Visual C++ :: CString - Display Some Data In Text Format On A Dialog

Aug 7, 2014

I am trying to display some data in text format on a dialog and I am using a CString to do it. Below is how I coded it.

CString outputStr;
CString auxStr;
// Add header

[Code] .....

But the output rows are not aligned as shown in the attached picture. There a two problems.

1. Data rows don't align with the header row.
2. When the first element of a row changes to two digits, the other elements are shifted.

According to MSDN [URL] ...., CString::Format() works the same way as printf(). I wrote a small program using printf() to do the same thing, and the output in the console are perfectly aligned.

What have I missed when doing the display in GUI?

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Visual C++ :: Display Data Immediately - Dialog Domodal?

Mar 24, 2014

I haven't seen it anywhere and I've been looking. Is it possible to display data, say in a CEdit field in a dialog as soon as the dialog starts? Either before or after DoModal is fine.. These are essentially the same.

Using Visual Studio 2013 - trial version. It's nice. Coming from VC6. Many things are familiar (so far), at least in the C++ part.

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Visual C++ :: Display Data Of Text File In List View

Sep 24, 2012

I want to display data from text file in list view and in tree view root will be file name, but i dont know how to do it, the problem is with displaying text file data in list view, i don't know anything about that. text file data is very simple. It is just a square matrix of double values like:

21.06 34.06 5.0
12.78 45.25 6.9
12.89 45.98 5.5

in list view i want to display it.

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C Sharp :: Display Data In Richtext Box In Tree Format?

Jan 31, 2013

I want to display my data in rich-text box in the tree like structure,i fetch the data from the data base MSACCESS & i want to print it on my rich-textbox, what can i do ?

exampale is :-A
| |_A1_1
| |_A1_2

like this in rich textbox

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Visual C++ :: Unable To Display Dialog In UI Thread

Mar 11, 2015

I am having a strange problem trying to display a dialog from a UI thread. The dialog simply fails to display. I have a function DisplayFlashBox(), which creates the UI thread:

CUIThread* CIMUIHelper:: DisplayFlashBox(const CString &sMessage, const int nInstrumentUID) {
CUIThread *pThread = new CUIThread();

[Code] .....

The dialog doesn't display. When I tried debugging, I found the OnInitDialog() method of CIMFlashBox class doesn't actually return. Very strange. I tried calling the DoModal() method instead of Create, but doesn't display the dialog either.

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Visual C++ :: How To Display A Message At Bottom Of Dialog Box Shown In The Attachment

Feb 21, 2014

Is it possible to display a message at the bottom of a dialog box shown in the attachment? If so, how?

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Visual C++ :: Show Some Rich Text In A Dialog Box?

Nov 26, 2012

I have been told to show some text document when our application starts up, it is an EULA. They gave me a word file and I saved this file in a .rtf format. I then wish to show this in a dialog box and found this on code guru: [URL]

Which seems to be a sub-class that will do all the formatting for me. So I use that class and then load in the .rtf file, using their setRTF method I just get an empty text box.

I just want to be able to show this formatted, somewhat pretty text from this document in my application as close as I can to the original document. Is there an easy way to do that? I could turn it into plain text, but I think that my boss would not be happy about that.

The problem was that I needed the text box to be marked multi-line.

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Visual C++ :: Tabbed Dialog - Getting Text From Edit Control

Apr 26, 2014

I have a tabbed dialog with a couple of Separate dialogs. I created classes of CDialog for each dialog. Im trying to get the text from the edit control from the tabbed dialog and it appears in a message box when I press a button on the main dialog.

myDialog test;
CString bla = test.m_edit1;

The m_edit is a variable of CString for the edit box

it gives me a error and crashes.

How do I get the text from the other dialogs edit control?

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Visual C++ :: Parent To Child Dialog Data Transfer And Vice Versa

Nov 28, 2012

I transferred data from parent to child. Problem occurred while send data from child to parent dialog.

