Visual C++ :: Parent To Child Dialog Data Transfer And Vice Versa

Nov 28, 2012

I transferred data from parent to child. Problem occurred while send data from child to parent dialog.

Find the attachment....

void CChildDlg::OnBnClickedCancel() {

[Code] ....

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C# :: Editing A Parent Dialog Box Without Closing The Child

Sep 30, 2014

I'm using windows forms and I have a parent dialog box that consists of a text box and a drop-down that launches a child dialog box. The child takes user input and then prints dialog to the text box in the parent. However, the output does not appear in the text box until I close the child.

Now my question is, how do I get the text to appear without closing the child? I hit a button to send the info to the text box, but it still doesn't appear until the child closes. I also need to set up a button to suspend the child so that the user can click/copy/etc the parent.

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C :: Standard USB Protocol To Follow To Send Data To Embedded Board (and Vice Versa)

Mar 13, 2013

Is there any standard USB protocol which i can follow to send data to my embedded board(and vice versa). I have no clue on USB programming using c,is there any example code i could follow,

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Visual C++ :: How To Set The Parent Dialog

Apr 17, 2013

I've created a modeless dialog from my main dialog as follows:

m_pContainerDlg = new CDlgContainer(NULL, this);
m_pContainerDlg->Create(CDlgContainer::IDD, GetDesktopWindow());
m_pContainerDlg ->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW);

This container dialog creates a child dialog which I show inside the container

BOOL CDlgContainer::OnInitDialog(){
// Create the child dialog and show it
m_pChildDlg = new CChildDlg(this);
m_pChildDlg->Create(IDD_DIRECTORY_DIALOG, this);
return FALSE;

From my child dialog I then create a modal dialog when a user clicks on a button

CChildDlg:: CChildDlg (CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) :
m_pParent((CDlgContainer*)pParent), {
} void CChildDlg::OnBnClickedBtn() {
CMyDlg MyDlg;
INT_PTR iResult = MyDlg.DoModal(pParent);

My problem is that the CMyDlg is modal but to the main dialog and not to the container or the child dialog.

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C++ :: Text To Speech And Vice Versa

Nov 13, 2013

I was looking for a C++ library for use as stated in the title. I was considering using Voce; however, for the project, I wanted to be able to use a custom voice. For example, in most TTS programs you can pick voices. I wanted to record a custom one. However, I don't really know how these libraries work internally, and since the text to speech is referred to as synthesis, it seems they are created through algorithms rather than recordings. Is there any library which I could use a custom recorded voice with?

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C Sharp :: How To Get Value From One To Another Form And Vice Versa

Feb 23, 2013

I have two form in my project 1st form is FORM1 and 2nd form is FORM2.

FORM1 contain 3 textbox,1 button and FORM2 also contain 3 textbox, 1 button. I want to do....

when user fill FORM1 textboex and click button1 then all entries should be shown on FORM2. and vice versa. I used this code its working very good. when i pass value in form2 textboxes its show on form1 textbox. but i want to do, if textbox of form1 is already fill then form2 textboex should also shws form1 textbox value.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;  
namespace punchout {
    public partial class Form1 : Form


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Visual C++ :: Passing DDX Control Variables Between Dialogs (Parent->Child)

Jul 19, 2013

I have a main dialog which has (DDX?) controls for the user. eg a slider, and a combo box.

Previously, an image adjusted by these controls was in the same dialog.

I need to put this image in a New, separate dialog but it still must be controlled by the slider and combo box on the main dialog.

My question is how can I pass the control's variables between the dialogs? I have, say,

DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ComboBrightness, m_Brightness
I was told that I could do something like:

ImageDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL, CComboBox m_Brightness); // standard constructor

But I get errors including: Missing default parameter for parameter 2

I also need to pass the image array, is that perhaps the same method?

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C++ :: Converting Enum To String And Vice Versa?

Feb 25, 2014

It is working:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
const int ENUM_NOT_FOUND = -1; const std::string NEW = " ";
enum Day {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday};


Ouput with GCC 4.8.1:

Name a day: Friday
day = Friday

But the problem is that whenever I define a new enum, I have to define the << and >> overloads for the new enum again. Isn't there a way to template that as well, so that the << and >> overload needs to be defined just once? My atttempt:

template<typename Enum>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, Enum en) {
return os << EnumConversions<Enum>::toString (en);

[Code] .....

fails to compile. I guess the problem is Enum is not known at compile time, even though it should be deducible during run time? Error mentions ambiguous overload for operator>>.

