C :: Add More Student Information To The Specific Txt File?

Mar 12, 2013

I'm trying to add more student information to the specific txt file. I did struct my student information and separated it with an array with max size of 200.

The inside of my current file looks like


The first one represent student[0] and next one is student[1] and so on till student[199]. Right now, only 4 space is occupied, which means the array has information till student[3] but not from student[4] (I guess it has null condition).

What I want to do is, I want to add a new student information to student[4] and till student[199] once at each time.

So, my prompt will look like
Would like to add a new student? Y/N
(if yes goes to below statement and exit if NO)
Hi. Please enter the information of new student. ___________
Student added. Please press any key to continue.

If the key is pressed, it goes back to my initial prompt and continues till I press N.

I sure I'm not using for loop to do this thing, because I'm adding student name one by one.

However, the array is already occupied by other student name till student[3] so, I want to add a new student information to student[4] (I don't want to overwrite the current information). And if student[4] is occupied, then [5] and so on.

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C Sharp :: Get Specific Folder Size Information From NAS / NTFS Location After Mapping

Sep 26, 2012

How to measure a NAS (NTFS) free space/total space and used space? Few more details: I have the needed code to map the NAS location (serverNameshared_folderfoldersub_folder) into the local server where I am running my applciation but I can only get the needed statistics above for the whole NAS, I need to know the statistics for a specified folder on the NAS, how can I do that?

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C :: Student Record System / File Handling

Feb 25, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>


I dont know how to modify the previous record that i have done in the Add Student function. i searched from different sites and got this code for modifying a record in a text file. But, i cant figure it out why its not working.

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C++ :: Student Registration System - File Updating

Feb 14, 2012

I have been creating this program for a student registration system. For the file handling So far I can write in to a file , view all records, and search a single record. now i got the problem with updating details . my coding is as bellow ..

void file_update() {
int r;
struct student stu;
fstream stu_file;
cout <<"========Update Record======"<< endl;
stu_file.open("student.txt", ios::app );

[Code] ....

My problem is it won't update the record. it just adding a new record.

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C++ :: How To Make Specific Character Show Up Specific Amount Of Times

Mar 5, 2013

How do I make a specific character show up a specific amount of times?

Like I am generating a random number then I need to make "|" show up that many times on the screen.

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C :: Reading From File Certain Information

Jul 31, 2013

//FUNCTION: vDelEditStudents()

void vDelEditStudents() {
FILE *file = fopen("C:UserForCtxtgiro.txt", "rb");
Student StdStruct;
fseek(file, -sizeof(StdStruct) , SEEK_END);
fread(&StdStruct, sizeof(StdStruct), 1, file);

[Code] ....

The problem is that ... Even though it is reading from a a file, it is not reading a one struct. In this piece of code I'm trying to read the last struct, which should be k... The struct itself is here


typedef struct {
char StudentName[30];
uint16 StdAge;
uint16 StdNumb;


And here is my input and output:

1 g 1 2
1 h 3 4
1 j 5 6
1 k 7 8

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C++ :: Reading Information Out Of File?

Apr 12, 2014

I need to read some infos out of a .txt-file.

The problem is that i dont know how to do because 'getline' won't work i think.

the file looks like this:

Inventory of MyInventory
Some info
More info
000 Toys 6.25
a short description
126/44 Cards 2.25
some text
Inventory of MyInventory2
Some info
More info
000 Toys 6.25
a short description
126/44 Cards 2.25
some text

So what I need to know:

- the name of the Inventory (MyInventory, MyInventory2...)

- the numbers in each row (000,126/44...)

- the name what it is (Toys,Cards...)

- the price (6.25,2.25...)

- and the description(problem here is, that there are not the same amount of words for each description)

I tried it with 'getline' but this is not working because the lines are so different each time.

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C/C++ :: Receiving Information From A File?

Nov 13, 2014

I want to receive an information from a file. For instance, you created a file name "sample.txt" via fstream and stored a bunch of people's name, address, phone number in that "sample.txt".

Now, I want to see what's stored in this file. Suppose, I wanted some particular guys address, phone number by just typing is his/her name.