Find the attachment....

void CChildDlg::OnBnClickedCancel() {

[Code] ....

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C# :: Display Data In Text Box Based On ID

Dec 23, 2014

I have a area in my Project where i need to display a title and content in two text boxes. The Data base tables are:

ID | Title | Content

This is what I have so far, I know I am on the right track, I just cant figure out how to get each box to display based on the ID.

private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
try {
string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sdcAssistDB"].ConnectionString;
OleDbConnection dbConn = new OleDbConnection(connStr);

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Button To Display Text Box Message?

Jul 13, 2014

I'm currently making a math program in c++ windows form application. I'm trying to make it so where the user presses the number button I such as 1 button to display a 1 in my textbox.


private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

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C++ :: 2D Array That Display In 10 X 10 Table Like Format

Dec 8, 2014

My homework assignment is to create a 2 dimensional array that displays in a 10x10 table-like format after completing this assignment i must:

a) sum of each row
b) sum of each column
c) sum of every other row (vice versa with columns)
d) add diagonally
f) change the row to columns

what i have so far is

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int row = 10;
const int col = 10;

[Code] ....

Furthermore, what ive tried is to do total = total + x[r][c] within (for c= 0...)

But when it is outputted it continues to add the total from before (which of course is a looping error ive made)

How to add and subtract elements within arrays?

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Visual C++ :: Can't Initialize Struct With CString

Apr 7, 2013

I'm trying to compile the following and it doesn't work? How can I get the CString to initialize.


struct print {
int x; //row
int y; //col
int fid;
CString *data;
char *format;

[Code] .....

the char *format is not a problem, but compiler doesn't like CString *data;

tried CSting data and that also doesn't work, typecasting didn't work either?

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Visual C++ :: First Chance Exception CString

Jul 9, 2014

Why would the following line of code cause an exception and how can I fix it? This is with Visual Studio 2013 and it is set to use "Multibyte Character Set". This is a very old program that I was updating.

Code: thepath = dadir + "*.csv";

Both dadir and thepath are type CString.

Prior to this line dadir looks fine when I look at it in the debugger but when I reach this line of code I get

First-chance exception at 0x0FA08EE1 (mfc120d.dll) in GAQUtilities2014.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFEFEFFC6.

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C# :: How To Format Display For GridColumn Bound To Object

Jun 19, 2014

The data source of my grid is a list. Lets call the list list<objectX> listC where objectX is the type. objectX looks like this (this file cannot be edited):

public string otherProp1 { get; set; }
public double otherProp2 { get; set; }
public TimeFrameV endTimeframe { get; set; }
public double otherProp3 { get; set; }


I have 4 columns bound to fields in objectX. Two of which is bound to TimeFrameV objects. Initially endTimeframe and startTimeframe were strings, but not anymore. I have been using "FieldName" property to bind the fields.

I want to access all three fields in TimeFrameV. I have a method FormatTimeFrame(TimeFrameV timeFrame) that takes TimeFrameV object as a parameter and returns the desired string result depending on the variable values in the object. Here is what I want, i want/need to somehow pass Fieldname property value. But it's a string and I am not sure if I can parse into int TimeFrameV object.

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Visual C++ :: Array Of CString Size Checking

Apr 4, 2014

//Class header
CString m_cstrArry[5];

//Class source
void Ctry4Dlg::OnInitDialog() {
m_cstrArry[0] = _T("TEXT 0 |");
m_cstrArry[1] = _T("TEXT 1 |");
m_cstrArry[2] = _T("TEXT 2 |");

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: CString Class In Non-MFC Static Library

Sep 13, 2013

I have a non-MFC static library which I share between a number of different projects, some non-MFC and some MFC. Currently the static library uses a typedef of std::wstring and std::string for UNICODE and non-UNICODE builds.

After discovering it's possible to use CString in non-MFC applications, by including atlstr.h header, I decided I'd rather that than using stl strings and having to keep converting between the different types. However, I seem to be struggling with linker errors when linking the library with a MFC application.

