C# :: Why Is Node Click Event Changing The Node Icon
Jul 26, 2014
I'm having a hard time figuring how to get my imagelist index 3 icon to display in the nodes "N1" and "V Speeds" below? So, as you can see in the attachment, the closed folder icon is currently shown which is index 0 in the imagelist. But I want index icon 2 to show in these two nodes.
I am working on C# Project [Windows Form Application], to update treeview nodes from excelsheet [xls] Cell [row i, Column 3] Values, while on selecting treenode, it should update corresponding Column 4 Value [row i, Column 4]. For me, Treenode are populated successfully, but on selecting the treenode, it always display first Element of treenode [Not selected one].
Populated Treenode from Excel as: [ Update Child Nodes from Column 3 elements [Column 2 Contain Parent node name and Column 3 have Child Node name], if Column 2 Value is same as Parent node name [My Module], update the child nodeunder same Parent node.]
for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; i++) { string mynode = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 1, 3]).Value2.ToString(); string mynode2 = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 1, 2]).Value2.ToString();
[Code] ....
On selecting the Child Node, it always give 1st Parent node. Instead of Selected Node.
for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 2; i++) { string mynodetext = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 3]).Value2.ToString(); string mynodetext1 = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 4]).Value2.ToString(); if (treeView1.SelectedNode.FirstNode.Text == mynodetext) { this.richTextBox1.SelectedText += Environment.NewLine + mynodetext1 + Environment.NewLine; } }
I am attempting to change the value of the head node in my list. I thought due to having pointer defined in parameter list I could change the address value of head node. The argument passed is a struct I did not have to use & in argument list to denote address of struct to compiler. This may have something to do with my problem. I did not include all routines called by main program just the deleteNode routine im having problems with.
I am trying to do a LINQ Query by Double Clicking the child node. When I click on the parent node it brings up the correct data. But when I click on the child node it still brings up the data from the parent node. How do I get the child node to display the correct data?
I was using the same item click event on another listview, and it worked perfectly... I don't know why this is happening, but here's my problem:
When I double click on an item, and try to obtain its index in the listview, the items index always comes back as -1... Obviously -1 isn't an index, and I'm guessing that it is returning -1 because that item does not exist on the listview, but from what I'm seeing, it is impossible for the item not to be inside of the listview...
When I uncomment the MessageBox, it shows -1... This is obviously not right lol. I have the same exact click event in another class, and I obtain the items index the same exact way.. The only difference between this listview and that one is that this listview is databound.. Is that the issue? If so, how does one overcome it?
Code: private: System::Void GOBUT_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { int x; x = sender->Location.X; }
Returns error saying Location is not a member of Object^.
I'm trying to create an array of button (user/runtime created buttons) and get different interpretations of the click event depending of wich button is clicked.
For example, if we create buttons[0] I wish to get the 0 or something relevant into the GOBUT_Click event.
I'm having problem using the click event in a web browser control. I have a control called CIEBrowser that implements a Web control. Here a message_map:
I have a dialog with a control using this CFulltextCtrl. I can create and show the html perfectly inside the form. But all links inside this control don't work (scenario 1). If I create a form who have a control of the type CIEBrowser, the EXACTLY same html code works perfectly (scenario 2).
In particular, I need that when I click in one link, execute a method called OnClick, who performs all that I need, just like in scenario 2.
This is my DISPATCH_MAP in the derived class (CFulltextCtrl):
actually i want to add combobox will all of the above elements in one combobox..when i double click it again..in next line another combobox will be added with all elements...
So the task is to find the node with minimum value of a binary tree (not binary search tree). the input is the pointer to the root of the tree. and i cannot make recursion work when i do if conditions. here is what i have Code: /*function 3-takses as input the pointer to the root of the tree and returns a pointer to the node with the minimum value*/
CPPtr minimumvalue(CPPtr SP){ CPPtr min = NULL; //node of minimum value if(SP== NULL){ // if there is a node, begin comparing return NULL; } else{ if(SP->data<SP->left->data){ //if the node has smaller value than its left child min = SP; //update node of minimum value
no matter where i call my function i get errors like unhandled exception at some memory. how to use recursion in this?
How to insert a node and print it out. I am not sure if I am doing this correctly or if I am missing anything. It seems that the head keeps getting overwritten with the most current key and that the nodes are not pointing to each other.
