Visual C++ :: MFC Click Event Not Working Between Parent And Subclass In Web Control

Mar 18, 2015

I'm having problem using the click event in a web browser control. I have a control called CIEBrowser that implements a Web control. Here a message_map:


I want to implement a derived class called CFulltextCtrl.

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFulltextCtrl, CIEBrowser)

I have a dialog with a control using this CFulltextCtrl. I can create and show the html perfectly inside the form. But all links inside this control don't work (scenario 1). If I create a form who have a control of the type CIEBrowser, the EXACTLY same html code works perfectly (scenario 2).

In particular, I need that when I click in one link, execute a method called OnClick, who performs all that I need, just like in scenario 2.

This is my DISPATCH_MAP in the derived class (CFulltextCtrl):


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C# :: Pass Button Click To Parent Control?

Apr 19, 2014

I want Buttons to pass-on Click to their parent control. I'm creating a user-control to do this, and I am using TableLayoutPanel to test.

I found some code (below) but neither do anything for me. SO topic related article

namespace ArrayButtons {
public partial class MyButton : UserControl {
public MyButton() {


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C# :: Treeview Control In WPF Double Click Event

Jan 8, 2015

<TreeView Grid.Column="0" Margin="0,-15,0,15" Grid.ColumnSpan="1">
<TreeViewItem Header="Custom"/>
<TreeViewItem Header="All Conferences"/>
<TreeViewItem Header="Atlantic Coast Conference" MouseDoubleClick="TreeViewItem_MouseDoubleClick_1">
<TreeViewItem Header="Atlantic" MouseDoubleClick="TreeViewItem_MouseDoubleClick"/>
<TreeViewItem Header="Coastal"/>

[Code] ....

I am trying to do a LINQ Query by Double Clicking the child node. When I click on the parent node it brings up the correct data. But when I click on the child node it still brings up the data from the parent node. How do I get the child node to display the correct data?

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Visual C++ :: Array Of Buttons - Click Event?

Oct 15, 2012

I have successfully compiled a code where I created an array of buttons. I have added a click event to it like this :

buttons[indexofhashis2]->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Execute::GOBUT_Click);

I have a standard event like this

private: System::Void GOBUT_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
int x;
x = sender->Location.X;

Returns error saying Location is not a member of Object^.

I'm trying to create an array of button (user/runtime created buttons) and get different interpretations of the click event depending of wich button is clicked.

For example, if we create buttons[0] I wish to get the 0 or something relevant into the GOBUT_Click event.

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Visual C++ :: Control On Parent Window

Feb 18, 2014

I need Edit Box and List Box controls on the Parent Window or Main Window of my application. I know how to use them in dialogs ..

I will need to Read/Write/Modify data from Edit Box . How to do this ?

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Visual C++ :: Left Button Click On Edit Control In Dialog Box?

Apr 13, 2015

I have a dialog box with several edit control boxes and I want to identify the edit control when I click the left mouse button on it. Any button action (up or down) doesn;t register when the mouse is clicked on any of the edit controls. There has got to be a simple way to do this.

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Visual C++ :: Passing DDX Control Variables Between Dialogs (Parent->Child)

Jul 19, 2013

I have a main dialog which has (DDX?) controls for the user. eg a slider, and a combo box.

Previously, an image adjusted by these controls was in the same dialog.

I need to put this image in a New, separate dialog but it still must be controlled by the slider and combo box on the main dialog.

My question is how can I pass the control's variables between the dialogs? I have, say,

DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ComboBrightness, m_Brightness
I was told that I could do something like:

ImageDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL, CComboBox m_Brightness); // standard constructor

But I get errors including: Missing default parameter for parameter 2

I also need to pass the image array, is that perhaps the same method?

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C# :: WPF Databound ListView Item Click Event?

Aug 27, 2014

I was using the same item click event on another listview, and it worked perfectly... I don't know why this is happening, but here's my problem:

When I double click on an item, and try to obtain its index in the listview, the items index always comes back as -1... Obviously -1 isn't an index, and I'm guessing that it is returning -1 because that item does not exist on the listview, but from what I'm seeing, it is impossible for the item not to be inside of the listview...

Here is the xaml for my listview:

<ListView x:Name="lstBookmarks" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="250" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="327" ItemsSource="{Binding Bookmarks}">


When I uncomment the MessageBox, it shows -1... This is obviously not right lol. I have the same exact click event in another class, and I obtain the items index the same exact way.. The only difference between this listview and that one is that this listview is databound.. Is that the issue? If so, how does one overcome it?

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C# :: Handling Middle Mouse Click Event

Jan 17, 2015

I'm trying to create a program which can pan by keep clicking and move the mouse

1. First, I create a class that inherited from the UserControl Class

public partial class CanvasCtrl : UserControl
protected void OnMiddleMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) {

[Code] ....

