Visual C++ :: DLL And Write To Event Viewer

Dec 11, 2013

i want to write to event viewer

void EventLogCls::WriteError( char* msg) {
HANDLE hes = RegisterEventSource(0, appName);
if(hes) {
ReportEvent(hes, dwEventType, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,(const char**)&msg , 0);

The error that i get is on the line of "ReportEvent"

error C2664: 'ReportEventW' : cannot convert parameter 8 from 'const char **' to 'LPCWSTR *'

what should be changed?

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C# :: How To Link Data To A Report Viewer On Specific Event

Jan 31, 2015

I created a dataset that contains an empty dataTable that has several columns , and then I created a new report that is linked to this datatable using the report wizard. In my form there is a button when clicked should fill the datatable mentioned above ( I checked if it is being filled by displaying its content in a dataGridView and by firing a messagebox that is triggered when 'datatable.rows.count > 0' ).

The reason that the datatable is initially empty is that it depends on some conditions that may alter the query used to fill it.

But finally when I load the form that has the report viewer it only has the names of the columns of the datatable and no contents. What's wrong ?

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C# :: How To Create Event To Notify And Save / Write Information To File

Feb 24, 2014

I am writing a program that models the ups & downs of a particular stock. Everything is pretty much done, except that I need to create another event to notify that saves the following information to a file when the stock's threshold is reached: date & time, stock name, initial value & current value. I have something like this so far:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;


I feel like i need something along the lines of

s.stockEvent += new Delegate( ???? ) in my myFile class so it know when the threshold is reached, to write the information of the current stock to the file.

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Visual C++ :: Array Of Buttons - Click Event?

Oct 15, 2012

I have successfully compiled a code where I created an array of buttons. I have added a click event to it like this :

buttons[indexofhashis2]->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Execute::GOBUT_Click);

I have a standard event like this

private: System::Void GOBUT_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
int x;
x = sender->Location.X;

Returns error saying Location is not a member of Object^.

I'm trying to create an array of button (user/runtime created buttons) and get different interpretations of the click event depending of wich button is clicked.

For example, if we create buttons[0] I wish to get the 0 or something relevant into the GOBUT_Click event.

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Visual C++ :: Long Time Button Pressed Event - MFC

Feb 2, 2015

I Like to Open a Dialog When the Button Was Pressed for 5 seconds Continuously.

I'm using Windows 8 HP Tablet, Is MouseUp & MouseDown events suitable for this requirement.

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Visual C++ :: MFC Click Event Not Working Between Parent And Subclass In Web Control

Mar 18, 2015

I'm having problem using the click event in a web browser control. I have a control called CIEBrowser that implements a Web control. Here a message_map:


I want to implement a derived class called CFulltextCtrl.

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFulltextCtrl, CIEBrowser)

I have a dialog with a control using this CFulltextCtrl. I can create and show the html perfectly inside the form. But all links inside this control don't work (scenario 1). If I create a form who have a control of the type CIEBrowser, the EXACTLY same html code works perfectly (scenario 2).

In particular, I need that when I click in one link, execute a method called OnClick, who performs all that I need, just like in scenario 2.

This is my DISPATCH_MAP in the derived class (CFulltextCtrl):


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Visual C++ :: Application Which Print Existing File On Reception Of Network Event

Sep 10, 2014

I basically want to develop an application which print an existing file on reception of a network event (application will be running on a seven 64 bits PC).

I wonder which application type would be the most suitable (and the simplest) for that (console win32, win32 app, MFC app ...). As this application does not need user intervention (print on network event), I'm not sure that I need a MFC application or a win32 app.

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C Sharp :: Scroll Images In Dicom Viewer Using Scroll Bar?

Aug 28, 2012

I want to know how to scroll images in dicom viewer using scroll bar control

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Visual C++ :: Read And Write XML?

Sep 8, 2013

I receive a telegram in XML format and I need to parse it and send my data in the same format back. My main problem is that I'm not allowed to use any open source software or other 3rd party software except VS2010. I have to write it in C++.

Now my question: is there any good tutorial for such a parser? I was hoping that I could write something which can be used similar to the GEtPrivateProfil-functions which are handy for ini-files.

