Visual C++ :: Left Button Click On Edit Control In Dialog Box?

Apr 13, 2015

I have a dialog box with several edit control boxes and I want to identify the edit control when I click the left mouse button on it. Any button action (up or down) doesn;t register when the mouse is clicked on any of the edit controls. There has got to be a simple way to do this.

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Visual C++ :: Tabbed Dialog - Getting Text From Edit Control

Apr 26, 2014

I have a tabbed dialog with a couple of Separate dialogs. I created classes of CDialog for each dialog. Im trying to get the text from the edit control from the tabbed dialog and it appears in a message box when I press a button on the main dialog.

myDialog test;
CString bla = test.m_edit1;

The m_edit is a variable of CString for the edit box

it gives me a error and crashes.

How do I get the text from the other dialogs edit control?

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C# :: Pass Button Click To Parent Control?

Apr 19, 2014

I want Buttons to pass-on Click to their parent control. I'm creating a user-control to do this, and I am using TableLayoutPanel to test.

I found some code (below) but neither do anything for me. SO topic related article

namespace ArrayButtons {
public partial class MyButton : UserControl {
public MyButton() {


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Visual C++ :: MFC- Receiving Button Click Message Failed

Oct 2, 2014

I've created a new dialog in my MFC dialog based application. the new dialog contains 5 control buttons. The following happens and I don't understand why?

1. click on buttonX. (result ok, OnBnClicked message is sent)
2. click on on any place of the application, but not on the dialog.(removing focus from dialog)
3. click again on buttonX (FAILED, OnBnClicked message is NOT sent). but if instead I click on any other button in the dialog (result ok, OnBnClicked message is sent).

And when I do:

1. ...
2. ...
3. click on the dialog area just to set focus on the dialog again
4. click again on buttonX. (result ok, OnBnClicked message is sent)
**I need to do step 3 only if I want to click again on the buttonX! why?? I think it related to SetFocus() but I m not sure how.

I've tried different style like, tool windows, overlapped, popup. it happens in all the cases.

class CToolsDlg : public CBDialog {
CToolsDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
virtual ~CToolsDlg();
CToolTipCtrl m_ToolsTips;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: MFC Click Event Not Working Between Parent And Subclass In Web Control

Mar 18, 2015

I'm having problem using the click event in a web browser control. I have a control called CIEBrowser that implements a Web control. Here a message_map:


I want to implement a derived class called CFulltextCtrl.

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFulltextCtrl, CIEBrowser)

I have a dialog with a control using this CFulltextCtrl. I can create and show the html perfectly inside the form. But all links inside this control don't work (scenario 1). If I create a form who have a control of the type CIEBrowser, the EXACTLY same html code works perfectly (scenario 2).

In particular, I need that when I click in one link, execute a method called OnClick, who performs all that I need, just like in scenario 2.

This is my DISPATCH_MAP in the derived class (CFulltextCtrl):


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Visual C++ :: How To Know When Mouse Over A Control In A Dialog

Jul 10, 2013

I forget how to know when mouse is over controls in dialog.. I want to show a message in status bar when mouse over each control...

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Visual C++ :: Clicking On Radio Button Crashing Dialog

Mar 3, 2014

I have an existing dialog, having activex control, list control, tree control checkbox, button etc.... I added one radio button and executed the program. whenever i am clicking on the radio button, the dialog hang/crash. Even simply dragging one radio button from toolbox and executing also behaving in the same way.

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Visual C++ :: MFC - FrameWnd Output To Picture Control In Dialog

May 29, 2014

I am working on a MFC application that I used for Image Analysis. I have a FrameWnd called MillChart that I use to generate an Image. This window is displayed at the run time in the application and not a part of the GUI dialog. It automatically resizes according to the different monitor resolutions and because of this there is a lot of empty space to the right of the MillChart. I was planning to add a picture control in the GUI dialog and redirect whatever is displayed in the MillChart to the Picture Control so that I can place my other elements (checkboxes, scrollbars etc) that I use in my app close to this MillChart and also set the size of the MillChart to a constant size.

