C/C++ :: Object Oriented Programming - How To Display Student With Given Attributes

Oct 27, 2013

Here is my code ... How to display student with given attributes ...

class student {
              int roll_no ;
              char name[30];
              char phone_no[15];
[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: File Management As Used In Object Oriented Programming

Nov 1, 2013

what are the advantages of files and how do we operate on binary files

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C++ :: Good Object Oriented Approach To Meshing?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm a newbie to C++ and I've been working on this Delaunay tree in C for some time. I'm ready to port it to C++ which does not mean that the code itself is completed or done.

But I was wondering, how could I design my code to fully utilize C++?

For one, I'm using C++'s built-in stack/queue/vector functions because it's a lot nicer than building my own stacks or queues lol.

So, here's an overview of the code.

The mesh is built of tetrahedrons so I have a "struct tetra" which stores pointers to vertices ("struct particle") and its 4 neighbours. Working in half-plane data, we have:

struct particle {
double x, y, z;

struct tetra {
struct particle *p[4];//vertices
struct tetra *ngb[4];//neighbours

double a[4], b[4], c[4], d[4];//half-plane data

I'm fracturing these tetrahedrons by inserting vertices so I can get anywhere from 2 to 4 children per fracture per tetraheron. I'm mapping this history to a quadtree. This looks like :


struct tree {
int level;
struct tree *parent;
struct tree *children[4];
struct tetra *t;

What would be the best OO approach to this problem?

I thought about just using this object,

struct mesh {
struct tree *root; //pointer to root
/* insert all functions to be used by mesh here */

But I'm not sure how effectively this would be taking advantage of the OO paradigm.

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C++ :: OpenGL - Does Vertex Array Object Store Enabled Attributes

Jan 8, 2014

Does the VAO (glGenVertexArrays/glBindVertexArray/glDeleteVertexArrays) store the enabled/disabled state for the Vertex Attributes (glEnableVertexAttribArray/glDisableVertexAttribArray) or should I re-enable them every time?

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C# :: Display Student Who Get Highest Marks

Aug 14, 2012

i wnt to display student who get highest marks among them...i have code for finding maximum marks from them but don't kne how to print only top 5 student...


static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Number of Students :");
int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
StudentDetails[] student = new StudentDetails[n];
for (int row = 0; row < n; row++)
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Student name :");


(dis code in Visual Studio)

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C++ :: Video Game Programming - How To Display Graphics And Set Properties

Jun 10, 2013

How would you create a video game in c++? I'm not sure really how to display the graphics and set properties and do all that stuff. I don't have money to buy a book about so how do you?

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C++ :: Declaring A Display Function Prototype Only That Displays A Student Test Scores In The Format

Oct 28, 2013

so in declaring a display function prototype only that displays a student test scores in the format (student name tab number of scores tab test scores )

is this right?

#include <string>
using namespace std;
class StudentTestScores{


and also how do we call the display function if it is in a class from the header file onto the main cpp file.

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Visual C++ :: Make Transition From Console Programming To GUI Programming?

Nov 30, 2013

my a book or website where I can make a transition from console programming to GUI programming. I'm totally confused about this. I know how to program in console and can make a whole program based on console. I also know the OPP programming, but it's clear that nobody uses console programming anymore.

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C# :: How To Format Display For GridColumn Bound To Object

Jun 19, 2014

The data source of my grid is a list. Lets call the list list<objectX> listC where objectX is the type. objectX looks like this (this file cannot be edited):

public string otherProp1 { get; set; }
public double otherProp2 { get; set; }
public TimeFrameV endTimeframe { get; set; }
public double otherProp3 { get; set; }


I have 4 columns bound to fields in objectX. Two of which is bound to TimeFrameV objects. Initially endTimeframe and startTimeframe were strings, but not anymore. I have been using "FieldName" property to bind the fields.

I want to access all three fields in TimeFrameV. I have a method FormatTimeFrame(TimeFrameV timeFrame) that takes TimeFrameV object as a parameter and returns the desired string result depending on the variable values in the object. Here is what I want, i want/need to somehow pass Fieldname property value. But it's a string and I am not sure if I can parse into int TimeFrameV object.

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C :: Different HTML Shapes With Random Attributes

Oct 21, 2014

This time I need to generate random shapes (circles, rectangles, squares, and ellipses) with random attributes with C, to html.

