C/C++ :: Error C2995 Function Template Has Already Been Defined

Apr 10, 2014

I have been trying to compile this program for 3 days. he subject is my error. I know it has something to do with including the cpp file with the header file however my textbook says this is what I must do in order to use templates. I have tried 2 compilers Code Blocks and Microsoft Visual C++ express 2010.

Here is my code:

header file
#pragma once
#ifndef _NODE
#define _NODE
template<class ItemType>
class Node {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Array 2D - Class Template Has Already Been Defined Error

Apr 6, 2014

I got an array class, but I'm getting this error:

Error1error C2953: 'Array2D' : class template has already been defined

Here's the code:

#include "Tools.h"
template <typename T>
class Array2D {
T** arr;
int xSize;
int ySize;

[Code] .....

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C :: Signal Function Defined Twice With No Error?

Dec 13, 2013

I'm using a library in my code in a file called "my_signal.c". In this file I've defined this function:

Sigfunc * signal(int signo, Sigfunc *func){
struct sigaction act, oact;

Since the signal function is also in file signal.h and I included it in "my_sygnal.h" file, I'm wondering why the compiler did not say anything about this "double declaration" of the function with the same name.

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C++ :: Compile Error With Static Template Function

Nov 29, 2012

The below code compiles without error using VS 2012 but with g++ 4.1.2 I get this error:

main.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
main.cpp:37: error: no matching function for call to 'StringHelper::stringToNumeric(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)'

Here is the code:

#include <string>
#include "boost/lexical_cast.hpp"
using boost::lexical_cast;
using boost::bad_lexical_cast;
class StringHelper {

[Code] ....

This is part of a larger program so in reality StringHelper has more static functions but this example does produce the error the same as the code when in the larger program.

To get it to compile under g++ I had to assign the return value from substr() to a string and pass that string to stringToNumeric. Why do I have to do this for g++ and not VS? Do I have something wrong with my template function that g++ is calling out and VS is not?

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C++ :: Error Returning Template Class From Member Function

Apr 30, 2012

When I do this:

// header file:
#include <list>
using namespace std;
class myClass {
list<int> myMethod();

// cpp file:

list<int> myClass::myMethod() {

In the cpp file, 'myMethod' is underlined in red and when I hover over it, it says:

"std::list<int, std::allocator<int>> myClass::myMethod()

Error: declaration is incompatible with "<error-type> myClass::myMethod()""

But when I make it as a standalone function, outside a class, with no pre-declaration, there is no problem.

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C++ :: Template Specialization Does Not Work For User-defined Object

May 23, 2014

Can you take a look why I am getting compile error.

// clang++ main.cpp -g -std=c++11 -o main
#include <iostream>
class QuoteClass {
QuoteClass() = default;
QuoteClass(std::string param) {symbol = param;}
std::string get_symbol() {return symbol;}

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Error LNK2005 - Already Defined

Jan 29, 2014

I have 4 files:


In the first one I define a struct. In the second I declare/create a new class called mms and I include "def.h". The third one is the cpp file of the class and I include in it "mms.h" (no, I don't include in it "def.h"). The fourth and last has the 'main' and I include in it "mms.h"

For some reason I'm getting the "error: lnk2005 alread defined ..." I know it usually has to do with putting some header file or definitions twice but I can't see where I got wrong.

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C++ :: Fatal Error - One Or More Multiply Defined Symbols Found

Nov 13, 2014

Im getting this error:

"fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found"

Here's my code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
cout << "Avoiding Technology" << endl;
bool status = true;
int location;
int a,b;

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  how To Declare Template Function Inside Template Class

Dec 5, 2013

I'm trying to implement a simple template array class, but when i came into the operator< i actually have to use a template :

my code is something like :

template<typename _Type, std::size_t _Size>
class array {
public :

[Code] ......

but i am having an error of shadows template param 'class _Type' is it w/ the name conflict between the array template parameter and the function template parameter ?