Can I create a non-MFC static library using CString from atlstr.h and link it with a MFC application?

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Visual C++ :: Detecting Garbage Chars In CString

Feb 1, 2013

How do I detect garbage chars in a CString. Actually I'm reading some data from COM port. In some certain condition it will give some garbage as a version no. Now I need to show _T("N/A") in case of there is any garbage.

My solution is to check for a Valid char or integer. If found its correct else Garbage.

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Visual C++ :: Converting ASCII To CString Not Working In 6.0?

Sep 22, 2012

The below code is working fine in VS2008 and not working in VC6.0 (taking garbage values) this code is for converting hex values to string.

sending Input string is : 727332333263 required output: rs232c

DWORD AsciiToString(LPCTSTR f_chInputChar, LPTSTR f_chOutputChar) {
long ch;
int i,j;
TCHAR tmp[2];
int len = _tcslen(f_chInputChar);

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Program To Display Values From Data File As Image?

Jul 29, 2014

I am writing a program to display values from a data file as an image. But I can only get a blue screen. Here is a small program resembling my code. what I have missed? I only changed OnDraw function.

void CColorDisplayView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) {
CColorDisplayDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
if (!pDoc)
CRect rect;


View 10 Replies View Related

C/C++ :: Display Contents Of Binary Tree In Per-level Format - Undefined Reference

Oct 5, 2014

I am coding in C++ an implementation of BTree Insertion. I want to display the contents of the Tree in a per-level format. After writing functions and trying to run. I get the error Undefined reference.

// C++ program for B-Tree insertion
using namespace std;

// A BTree node
class BTreeNode{
int *keys; // An array of keys
int order; // Minimum degree (defines the range for number of keys)
BTreeNode **child; // An array of child pointers
int size; // Current number of keys

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Declaring A Display Function Prototype Only That Displays A Student Test Scores In The Format

Oct 28, 2013

so in declaring a display function prototype only that displays a student test scores in the format (student name tab number of scores tab test scores )

is this right?

#include <string>
using namespace std;
class StudentTestScores{


and also how do we call the display function if it is in a class from the header file onto the main cpp file.

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C# :: Using MessageBoxButtons Dialog With Multiple Lines Of Text And Parameters

Jan 31, 2014

I am trying to make a messageBoxButtons dialog with the 'yes, no' buttons. Im having trouble because of the multiple lines and parameters already in the message, this means that when i declare the messageBoxButtons.YesNo and the title - it throws an error because of the multiple lines etc...

How can I get the yes/no message box to work in this instance?

class Output {
string text; {
DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Please make sure the following information is correct before submitting."
+ " Date: " + Date
+ " Hours worked: " + Hours
+ " Hourly rate: $" + Rate

[Code] ....

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C :: Create A File And Save Text In It In PDF Format

Feb 13, 2014

My objective is to create a file and save some text in it. But the twist is that file should be created in pdf format.

I have written following code:


int main() { FILE *fp;
char ch;
fprintf(fp, "%PDF-1.3"); //to initiate data storage in pdf file
printf(" Enter data to be stored in to the file:");
return 0;}

Now my file is created in pdf format, but when I open it by double click on it, it is not open and gives the message like: "Error in opening document. This file is damaged and could not be repaired."

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C++ :: Output Unusual Format For Text File

Jul 24, 2013

Bit of a problem, I'm trying to output the data from my code into a particular format to a text file. The format is

y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5...yn
z0 0.01 0.2 1
z1 0.4 0 etc...

Any pointers?

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C# :: Rich Text Box File Format Not Valid

Oct 9, 2014

I have the below code, the first rich text box works fine but on the second i get the error

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

Additional information: File format is not valid.

System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox rtBox = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox();
rtBox.Rtf = reader["Change_Description"] as string;
Change_Description = rtBox.Text;
System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox rtBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox();
rtBox2.Rtf = reader["Change_Justification"] as string;
Change_Justification = rtBox2.Text;

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