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C/C++ :: Converting Fractions To Decimals And Vice Versa

Aug 1, 2014

I'm working on a Fraction Class assignment where I'm supposed to provide conversion operators to allow Fraction objects to be used in expressions containing float data values. The way I have it now, I'm getting an error that says operator float(const Fraction &) must contain 'void', which makes no sense to me. Lines 155 - 173.

// Fractions CLASS
// Source: Fraction2012.cpp
// Author: Warren H. Knox, Jr.
// Date: 11/8/2012
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class Fraction {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Convert Char To String Or Vice Versa

May 26, 2013

how to convert char to string or vice versa,, Also make a program in which we convert a char into string ?

Conversion Char array to String

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C/C++ :: How To Convert Structure Name Into A String And Vice Versa

May 30, 2013

I need to convert a tsructure name into a string and vice versa. I don't really know how to do that in c.

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C++ :: How To Convert Text File Into Binary And Vice Versa

Dec 25, 2013

The problem is that I want to write a C++ program that converts an ordinary text file into binary and then reads that binary file and converts it to text file so that this text file equals to first text file. I have wrote this code for it.

int main() {
string name1 = "first", name2 = "sec", name3 = "third";
int j = 0, k = 0;
ifstream ifs(name1.c_str()); // Here I want to read from the ordinary text file (name1).

[Code] .....

Now what the ofs.write(as_bytes(j), sizeof(int)); or, sizeof(int)); exactly mean?

In practice, the file name1 contains digit 5 and its size is 1 byte. The name2 contains some character/sign like [] and its size is 4 bytes and name3 contains digit 0 and its size is 1 byte, why? I before have created the name1 file in ordinary text file mode.

My machine is Windows 7 32-bit. My compiler is MVS 2012.

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Visual C++ :: Child Dialog Shadow Remains?

Oct 5, 2012

i open child dialog from a dialog( which is launched from a toolbar of a window) after editing i close the child dialog, after closing child dialog shadow is retained on window but not on the parent dialog. Later when i close the parent dialog the child dialog shadow disappears. (issue exist only when i edit in child dialog)

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C++ :: How To Convert Ordinary Text File Into Binary And Vice Versa

Dec 23, 2013

How to convert an ordinary text file into binary and how to convert that binary file back to a text file so that the first text file equals with the last text file?

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C/C++ :: Two Way Communication Between Child And Parent Processes (pipes)

Mar 19, 2014

I want parent and child processes to communicate in C linux using pipes. I have created two file descriptors. one for parent to child i.e. readpipe and other writepipe for viceversa. But I am getting null as output for ch and ch1 strings in my code below.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
pid_t pid;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Including Header And Inheritance - Parent And Child Classes

Jan 27, 2012

I have defined to classes : Parent and Child. I have some global variables in a header file named as "var.h". These variables are used in both Parent and child Classes. The source code of these classes are written below:

#ifndef PARENT_H
#define PARENT_H
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
class Parent {

[Code] ....

After compiling, the compiler returns a fatal error as follows:

1>Parent.obj : error LNK2005: "int counter" (?counter@@3HA) already defined in Child.obj
1>C:Documents and SettingspishiDesktop estDebug est.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

It says the "counter" is defined multiple times....

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C++ ::  basic Polymorphism - Parent / Child Class Based Program

Oct 19, 2014

I am making a very basic parent/child class based program that shows polymorphism. It does not compile due to a few syntax errors reading "function call missing argument list. Lines 76 and 77, 81 and 82, and 86 and 87.

using namespace std;
class people {
virtual void height(double h) = 0;
virtual void weight(double w) = 0;

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Display Data Immediately - Dialog Domodal?

Mar 24, 2014

I haven't seen it anywhere and I've been looking. Is it possible to display data, say in a CEdit field in a dialog as soon as the dialog starts? Either before or after DoModal is fine.. These are essentially the same.

Using Visual Studio 2013 - trial version. It's nice. Coming from VC6. Many things are familiar (so far), at least in the C++ part.

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Visual C++ :: CString - Display Some Data In Text Format On A Dialog

Aug 7, 2014

I am trying to display some data in text format on a dialog and I am using a CString to do it. Below is how I coded it.