Here is the code for positioning the elements (Note: I have only shown the MillChart position)

void CMainFrame::PositionElements()
CRect r, r2, r3;
int mcs = r.Height() - r2.Height();
mMillChart->MoveWindow(r.right - r2.Width(), + r2.Height(),mcs,mcs);

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Use CEdit Control Variable Updated From Tab To Dialog Box?

Jun 24, 2014

I have one Tab called Tab4 and one main dialog box called CGrabDlg. The values of my variables are not updated when I change them.?

Here my constructor of my Tab :

CTab4::CTab4(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialogEx(CTab4::IDD, pParent )
, iFilter1(_T("F1_350"))


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Visual C++ :: How To Change Color Of MS Windows Button Control

Feb 20, 2013

I am writing a GUI application with C++ Visual component Libraries and Win32API under windows OS.

As part of this app, I have to change color of the MS Windows button control depending on the external state.

I understood, Win32 will not support changing button control color directly as it will not support for this.

how to change the button color?

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C/C++ :: MFC - Button With Right Click Events?

May 23, 2012

How to use button with right click events in mfc?

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C# :: Add A Column Dynamically On Button Click?

Apr 30, 2014

i am using c#'

var db = Simple.Data.Database.OpenNamedConnection("sqlConn");
DataTable dt = gridRatingEventHistory.DataSource as DataTable;
string dateString = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
gridRatingEventHistory.Columns.Add(new GridBoundColumn {

[Code] .....

if you look at 1st image 1 you can see what it looks like -- when i hit the button i just want a blank column to show next to the last column however i get image 2 results how can i fix this.

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C# :: Multiple Pages On WPF Button Click

Oct 24, 2014

For now the app creates a new DateTime property which is binded to a label and shows the user the current time. Eventually I want to have the ability to select the timezone you are in, change font/background colors/etc etc... But that is all in time. My current step that I am trying to implement is having a button click (Binded to an event method) change screens. I find it hard to explain in words, but I would like the same Window to be used, just have different functions on the other when the button is clicked. So for example...

The only way I have found to do this so far is to create a whole new form or create tabs. While those are all good and have their place. I know that I need to start breaking up my code into classes, I am developing a bad habit throwing everything into the MainWindow Class...

Here is the code if needed:


<Window x:Class="ClockApp.MainWindow"
Title="Alarm Clock App" Height="180" Width="360" Visibility="Visible" ResizeMode="NoResize" WindowStyle="ToolWindow">

[Code] ....

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C# :: Error When Triggering Function For Button Click

Feb 14, 2014

I'm new to c# and have created the following method to trigger when the user clicks on a command button. When I try to run this page, I keep getting the following error and can't work out what I'm doing wrong...

Compilation Error

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS1002: ; expected

Source Error:

Line 7: private void Login(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Line 8: {
Line 9: oleDbConnection dbconn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" + Server.MapPath("../dat/main.mdb"));
Line 10: dbconn.Open();
Line 11:

//Function code below:

<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="False"%>
using System.Data;
<script runat="server">
private void Login(Object sender, EventArgs e) {

[Code] ....

The error is on line 9 by the way.

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C Sharp :: Button Click Continuously Until Stop It

Apr 27, 2014

My question is how the button click mull ti times on page load in C# windows form??because in my project i am working on video for LAN based Skype in which i use 2 pictures boxes one for capture images and another for display .. so i want that on page load picture box capture images until i stop it .. following is my code :

image = ((CaptureDevice)cboDevices.SelectedItem).Capture() ;
pictureBox2.Image = image;

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C Sharp :: Change Background In All Forms With Button Click

Jul 14, 2013

I made 2 forms and Form2 has buttons with images like planets and game wallpapers etc. When I write the code for button:

this.BackgroundImage = new Bitmap(Properties.Resources._8_8008_by_amplifier404); 
this.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;

// where _8_8008_by_amplifier404 is name of the image located in resources

It only changes background in form which has those buttons as long the form is used. Once I go back to form1 it's changed to null. How to set background in all forms with a button click which will be there until another button with an image is clicked.

