Visual C++ :: Moving Cursor With Arrows In Console?

Nov 22, 2012

I have to write tic-tac-toe game in Visual 2010. My only problem is that I don't know how I can move the cursor with arrows in the console in order to fill in chosen positions in 3x3 table:

_ _ _
_ _ _
_ _ _

I guess that the needed functions are in here: [URL] ....

but I don't know from what to start with...

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Visual C++ :: Moving Mouse Cursor To Certain Colors On Monitor

Apr 22, 2013

I am currently starting to attempt to make a program that can move my cursor to certain colors on my monitor. The problem is this seems like it will be 10x harder than I first thought.

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C :: Undefined Reference To Set Console Cursor Position

Apr 8, 2013

Every time I compile this in codeblocks one error comes out. It said that "undefined reference to 'SetConsoleCursorPosition'".


[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Get Cursor Position For Picture Control With Scroll Bar

Apr 25, 2014

I was loaded a bitmap using this code. I'm using mousemove method to known the Dialog's mouse move position & get the RGB pixel.

I want to get the picture contol's mouse move position & using this point (x,y) i will get the particular color ref value R, G, & B.

My picture control size is 256 * 256 & I was loaded an image 512 * 512.

Using scroll bar, I was view the image but can't get the particular pixel in the picture control.

The below code get the Dialog's mouse move cursor position & RGB Values only.

void CMyDlg::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {
int R,G,B;
ref = m_dcMem.GetPixel(point.x,point.y);
R = GetRValue(ref);
G = GetGValue(ref);
B = GetBValue(ref);
CButton::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

How can i get the picture contol position even use the scroll bar.

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C# :: Making Moving Button Or Moving Picture Box Clickable?

Jun 13, 2014

i want to make moving button or moving box clickable as i am making a game in which i move picture boxes and user clicks on it and his scores increases. but i was unable to do so , so i tried the same concept with buttons but no results.

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C# :: Hscroll Bar Arrows Not Working?

Apr 24, 2014

I have got the scroll bar working if i click and drag the block but if I press the arrows nothing happens.

private void hScrollBar_Genre_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (hScrollBar_Genre.Value == 0)


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C++ :: Test Navigating With Arrows In Menu Driven Program

Aug 6, 2014

This is a program used to test navigating with arrows in a menu driven program

Whenever I run it it works but when I select any option it just producing a 'sound' but it doesn't print (cout) anything on the screen....

This program is just to test the arrow navigation and doesn't really modify,delete or add a new record but only prints stuff on screen.

#include<fstream.h> //for reading and writing files
#include<conio.h> //for clrscr()
#include<string.h> //for string characters
#include<stdio.h> //for gets and puts function

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Run MFC Application From Console?

Feb 7, 2013

I have a question about to run an MFC dialog based C++ application from console: if I run my application from console, I see the application start and the console immediately back to prompt. I need that console wait the application exit before show me the prompt again. I tried on Visual Studio 6, 2005 and 2010 but the behavior is the same.

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Visual C++ :: Showing Console Windows In Win32 DLL?

Oct 31, 2014

Is it possible to show a console window in a Win32 DLL?

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Visual C++ :: Cleaning Code For Better Console Presentation?

Dec 17, 2013

I have this function and it works, the problem is that it couts a bunch of stuff that I don't need. What this functions does asks the user to input a job (show) and if the show is found to list all the talents (actors/actresses). If the show is not found, to print "show not found". I have the function working just need to present it better. What I want the function to do is just print "show not found" and nothing else. How I have it currently will print:

Notice how its outputting all the unnecessary information. If the job is found should look like this:

Uploaded with

void TalentsByJob(Agency Talents[], int limit) {
string show;
cout << "Enter the Job: ";
cin >> show;
bool found = false;


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Visual C++ :: Dump Information To Console Or Output Window?

