C# :: How To Format Display For GridColumn Bound To Object
Jun 19, 2014
The data source of my grid is a list. Lets call the list list<objectX> listC where objectX is the type. objectX looks like this (this file cannot be edited):
public string otherProp1 { get; set; }
public double otherProp2 { get; set; }
public TimeFrameV endTimeframe { get; set; }
public double otherProp3 { get; set; }
I have 4 columns bound to fields in objectX. Two of which is bound to TimeFrameV objects. Initially endTimeframe and startTimeframe were strings, but not anymore. I have been using "FieldName" property to bind the fields.
I want to access all three fields in TimeFrameV. I have a method FormatTimeFrame(TimeFrameV timeFrame) that takes TimeFrameV object as a parameter and returns the desired string result depending on the variable values in the object. Here is what I want, i want/need to somehow pass Fieldname property value. But it's a string and I am not sure if I can parse into int TimeFrameV object.
I want to display my data in rich-text box in the tree like structure,i fetch the data from the data base MSACCESS & i want to print it on my rich-textbox, what can i do ?
But the output rows are not aligned as shown in the attached picture. There a two problems.
1. Data rows don't align with the header row. 2. When the first element of a row changes to two digits, the other elements are shifted.
According to MSDN [URL] ...., CString::Format() works the same way as printf(). I wrote a small program using printf() to do the same thing, and the output in the console are perfectly aligned.
I am coding in C++ an implementation of BTree Insertion. I want to display the contents of the Tree in a per-level format. After writing functions and trying to run. I get the error Undefined reference.
// C++ program for B-Tree insertion #include<iostream> using namespace std;
// A BTree node class BTreeNode{ int *keys; // An array of keys int order; // Minimum degree (defines the range for number of keys) BTreeNode **child; // An array of child pointers int size; // Current number of keys
so in declaring a display function prototype only that displays a student test scores in the format (student name tab number of scores tab test scores )
is this right?
#ifndef STUDENTTESTSCORES_H #define STUDENTTESTSCORES_H #include <string> using namespace std; class StudentTestScores{ private:
and also how do we call the display function if it is in a class from the header file onto the main cpp file.
I'm a newbie to C++ and I am writing a code that searches strings and checks their value. I'm mostly working with if statements.
My code tends crash on Dev C++, even when I haven't recently saved any changes or compiled it, citing "memory access errors".
I recompiled in visual studio, and visual studio told me I have string out of bound errors.
My code is very long... but most of it is copy and pasted with slightly different conditions.
I believe the problem lies in how I initialize arr[4] ??
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hall symbol -- generator matrix program" << endl; // Setting up a data structure bc a normal array cannot handle the data for the spacegroups
This is an assignment question In C++, there is no check to determine whether the array index is out of bounds.Design a class myArray that solves the out-of-bound array index problem and allows the user to begin the array index starting at any integer, positive or negative. Every object of type myArray should be an array of type int.
Part 1 processes only int arrays. Redesign the class myArray using class templates so that the class can be used in any application that requires arrays to process data.
I don't understand the second part. should i just change the array from int to char or something?
suppose I want to find the value of e ,e^x or sin(x) or any such function in general ,through their infinite series (maclaurin or taylor) how many iteration should I have to make to get the result correct uptu 'n' decimal places?
class Secure { private: int seconds; bool isRUNNING; public: Secure(int seconds) {
[Code] .....
error C2276: '&' : illegal operation on bound member function expression
I read that due to explicit casting, threads cannot be created within a class. I'm trying to thread a scanning system to relieve stress on my main program/module, rather than having the scanner stunt their performance.
I created class called students which suppose to store students names of in array but when I call the display function it display only the first name. but I want it to display names depending on the array size.
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; const int SIZE=5;
I know this is more simple than I am making it out to be. I have a solar panel hooked up to an 8-Bit ADC and linked into my Microprocessor. I am trying to take the Binary readout from the ADC and convert it to a decimal number to be displayed on the boards LCD display. I am wiring the ADC to PORTA on my Motorola Freescale Board. This is for a final project for my electronic systems class due on Monday...
will copy constructor does object initialization using another already created object? I understand that it can be applied for object initialization and not for assignment.Is it correct?
I have a method to take a Tile object and make an instances of it based on some data from the original object. Than it is suppose to manipulate the a specific instance and save the results. The first loop through it works but it changes all instance as well as the base.
public static int recurse(int count, Tile[,] b,Huristic h,int check) { if (check==1) { boardState.Add(B)/>; return check; } if (check == 0)
this function will return a temporary integer now void fun1(const int & num); this function can receive from myfun().BUT void fun2(int & num); this function cannot receive from myfun() Why is that, Moreover what is lifetime of a temporary object like one returned in myfun() ???
I am using the above code to retrive an item selected by user,But this line is giving an exception "Null Reference Exception, Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
In Visual Studio 2010 C++ I have a series of existing text objects The text properties names are item1_lbl, item2_lbl, item3_lbl, ….
Based on a selection I want to change an object. I generate the name of the object I want to change in a string so from this string is there a way to get a pointer to the correct text object that is same name?
I'm trying to edit an image by multiplying the red component of each pixel by 10 and leaving the other components (green and blue) untouched. I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to edit the pixels one by one. I have this so far. I think there is something wrong with my ppm header as well. Is there a way to make a ppm header without specifying the bounds so that it conforms to the image you are putting in?
I have installed VS 2010 and VS 2012. VS 2012 uses SqlServer CE 3.5 and VS 2012 uses SqlServer CE 4.0.The problem is that when a project uses a 3.5 file it tries to open it with 4.0 even if the app.config says to use the 3.5 provider. The version of the assembly is pulled right out of the GAC. I uninstalled 4.0 and the reference auto updated its version to 3.5.1. However after installing 4.0 again it changes to 4.0. The error I am getting is that 4.0 cannot open a 3.5 file....they changed the file format from 3.5 to 4.0 and they are not compatible.
The requirement is to capture statistics of uuid occurrences for ALIVE/SEARCH/BYEBYE (it can be all 3, combinations of 2 each, or one alone) in a dynamically populated file in run time.
I am able to print all 3 combinations, but not in combination of 1 or 2 e.g.
I want to generalize the code such that uuid occurrence does not have to be all 3 (ALIVE/SEARCH/BYEBYE), the occurrences can be any combination and code should work. e.g my code gives wrong results when input.txt contains the following: