I am having trouble with my deleteNode function, using recursion I am trying to delete a node from a binary tree. My tree is displayed as the following...
Tree: (node)->[left child, right child]
(c)->[ ,e]
The result did show that it is erased but when I try to add the erase node "t" back into the tree it still exist. I am stumped on what to do when using recursion way of deleting node.
This is the delete function of binary search tree. However it won't enter the if-else statement that checks whether the node to be deleted is the left child or right child.
void DeleteNode(node* T, int number) { node* x = new node; node* current = new node; node* dele = new node; node* finder = new node; finder = root;
Below is my implementation of a Binary Search Tree, but there is a bug in the DeleteNode() function. It does not set the parent's pointer to NULL as I intended.
How would I remove the largest node in a Binary Search tree?
function prototype: boolean remove_largest(node *& root) { }
I know that if there's no right child, then the root node has to be deleted. If there is a right child, then traverse that path for the largest node. But how to make this in to code that works?
I am working on C# Project [Windows Form Application], to update treeview nodes from excelsheet [xls] Cell [row i, Column 3] Values, while on selecting treenode, it should update corresponding Column 4 Value [row i, Column 4]. For me, Treenode are populated successfully, but on selecting the treenode, it always display first Element of treenode [Not selected one].
Populated Treenode from Excel as: [ Update Child Nodes from Column 3 elements [Column 2 Contain Parent node name and Column 3 have Child Node name], if Column 2 Value is same as Parent node name [My Module], update the child nodeunder same Parent node.]
for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; i++) { string mynode = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 1, 3]).Value2.ToString(); string mynode2 = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 1, 2]).Value2.ToString();
[Code] ....
On selecting the Child Node, it always give 1st Parent node. Instead of Selected Node.
for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 2; i++) { string mynodetext = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 3]).Value2.ToString(); string mynodetext1 = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 4]).Value2.ToString(); if (treeView1.SelectedNode.FirstNode.Text == mynodetext) { this.richTextBox1.SelectedText += Environment.NewLine + mynodetext1 + Environment.NewLine; } }
I'M TRYING TO DELETE FROM THE END OF A LINKLIST...Actually I delete the last node but the problem is that I lost the end of the list, in other words my list leaved of pointing to NULL.I really don't know how to fixed, (it was more easy to delete from head)
I have a struct with some select student information. My wish is to be able to have the user type in a surname from the list, and for that entry to be deleted. However I am slipping up for some reason.
Here is the start of my program showing my struct:
If p is a pointer pointing a node to be deleted, then what's wrong in the following code:
cout << "Do you want to delete this record? (y/n) "; if (getch() == 'y' || getch() == 'Y'){// Delete record. if (p == *ph){//If first node is to be deleted. *ph = (*ph)->next; delete p;
I have Problems with deleting node in trees!my first problem is I don't understand the algorithm of deleting a node with two child! I write some kind of code that delete a node with two child but I think (maybe I should say I am sure ) that it has runtime or logical errors or something like that!
My second problem is my code doesn't work if my node is root of tree!because I don't know if it is root what should be the parentPtr in my code! I set parentPtr to NULL in this situation but I know it is wrong!
Here is my Code :
#include <iostream> #include "TreeNode.h" using namespace std; template<typename NODETYPE> class Tree { public: Tree(); void insertNode(const NODETYPE &);
I need to delete the Nth node from a doubly linked list. I know I just cant delete it out right. I have all the goodies including a templetized node class. This is the code we're given:
template <typename T> void doublyLinkedList<T>::deleteKthElement(const int item) { }
It accepts an int, and should go to the Nth node and delete it.
I am trying to delete a node from the end of a Linked List but I have some problems. Every node has it's unique code. Here is what I do:
1. Ask the user for the unique code of the node. 2. Ask him if he wants to change the data in it or delete the whole node. 3. If he chooses to delete it, I do this:
//let's say that temp1 points to the node List *temp2 = temp1; temp1 = temp1->next; delete temp2;
I am working with A.V.L. trees at the moment and I have to implement a program that inserts a node and if needed re-balance the tree.I have problems when I have to do a double rotation because after I insert a node the tree is messed up. This is a picture with what my program shows after i run it. [URL] .....
void length(NodeT* p,int *maxi,int l) { if (p!=NULL) { length(p->left,&*maxi,l+1); if ((p->left==NULL)&&(p->right==NULL)&&(*maxi<l)) *maxi=l; length(p->right,&*maxi,l+1);
how can a breadth-first-search-tree include every node have ancestor list. every node have multiple ancestor list(because every node may be multiple parents)
How to delete certain bytes from middle of a binary file?
Those bytes are in fact of a struct.
One approach I found was to re-write the whole data except the struct I want to delete. But may be its not good one if file size is in gb and I will have to write complete data again.
For my data-structures class, I am attempting to create a binary search tree template to be used to create an AVL tree. I've written a Generic_Tree template for the BST to inherit from, and before I jump into implementing the AVL tree I'm testing the BST member functions. Everything was compiling fine until I added the BST insert() function. Now, I'm getting the following error message from my linker:
undefined reference to 'BST<void>::insert(int, void*)'
It has been a while since I built a binary tree from scratch so I decided to do it. Everything works fine but this one function. When I enter a number to search it just keeps running and allowing me to keep enter numbers.
Code: void tree::search(int key,Node* leaf) { if (leaf == NULL) { std::cout<<"The tree is empty
I have a problem with the C code . I created two functions, one that runs through the tree inorder, the other that returns the maximum value in the tree. The problem is when I use in the main the method "max", which goes in a loop and not print anything on the screen . If I remove the call to method "max" it works fine. Here's the code:
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define bool int /* A binary tree tNode has data, pointer to left child and a pointer to right child */ struct tNode {