processing in C + + and opencv, I treat images in grayscale, ie the pixel values ​​it must be between 0 (black) to 255 (white).

Mat img; img = imread (file, -1);
for ( int i = 0; i < img. rows ; i ++) {
for ( int j = 0; j < img. cols ; j ++) {
val_pixel=img.at < double >(i,j);
printf( "%d ",val_pixel);
printf( "

when displaying the pixel value from two loop, I get values ​​to 0 and it is normal for propablement black areas, but for whites I find the value -2147483648. I don't understand why this value is not 255.Is there an explanation for this has value.

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C++ :: SDL2 - Getting Pixel Value

Nov 5, 2013

I use SDL2. and i was testing some functions i took from some internet and some unwanted results happened.

Code :

Pixel *GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y) {
Uint8 p8, *buf8;
Uint16 p16, *buf16;
Uint32 p32, *buf32;
switch(surface->format->BitsPerPixel {

[Code] .....

And the output changes time to time.

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C/C++ :: Get Dimension Of Pixel In Mm?

Apr 17, 2012

I have an image of size 640x480 pixels. It's possible to obtain the dimension in mm of one pixel from that image given only that size?I do not have the size of the image in mm,however.

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C++ :: How To Find Each Pixel In The Circle

Jul 26, 2014

How can I find each and every pixel in a circle so that I can do some operations on it.

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C++ :: Getting Pixel Information From Fonts?

Mar 27, 2013

How can I import a font file and get the pixel information of the letters so I can make my own custom text drawing function?

I basically have a pixel surface (a 2D array) and I want to draw the text to that array.

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C++ :: Rotating Pixel Field

Apr 21, 2014

I wrote a script that generates n random pixel positions and draws them to the screen. Works well. Now i tried to rotate them. Rotating does work too. But it does not work as i planned it.

paramters 'angle' and 'timestep' work somehow, but not as they should do. the function 'move' is supposed to rotate the pixelfield 'angle' degrees in a given direction, addicted to the 'timestep' parameter. 'timestep' is needed time for drawing in one single game loop.

angle_step = timestep * angle
// x
ppdPoint[i]->x =
pRotationPoint->x + cos(angel_step) * (ppdPoint[i]->x - pRotationPoint->x) - sin(angel_step) * (ppdPoint[i]->y - pRotationPoint->y);
// y
ppdPoint[i]->y =
pRotationPoint->y + sin(angel_step) * (ppdPoint[i]->x - pRotationPoint->x) + cos(angel_step) * (ppdPoint[i]->y - pRotationPoint->y);

rotation point is the middle of the screen. when i set angle to 10 it should rotate 10 degrees / second. Instead it's rotating very very fast and all stars are moving nearer to the center of the screen, so after x rounds there is just 1 pixel left in the middle of the screen. there is a kind of gravition.I'm working with SDL2. What I did find out:

FPS is <= 60, 'cause of the 'SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC' flag. When i skip that flag, for any reason the 'gravition' would take more time. FPS is <= 1400 then, 'though i got a natural game loop (i hope):

pBuild->update(time_dif, pTimeWindow->TimeStampB);
time_dif = (pTimeWindow->TimeStampB - pTimeWindow->TimeStampA);
time_dif *= 0.001;
pTimeWindow->TimeStampA = pTimeWindow->TimeStampB;
pTimeWindow->TimeStampB = SDL_GetTicks();


So maybe (timestep * angle) isn't the right way?

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C# :: Draw Single Pixel On Window

Mar 27, 2014

Im new to c#. In c++ I have made a window and painted it with dots and concentric circles, like a radar PPI screen. Trying to do this in c#, I can't find how to draw a single pixel on the window.

Also, what should I be drawing on: the form, panel, picturebox...?

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C++ :: How To Convert Pixel To Coordinate In OpenGL

May 23, 2013

How can i convert pixel to [-1..1]coordinate in opengl? Which function? I want to write a program that is work with


When I click on the screen a ball is appear on it where clicked. but mouse work with pixel and circle work with coordinate between -1 and 1 ....

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C++ :: Subtracting Pixel Values From Two Different BMP Files

Dec 30, 2014

I would like to subtract one image from another to get something like "differential picture" (i am not sure whether the name is correct). I've managed to read the FILEHEADER and FILEINFOHEADER of bitmap. I will subtract 24-bit bmp files only. However i can't understand the structure of this file. So far my code looks like this. Any example of at least copying one bmp file to a new one? This example would be useful, because subtracting will be simillar, instead of copying the pixel value i will just put abs(value1-value2) in the output.


// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct BITMAPfileHEADER {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: SDL Library - Access To Pixel Data

Mar 7, 2013

I am using the SDL library, and came across a way to access pixel data.

//A pointer to a surface structure

SDL_Surface *w = SDL_SetVideoMode(800,400,8,SDL_SWSURFACE);

//Casting a void pointer pointing to an array of memory locations(the pixels), to a pointer to an array of Uint8's.
//SDL_MapRGB() Returns an Uint32 containing the color 0,0,255,(0/255, i think it returns the transparency too, or else it would rather return a Uint24,not sure).

Then modifying the memory location, in this case the pixel at the middle of the window.


What i seem to not understand is that, i cast pixels to Uint8*, which means I now have a pointer to an array of 8bit numbers, but SDL_MapRGB seemingly returns an Uint32 or Uint24 for a color composed of r,g,b, together without 'a' is 24bits(256=1b,256=1b,256=1b)=3b.

And then i somehow assign that pixel which is of 8bit at chosen location, an Uint24 or 32bit unsigned int.

How does this work?

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C++ :: Creating Game Using SFML

Apr 26, 2014

I'm currently working on a 2D space shooter game in C++ using SFML library. What I need to know is how make an object (ex:laser) fire up from object (ex:player) when a user press button??

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C++ ::  SFML - How To Put Graphics Into Program

Oct 18, 2013

I use visual studio 2012. When I asked what I should use in order to put graphics into my program, I was told by the community that SFML works well. My only problem is that now I have SFML, where and how do I unpack it?

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C++ :: SFML 2.0 - Change Cursor

Sep 4, 2013

How to change what the cursor is in sfml 2.0?

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