C++ :: Friend Of Nested Template Class

Nov 9, 2013

Consider the following program below, which compiles without a hitch on MinGW GCC 4.8.1:

template <typename T>
class Outer {
class Nested1 {};
template <typename U>
class Nested2

[Code] .....

Is there any way I can move the definition of func outside of the class?

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C++ :: Class Template Friend Operators

Sep 19, 2013

The code below doesn't compile. Two things to clear up:

1) I know x is going to be garbage.
2) I used the same type name label ElementType.

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
template <typename ElementType>
class Example {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Initialize Static Member Of Class With Template And Type Of Nested Class

Oct 7, 2014

How to initialize a static member of a class with template, which type is related to a nested class?

This code works (without nested class):

using namespace std;
struct B{
template<typename Z>

[Code] ,....

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C++ :: How To Specialize Template Friend Operator

Jul 13, 2012

Can't quite seem to get this figured out...

template <typename T>
class Foo {
Foo(const T& t) :

[Code] ....

I can't provide a generic implementation of the << operator, it depends on the specific types of T. So how do I specialize the operator for a specific type T ?

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C++ :: Nested / Recursive Template Specialization

Feb 11, 2014

I'm trying to write some naive binary serialization code and wanted to cut down on repetition of logic for serializing/deserializing nested vectors or other STL containers to reduce the chance of typos etc, and thought templates might hold a solution for me.

template <typename T> void serializeField(IWriter& writer, const T& val) {
writer.write((char*)&val, sizeof(T));

template<typename U, typename V>
template <> void serializeField(IWriter& writer, const U<V>& collection)

[Code] ....

Is there a way to do something like this? It isn't a big deal for me to just manually write code to serialize my vectors to the needed depth, but it sure would be nice to get this working.

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C/C++ :: Overload Two Different Operators One Inside Class And Other Outside Using Friend

Nov 23, 2014

I'm trying to understand the basics of oop ...

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class max_vector {
T* elemente;
int lungime;

[Code] ....

The purpose of this program is to overload two different operators one inside the class, and the other one outside using friend. The problem is that i get 1 error at the '*' one.

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Visual C++ :: Friend Class And Pointer Function

Mar 9, 2013

I need understanding this block of code, particularly this line : *getLeftChild() { return this - _child; }


public class UpperNode {
BOX _box;
int _child;
FORCEINLINE UpperNode *getLeftChild() { return this - _child; }

Here I have this function:

UpperNode::visulization(int level) {
if (isLeaf())
if ((level > 0)) {

[Code] .....

It also makes calls for "getLeftChild()";

But I see that getLeftChild expects function pointer, and I absolutely have no clue where "this" comes from inside function body.

(return this - _child) - "this" has to be integer.

Or, if we gave pointer, and "this" is referring to some UpperNode, then I can't understand to which one, I have no UpperNode array defined or something. So if this functions is actually scaling pointer address, then scaling where to? I could comprehend it, if I had some array of UpperNodes, but not just class. I have UpperNodes array defined in other friendly class, but don't think they are related .....

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C++ ::  how To Declare Template Function Inside Template Class

Dec 5, 2013

I'm trying to implement a simple template array class, but when i came into the operator< i actually have to use a template :

my code is something like :

template<typename _Type, std::size_t _Size>
class array {
public :

[Code] ......

but i am having an error of shadows template param 'class _Type' is it w/ the name conflict between the array template parameter and the function template parameter ?

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C++ :: Use Of Class Template Requires Template Argument List

Nov 6, 2013

Error1error C2955: 'DoubleLinkedListInterface' : use of class template requires template argument listdoublelinkedlist.h10
Error2error C2244: 'DoubleLinkedList<T>::DoubleLinkedList' : unable to match function definition to an existing declaration doublelinkedlist.cpp7

Error3 .cpperror C2244: 'DoubleLinkedList<T>::~DoubleLinkedList' : unable to match function definition to an existing declaration 12


#pragma once
#include "DoubleLinkedListInterface.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include <iostream>


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C++ :: Partial Template Specialization With Template Class

May 27, 2013

I have a generic template class with another template in one of its types. Now I want to specialize one of its methods for a particular (template) class, which leads to a compile error, however.

Here is the example:

#include <stdio.h>
template<typename Type>
class Obj1 {
void ID() { printf("Object 1, size = %zu

[Code] .....

