C/C++ :: While Loop Application If They Continue Iterating Continuously?

Mar 17, 2015

what do I do if the while loop repeat iterating and do not stop running even if it did meet the conditions required?

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C++ :: Continue Statement In Nested Loop

Feb 9, 2014

I was wondering how I could use a continue statement that continues in a nested loop. For example if I have

for (int i=0;i<amount;i++) {
for (int j=0;j<I[i];j++) {
for (int k=j+1;k<I[i];k++) {
if (P[i][j]+P[i][k]==C[i]) {
//What should be here?

If the condition is met then the most outer loop (in i) should continue to the next iteration.

If i simply fill in continue; in before the comment then it only continues the loop in k so that is not what I want.

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C :: Y / N Option To Continue - Compiler Does Not Read It As A Loop

Jul 30, 2013

I've been having problems with my loop that asks if the user wishes to continue or not. The required input should either be 'y' or 'Y', or 'n' or 'N'. Anything else should be counted as invalid, and repeat the prompt for input. The first few times I ran my program, the compiler does not read it as a loop. The next few times just won't work properly.

Here is the prompt:
void question() {
char option;
Do you want to continue? {Y|N) ");
scanf("%c", &option);

[Code] ......

As it is, it immediately runs the else option, but otherwise runs just fine. I suspect it could be because I have not specified a size for the option variable, but I try doing that, and the prompt relegates everything to the else.

(And also, here's the rest of the code. Basically, it just assigns a value to the letters of the word (a/A = 1, b/B = 2, etc.), adds these values, and determines if a word is prime or not based on the sum.)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define size 30
int main() {
char letter, word[size], lower, upper, option;
int i, value, ans = 0, a, choice = 1;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Exiting Application During While Loop Operation

Jun 16, 2013

I have a VC++ 6 dialog-based application. This application is intended for reading data from a USB device (this is a FTDI FT245R chip). I have a start button on the dialog. On clicking it, unsigned char data retrieved from the USB device is displayed on the dialog. The start button invokes a function which includes a while (1) loop inside which the USB device is read and the values displayed.

There are no break or continue statements inside the always operating while (1) loop. All this works fine. My problem is how do I exit the application as normally it would just run forever? I have put an exit button on the dialog with code added to call OnOK(). Normally this would nicely close the application but as I have an endless while loop in my application so this button doesn't seem to work. Nothing happens on clicking it and clicking it repeatedly just hangs the program.

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C++ :: Iterating Over Either Row Or Column?

Jul 3, 2014

Suppose I want to represent an apartment building in terms of floors and rooms with a single data object. Each floor has the same number of rooms at any given time. During the course of the program, I will need to change the number of floors occasionally and will need to change the number of rooms on each floor occasionally. (Don't worry about the building permits needed to do this.) Now, I also want to be able to iterate over either each floor (think "row") or each room (think "column"). For example, I might want to program the equivalent of "Johnson, go fix all the front doors on the 8th floor" or the equivalent of "Johnson, go fix all the front doors to room B on each floor". (Yeah, I know, for the latter I could iterate over each floor and then access room B but that doesn't feel as "clean" as being able to iterate over a separate room/column.)

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C/C++ :: Iterating Over Either Row Or Column?

Jul 31, 2014

Suppose I want to represent an apartment building in terms of floors and rooms with a single data object. Each floor has the same number of rooms at any given time. During the course of the program, I will need to change the number of floors occasionally and will need to change the number of rooms on each floor occasionally. (Don't worry about the building permits needed to do this.)

Now, I also want to be able to iterate over either each floor (think "row") or each room (think "column"). For example, I might want to program the equivalent of "Johnson, go fix all the front doors on the 8th floor" or the equivalent of "Johnson, go fix all the front doors to room B on each floor". (Yeah, I know, for the latter I could iterate over each floor and then access room B but that doesn't feel as "clean" as being able to iterate over a separate room/column.)

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C++ :: Iterating Through Struct Members?