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Visual C++ :: Operator Overload Not Defined Error When Type Accessed Through Const Struct

Oct 17, 2012

I have a basic vector/point class where I've overloaded a bunch of arithmetical operators:

#pragma once
class point {
point() {
point(float p_x, float p_y, float p_z) : x(p_x), y(p_y), z(p_z)

[Code] ...

I can use it fine like

point p(50,50,50);
point q(50,50,50);
point t = p * q + q;

However when I put this point type into a struct and try to access the members after passing it through by const reference:

struct sextic {
point a,b,c,d,e,f,g;
inline static sextic sexticDifference(const sextic &p_sextic1, c

[Code] ....

This gives me an "operator not defined" error for compilation.

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C++ ::  Writing A Function Template With Template Arguments?

Mar 14, 2014

I have a function:

template<class Iterator, class T>
void a(Iterator, Iterator, const T&);

and I want to be able to simplify calls to 'a' with calls like


instead of having to call:

a(someIteratableContainer.begin(), someIteratableContainer.end(), valueOfTheContainersElementType);

I also want to be able to generalize the function to handle any of the standard iteratable contains: array, vector, deque, whatever.

I was under the impression I could write:

template<template<class T> class U> a(U<T>& container) {
a(container.begin(), container.end(), g(T()));

where 'g()' returns an object of the element type. However, the compiler is claiming, no matter how I write a call to the overload, the original template is selected and/or the overload is invalid, depending on the various ways I attempt to write said overload.

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C/C++ :: Create User Defined Dynamic Array For Player Scores - Missing Pointer Types Error

Jan 18, 2015

I'm completely new to pointers and have a homework assignment due where I'm supposed to create a user defined dynamic array for player scores. The only errors I'm experiencing is a C2109: subscript requires pointer type and only on the lines that use the int *score; variable (57, 62, 64, 69, 71, and 82). I've already tried adding = nullptr to the variable and that didn't work.

using namespace std;
void players(string[], int[], int);
void average(int[], int);

[Code] ....

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C :: Printf Int That Was Defined In Another Function?

Feb 26, 2013

I'm making my way through most of this assignment that I have, but now it seems like I've run into a bit of a roadblock. The issue that I'm having is not being able to printf a series of ints that I thought I had previously defined in another function. I don't want to clog up this post with the entire code, so I'll just post one function that defined an int to give an example. I will upload the whole thing upon request however.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int AGrade1(int* grade1);
int AGrade2(int* grade2);
int AGrade3(int* grade3);

[Code] .....

I've tried many many things, but I just cant figure it out. This is what it's supposed to look like.

Assignment Grades:
18 12 17 15 20 13
20 18

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C++ :: Determine If A Function Has Been Defined

Apr 8, 2013

I would like to make a handler for input events, but not be required to define all the functions.For example, if I had

void mouseDown(int button,vec2 pos);
void mouseUp(int button,vec2 pos);
static void mouseStateHandle(int button,int state,int x,int y) {
case DOWN:


in the 'mouseStateHandle' function? I don't know enough about C++ to be able to come up with a solution.

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C++ ::  Calling A Function With Dynamically Defined Name

Feb 19, 2013

Is there a way to call a function whose name is defined in a file-stored-list?

In other words: The caller doesn't know in compile time the name of the function.

I'm not talking about polymorphism.

The problem is: I have a list of function names stored in a file, that may change every now and then, and I'd like to call them in the sequence they appear in that list.

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C++ :: Template Definition Error

Apr 16, 2013

I have an issue converting VC++6 code to VC++ 2010. The following template function definition is not allowed by the new compiler:

template <> void AFXAPI DelElems <CBrush*> ( CPen** objects, int count ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++, objects++ )
if (*objects)
delete *objects;

All errors refer to the header of the template function:

- syntax error : '<'
- syntax error : missing ';' before '<'
- 'DelElems' : illegal use of type 'void'
- unrecognizable template declaration/definition

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C++ :: Overloaded Operator Defined In Header File - Gives Error In CPP File Of Class

Apr 12, 2014

I am working on an assignment in which i have to perform th following task

myClass itsObject1,itsObject2;

I have defined overloaded operator as follows in the header file but in the cpp file of the class it gives error.

friend vli &vli::operator + (int &a,vli &obj);

How to define it in cpp file of my class?