GCC ends with:
:35:27: error: type/value mismatch at argument 2 in template parameter list for ‘template<class Type, template<class> class O> class Foo’
:35:27: error: expected a class template, got ‘Obj2<Type>’

What is wrong with the specialization? Can it even be achieved and how (if so)?

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C++ :: Template With A Specialized Template Class Parameter?

Nov 2, 2014

how I want the code to look. Only problem is it doesn't work (Line 11). I have some experience with templates but I'm not a pro.

Basically I want the "Channels<3>" to be a type that I can use to specify a Cable with similar to vector<float/int> it would be Cable<Channels<2 or 3>>.

What have I messed up with the syntax?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Returning A Template Pack Nested N-dimensionally In Another Pack

Oct 28, 2014

let me jump straight to main() and my current output:

struct Base {};
struct A : Base { A() {std::cout << "A";} };
struct B : Base { B() {std::cout << "B";} };
struct C : Base { C() {std::cout << "C";} };
struct D : Base { D() {std::cout << "D";} };


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C++ :: Template Class With Template Members

Feb 9, 2015

I have a class like this

PHP Code:
template<class X>
class A {
  X m_x;
    X* foo();
    X* bar();
    //others are not related to X

I would like to get rid of

PHP Code: template<class X> 

For class level but still use it for members. Like this

PHP Code:
class A {
  X m_x;
    template<class X>
    X* foo();
    template<class X>
    X* bar();
    //others are not related to X

However, I am still stuck at

PHP Code: X m_x; 

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C++ :: Assign A Class Value To Another Nested Classes?

Jul 17, 2013

this is the first time to ask my question on Cplusplus. my qustion is i got this message when i trying to run this code:

#ifndef __NCTUNS_nslobject_h__
#define __NCTUNS_nslobject_h__
#include <stdio.h>


so, my problem is when the compiler starts compiling it stops on this code :

NslObject::newKeyPair (RSA::GenerateKeyPair(keyLength));

and the appeared message is :

object.cc: In function ‘void Set_KeyPair()’:
object.cc:53: error: no match for call to ‘(KeyPair) (KeyPair&)’

so, how could i assign a generated keypair class value to NslObject::newKeyPair.

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C++ :: Access Other Members Within Same Nested Class?

Jul 12, 2013

It's hard to give a precise title but here is the question in detail: I have a class, something like this:

class classA{
void fnA();

and another class that contains objects of classA:

class classB{
classA A1;
classA A2;
classA A3;
vector<classA*> vA;
classB B1;

Now is it possible to access B1.vA from B1.A1.fnA() through some kind of pointer chain like this->parent->vA ? If so

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C++ :: Declare Template Type Object Inside Template Type Class Definition

Oct 12, 2013

Let me put it into the code snippet:

This class build the singleton design pattern.
Here you have full control over construction and deconstruction of the object.
template<class T>
class Singleton


I am getting error at the assertion points when i call to the class as follows:

osgOpenCL::Context *cxt = osgOpenCL::Singleton<osgOpenCL::Context>::getPtr();

I tried commenting assertion statements and then the debugger just exits at the point where getPtr() is called.

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C++ :: Cannot Define Method Of Inner Nested Class If It Is Private

Jan 16, 2013

it seems that I cannot define a method of an inner nested class if it is a private class. for example:

class outter {
class nested {
void foo ( void ) {} // okay - but is this inline?
} void inner::foo( void ) {} // not okay - cannot define inside another class
} void outter::inner::foo( void ) {} // not okay - 'nested' class is private!

what I want to know is, is there another way to define an inner class's method? and if not, is it eternally doomed to be inline because it has to be declared inside it's own class declaration?

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C++ :: Nested Class Vector Index Access?

Mar 22, 2014

Is it possible to pass the vector index '4' to the Height() function without passing it as a parameter of the function.

Basically, I'm trying to eliminate using 4 twice... what I'd LIKE the statement below to look like is this:


The only way I can figure out how to get it to work is like this...

class grid{
class CELL{
int Height(int index); //returns the height of this cell

[Code] .....

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C# :: Invoke Method In Nested Class Using Reflection

Jun 25, 2014

I am having problems invoking methods in a nested class using reflection. I have the following:

A parent class, Group, that holds instances of a simple class called Signal. I want to modify the number of instances inside the group class often. So, all my code has to be dynamic and use reflection to know how many instances of signal there are inside the Group class.

class Group{
public static Signal name1 { get; set; }
public static Signal name2 { get; set; }
public static Signal name3 { get; set; }


I had no luck invoking the method of the instances of signal class that are inside the Group class. I tried getting the methods name using getMethods() but could not navigate through the syntax.