Feb 6, 2014

I used to use OutputDebugString, and not using it now because it only allows to strings to be outputted, are there any methods that I can dump virtually anything to the console?

cout << thing << endl;

But what if I am not start running the program from the command prompt?

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Visual C++ :: Receiving Windows Message In Console Application?

Oct 11, 2013

I'm trying to write a program that passes Windows messages back and forth from another program that controls a laboratory instrument. I was able to write a program that successfully passes instructions, as evidenced by the instrument doing what I tell it. However, I am having trouble getting a return status from the instrument. The manual instructs the following:

// demo code, etc.
// send message to the instrument operating software here...
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COPYDATA, tag, (LPARAM) &cd)

Either a completion message or return data is returned. Remote commands ReturnStatus, ReturnTiming, and ReturnData return data. In either case, data is received through an asynchronous windows message inside Win32 COPYDATASTRUCT type data packet.For example, a typical OnCopyData window callback is shown below, where the string data retrieved is finally stored into a Microsoft CString object. Note the use of variable replyTag, discussed above, which is used to isolate the correct windows message returned.

BOOL CUserDlg::OnCopyData(CWnd* pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT* cd) {
if (cd->dwData == replyTag) {
/* String pointing to status */
CString retStatus = (char*) cd->lpData;

I can't tell if my problem is in generating the replyTag, getting the HWND to my own console window, or the actual receiving part of the code.

When setting the replyTag, the manual instructs: UINT replyTag = RegisterWindowMessage(“SOFTMaxProReplyMsg”);. However, I have to put an "L" in front of the string or I get a data type error (can't convert const char* to LPCWSTR).

When setting a HWND for myself, the manual instructs: HWND MyWnd = GetSafeHwnd().

That produces an error because GetSafeHwnd is a function of the Cwnd class, and I don't have a Cwnd. I have replaced it with HWND MyWnd = GetConsoleWindow();

When listening for the reply message, the manual instructs what I quoted above. However, I again don't have a Cwnd. I therefore simply used

if (cd.dwData == replyTag) {
CString retStatus = (char*) cd.lpData;

The above if statement always evaluates false, and the cd.lpdata contains the message that I had sent out instead of a reply message. How to get a reply using my console application. Here is the full code of my function:

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
void SendCommand(string command) {
// Get tags to identify the receiving and sending messages


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Visual C++ :: Running / Debugging Console App That Needs Admin Privileges

Nov 4, 2012

I see there's something called a manifest file but VS C++ EXPRESS seems different than non-express. The solutions I've seen show applets/tabs that I don't have in Express.

In one of my physical DEBUG folders are some .manifest. files and some a .res and .rc file.

I know you need to edit the XML and change asInvoker to requiredAdministrator (or something like that).

The confusing part is if I go into Project Properties, MANIFEST TOOL caret/tree, under INPUT AND OUTPUT, it shows this .manifest file is OUTPUT. It's as if it rewrites it every time with some defaults? I have edited it, but I see it's back to asInvoker. There is a spot to put in a ADDITIONAL manifest file (or .res file).

Does a manifest somehow affect the physical .exe file (something is imbedded in it??)?

How do I change my project to make sure that the .exe always runs as Admin? Will doing this ALSO allow me to DEBUG it in VS C++ EXPRESS without having to do anything different (play with manifest or run VS outright with Admin level)?

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C :: Possible To Split Command Console Into 2 Parts - Visual And Text Area

Feb 1, 2015

I have had experience in programming from python (slightly related, html/css) and the computercraft from minecraff (basic i think it is).

My question is mainly about the C and past experience with the computercraft.

1. Is it possible to split the command console into 2 parts (a visual area and a text area)
2. Is it possible to use any form of pixel art or custom characters within any command console using C.

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Visual C++ :: Use For Loop To Read Certain Data From Txt File And Print To Console

Sep 28, 2014

I'm new to programming and i'm trying to do a certain task. I want to use a for loop to read certain data from a txt file and print them to a console. I'm trying to read student names and their grades.