Here is my code so far:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> // Global Declarations typedef struct { int key;
I'M TRYING TO DELETE FROM THE END OF A LINKLIST...Actually I delete the last node but the problem is that I lost the end of the list, in other words my list leaved of pointing to NULL.I really don't know how to fixed, (it was more easy to delete from head)
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> struct tax_node { char form; // tax form letter int version; // tax form number
[Code] ....
I cannot seem to get why function print_contents will not work. The couts at the end of the program is just to test that it printed correctly. But, if I need it to print the contents such when print_contents(ptr2) is called. I think it should be tax_ptr in the parameter list but I am not quite sure.
So the task is to find the node with minimum value of a binary tree (not binary search tree). the input is the pointer to the root of the tree. and i cannot make recursion work when i do if conditions. here is what i have
CPPtr minimumvalue(CPPtr SP){ CPPtr min = NULL;//node of minimum value
if(SP== NULL){// if there is a node, begin comparing return NULL;
[Code] ....
No matter where i call my function i get errors like unhandled exception at some memory. How to use recursion in this?
I create A program that will Add and Display the Link List but I have problem on it. If I add it will inserted in the prev node not in the next node. Here's my source code.
#include <stdio.h> typedef struct Member { int id; char name[256]; struct Member *next;
I am working with A.V.L. trees at the moment and I have to implement a program that inserts a node and if needed re-balance the tree.I have problems when I have to do a double rotation because after I insert a node the tree is messed up. This is a picture with what my program shows after i run it. [URL] .....
void length(NodeT* p,int *maxi,int l) { if (p!=NULL) { length(p->left,&*maxi,l+1); if ((p->left==NULL)&&(p->right==NULL)&&(*maxi<l)) *maxi=l; length(p->right,&*maxi,l+1);
Reversing Linklist using Stack. I have created linklist using <list> STL. Now I want to push address of each node in Stack. For that I want address of 1st node so that I will assign it to "temp" and I can use following loop.
HTML Code: while (temp != NULL) { s.push(temp); temp = temp->next; }
But I am not getting address of 1st node. I tried function l1.front() which gives 1st element but not address.
I have a struct with some select student information. My wish is to be able to have the user type in a surname from the list, and for that entry to be deleted. However I am slipping up for some reason.
Here is the start of my program showing my struct:
This is what I have at the moment which works as I would like but wondering if there is a better way of handling? Currently just making sure I know linked-lists well enough.
I am having trouble with my deleteNode function, using recursion I am trying to delete a node from a binary tree. My tree is displayed as the following...
Tree: (node)->[left child, right child] (k)->[g,p] (g)->[c,h] (c)->[ ,e]
The result did show that it is erased but when I try to add the erase node "t" back into the tree it still exist. I am stumped on what to do when using recursion way of deleting node.
I'm trying to impliment a simple singly linked list, then allow a user to add a new node. I have mocked up a siimple example to illustrate my point using Linked Lists...
So I have done things similatr to this in C# and Java but not in C. There maybe some parts of this I'm sure some will disagree with in terms of buffers,overflow etc. but it's just the linked list part that I am interested in at the moment, I am only doing it like this because when it works, I will be extracting the working linked list stuff into another program that can deal with its I/O etc.
I have tried to comment as best I can to demonstarte my intentions and understandings per line of code. The add function needs to add a node of value x that the user has input, and add that to the end of the list - I'm sure that the print function is not doing all its supposed to do...
If p is a pointer pointing a node to be deleted, then what's wrong in the following code:
cout << "Do you want to delete this record? (y/n) "; if (getch() == 'y' || getch() == 'Y'){// Delete record. if (p == *ph){//If first node is to be deleted. *ph = (*ph)->next; delete p;
I have to write a program which has the user be able to enter a specific value at a specific position of the linkedlist, replacing that node with the user defined value
EX: Enter the value 5 at 2nd node, which will override the old value at the 2nd node with the new one
I am getting a compiler error which terminates my program right after the user presses the return key after he/she has given a position to change the value
Error: Unhandled exception at 0x013C50C1 in Linked(1).exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000812B.
I am not going to show the whole code as the problem resides solely on the insert function:
void TheNode::insert(double num, int choice) { int post = 0; MyNode *ptr = new MyNode; (*ptr).value = num; MyNode *previous = head; MyNode *current = head->next;