C++ :: Deleting Node In BST

Nov 11, 2014

learning deleting BST node through recursion. In my class my tutor wrote something like this for BST delete node struc:

struct node{
node* root, *left, *right;

why not

struct node{
node* *left, *right;
node * root;

whats the difference?

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C++ :: Deleting Node From End Of A List

May 5, 2013

I'M TRYING TO DELETE FROM THE END OF A LINKLIST...Actually I delete the last node but the problem is that I lost the end of the list, in other words my list leaved of pointing to NULL.I really don't know how to fixed, (it was more easy to delete from head)

Code :

void linkedstack::pop() {
cout<<"The linklist is empty"<<endl;
else {
node *current=head;


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C :: Deleting A Node From Linked List

Apr 19, 2013

I have a struct with some select student information. My wish is to be able to have the user type in a surname from the list, and for that entry to be deleted. However I am slipping up for some reason.

Here is the start of my program showing my struct:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NAME_LEN 30
#define LINE_LEN 80
struct record {

[Code] ....

I get the following errors in my while loop as well as the if statement below that loop:

-invalid operands to binary !=
-invalid type of argument '->'

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C :: Deleting Binary Tree Node?

Feb 18, 2014

I am having trouble with my deleteNode function, using recursion I am trying to delete a node from a binary tree. My tree is displayed as the following...

Tree: (node)->[left child, right child]
(c)->[ ,e]


The result did show that it is erased but when I try to add the erase node "t" back into the tree it still exist. I am stumped on what to do when using recursion way of deleting node.

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C++ ::  linked List - Deleting A Node

Mar 2, 2013

If p is a pointer pointing a node to be deleted, then what's wrong in the following code:

cout << "Do you want to delete this record? (y/n) ";
if (getch() == 'y' || getch() == 'Y'){// Delete record.
if (p == *ph){//If first node is to be deleted.
*ph = (*ph)->next;
delete p;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Deleting Largest Node In BST Tree?

Dec 5, 2013

How would I delete the largest node in a binary search tree recursively???

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C++ :: Deleting Node (With Two Child) In Trees

Sep 20, 2013

I have Problems with deleting node in trees!my first problem is I don't understand the algorithm of deleting a node with two child! I write some kind of code that delete a node with two child but I think (maybe I should say I am sure ) that it has runtime or logical errors or something like that!

My second problem is my code doesn't work if my node is root of tree!because I don't know if it is root what should be the parentPtr in my code! I set parentPtr to NULL in this situation but I know it is wrong!

Here is my Code :

#include <iostream>
#include "TreeNode.h"
using namespace std;
template<typename NODETYPE> class Tree {
void insertNode(const NODETYPE &);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Deleting Nth Node From Doubly Linked List

Sep 19, 2013

I need to delete the Nth node from a doubly linked list. I know I just cant delete it out right. I have all the goodies including a templetized node class. This is the code we're given:

template <typename T>
void doublyLinkedList<T>::deleteKthElement(const int item) {

It accepts an int, and should go to the Nth node and delete it.

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C++ :: Deleting Middle Node In Linked List

May 1, 2013

I am trying to delete a node from the end of a Linked List but I have some problems. Every node has it's unique code. Here is what I do:

1. Ask the user for the unique code of the node.
2. Ask him if he wants to change the data in it or delete the whole node.
3. If he chooses to delete it, I do this:

//let's say that temp1 points to the node
List *temp2 = temp1;
temp1 = temp1->next;
delete temp2;

And it's just not deleting the node.

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C++ :: Deleting Head Node In Linked List

Sep 8, 2014

I would like my function to return the data that was deleted. I have this code at the moment, where value_type is just an alias for int at the moment:

node::value_type linkedlist::removeFromHead(){
node* temp_head;
node::value_type data;
data = head_ptr->getData();

[Code] .....

When I try to use this function though, I get a segfault.

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C# :: Treeview Node Selection Show First Node Of Tree Instead Of Selected

Apr 22, 2015

I am working on C# Project [Windows Form Application], to update treeview nodes from excelsheet [xls] Cell [row i, Column 3] Values, while on selecting treenode, it should update corresponding Column 4 Value [row i, Column 4]. For me, Treenode are populated successfully, but on selecting the treenode, it always display first Element of treenode [Not selected one].

Populated Treenode from Excel as: [ Update Child Nodes from Column 3 elements [Column 2 Contain Parent node name and Column 3 have Child Node name], if Column 2 Value is same as Parent node name [My Module], update the child nodeunder same Parent node.]

for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; i++) {
string mynode = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 1, 3]).Value2.ToString();
string mynode2 = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 1, 2]).Value2.ToString();

[Code] ....

On selecting the Child Node, it always give 1st Parent node. Instead of Selected Node.

for (int i = 0; i < worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 2; i++) {
string mynodetext = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 3]).Value2.ToString();
string mynodetext1 = ((Excel.Range)worksheet.Cells[i + 2, 4]).Value2.ToString();
if (treeView1.SelectedNode.FirstNode.Text == mynodetext) {
this.richTextBox1.SelectedText += Environment.NewLine + mynodetext1 + Environment.NewLine;

How to get correct selected Node.

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C# :: Why Is Node Click Event Changing The Node Icon

Jul 26, 2014

I'm having a hard time figuring how to get my imagelist index 3 icon to display in the nodes "N1" and "V Speeds" below? So, as you can see in the attachment, the closed folder icon is currently shown which is index 0 in the imagelist. But I want index icon 2 to show in these two nodes.

treeView.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("Checklist"));


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C Sharp :: How To Get Text From Node In XML File That Contains Text And Child Node

May 21, 2013

I have a very big xml file. I read it using by xmlReader. I have problem when i reach to next line:

<title>Abasia<nemod>(-astasia) (hysterical)</nemod></title>

How I can read all that content. I have to have next string at the end: "Abasia (-astasia) (hysterical)".