I am able to create specific shapes with random attributes, but I am unsure how to have the function create a random shape...

Also, the function "box" is meant to create a black border around the shapes. It does this, but I do not know how to make it so that the other shapes do not show up along the lines of this "box."

I guess it appears that certain shapes are "layered" over top of others? ie. My circles/ellipses always show up on top of the rects/squares/box.Currently I have this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define NO_SHAPES 10
#define X_RANGE 797
#define Y_RANGE 397

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Sorting Vector Of Objects By One Of Their Attributes

May 1, 2013

I have a vector of Car* objects - vector<Car*> cars

Each object in the vector has an integer attribute called passengers, which can be returned using the function getPassengers().

How do I sort the vector by the objects' passenger int? I know I need to use sort() and presumably a comparison function but I'm not quite sure how.

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Visual C++ :: Convert XML Attributes To Class Using Tinyxml

May 8, 2013

i am trying to create a firework display by reading in the fireworks off a .xml file, which will then iterate through and launch each firework.

I followed a tutorial on dinomage to find out how to use tinyxml, i learnt that i can store the attributes into char pointers but i dont know how to convert them to GLfloats to store them in my class variables.

I did try using atof but when i ran the program i got loads of errors which im guessing is because the pointer only stores the address which im passing to my variable.


i have found out that tinyxml is not compatible with vs2010 but tinyxml 2 is, so i have changed my code but am still having trouble loading my attributes i have added error checking, and it prints out that the xml has loaded but then it wont load the root

updated code

my code: Firework.h

#ifndef FIREWORK_H
#define FIREWORK_H
#include <cstdlib>
#include <GLGL.h>
#include <string>


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C++ :: Program To Save List Of Items With Associated Attributes

Nov 22, 2012

I'm supposed to write a program that is able to save a list of items such as books, CDs, or DVDs. The items that are saved must have attributes associated with them. For example a book has a title, author, publisher, and ISBN.

I'm supposed to create a program that is able to save the database of items to a file on the hard drive and also retrieve it from the hard drive.

The user should be able to

1. Enter items
2. Display a list of the items
3. Save the list to disk
4. Read the list from disk
5. Sort the list
6. Exit the program

I know I should use arrays and structs but I don't where to start.

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C++ :: Print To Console Contents Of A File Using Foreground Colors And Other Attributes

Jun 29, 2013

Suppose I have a txt file that I want the contents printed to the console in such a way that every five words are colored blue and the following five are red. How do I accomplish such a task? I am currently only able to print the contents of the file in regular color using ifstream.

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Visual C++ :: Change Default Text Attributes (font And Color)

Nov 12, 2013

I needed to change Default Text attributes (font and color) . So I wrote following code , UnicodeTextOut function. I called this function once in each 55ms to update the display screen. but I observed that my Screen used to become grey like a crash after sometime . If I use Minimize an Maximize window , the screen was restoring back for some time.

When I thought over the code , I got my mistake that CreateFont initialization should be done once in the program and probably outside the function.

void UnicodeTextOut(int x, int y, CString s, UINT justify,int GreyScaleFlag) {
HFONT hFontUnicode;
HFONT hfOld ;
hFontUnicode = CreateFont(16, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _T("Aerial"));

[Code] ....

Then I shifted the line hFontUnicode = CreateFont(16, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _T("Aerial")); in my screen class constructor and made hFontUnicode global .

This solved my problem as expected. Why a system crash after certain no of CreateFont calls ?

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C++ :: Read HTML Code - Count / Sort And Print Out Only First 10 Frequently Used Attributes

Mar 14, 2013

I have to write a c++ program to read html code and do bunch of stuff. One thing that i have to do is to count the no of attributes and sort them in descenting out and print out only first 10 frequently used attributes. I counted them using maps and sorted them using multimaps but now dnt knw how to print only 10 elements

for(std::map<string, int>::iterator it = Element.begin(); it != Element.end(); ++it)
Elements.insert(pair<int, string>(it->second, it->first));
for(std::multimap<int, string>::reverse_iterator it = Elements.rbegin(); it != Elements.rend(); ++it) {
cout << "Element: " << it->second << " : " << it->first << endl;

This is how i did it . How to display only 10 elements and not all the elements.

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C++ :: Creating List Of Medical Resources And Their Attributes - Input To Structure Array Not Working?