How to relate the name with address and phone number of particular people? I just started the file creating so I wanted to know about it.

using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream outputData;


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C++ :: TXT File - How To Get Each Specific Value And Add Them All Together

Oct 10, 2013

so I wrote this code in class today and I'm almost done but I need to come up with some sort of equation to add up all the total values. The problem is I am reading data off a txt file so it's all being read as one thing. I don't know how to get each specific value and add them all together. This is my code so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

here's what's inside the input file

Chisel 50 9.99
Hammer 30 15.99
Nails 2000 0.99
Bolts 200 2.99
Nuts 300 1.99
Soap 55 1.89

I end up multiplying the amount by the price to get the total value as shown in the code above. Now I just don't know how to add the total value of each item to get the total overall value. Also I haven't used invTotal because I want that to be the overall total.

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C :: Saving Information From A File To Struct

Jan 12, 2014

I want to take the informaition from this file and save it into a struct the file conteins name age year (in char) and a grade it is somthing like this

Nikos Tolis 19 A 8
Iwanna Nikolaou 20 B 9
Kwstas Doukas 20 Β 6
Georgios Pappas 19 A 7
Iwannis Lekatis 20 Β 7
Nikos Ntoumas 19 A 5
Maria Oikonomou 20 B 6
Kwstas Argyrou 19 A 10
Irw Ntouma 20 B 8
Leuteris Doukas 19 A 6

I want to read till i found the '32' the space in ascii here is my code so far

struct students
char *name;
int age;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Parse A Text File That Contains Information

Jul 31, 2014

I am trying to parse a text file that contains information and i cant seem to get started. For example, the text file looks like this:

idx=929392, pl= 12, name= someperson

idx=929393, pl= 12, name= someperson2

idx=929394, pl= 12, name= someperson3

I want to parse the name and age into another text file like this format:

someperson 19
someperson 20
someperson 21

possibly include other attributes next to the age like idx?

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C/C++ :: Extracting Information From Data File?

Apr 20, 2015

Create a simple data file like the example shown below containing the 4 dates below plus 10 or more additional dates. The file should include 1 date per line and each date should have the form MonthNumber-DayOfTheMonth-Last2DigitsOfTheYear with no extra spaces. All dates should be in this century. No error checking for invalid dates is necessary.

My Output displays like

February -19,1991

How do I get my program to ignore the dash between the dates?

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main(){
const int M = 13;


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C/C++ :: Getting Specific Info From A TXT File?

Oct 10, 2014

I'm trying to open a text file with the name "text.txt", for the purpose of only displaying in the console an specific part of the text file. For example, if I got "This is a test [TEXT] This is the message that should display [/TEXT] this is the end of the file", I want only "This is the message that should display" to be the output, the thing is that I can't imagine anyway of doing that. what I should do?

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C :: File Process - Delete Or Update Information

May 18, 2013

i have written a student information storing program. it has add,delete,list,and update menu (in program i have written update == uptade,i know : P )

my question is i cant delete or update the information. where is my failure ?


#define max 3
struct og {
char id[12];


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C++ :: Program Won't Output Any Information To Text File

May 6, 2013

my program wont output any information to the text file that I have specified it just creates it but it leaves it blank

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class Carloan


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C++ :: Store Information From A File In Linked List

Aug 28, 2014

I'm trying to open a file (contains member information) and store the information in an object, which is then inserted into a linked list. However, the current code just leaves a blank command window hanging with nothing happening.

main.cpp - [URL] ....
MemberProf.h - [URL] ....
MemberProf.cpp - [URL] ....
LinkedList.h -[URL] ....

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C++ :: Retrieve Information From Two Files And Put Them In A Single File

Nov 23, 2013

I created a simple program that writes some text to two different text files. how to create a program that would retrieve the information from those two files, and put them in a single file, first the content of input1 and then the content of input2. how to do this. Here is the program that I created that creates the two files.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main() {
using namespace std;
string input1;
ofstream fout("input1.txt");


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C++ :: How To Read Information From Text File To Array

Apr 4, 2014

Perhaps my original wording on this was confusing so I will ask a different way.

if I have a text file called


and it has the following in it.


how would i read this information into an array called

int data[4][5]

This is in C.