2, Second, I create the void in that class too, and write the code to get it to catch the event

public void MainMouseAction() {
this.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(OnMiddleMouseDown);

It not work, how to solve this out ?

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C Sharp :: Add ComboBox Inside ListView On Mouse Double Click Event?

Apr 9, 2013

I want to add ComboBox inside ListView on mouse double click event. On each double click, a new ComboBox should be added on the next row.

I tried it with the code below, but its not working.

private void form_DblClick(object sender, form_DblClickEvent e)
ComboBox c;
this.Controls.Add(c = new ComboBox());

actually i want to add combobox will all of the above elements in one combobox..when i double click it next line another combobox will be added with all elements...

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C# :: Why Is Node Click Event Changing The Node Icon

Jul 26, 2014

I'm having a hard time figuring how to get my imagelist index 3 icon to display in the nodes "N1" and "V Speeds" below? So, as you can see in the attachment, the closed folder icon is currently shown which is index 0 in the imagelist. But I want index icon 2 to show in these two nodes.

treeView.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("Checklist"));


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Visual C++ :: How To Set The Parent Dialog

Apr 17, 2013

I've created a modeless dialog from my main dialog as follows:

m_pContainerDlg = new CDlgContainer(NULL, this);
m_pContainerDlg->Create(CDlgContainer::IDD, GetDesktopWindow());
m_pContainerDlg ->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);

This container dialog creates a child dialog which I show inside the container

BOOL CDlgContainer::OnInitDialog(){
// Create the child dialog and show it
m_pChildDlg = new CChildDlg(this);
m_pChildDlg->Create(IDD_DIRECTORY_DIALOG, this);
return FALSE;

From my child dialog I then create a modal dialog when a user clicks on a button

CChildDlg:: CChildDlg (CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) :
m_pParent((CDlgContainer*)pParent), {
} void CChildDlg::OnBnClickedBtn() {
CMyDlg MyDlg;
INT_PTR iResult = MyDlg.DoModal(pParent);

My problem is that the CMyDlg is modal but to the main dialog and not to the container or the child dialog.

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Visual C++ :: DLL And Write To Event Viewer

Dec 11, 2013

i want to write to event viewer

void EventLogCls::WriteError( char* msg) {
HANDLE hes = RegisterEventSource(0, appName);
if(hes) {
ReportEvent(hes, dwEventType, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,(const char**)&msg , 0);

The error that i get is on the line of "ReportEvent"

error C2664: 'ReportEventW' : cannot convert parameter 8 from 'const char **' to 'LPCWSTR *'

what should be changed?

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Visual C++ :: MFC- Receiving Button Click Message Failed

Oct 2, 2014

I've created a new dialog in my MFC dialog based application. the new dialog contains 5 control buttons. The following happens and I don't understand why?

1. click on buttonX. (result ok, OnBnClicked message is sent)
2. click on on any place of the application, but not on the dialog.(removing focus from dialog)
3. click again on buttonX (FAILED, OnBnClicked message is NOT sent). but if instead I click on any other button in the dialog (result ok, OnBnClicked message is sent).

And when I do:

1. ...
2. ...
3. click on the dialog area just to set focus on the dialog again
4. click again on buttonX. (result ok, OnBnClicked message is sent)
**I need to do step 3 only if I want to click again on the buttonX! why?? I think it related to SetFocus() but I m not sure how.

I've tried different style like, tool windows, overlapped, popup. it happens in all the cases.

class CToolsDlg : public CBDialog {
CToolsDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
virtual ~CToolsDlg();
CToolTipCtrl m_ToolsTips;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Long Time Button Pressed Event - MFC

Feb 2, 2015

I Like to Open a Dialog When the Button Was Pressed for 5 seconds Continuously.

I'm using Windows 8 HP Tablet, Is MouseUp & MouseDown events suitable for this requirement.

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Visual C++ :: Creating CWnd With Parent Of Type CFormView - App Crashes

May 28, 2013

My app crashes when I attempt to create a CWnd as shown below. I am attempting to create the CWnd with a a parent of type CFormView. Why this might be crashing?

CWnd::Create(AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS), CString(windowName.c_str()), WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, dimensions, parent, NULL, NULL);

The call stack looks like this:

mfc100ud.dll!AfxGetInstanceHandle() Line 21 + 0x20 bytesC++
mfc100ud.dll!AfxRegisterWndClass(unsigned int nClassStyle, HICON__ * hCursor, HBRUSH__ * hbrBackground, HICON__ * hIcon) Line 1462 + 0x5 bytesC++

And the line that crashes here us the AfxGetInstanceHandle() call:

LPCTSTR AFXAPI AfxRegisterWndClass(UINT nClassStyle,
HCURSOR hCursor, HBRUSH hbrBackground, HICON hIcon) {
// Returns a temporary string name for the class
// Save in a CString if you want to use it for a long time
LPTSTR lpszName = AfxGetThreadState()->m_szTempClassName;

// generate a synthetic name for this class
HINSTANCE hInst = AfxGetInstanceHandle();

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Visual C++ :: Parent To Child Dialog Data Transfer And Vice Versa

Nov 28, 2012

I transferred data from parent to child. Problem occurred while send data from child to parent dialog.