Apr 4, 2013

Suppose I have a struct with 20 members. I want to assign each of those structs with values. Instead of accesing by explicit convention, i.e.:

Code: struct.member1 = 1;
struct.member2 = 2;
struct.member20 = 6;

Is there any way to encapsulate it in a for loop and use an iterator variable to indicate the member? i.e.:

Code: for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
struct.i = i;

The above is pseudocode but Im sure you get what Im trying to do?

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C :: Possible To Display Time Continuously

Feb 20, 2013

I created a program to display time continuously so it auto updates every sec but the issue is i cant integrate the code in the main program because to make time update continuously it needs a loop a infinite loop so none of the rest program gets to work. My q is : is it possible to display time continuously and make the rest of program continue normally? like a multi thread program because i want to display time every sec in the bottom of program. By the way this is console app not gui

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C++ :: Iterating Through A Vector Of Pointers

Sep 4, 2014

If I have a Vector of pointers, how can I iterate through that vector, to access the name function of each object in the vector? There seems to be a problem with my implementation, the output returns only random symbols.

Implementation of the name() function in Drug.cpp:

//name() is a function returning the name in the parent class
string Drug::name() {
string out = "Drug: ";
out += mName + " [ ";
//The problem is with this loop
for (int k = 0; k < mComponents.size(); k++)

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Iterating Through Web Browser Controls?

Jan 31, 2013

there is a way to iterate through the controls on a webpage. For instance, I tried EnumChildWindows using the parent window of the browser, but I haven't had any luck - it returns nothing. s where I can start researching how to find the child controls?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010, programming in C++.

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C++ ::  How To Move A Ball Continuously In 2D Scrolling Game

Dec 29, 2013

The situation is , I have a ball which should move on a flat horizontal surface which i have created in a display of 800 x 400 . Right now!I am able to make it move left or right in direction using key inputs at a fixed speed.

But I want to make it move horizontally at a constant velocity without using keys. Like in copter game.

It should be able to move automatically , towards the right side.

Increment x position by speed variable does the trick but When I used it with keys I used to limit the movement like.

ball.x += ball.speed;
if(ball.x > 750)
ball.x = 750; // because my screen width is 800.

[URL] .... < this video will show what I really want to do with the ball

If you saw the game video in the link i gave, the ball kept moving with constant velocity. But it never went out of bound. What is keeping it from not getting out of display screen. Instead! its moving continuously... but stays almost at the center of screen. How?

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C# :: Unable To Continuously Read More Lines Of Text

Apr 23, 2014

This code works, but not fully This code reads com ports, when a string is available, I check to see if it contains some keywords defined in array If it does, i print out the string itself.

The problem i am having is that it seems to stop processing the data at some point but I do know that there are more strings to be read. So, it does keep reading more lines of data

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;


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C Sharp :: Button Click Continuously Until Stop It

Apr 27, 2014

My question is how the button click mull ti times on page load in C# windows form??because in my project i am working on video for LAN based Skype in which i use 2 pictures boxes one for capture images and another for display .. so i want that on page load picture box capture images until i stop it .. following is my code :

image = ((CaptureDevice)cboDevices.SelectedItem).Capture() ;
pictureBox2.Image = image;

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C++ :: Iterating Through Vectors - Print N Elements At Time

May 2, 2012

I am writing code to access vector elements as, to print first "n" elements of vectors out of its total N elements at a time.

For example, Total vector elements : N= 23
Want to print n elements at time : n =3

How this can be explored using vectors?

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C++ :: Header File That Is Continuously Updating To Extract Certain Variables?

Mar 10, 2013

I need to write a C++ program, that extracts certain variables, x y z, from a file that is continuously being updated x y z. These variables are going to be used to recalculate a new answer.

My question is to see if it is possible to have an include .h file that is always being updated so that I can extract these three variables from it, and always have the newest venison of each variable, so that the answer to the equation is always the newest updated. Should I use fopen or fwrite to do this.