Mar 23, 2014

I wrote this program to create a list of medical resources and their attributes, a task I have been performing repeatedly lately. I'm still fairly new to C++, so I thought to create a structure "Resource", and then an array of those structures "city[300]". My problem is that the input doesn't seem to be happening: the program runs, but when it prints to screen/writes to the file at the end, all the shows is:

Resource Type:

for every resource that was input. All the fields are blank.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Resource {
string typeID;
string name;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Printing Name And GPA Of Student?

Feb 17, 2015

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct studentType {
string name;
double gpa;

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Get The Average Score For Each Student

Nov 10, 2013

I have to get the average score for each student. And modify my avgmarks function and write the marks to a output txt file.


int bubble(int*,int);
void filewrite();
void avgmarks();
void fileprint();
void filesort();
void rollin();

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Student Grades Do Not Print?

Mar 26, 2013

// GradeCalculator.cpp
// Input: Student Grades in Each Category
// Output: Final Grade, Numerical Grade, Witty Comment
// Final Grade Calculator
// This program calculates a final grade using a formula, assigns a
// corresponding letter grade, and outputs a "witty" comment to the user.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> // For file I/O
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

// Declare function prototypes
void OpenFiles(ifstream&, ofstream&);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Student ADT - How To Delete A Record

Feb 24, 2014

My assignment for class was to create a Student ADT. I have three files. First one is Student.h which defines a Student record and has the prototypes of the functions that can be used with Student. I have Student.cc which is where the functions are actually declared. And my final file is testStudent.cc where the "main" function is that is creating a Student and callign all of the functions to make sure they work properly.

I have all of the functions working properly, except for my destroyStudentRecord function. It is supposed to deallocate the record, but I am unsure of how to actually do this. The current implementation appears to only deallocate the firstName field, as when you display the record after deallocationg it, everything still shows up except the first name. I have tried deallocating each field of the record before deallocating the record itself and that gave me the biggest list of errors I have ever seen.

I realize the implementation of some things in here might be a bit odd, but this is exactly how we are required to do things for this assignment and nothing about the implementation can really be changed unless something is actually just plain wrong(which is of course a possibility as I am quite new to this!). As I said though, everything else is working exactly as it should be, so my only issue at all is with actually deleting the record once I have created one.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
#ifndef _STUDENT_H_
#define _STUDENT_H_
struct Student {

[Code] ....

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C :: Add More Student Information To The Specific Txt File?

Mar 12, 2013

I'm trying to add more student information to the specific txt file. I did struct my student information and separated it with an array with max size of 200.

The inside of my current file looks like


The first one represent student[0] and next one is student[1] and so on till student[199]. Right now, only 4 space is occupied, which means the array has information till student[3] but not from student[4] (I guess it has null condition).

What I want to do is, I want to add a new student information to student[4] and till student[199] once at each time.

So, my prompt will look like
Would like to add a new student? Y/N
(if yes goes to below statement and exit if NO)
Hi. Please enter the information of new student. ___________
Student added. Please press any key to continue.

If the key is pressed, it goes back to my initial prompt and continues till I press N.

I sure I'm not using for loop to do this thing, because I'm adding student name one by one.

However, the array is already occupied by other student name till student[3] so, I want to add a new student information to student[4] (I don't want to overwrite the current information). And if student[4] is occupied, then [5] and so on.

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C++ :: Linked List Of Student Database

Mar 6, 2013

I've remade a program to store student database using linked list. When I try to display the list of student with their information (It displays nothing)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct StudentRecord {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Change Just A Single Student Data

Jan 6, 2015

For Example i have made a text file included some students data. Now i want to change just a single student data. That file should remain same just that student's data replace.

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C++ :: What Is Process Of Student Profiling System

Oct 3, 2014

what is the process of student profiling system using c++?

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C++ :: Linked List To Store Student ID And GPA

Apr 2, 2014

So I have to store a student Id and gpa and name in a linked list. I keep getting error messages.

Like: lab 20.cpp(43): error C2628: 'Student' followed by 'int' is illegal (did you forget a ';'?)
(43): error C3874: return type of 'main' should be 'int' instead of 'Student'
(71): error C2664: 'Student::Student(const Student &)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'const Student &'
Reason: cannot convert from 'int' to 'const Student'
No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Student {
string name;
double gpa;

[Code] ....

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