My XML telegram looks like hat:

<Tag0 cmdId=“254“ version=“1“ ID=“87951“ action=“doing1“>
<!—comment1 -->
<Tag1 lId=“31“ type=“12“ index=“100“ state=“open“ />
<Tag1 lId=“31“ type=“12“ index=“135“ state=“open" />
<!—comment2 -->
<Tag2 lId=“42“ type=“32“ index=“2“ state=“open" >
<param key=“pos“ value=“center“ />
<param key=“car“ />

I was hoping to find a way to get to know how many tag1 and tag2 are in tag0 and then get for each tag the attributes and sub-tags like param in tag2

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Visual C++ :: How To Write Array Into 3 Different Arrays - Odd / Even And Negative

Jan 11, 2014

Place the even lucky numbers in an array called evenList, the odd lucky numbers in an array called oddList, and the negative lucky numbers in an array called negList.

//So in main main i passed the array as parameter and the size;

void lucknumberlist(int favnum[], int size) {
int even = 0, odd = 0, neg = 0;
int evenArray[even];
int oddArray[odd];
int negArray[neg];
if(favnum[even] % 2 == 0) {
evenArray[even] = favnum[even];

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Read And Write Values Into File?

Sep 22, 2012

correct the below code:

file already contains entries : 1st row username; 2nd row password.

check status required to write at third line and need to read or alter the check status value.

Currently this code is working if already there is a value for check status, then it is overwriting else UI hanging.

WriteCheckStatusToFile(BOOL& locVar) {
FILE *l_pFile = NULL;
CString l_strRememberCheck;
l_strRememberCheck = GetExePath() + _T("password");
CString sVar;


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Visual C++ :: How To Read And Write On Serial Port With MFC

Feb 17, 2013

I want to read and write value on serail port to Microcontroller with MFC. The MFC have no serial port tool like in VB Professionnal edition. I try to find MFC connect serial port example but I not found. If you have good example for read and write on serial port with MFC

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Visual C++ :: Write Raw Data To USB HDD (in Specific Sector)

May 4, 2015

I can access a physical device to read a specific sector in a USB hard drive. But my question is how can I Write to a specific sector? Lets say I want to replace what is in a specific sector of a hard drive with a new data.

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Visual C++ :: Write A Function With Array And Int Parameter?

Nov 25, 2012

i need to write a function with an array parameter and an int parameter.

that array has to be filled with first 10 prime numbers that are exact or higher than the int parameter...and then i need an average value of those 10 prime numbers...

The problem is im not really sure how i should do the part to fill the array with prime numbers that are higher than that int??


int avgprimearray (int higharray[], int somenumber){

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Visual C++ :: Debugging Access Write From Error Message

Aug 12, 2013

I have a crash on a application the customer machine i couldn't reproduce it yet on my machine... all i have is the error message

The Instruction 0x0070478b referencing to the memory 0x00000000 could not be written.

And that's all i have how do i track that instruction on my program from that address? is it possible?

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Visual C++ :: Write Number In Excel Cell - OLE Automation

Sep 23, 2013

I need to make a programm to write in a excel cell a number.

I must use OLE Automation. How i can do it??

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
void main(void) {
CLSID clsid;
CLSIDFromProgID(L"Excel.Application", &clsid);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Write Boost Unit Test In Visual Studio 2010

Apr 16, 2014

I'm new to c++ and boost library also. I need to test a function of my library. For example

// Functions.hpp
int add(const int x, const int y);
int add(const int x, const int y)
return (x + y);

Now i need to test add function using boost. I need the result or output in below style. What all settings do i need to do in VS 2010 and how i should include boost test in the project.

==== Run unit tests ====
Running 2 test cases...
./mytest.cpp(13): error in "SimpleTestInMainTestingModule": check 1 == 2 failed
Test suite "Master Test Suite" failed with:
1 assertion out of 2 passed
1 assertion out of 2 failed
1 test case out of 2 passed
1 test case out of 2 failed

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Visual C++ :: Write A Program Where The User Will Input Integer Numbers?