How could I invoke and pass parameters to the method of the instances of signal using reflection? Is there a better way of accessing the properties and methods of nested classes?

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C++ :: Accessing Classes Member Variables Nested Inside Another Class

Feb 22, 2013

I have two classes, a Package class and a Person class. The Package class has two Person objects has member variables, a Sender and a Receiver. While overloading the << operator for the Package class so that it will make an output label from everything in the Package class. Here is my code...

class Package{
Person Sender;
Person Reciever;
int weight;
double cost;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Package &pack);

[Code] .....

So my problem is on that last output line, I am unable to call Sender.getName()... etc. Is there a proper syntax so that I can access the members of the Person class while overloading the << operator for the Package class?

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C++ :: Nested Classes - How Members Be Accessed Through Object Of Enclosing Class Type

May 18, 2013

"A nested class has free access to all the static members of the enclosing class. All the instance members can be accessed through an object of the enclosing class type, or a pointer or reference to an object."

How can the members be accessed through an object of the enclosing class type? I understand the pointer and reference part because for them you dont need the full definition, but for creating a object you do?

Also it has free access to all static members because the nested class is part of the enclosed class and with static it exists in everything inside the enclosing class? Right or am I missing something?

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C++ ::  Template Class Inheriting A Templated Class

Dec 9, 2014

I'm making a minimal spanning tree class that inherits a graph class, both are templated. This is my mstree.h so far:

#ifndef _MSTREE_H_
#define _MSTREE_H_
#include "graph.h"
namespace MSTreeNameSpace


and I keep getting these errors:

mst.h:9:25: error: expected template-name before ‘<’ token
class MST : public Graph<T>
mst.h:9:25: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘<’ token
mst.h:9:25: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘<’ token

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C++ :: Passing Class As Type In Template Class

Nov 30, 2013

I am trying to pass a class as a type to a template class. This class's constructor needs an argument but I cannot find the correct syntax. Is it possible?

Here is an example of what I described above. I did not compiled it, it is for illustrative purpose only. And of course argument val of the myData constructor would be doing something more useful than simply initializing an int....

template <class T>
class templateClass {
templateClass() {};


My real code would only compile is I add the myData constructor:

myData () {};

and gdb confirmed that it is this constructor that get called, even with dummy(4).

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C++ :: Place Nested Loop Where Nested Not Necessary?

Apr 3, 2014

I wrote this code, and everything was working well, but part of the assignment is that it must include nested loops. Once I added the nested while loop, which is basically an if statement, my life was ruined. I am trying to nest a loop in the code that will basically tell the compiler that if the value "loopVol" were to exceed the value of "final" after adding an increment, to run the program for the "final". How can I do that?


initial = 10
final = 123
increment = 10

as of now, the program would stop at 120, but I want to nest a loop that will tell the compiler to calculate at the final if this happens.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h>


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C/C++ :: Template Class Is Not A Class Template

Feb 4, 2014

std::cout << "Hello C++ programmers!" << std::endl;

I am trying to create a LinkedList (and then, an ADT stack; // yes, I cannot use the STL stack because the teacher won't let me), and I am getting some weird error when I create a ListNode and declare LinkedList (which has the ListNodes!) a friend of it.

Here is my header-file code for both classes:


#ifndef LISTNODE_H
#define LISTNODE_H
#include "LinkedList.h"


The errors I am getting are:

error: 'LinkedList' is not a class template

I have tried forward-declaring LinkedList in the ListNode.h file, but I get this error:

error: 'ListNode' does not name a type

Are there any other possible solutions to this problem; // without having to resort to crazy stuff like having a .h file #include a .cpp file, or even declaring and defining ALL OF MY CODE in the .h files???

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C++ :: Function In A Class Template

Mar 3, 2013

I have this class templates And This UML.I have to write this function +operator=(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Array<ElemType, SIZE> but I do not know how to start the declaration / or start the function. I have to return a template but I do not know how to do it,

Array<ElemType, SIZE>
-elements: ElemType[SIZE]
+Array(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>)
+operator=(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Array<ElemType, SIZE>
+operator==(other: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Boolean
+operator!=(other: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Boolean
<<L-value>>+operator[](index: Integer): ElemType
<<R-value>>+operator[](index: Integer): ElemType


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