CString outputStr;
CString auxStr;
// Add header

[Code] .....

But the output rows are not aligned as shown in the attached picture. There a two problems.

1. Data rows don't align with the header row.
2. When the first element of a row changes to two digits, the other elements are shifted.

According to MSDN [URL] ...., CString::Format() works the same way as printf(). I wrote a small program using printf() to do the same thing, and the output in the console are perfectly aligned.

What have I missed when doing the display in GUI?

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C++ :: Using Child Class As Parameter Of A Function In Its Parent Class

Aug 27, 2014

I am currently having an issue with a piece of code that I am writing in which I need to use a vector of a child class as a parameter in a function in the parent class. Below is an example of my code:

#include "child.h"
#include <vector>
class parent {
function(std::vector<child> children);
// rest of class here

When I do this my program doesn't compile. However if I try to forward declare, as shown in the following example, it once again refuses to compile:

#include <vector>
class child;
class parent{
function(std::vector<child> children);
// rest of class here

This time, it refuses to compile because it needs to know the full size of the class child in order to create the vector. How to being able to access the child is essential for my program, so what should I do?

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Visual C++ :: Control On Parent Window

Feb 18, 2014

I need Edit Box and List Box controls on the Parent Window or Main Window of my application. I know how to use them in dialogs ..

I will need to Read/Write/Modify data from Edit Box . How to do this ?

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Visual C++ :: How To Create MDI Child With Borders

Jan 7, 2013

How can I create MS Word 'print layout' like interface. The attached picture says it all. Basically I want a shaded area around my document just like word so it gives a feel of the 'page'.

I was hoping I can override some function somewhere and along that lines tried playing around with below but that didn't work.

BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) {
if( !CFrameWndEx::PreCreateWindow(cs) )
return FALSE;
// TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
// the CREATESTRUCT cs = 250; // just playing around with size = 250;
return TRUE;

How can I do that?

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Visual C++ :: Child Window On Top Of Control

Nov 30, 2014

I have a child window above an edit control.

When the position of the control in the parent in the child on top of it is clicked the control gets topmost. Is there any way to prevent this?

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Visual C++ :: MFC Child Windows Application

Nov 9, 2013

I am new in Visual C++ and I have to make an MFC application with "child" windows. Here is what i need to achieve - [URL] ..... As you can observe when you click on the cross of popup window or child window 2 both are closing.

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Visual C++ :: MFC Click Event Not Working Between Parent And Subclass In Web Control

Mar 18, 2015

I'm having problem using the click event in a web browser control. I have a control called CIEBrowser that implements a Web control. Here a message_map:


I want to implement a derived class called CFulltextCtrl.

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CFulltextCtrl, CIEBrowser)

I have a dialog with a control using this CFulltextCtrl. I can create and show the html perfectly inside the form. But all links inside this control don't work (scenario 1). If I create a form who have a control of the type CIEBrowser, the EXACTLY same html code works perfectly (scenario 2).

In particular, I need that when I click in one link, execute a method called OnClick, who performs all that I need, just like in scenario 2.

This is my DISPATCH_MAP in the derived class (CFulltextCtrl):


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Visual C++ :: Creating CWnd With Parent Of Type CFormView - App Crashes

May 28, 2013

My app crashes when I attempt to create a CWnd as shown below. I am attempting to create the CWnd with a a parent of type CFormView. Why this might be crashing?

CWnd::Create(AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS), CString(windowName.c_str()), WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, dimensions, parent, NULL, NULL);

The call stack looks like this:

mfc100ud.dll!AfxGetInstanceHandle() Line 21 + 0x20 bytesC++
mfc100ud.dll!AfxRegisterWndClass(unsigned int nClassStyle, HICON__ * hCursor, HBRUSH__ * hbrBackground, HICON__ * hIcon) Line 1462 + 0x5 bytesC++

And the line that crashes here us the AfxGetInstanceHandle() call:

LPCTSTR AFXAPI AfxRegisterWndClass(UINT nClassStyle,
HCURSOR hCursor, HBRUSH hbrBackground, HICON hIcon) {
// Returns a temporary string name for the class
// Save in a CString if you want to use it for a long time
LPTSTR lpszName = AfxGetThreadState()->m_szTempClassName;

// generate a synthetic name for this class
HINSTANCE hInst = AfxGetInstanceHandle();

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