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C++ :: How To Share Information In Multi File Project

Dec 9, 2013

this last few days I've been coding this one particular file


namespace Hero {
namespace {
// all data here

then the code grew a bit to about 700 line

Then now I want to implement hero skill system It needs the access to data inside the unnamed namespace where I put just about everything.. but it's unnamed namespace, it's only valid within one file and I should hide all that data from Hero interface in Hero.h How should I do this ?

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C++ :: Reading Tab-delimited File - Information Of A Graph

Jan 10, 2013

I have a network data file that looks like this:


The first row has two values - number of nodes (24) and number of links (76). Then it has all the link details (76 rows of data). I want to read this data. I have written out the following function:

First the structure definitions:

typedef struct {
int arcno;
int tail;
int head;
} arc_data;
typedef struct {
int forwardStarPoint;
int reverseStarPoint;

[Code] .....

The code is able to read the first line of data (i.e. it displays the numNodes and numArcs as 24 and 76). But then I get a lot of errors like this one

`Access violation writing location 0xCCCCCCD8`.

The program then crashes.

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C :: Updating Specific Data In The File

Mar 17, 2013

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define MAX 200

[Code] ....

Inside of my studentinfo.txt file

Jnh Has 2353325 23 56 72 34 67 22 46 42 5 23 56 23
Daniel Laurent 6744590 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 50

This code is working totally fine. Right now, I'm trying to update a specific data from the student info. Let's say I'm trying to update my student number of Daniel. So, in this case, I want to replace 6744590 to some other student number. I think I have to use fseek() or rewind() and use fputs() but, I don't know how I should decide where to look.

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C++ :: How To Read A Specific Word From A File

Aug 12, 2014

How would one go about doing this? I am very fond with Windows I/O, but not so much with this subject. I am decent with fstream, probably not as skilled at it as I should be, but I assume <fstream> would be a better choice, since it isn't locked to Windows.

Anyway, say I have a .txt file like this:

Bill is a cow.
Bill likes meat.
Bob is a pig.
Bob and Bill are friends.

And I want to count the number of times "Bill" is written. How would I do that?

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C/C++ :: How To Read Specific Column From A File

Nov 21, 2013

I have a .txt file which contains 121 lines,now I want to read the no 20 columns from that file. How to read it. I have tried the following code.

my c.txt file look like following :

A B C D E.....AAA
#include "conio.h"
#include "string.h"    
int main() {
    FILE *fp;  
    char a2[500];

[Code] ....

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C :: Read Data File And Emit Various Bits Of Information

Mar 31, 2014

For my intro to c programming class, our homework requires us to read a data file and emit various bits of information. the data file looks like this

#Domain: the URL
#Alexa: some kind ranking, small numbers are better
#Rank: another sort of ranking, big numbers are better

#Domain Alexa Rank Site Name
#------------ ----- ------- ---------
amazon.com 13 1177136 Amazon.com
google.com 1 4533883 Google
youtube.com 3 3637788 YouTube

[Code] ....

I've started and am able to get the correct number of lines, and the alexa number, but I keep getting some errors and am just unsure where to correct my code. This is what it looks like;

// Lexi Anderson
//CS 156
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {

[Code] .....

and once compiled, I get errors.

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C :: Take Personality Information From User And Store It In Text File

May 17, 2014

I was trying to make a program in C that could take Personality Information from the user and store it in a text file. Then, when asked, could compare the results to other entries in the so called "data-base" and tell which is the best match. I tried a whole lot but couldn't think of a proper way.

(Stings and File IO are not my strong points)

I am using Code Blocks 10.05 and the standard GCC compiler.

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C++ :: Read From A File And Store Information In Separate Variables?

Dec 8, 2014

So I have to read from a file, and store the information in separate variables. My problem is that for some of the information I need multiple words, and for others I don't, so I cant simply store 1 word into a variable and store the next in another in so on. To demonstrate what I mean let me give an example.

Dog Cat Blue Bird Snake White Horse

I am able to store "Dog","Cat","Blue","Bird"...etc in variables but I don't know how to make it so I can store "Dog" in one variable, "Cat" in a second variable. and "Blue Bird" in a third variable. "Snake" would be the 4th and "White Horse" would be the fifth. How can I read a file and manipulate the pointer to grab what I need?

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