C# :: Invoke Method In Nested Class Using Reflection

Jun 25, 2014

I am having problems invoking methods in a nested class using reflection. I have the following:

A parent class, Group, that holds instances of a simple class called Signal. I want to modify the number of instances inside the group class often. So, all my code has to be dynamic and use reflection to know how many instances of signal there are inside the Group class.

class Group{
public static Signal name1 { get; set; }
public static Signal name2 { get; set; }
public static Signal name3 { get; set; }


I had no luck invoking the method of the instances of signal class that are inside the Group class. I tried getting the methods name using getMethods() but could not navigate through the syntax.

How could I invoke and pass parameters to the method of the instances of signal using reflection? Is there a better way of accessing the properties and methods of nested classes?

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C++ :: Cannot Define Method Of Inner Nested Class If It Is Private

Jan 16, 2013

it seems that I cannot define a method of an inner nested class if it is a private class. for example:

class outter {
class nested {
void foo ( void ) {} // okay - but is this inline?
} void inner::foo( void ) {} // not okay - cannot define inside another class
} void outter::inner::foo( void ) {} // not okay - 'nested' class is private!

what I want to know is, is there another way to define an inner class's method? and if not, is it eternally doomed to be inline because it has to be declared inside it's own class declaration?

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C# :: Build A Web Application That Uses P/invoke To Access A Method?

Nov 26, 2012

I am trying to build a web application that uses p/invoke to access a method. Similiar to the one used here - [URL] However I keep getting the following error message - Unable to load DLL 'MyDll.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) I read say to change the output directory to match that of the Mydll directory I have tried that and it still does not work.

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C++ :: Pass Method Of Derived Class As Parameter To Another Method In Base Class?

Feb 2, 2015

I have a question similar to the one here: [URL] .....

The main difference is I would like to pass a method of derived class as a parameter to some other method in its template base class.

template <typename BaseType>
class Base {
typedef void (Base::*Callback)(int A);

[Code] .....

The above is an example which does not compile. My compiler complains that the two BaseMethod() calls in DerivedMethod() are invalid uses of non-static member function.

Is this not possible to do, or is my syntax simply wrong? All I want is to be able to pass as an an argument to a method in the base class from the derived class some callback as a variable for the base class to invoke later.

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C :: Method Or Process For Reducing Redundant Code In Nested Loops

Nov 8, 2014

Have an assignment due in a few weeks and I'm 99% happy with it My question is is there a method or process for reducing redundant code in nested loops. Ie my code compiles and runs as expected for a period of time and after a few goes it omits a part or prints an unexpected out ext so basically how to find when the redundancy occurs with out posting my code so I can learn for my self?

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C++ :: How To Initialize Static Member Of Class With Template And Type Of Nested Class

Oct 7, 2014

How to initialize a static member of a class with template, which type is related to a nested class?

This code works (without nested class):

using namespace std;
struct B{
template<typename Z>

[Code] ,....

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C++ :: Invoke Enum Class From Header File To Cpp File

May 21, 2014

I have been working a project in C++. I have TTTMain.cpp file that has all the function calls, TTTFuntions.cpp that has all the functions, I have TTT.h file that has all the prototypes and variables and additionally I have Winner.h that has enum class Winner declaration in it. Here is my block of codes:

Winner.h file:

#ifndef winner
#define winner
enum class Winner {


My question is when I compile this gives me error on

Winner gameSquares[] = { Empty, Empty,Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty };

with saying "invalid use of non-static data data member" and It says "Empty was not declared in this scope."

I know calling enum is very very trick.

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C# :: Convert List (string) To DataTable Using Reflection?

Dec 10, 2014

Okay, so I'm getting an error I've never seen before.. I'm trying to convert a List<string> to a DataTable. Not a List<string[]>, but a regular ol' List<string>. I figured this code would do the trick, but to no avail:

public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(List<T> items) {
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(typeof(T).Name);
//Get all the properties
PropertyInfo[] Props = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in Props)

[Code] ....

I keep getting an error on "values[i] = Props[i].GetValue(item, null);", that reads:

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: Parameter count mismatch."

I don't know what it means by Parameter count mismatch...