I tried to use ReadElementContentAsString() for all elements, but elements like this has exception, because it has child element.

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C++ :: SDL Deleting From Vector

Apr 13, 2013

Simple rect collision detection

bool check_collision(SDL_Rect *box1, SDL_Rect *box2){
if(box1->x+box1->w<=box2->x)return false;
if(box1->x>=box2->x+box2->w)return false;
if(box1->y+box1->h<=box2->y)return false;
if(box1->y>=box2->y+box2->h)return false;

return true;

[Code] ...

The order of the game is of course standard.

1.handle input
2. handle logic
3. render
4. update

It's all pretty simple and straight forward, but oftentimes (not always) when the weapon hits the asteroid, the program crashes. If for example I turn off the delete main_weapon[i] and main_weapon.erase(main_weapon.begin()+i); the program works perfectly, but of course the bullets go right though the asteroid object, which is not what I want. It's only the weapon deletion which is causing no end of trouble.

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C# :: Deleting LIST From CSV?

Mar 7, 2014

Basically, I have a LIST that is saved in a CSV file, and I need to remove a particular record after using the search feature (which populates the fields from the CSV file... i.e. ID, Name, etc...).

I am able to get the details that are in the text fields by using a search feature. This is then put in:


In class myLogic.cs, then I have this method:


Upon debugging, I can see that tempIndividual is populated with the correct data. However, I need to remove this data from the CSV file. Am I on the right track, or totally off? Maybe it is not complete, cause I can't get to the part where it actually removes the data from the CSV, or at least I'm not sure if .Remove is able to do it on its own.

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C :: Self Deleting Of EXE File By Program Itself

Sep 10, 2014

How to do self deleting of exe file when it is run'd.

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C++ :: Adding And Deleting From List

Dec 11, 2014

I am writing a program to list the 8 planets, then you select which planet you want. it gives you the mass of the planet, the radius, then you use the mass and radius of the planet to find the surface area (sphere formula) and the density of the planet. Along with those options, you have to add and delete a planet from the list and then sort them alphabetically. All i am having trouble with is the adding and deleting part. The code the adding and deleting from the list would go in cases 9 and 10.

heres my code as of this point.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
void print(const std::string& item) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Deleting Object From A Container?

Nov 21, 2013

I have a container in c++11 and i must delete first object and i don't know how...

for (const prob& p : *static_cast<vector<prob>*>(list.listData)){
// i must delete the first object

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C++ ::  Deleting Two Dimensional Array

Oct 21, 2014

Consider the following code snippet:

GLfloat box[4][4] = {
{ x2, -y2, 0, 0 },
{ x2 + w, -y2, 1, 0 },
{ x2, -y2 - h, 0, 1 },
{ x2 + w, -y2 - h, 1, 1 },

Do I need to call a variant of

delete [] box;

Against this float array?

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C++ :: List Pointer Not Deleting?

May 30, 2013

LinkedList* listPtr = new LinkedList;


delete listPtr;


When I run the program it outputs
{ 3, 4, 6 }
{ 5 }

Why does the LinkedList object that listPtr is pointing to not get destroyed??

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C++ :: Deleting Element Of Array

May 6, 2014

This is a program to get an 10 characters including a-z, A-Z, and _ .

Then this program will cout the text with out _ !

cin >> sd_fd_e_dd
cout << sdfdedd
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char a[10],m;

[Code] ....

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C++ ::  Deleting Vector Of Pointers?

Nov 23, 2013

Currently I am implementing the A* algorithm in C++. I have chosen to use a hybrid of a '2D vector grid' and two 1D pointer vectors to specific places in the '2D vector grid'. I have chosen to do it this way, so I can access the nodes using coordinates and also for iterating over the appropriate nodes(rather than the whole '2D vector grid').

In the below examples I have not included the full code because I deemed it irrelevant to the question.

vector <int> CInGame::AStarAlgorithm(vector<vector<bool>>& resistanceMap, int startX, int startY, int targetX, int targetY, int cutOff) {
vector <int> returnVec;
vector <vector<CNode>> twoDimNodes;
vector <CNode*> openSet;
vector <CNode*> closedSet;


The error is:


do I need to free the pointers or is it done automatically? If not then how would I do this?

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C++ :: Deleting Records From TXT File

May 8, 2014

Is this the right codes for deleting a recoed on the text file.

void dlte(){
string line, recorddate;
cout << "Please Enter the date of record you want to delete: ";
cin >> recorddate;
ifstream myfile;
ofstream temp;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Deleting Vector Of Pointers?

Oct 14, 2014

I made a vector of pointers and the problem is that I have trouble deleting the pointers in the vector. I used to simply do vector.clear() or vector.erase() however it does not clear the actual memory. And I tried something like this:

std::vector<Foo*> Vector;
std::vector<Foo*>::iterator i;
for (i = Vector.begin(); i < Vector.end(); i++)
delete *i;

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C++ :: Deleting A Linked List?

Mar 27, 2014

If I have a linked list, how can I delete it at the end of my program to free the memory taken up. I know I have to use delete but not sure how to use it in this case.

Here is the code that I have:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
struct Numlist {
int num; //Number
Numlist * next; //Pointer to the next node


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C# :: Deleting Entries From Array?

Nov 2, 2014

I'm creating a program that holds three arrays one for the persons last name, one for the points scored and one for the player number, now I've got all the arrays and everything done but I'm not sure as to how I'm going to delete an entry for multiple arrays.

static Int32[] ProcessDelete(Int32[] playerNumbers, String[] playerLastName, Int32[] playerPoints, ref Int32 playerCount)
Int32[] newArray = new Int32[playerNumbers.Length - 1];


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