Find the attachment....

void CChildDlg::OnBnClickedCancel() {

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Application Which Print Existing File On Reception Of Network Event

Sep 10, 2014

I basically want to develop an application which print an existing file on reception of a network event (application will be running on a seven 64 bits PC).

I wonder which application type would be the most suitable (and the simplest) for that (console win32, win32 app, MFC app ...). As this application does not need user intervention (print on network event), I'm not sure that I need a MFC application or a win32 app.

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C++ :: Subclass Objects In One Array?

Jul 16, 2012

i want to save similar objects, meaning having same superclass, in an array. Example: I have a superclass vehicle. Class car and truck inherit from vehicle. Now i have a few from both of them an want to put them in an array, vector, set or else. Is this possible in C++ or are there an workarounds? When i remember right, Java and C# offer this feature.

Here again an example:

class vehicle{
int mMaxSpeed;
} class truck : public vehicle {
int mTrailerLength;
} class car : public vehicle {


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C++ :: Define Virtual Function Compare In Subclass Score?

Mar 26, 2014

I am trying to bend my head around polymorphism but I can't figure out how to use the virtual method properly. I have the following superclass:

Code: class comparable
virtual bool compare(comparable &other)=0;
}; and the subclass:
Code: class score : public comparable
score(string player,int highscore);
bool compare(comparable &other);
string name;
int highscore;

My problem is that I do not know how to define the virtual function compare in the subclass score:

Code: bool score::compare(comparable &other){
if(this->highscore > other.???){

How do I tell the compiler that the type is of score?

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C++ :: Calling Method Of Specialized Template Base Class In Subclass

Feb 10, 2013

class IFoo {
virtual void Bar() = 0;

class FooAbstract {
virtual void Bar() {}

[Code] .....

How to call the Bar() method from FooTemplate in FooDerived::Bar()?

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Visual C++ :: Customize Control Scrollbar

Jan 16, 2015

I get a task: to color the control scrollbar (a gridctrl scrollbar, whatever). In the first attempting I didn't succeded ... So, I started to trying coloring a CListBox scrollbar ... I developed a derived CListBox where I override OnCtlColor:

HBRUSH CMyListBox::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) {
HBRUSH hbr = CListBox::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);

// TODO: Change any attributes of the DC here
// TODO: Return a different brush if the default is not desired

if(CTLCOLOR_STATIC == nCtlColor) {
pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(200, 34, 0));

[Code] ....

I colored everything, except scrollbars ) ... I attached the app demo ...

I already tried this solution: [URL] ....

but in my case, didn't worked ...

My question is, how can I color the control scrollbar ? It is possible ? If yes, how ?

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Visual C++ :: How To Control Toolbar Dynamically

Sep 21, 2013

I want to control my toolbar dynamically.

First I added tool bar with style including TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS | TBSTYLE_LIST.

Then added the tool bar to a rebar. I added tool tips by handling TTN_GETDISPINFO.

Everything works fine. But when I try to add text to right of the button, the text
gets added but button size is not automatically changing.

The following code is not working .

void SetToolbarText(HWND& hwndToolbar,LPTSTR szText)
TBBUTTONINFO tbbi = { 0 };
tbbi.cbSize = sizeof(TBBUTTONINFO);
tbbi.dwMask = TBIF_TEXT;// | TBIF_SIZE;//if I add TBIF_SIZE code will work!
tbbi.cchText = 0; = 200;


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Visual C++ :: MFC List Control Position?

Feb 4, 2015

I have a mfc project with a List Control (Report View).

When I run the project, the list control appears in the middle of the window instead of appearing where I placed it.

Is there a qay to make it stay where I need it?

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Visual C++ :: Child Window On Top Of Control

Nov 30, 2014

I have a child window above an edit control.

When the position of the control in the parent in the child on top of it is clicked the control gets topmost. Is there any way to prevent this?

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Visual C++ :: Zoom In Using Picture Control?

Aug 13, 2013

I'm have a bitmap that's about 4000x2000. But I want to put it all into a picture control. I attempted to use stretchBlt() to shrink it. But it did not work.


HBITMAP originalImage = CreateDIBitmap(m_picture1.GetDC()->m_hDC,
(unsigned short *)m_OriginalBits,


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