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C++ :: Friendship From Derived Class Method To Base Class Members

Jul 15, 2014

I would like to know if there's a way to make a method from a derived class a friend of its base class. Something like:

class Derived;
class Base {
int i, j;
friend void Derived::f();

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Assign A Class Value To Another Nested Classes?

Jul 17, 2013

this is the first time to ask my question on Cplusplus. my qustion is i got this message when i trying to run this code:

#ifndef __NCTUNS_nslobject_h__
#define __NCTUNS_nslobject_h__
#include <stdio.h>


so, my problem is when the compiler starts compiling it stops on this code :

NslObject::newKeyPair (RSA::GenerateKeyPair(keyLength));

and the appeared message is :

object.cc: In function ‘void Set_KeyPair()’:
object.cc:53: error: no match for call to ‘(KeyPair) (KeyPair&)’

so, how could i assign a generated keypair class value to NslObject::newKeyPair.

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C++ :: Friend Of Nested Template Class

Nov 9, 2013

Consider the following program below, which compiles without a hitch on MinGW GCC 4.8.1:

template <typename T>
class Outer {
class Nested1 {};
template <typename U>
class Nested2

[Code] .....

Is there any way I can move the definition of func outside of the class?

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C++ :: Access Other Members Within Same Nested Class?

Jul 12, 2013

It's hard to give a precise title but here is the question in detail: I have a class, something like this:

class classA{
void fnA();

and another class that contains objects of classA:

class classB{
classA A1;
classA A2;
classA A3;
vector<classA*> vA;
classB B1;

Now is it possible to access B1.vA from B1.A1.fnA() through some kind of pointer chain like this->parent->vA ? If so

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C++ :: Nested Class Vector Index Access?

Mar 22, 2014

Is it possible to pass the vector index '4' to the Height() function without passing it as a parameter of the function.

Basically, I'm trying to eliminate using 4 twice... what I'd LIKE the statement below to look like is this:


The only way I can figure out how to get it to work is like this...

class grid{
class CELL{
int Height(int index); //returns the height of this cell

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Accessing Classes Member Variables Nested Inside Another Class

Feb 22, 2013

I have two classes, a Package class and a Person class. The Package class has two Person objects has member variables, a Sender and a Receiver. While overloading the << operator for the Package class so that it will make an output label from everything in the Package class. Here is my code...

class Package{
Person Sender;
Person Reciever;
int weight;
double cost;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, Package &pack);

[Code] .....

So my problem is on that last output line, I am unable to call Sender.getName()... etc. Is there a proper syntax so that I can access the members of the Person class while overloading the << operator for the Package class?

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C++ :: Nested Classes - How Members Be Accessed Through Object Of Enclosing Class Type

May 18, 2013

"A nested class has free access to all the static members of the enclosing class. All the instance members can be accessed through an object of the enclosing class type, or a pointer or reference to an object."

How can the members be accessed through an object of the enclosing class type? I understand the pointer and reference part because for them you dont need the full definition, but for creating a object you do?

Also it has free access to all static members because the nested class is part of the enclosed class and with static it exists in everything inside the enclosing class? Right or am I missing something?

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C++ :: Access Another Library (DLL) Which Has Same Class Name And Method Name

May 27, 2013

I have 2 c++ libraries called "Lib1" and "Lib2". Both libraries have same class called "Total.h and Total.cpp"

I want to access lib1 class in lib2. since it has same class (i.e same header file), i couldn't refer lib1's members in lib2.

Lib 1 :

Total.h :
class Total {
static void Test(double);

[Code] .....

How to access another library which has same name and how to add header file ?

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C# :: How To Access Form Method From Another Class

Jan 7, 2015

Basically am trying to reference a method in a my Form1 class into another class. So far I have tried multiple different methods to try and access the method but have not managed it so far. Both classes use the same namespace. The part of my form class that I am using are as follows:

public class Form1 : Form
IContainer components = null;
private ButtonPanelThread p1, p3, p4;


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C++ :: Can A Class Constructor Be Called Like A Method?