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C :: Return Value From User Defined Function To Main

Nov 14, 2014

I want to return value from user defined function to main.


#include <stdio.h>
int mult ( int x, int y );
int add(int x, int y);
int loop (int y);
int main() {

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Virtual Function Defined / How To Define A Destructor

Aug 22, 2014

I wrote the following program, it can be compiled and run, but there is warning saying that if virtual function is defined, there should be a destructor. How to do that I tried many different ways I can thought of, but none of them works.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class cell_c {
double p;
cell_c() {p=1;}
virtual void print() {cout<<p<<endl;}


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C++ :: Linker Error In Template Code

Jan 27, 2015

I was working on template and found the linker error while compiling the code.

Below is the code:

Code: //Template1.h: Header file where template define
#ifndef __Template1_H__
#define __Template1__
template <typename T,typename T1> class A
T a;
T1 b;
A(T ,T1 ) ;


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C++ :: Array Error Using Template Class

Dec 3, 2014

How to assign the array in object Q to the 12 months, Dec through Jan. I then have to sort the array and display the strings from Jan to Dec.

// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// Declare template class
template <class T, int n>

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Template Class With Error 2664

Feb 2, 2014

I'm trying to get the command pattern for template classes down. I'm just having a hard time implementing one part of the code. I can't figure out why both the method being passed and the type accepted are not the same type.

SimpleCommand class
template <class Receiver>
class SimpleCommand : public Command {
typedef void(Receiver::*Action)();
SimpleCommand(Receiver *r, Action a) :


And their instantiation

MyClass *receiver = new MyClass;
Command *aCommand =
new SimpleCommand<MyClass>(receiver, &MyClass::Action);

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C Sharp :: Project Template Opening Error

Jul 18, 2014

Recently I tried a project template from infragistics

Infragistics Windows Forms -ProjectManager

every time I open the design form it desply this message.

What should I do to resolve it.

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C/C++ :: Error C2512 With Template Linked List?

Oct 29, 2013

I have made a Template Class that I named ArrayList(to coincide with ArrayLists in Java)and it works for the primitive types string, int, double, etc.; however, when I try making the ArrayList with a class object instead of a primitive type it gives:

"error C2512: 'ArrayList<Missile>::listCell' : no appropriate default constructor available"

And I am not sure why. My ArrayList Class is defined by:

template <class type> class ArrayList{  
    struct listCell{
        type dataStorage;
        listCell *next = nullptr;

[Code] ....

The error takes place in the add method of the ArrayList class:

void add(type toAdd){
        if (head == nullptr){
            head = new listCell();
            head->dataStorage = toAdd;

[Code] .... 

only when I use a class object instead of a primitive storage type.

The class "Missile" has been defined and compiles successfully, and the code calling the add method is here:

    ArrayList<Missile> missiles;
    Missile *missile;  
//Constructor and Deconstructor not shown  
    void fire(){
        missile = new Missile(xPos, yPos, true);

why this causes an error?

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C++ :: User Defined Function - String Related Program (swapping)

Jan 4, 2015

Write a program using user-defined function which is passed a string and that function should cycle the string.(Do not use any string related functions). E.g.

If the string is : Chetna then it should print as Chetna, hetnaC, etnaCh, tnaChe,naChet, aChetn


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char swamp(char a[], int x) {
for(int k=0; k<=x; k++) {
char l= a[x]; a[x]= a[0]; char p=a[x-1]; a[x-1]=l;
for(int i=1; i<x-2; i++) {


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C++ :: Creating User Defined Function To Count Number Of Vowels

Oct 7, 2013

The output I'm getting here just counts every letter in the sentence and counts them as vowels. I'm trying to make the user defined function return the amount of vowels within the sentence.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>


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