This is the delete function of binary search tree. However it won't enter the if-else statement that checks whether the node to be deleted is the left child or right child.
void DeleteNode(node* T, int number) { node* x = new node; node* current = new node; node* dele = new node; node* finder = new node; finder = root;
Below is my implementation of a Binary Search Tree, but there is a bug in the DeleteNode() function. It does not set the parent's pointer to NULL as I intended.
Still toying with my self-coded linked list class and now another question: should I delete each node of my class with the delete in the class destructor or is it done automatically when the main() function ends?
I have written a delete node function to delete a node in a linked list by the index number. Here is the code:
void delete_node(struct node **start,int index_no) { int counter=0; struct node *current=*start, *prev=NULL;//Current holds start and prev holds previous node of current while(current->next!=NULL)
note that I know if the head node turns out to be the indexed position, there is no way to delete that node in the current coding. But please after correcting the present node add that part of the code separately.
I was trying to write a function in C to delete a node(only from the middle) from a Singly Linked List. I wrote one but not sure if the code will work fine under all test conditions. I have tested it and shows no error so far.
Code: void deleteAt(struct node *root, int number){ while(root->link != NULL) { if(root->link->item == number) //checks if the next node is the element to be deleted { root->link = root->link->link; //points the link of the element to be deleted to the element before the element to be deleted } else root = root->link; } }
I am trying this without a head/start pointer which would generally hold the address of first node. I have 3 nodes here from which I am trying to delete last node, but its not happening. I might be wrong in my logic and this is my first linked list program.
add of p1::0x9605008 add of p2::0x9605018 add of p3::0x9605028 add of p1->prev::(nil) add of p1->next::0x9605018 add of p2->prev::0x9605008 add of p2->next::0x9605028 add of p3->prev::0x9605018 add of p3->next::(nil)
no of nodes 3
enter the addresss of node to delete it 0x9605028
after deletion attempted
add of p1::0x9605028 add of p2::0x9605018 add of p3::0x9605028 add of p1->prev::0x9605018 add of p1->next::(nil) add of p2->prev::0x9605008 add of p2->next::0x9605028 add of p3->prev::0x9605018 add of p3->next::(nil)
no of nodes 3
In this example i am trying to delete the node 3 which is p3, by deleting its address 0x9605028. But after deletion the node count is still 3 and addresses are like unexpected!
I am having trouble with my deleteNode function, using recursion I am trying to delete a node from a binary tree. My tree is displayed as the following...
Tree: (node)->[left child, right child] (k)->[g,p] (g)->[c,h] (c)->[ ,e]
The result did show that it is erased but when I try to add the erase node "t" back into the tree it still exist. I am stumped on what to do when using recursion way of deleting node.
How would I remove the largest node in a Binary Search tree?
function prototype: boolean remove_largest(node *& root) { }
I know that if there's no right child, then the root node has to be deleted. If there is a right child, then traverse that path for the largest node. But how to make this in to code that works?
I am having an issue when i try to delete a node with 2 children it either doesn't delete anything, or wigs out in various manners deleting the wrong node or replacing a node with a various memory location. As follows, here is the delete function:
void BST::dele(){ bool found = false;//initialize a bool type to "find" the element to be deleted if(root == NULL) return;//well if the tree's empty, nothing to be found right? current = root;//set the current to the root to traverse the tree in search of the element node* parent;//create a parent node for use once the node has been deleted while(current != NULL){//traverse the tree
I had an assignment that I completed and it was just inserting values into a binary tree and then displaying it. I was wondering what the code would be if I wanted to delete a number in the binary tree, or if I wanted to search for a number. Here is my code for my assignment.
I am working on C# Project [Windows Form Application], to update treeview nodes from excelsheet [xls] Cell [row i, Column 3] Values, while on selecting treenode, it should update corresponding Column 4 Value [row i, Column 4]. For me, Treenode are populated successfully, but on selecting the treenode, it always display first Element of treenode [Not selected one].
Populated Treenode from Excel as: [ Update Child Nodes from Column 3 elements [Column 2 Contain Parent node name and Column 3 have Child Node name], if Column 2 Value is same as Parent node name [My Module], update the child nodeunder same Parent node.]
for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; i++) { string mynode = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 1, 3]).Value2.ToString(); string mynode2 = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 1, 2]).Value2.ToString();
[Code] ....
On selecting the Child Node, it always give 1st Parent node. Instead of Selected Node.
for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 2; i++) { string mynodetext = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 3]).Value2.ToString(); string mynodetext1 = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 4]).Value2.ToString(); if (treeView1.SelectedNode.FirstNode.Text == mynodetext) { this.richTextBox1.SelectedText += Environment.NewLine + mynodetext1 + Environment.NewLine; } }
I'm having a hard time figuring how to get my imagelist index 3 icon to display in the nodes "N1" and "V Speeds" below? So, as you can see in the attachment, the closed folder icon is currently shown which is index 0 in the imagelist. But I want index icon 2 to show in these two nodes.
I've been working on a function that works like a pipeline of a shell but receives a directory, go over it an search for every file to send it to a filter, something like this in bash "cat dir/* | cmd_1 | cmd_2 | ... | cmd_N", The only problem i have with the code is the redirection of the pipe descriptors.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ char** cmd; int Number_cmd; cmd = &(argv[2]); /*list of cmds*/ Number_cmd = argc-2; /*number of cmds*/ }
The code is seems to work fine except when i run it with more than one command in example ("./filter DIR wc rev") in this case it returns
wc: standard input: Bad file descriptor wc: -: Bad file descriptor 0 0 0
I have to manage a Clinic. I need to delete a booking (for example, if John said he's coming on March 22nd at 15:30 but then he say he's not going to come, I have to delete that booking so another person can use it).
idSearched: the id of the person that is not going to come. I have a lot of specialties and each one has a list. So I ask for the speciality to delete the node (the node contains John's booking). If I don't find it, I return (-1). searchSpecByID return a pointer to the list where the speciality is. So head will point to the first node of the list. In nodeToDelete I have the node I want to delete.
The program detects OK when is the first in the list and when not, but it doesn't delete the node.
So the task is to find the node with minimum value of a binary tree (not binary search tree). the input is the pointer to the root of the tree. and i cannot make recursion work when i do if conditions. here is what i have Code: /*function 3-takses as input the pointer to the root of the tree and returns a pointer to the node with the minimum value*/
CPPtr minimumvalue(CPPtr SP){ CPPtr min = NULL; //node of minimum value if(SP== NULL){ // if there is a node, begin comparing return NULL; } else{ if(SP->data<SP->left->data){ //if the node has smaller value than its left child min = SP; //update node of minimum value
no matter where i call my function i get errors like unhandled exception at some memory. how to use recursion in this?
How to insert a node and print it out. I am not sure if I am doing this correctly or if I am missing anything. It seems that the head keeps getting overwritten with the most current key and that the nodes are not pointing to each other.
Here is my code so far:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> // Global Declarations typedef struct { int key;