May 17, 2013

When the below is done, does it call the constroctor only, and if yes, constructors do not have return types so how does it work? is there anything behind the scene?

wxAddHandler(new wxPNG_HANDLER);

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C++ :: How To Create Template Method In A Class

Jul 8, 2014


class A {
template<class T>
ObjectsBase* createObject(T* objType, Ogre::String name, Ogre::Vector3 position);
template<class T>
ObjectBase* A::createObject(T* objType, Ogre::String name, Ogre::Vector3 position);

My goal is to create any ObjectBase* derived object and return it to class A....

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C++ :: Invoking Method Of Class With Template

Aug 1, 2014

bool CObject<class T>::Create(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, T *pMesh, float fAnimSpeed) {
if(pMesh == NULL)
return false;
m_pDevice = pDevice;
m_pMesh = pMesh;
if(m_pMesh->GetAnimController() != NULL) {
DWORD dwNumAnimSet = m_pMesh->GetAnimController()->GetMaxNumAnimationSets();

In here, T can be from the class CMesh * or CSkinnedMesh *, both have signature of GetAnimController

This maybe a flaw in my design... But I want Create to accept any kinds of meshes.

Should I create an interface or abstract class above all of those?

I have added an IMesh class that every derived classes has to have the needed interface.

But since then, I have another question, I feel that it is very cumbersome to include a template argument in every class/prototype that is associated with CObject

bool CreatePlanesFromObject(CObject *pObject, D3DXPLANE *pPlanes);
Requires me to do this
template<class T> bool CreatePlanesFromObject(CObject<T>* pObject, D3DXPLANE* pPlanes);

Any ways I can omit the template argument, because it doesn't make sense to know the Mesh type in other classes...

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C++ :: Compiler Will Not Allow To Call A Public Method In Another Class

Feb 23, 2013

I have read the book over and over and I thought I understand "CLASS". But when I applied it and write the code the compiler tells me that there is a compiling error.

1. I have this method addProduct(Product* pProduct) in a Class called ProductRack, the code is in ProductRack.cpp file. The declaration of the Class methods and private variables are in ProductRack.h header file.

2. But when I call a method in the DeliveryCHute Class from the ProductRack Class I get a compiler errors which are these:

A.IntelliSense: a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object
B.error C2352: 'Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct' : illegal call of non-static member function

And this is causing the error:

if (Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct(pProduct) == false)

Project1::ProductRack::addProduct(Product* pProduct) {
// Todo : Implementing
if (Project1::DeliveryChute::insertProduct(pProduct) == false)
return true;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Calculate Bond Price Given A Certain YTM Using Class Method

Feb 22, 2015

I have been trying to calculate the bond price given a certain YTM using class method. Since the YTM and bond price are linked with each other(there is another question asking us to calculate the YTM with a given price),we put price and YTM in "private" and others variables in"public". Actually, this is the format given in my assignment.

I used "getvalue" to get the value of YTM, and used YTM in the formula of bond price calculation. However, the output of the price is infinite, while the output of price is right if I used a specific value of YTM(such as 0.05) in the formula. It means that I didn't successfully get right value of YTM.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
class bond{

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Compile Method Of Class Separately From Other Methods?

Apr 11, 2014

There is any method to compile a method of a class separately from the other methods and the main.

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C# :: Accessing Method Within Proxy Class But Fails To Do So

Jun 23, 2014

I have this proxy class generated from a webservice:

/// <remarks/>
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "4.0.30319.18408")]
public partial class RaceDayCalendarSimple : object, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged {

[Code] ....

I'm trying to access this method "RaceDaySimple[] raceDay" and display it on "WebForm1.aspx":

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebServiceClient.WebForm1" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>

[Code] ....

So on "WebForm1.aspx.cs" I'm trying to access the method "RaceDaySimple[] raceDay" and display it inside the div "test":

test.InnerHtml = pbs.fetchRaceDayCalendarSimple().raceDay;

But I'm getting the error:

Cannot implicitly convert 'WebServiceClient.InformationServiceReference.RaceDaySimple[]' to 'String'

So how do I acces this method proparly and display the content on "WebForm1.aspx" inside the div "test"?

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C Sharp :: How To Use Static Method And Datatype In A Class

Apr 3, 2013

How to use static in a class, function and variable.

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C Sharp :: Can Give The Restriction To Method For A Particular Class

Jun 16, 2012

can we give the restriction to method for a particular class

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