Something like
3 // 3 represents the number of students.
George 97
Sarah 70
Maya 88

The data may vary but it's always in this format.

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C++ :: How To Make A Cursor Without Using Graphics

Nov 27, 2014

I'm new to c++ So I have a project to make. I need to make a cursor like an arrow that will move when inputs are given. e.g if input is given 500 spaces UP it will move up and so on. it should rotate as well like 45 degrees and so on. how to make this arrow WITHOUT USING GRAPHICS.

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C++ :: IsDialogMessage - Cursor Not Blinking

Mar 7, 2014

I have created a simple WIN32 application. I inserted the function "IsDialogMessage" in the while-loop to make the tabstop key change the textfield. But when I insert the IsDialogMessage-function, the cursor won't blink anymore (it stays static). Is there a way to combine the two (tabstop key = change text field AND blinking cursor)?

Here's my while-loop:

MSG Msg;
while(GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) {

And here I am creating the textfields:

hwnd = CreateWindowExA(NULL, "EDIT", NULL, //no title
(HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong(cWindow->window, GWL_HINSTANCE),NULL);

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C++ :: SFML 2.0 - Change Cursor

Sep 4, 2013

How to change what the cursor is in sfml 2.0?

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C++ :: Blinking Cursor In SFML?

Oct 22, 2013

so im trying to make a blinking cursor to give it a terminal feel, but it is speradic, since it is going at cycles instead of seconds. how can i fix this?

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
int main() {
sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(900, 750), "Fuck it. Uploads Happen.");


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C# :: Get Cursor Out Of Table In MS Word

Dec 8, 2014

I am creating a table in MS word using the following code, but I am not able to move my cursor out of the table due to which my other components are getting created inside the table, what should I do to get cursor below the table.

private void Drawtable_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e) {
object missing = System.Type.Missing;
Word.Range currentRange = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Selection.Range;
Word.Table newTable = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Activedocument.Tables.Add(
currentRange, 1, 1, ref missing, ref missing);

[Code] ....

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C# :: Creating Custom Cursor In WPF?

May 26, 2014

I was going through tutorial in WPF on customs Cursor, While Running the application i am getting an exception XamlParseException was unhandled, here the code

public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()


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C++ :: How To Find Coordinates Of Cursor Position

Feb 4, 2014

I have studied function,array,stuctures,flow of control(XI class cbse syllabus). Now I want to know how to find coordinates of cursor position in c++.

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C++ ::  SendInput - Cursor Position Wrong

May 12, 2013

I recently wanted to create a (yet) simple program that simulates a mouse movement.So far I managed to make the program work. It does move the mouse, click when expected but the problem is the location it does click at.Here's my code:

#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int leftclick (DWORD x, DWORD y);
int main(){


The problem now is: I want the program (for testing purposes) to click at (1920, 1080) and (100, 100) afterwards. Now it does click within a specific range. When I use GetCursorPos to retreive the cursors position it differs quite a bit from where I expected the click to be.

a second question I have is: When I declare the following flag (in the code above) the program does use relative coordinates even though it shouldn't.


Where as it works out well when I add a MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE to it.I couldn't find any solution to this in Microsoft MSDN or any other website.

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C++ :: Stop Cursor From Blinking In Output Window?

Oct 2, 2013

is there a way to stop the cursor from blinking in the output window(or showing up at all)?

cout<<"Hello world";

Hello world_

//where last character keeps blinking

I use DevC++ in Windows 7.

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C :: ROM BIOS Programming - Accept Row Number From User And Place Cursor To The Beginning Of That Row

Nov 27, 2013

How do I write a ROM BIOS routine which accepts a row number from the user and place the cursor to the beginning of the row number which the user gave?

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C Sharp :: Search Text In Rich Textbox And Move The Cursor Position To It?

Mar 16, 2013

how to search a text in rich textbox & move the curser position to it while highlighting it...

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