Attached Images
two.jpg (69.7 KB)
three.jpg (76.7 KB)

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C# :: Treeview Control In WPF Double Click Event

Jan 8, 2015

<TreeView Grid.Column="0" Margin="0,-15,0,15" Grid.ColumnSpan="1">
<TreeViewItem Header="Custom"/>
<TreeViewItem Header="All Conferences"/>
<TreeViewItem Header="Atlantic Coast Conference" MouseDoubleClick="TreeViewItem_MouseDoubleClick_1">
<TreeViewItem Header="Atlantic" MouseDoubleClick="TreeViewItem_MouseDoubleClick"/>
<TreeViewItem Header="Coastal"/>

[Code] ....

I am trying to do a LINQ Query by Double Clicking the child node. When I click on the parent node it brings up the correct data. But when I click on the child node it still brings up the data from the parent node. How do I get the child node to display the correct data?

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C# :: Clicking A Button In WebBrowser Control?

Jul 8, 2014

I'm getting this strange problem with the webBrowser control that google can't find an answer for. When I click a button I get redirected to a page with just the letters 'e4' makes no sense to me?? is this a site problem or something to do with the webBrowser control?

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C Sharp :: How To Get Text Property Of Link Button Inside Repeater Control

Jun 14, 2012

I am working with repeater.. Actually i have placed a linkbtn in item template.. In that linkbtn i am displaying names from database.... And i have created an event for the lnkbtn.. In that event i want to get the text property of linkbtn....

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Visual C++ :: Printer Left Margin

Jun 28, 2013

I have code that prints.


I am trying to calculate left margin from (inchis * 100) to pixels. So the left input for TextOut will be correct. How do I do this?

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Visual C++ :: Display Hex In Edit Box?

Sep 24, 2013

I'm trying to take a value from an edit box and display it in the edit box as hex. I'm using this code:

CString buffer;
int intbuf;
intbuf = atoi(buffer);
buffer.Format("%02X", intbuf);

If I include the last line of code here I get a stack overflow error. If I don't include it, I can run through the debugger and the buffer CString is converted to hex just like I want, I just can't display it because I get that error.

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Visual C++ :: Array Of Buttons - Click Event?

Oct 15, 2012

I have successfully compiled a code where I created an array of buttons. I have added a click event to it like this :

buttons[indexofhashis2]->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Execute::GOBUT_Click);

I have a standard event like this

private: System::Void GOBUT_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
int x;
x = sender->Location.X;

Returns error saying Location is not a member of Object^.

I'm trying to create an array of button (user/runtime created buttons) and get different interpretations of the click event depending of wich button is clicked.

For example, if we create buttons[0] I wish to get the 0 or something relevant into the GOBUT_Click event.

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Visual C++ :: Edit Message Map At Startup

Apr 17, 2015

Is it possible to edit the message map at startup instead of just having it set at compile time?

I'm reading some values from an XML file at startup. The menu options will be determined from what I find in there. But I need to assign those menu options to the message map.

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Visual C++ :: How To Create Edit Box In CView

Dec 16, 2013

I'm trying to create an edit box in a CView.So far, this is how far I've gotten:

With this code

// .h
CEdit m_MyEditField;
// .c
m_MyEditField.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,CRect(40,40,500,Y+55),this,0x1552);
m_MyEditField.SetWindowText("this is my CEdit field");

As you can see, the edit box doesn't look like the ones in a dialog, which is what I'm trying to accomplish.

Is there possibly some other class I should be using for the edit box?Or another setting for .Create?

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Visual C++ :: Resource View Takes Hangs When Trying To Edit Rc File

Mar 15, 2013

Found an online suggestion of using an rc2 file and cut and paste stuff from .rc file to .rc2 file to see which line causes the problem but don't know how to create a blank .rc2 file. Problem started after I ported from VC++ 6 to VS2010.

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Visual C++ :: Edit / Update And Display Group Of 40 Parameters On Screen

Feb 26, 2014

I need to edit ,update and display a group of 40 parameters on screen. (10 parameters per page and use of Arrow Key pad or touch screen clicks to modify value)....

For that I will need .. Parameter No . , String Name , Point Screen Cord , double value , next element no. etc I have my old code with structure and array of structure written in C. I have translated it on C++/MFC .

How can I implement Class property of c++ ?

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