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C++ :: Calculate Number Of Days Between Dates - Program Continuously Runs

Mar 24, 2014

I have an assignment to write a program that will calculate the number of days between two dates (including leap years). We have to read the data from a file and in my current input file I have:

1 1 2000 1 5 2004
5 2 2005 2 5 2009
1 15 1998 1 15 2001

for testing purposes. When I run the program the console runs continuously spouting out "The days between your two dates are 1097." Which would be the correct output for the last set of dates entered, but I need to find out where I've messed up in my main.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
bool isLeap(int x) {
if (x % 400 == 0) {

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: How To Use Press Any Key To Continue

Mar 28, 2015

I already tried getchar(); but it doesn't worked the program skips this command

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C :: How To Continue Minesweeper Game

Oct 24, 2013

I am just now in my first programming class for learning C language and I am stuck on one of my homework assignments. I am not asking you to write the code for me or anything because I want to learn by doing it myself but all I am asking for is some pointers to where I am messing up. My program is already finished for what she asked for but I am trying to do an extra credit where she wants us to have the user decide how big the gameboard is and how many mines to hide in it. Really I know that I need to use srand() and rand() but I am not sure how to use them to randomly place mines and without placing mines on top of others.


//Program 3 "Minesweeper" by Casey Samuelson
//This program will imitate the game Minesweeper.


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C++ :: Simple Calculator - Press A Key To Continue

Apr 20, 2015

My problem is , i want to make a simple calculator , in the console i want afterall the user to choose what type of operation he want pressing a key like i mentioned in the title the keys would be F1,F2,F3 , i'm not finding in the internet the code to the detection of a press key like what i want.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int F1 (int x, int y) {
cout << "Enter a number: " << endl;
cin >> x;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Read / Edit CSV File And Continue From Last Login

May 5, 2014

I am working on a program that will do several mathematical calculation and will store the data into a csv file.The one below is just a prototype version of this.In my program,I will store my csv file as (current-date).csv using time.

With this in mind,I want my program to first check does (current-date).csv already exists.If not,the program runs normally and output all the data into the csv file.

However if (current-date).csv already exists,I want my program to read and edit that particular csv file,by skipping part1 in my code(name,id N etc.) and start with prompting the user for numbers straight-away.

In other words, if (current-date).csv already exists,the user should continue outputting the numbers from where the user last left before last termination instead of outputting the name,date & etc into the csv file again.

Eg: if no=22, continue inputting values from no=23 till terminating the program again and storing the values correctly into the csv file.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;
// Program to read date N store it as currentdate.csv

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Menu Selection Does Not Continue To Desired Screen

Mar 8, 2014

Basically we have to create a system for loan amortization for vehicle company. The code is still in its development stage and I am having problems with one of the menu selections. all the other menu selections work fine except for menu selection 3. I'm quite stuck on it. When I run the program everything goes well except when I enter 3 at the main menu, it just exits the program instead of going to the screen for the menu selection.

main() {
char un, /*username*/
name, /*customer name*/

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Does Not Contain Debug Information - Press OK To Continue

Sep 18, 2012

i changed my code from release to debug mode. when i try to debug it shows a dialog box that '... does not contain debug information press ok to continue"..

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C++ :: Horizontal Scrolling ASCII Image - Hit Enter To Continue Or Esc To End

Sep 3, 2013

I would like the coded ASCII image to scroll horizontally 3 times and then end with the message:

"Hit Enter to continue or Esc to end"

If Enter is pressed, the program should then continue to scroll another 3 times and then display the same message above.

If Esc is hit then the program loop should stop similar to an escape sequence.

Here is my code that partially accomplishes my objective:

// Professor.cpp : The entry point for the console application.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Promote User To Enter Y / N In Switch Statement To Continue Or Not

Nov 25, 2013

I need to promote user to enter y/n in switch statement to continue or not for an other conversion after showing results of each conversion.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char a;
double n, r1, r2;
cout<<"Please Chose the Temperature Unit to Convert: "<<endl<<endl;


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C++ :: Program That Accept Positive Integer - Use Do While To Allow User To Continue Or Not

Aug 10, 2014

So this is the activity (LOOPING) :

Write a program that accepts a positive integer. The program should be the same from the given output. Use do while to allow the user to continue or not.

OUTPUT must be:

n = 5

if n = 6

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C# :: Server Application Using Tcp Protocol And Then Establish Connection With A Client Application

Nov 29, 2014

What happens if I make a server application using tcp protocol and then establish connection with a client application but the server crash and then the client send data. Will the data be lost or the system will continue trying to send it?

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