Oct 21, 2014

I have to write a program where the user will input integer numbers. How many numbers they enter is unknown, therefor you should use a repetition structure for the input. When the user is done, they will enter -1 to exit.

Create a dynamic array if the size=2( the initial size must be 2) Repeat until user enters -1.

I have to do this without using vectors.

This is what i have, I cannot figure out what to put in main. I was thinking of a do-while?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void resize(int *[], int);
int main() {
int *listDyn;
int size=2;


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Visual C++ :: Is It Worthwhile To Write ActiveX Module Dedicated To Drawing Charts

Oct 22, 2014

I know the user installation must involve some registry manipulations and some other trickery. But the ActiveX way seems to be more modular.

Is it worthwhile to separate the charting modules from the exe and make an activex dll for this purpose?

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C# :: Event Into Array?

Feb 18, 2015

i need to change the text in multiple ComboBoxs. i could do it one by one, but i have about 11 i need to change. i feel like doing it one at a time is not efficient. i was wondering if i can put the comboboxs into an array so i can use a for loop to change them all with out writeing it out 11 times.

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C# :: How To Reuse Event

Apr 14, 2014

I am creating one c# project. In this project I have one mdi form and many child forms.

All the child forms contains one panel named as panel1.

Now when child form opens i use the following code in all child form all child forms' load event contains the following line.

this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

and all child forms' resize event contains the following line.

panel1.Left = (this.ClientSize.Width - panel1.Width) / 2;
panel1.Top = (this.ClientSize.Height - panel1.Height) / 2;

so my question is if possible that the above code i write only once so i donot write this code in all the child forms load and resize event.

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C++ :: Connecting Event With A Key On Keyboard?

May 17, 2013

I am gonna make a simple game in c++. I need a way how to use a particular key on the keyboard ,when I hit the key certain function should be called.

For movement of cursor on screen I want to connect arrow keys.

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C# :: Filtering Strings That Get Sent On A Event

Feb 4, 2015

I am writing a application that receives Event messages from a network device the problem I have is that the device sends some message 5 times per tiggered event on two of the events I like to use the rest of the messages are fine I need to create code to filter out the other 4 last messages that get displayed in a textbox the 5 message are identical I have added a timestamp to the sting and noted they are always 1 second apart so the format would be somthing like this:

11:23:01 - x - y
11:23:02 - x - y
11:23:03 - x - y
11:23:04 - x - y
11:23:05 - x - y

What I would like to do something like this, always append the first message to the textbox but ignore or even change the 4 messages that follow 1 second apart from each other that contain - x - y if any other message appears it should still append the text box as well

so the result i would like for the 5 event message as above should end like this:

11:23:01 - x - y
11:23:02 - custome message / ingnore append to textbox
11:23:03 - custome message / ingnore append to textbox
11:23:04 - custome message / ingnore append to textbox
11:23:05 - custome message / ingnore append to textbox

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C# :: Calling Event From Another Form

Mar 11, 2015

I want to update a label from Form2. When I click on the button on Form 2, the textbox on Form2 should update the label on Form1 and take me to a certain website. What ever URL is typed into the textbox on Form2 is what website URL the label on Form1 will take me to. The label on Form1 can say something such as You can check out my website here!!! and when they click on the saying it takes me to their website.

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C# :: Passing Event As A Parameter

Nov 16, 2014

I want to create events and then, functions which are subscribed to the event can access information about the event. For example, in Class 2 below, I want it to be able to access things such as touch.position, etc. of class 1.

Class 1:

public delegate void TouchEventHandler (EventArgs e);
public event TouchEventHandler TouchBegan;
public Vector2 touchPosition;
void Update () {
if (Input.touchCount > 0) {

[Code] ...

Class 2:

void OnTouchBegan (EventArgs e) {
Debug.Log ("Ran");

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C# :: WPF Background Changed Event?

Dec 5, 2014

I'm still at the very beginning of learning WPF and there are still countless things i don't fully understand. For instance, as I can see in my WPF project, there isn't an event that would fire when the Background property of some control is changed. Or am I just missing it? If i'm not blind after all, and it really doesn't exist, is there any way i could get notified when the Background color of some control is changed?

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