I'm trying to open a text file with the name "text.txt", for the purpose of only displaying in the console an specific part of the text file. For example, if I got "This is a test [TEXT] This is the message that should display [/TEXT] this is the end of the file", I want only "This is the message that should display" to be the output, the thing is that I can't imagine anyway of doing that. what I should do?
I'm trying to make a program that you input your login info and it writes that info to a text file. Then, later on once I get my problem fixed, the program will read the info to the user. my code is as follows(the input part is a bit lengthy):
I need to transfer the content from the file text.txt to file sort.txt . The data in the text.txt is "struct" (info about people)but the same data needs to be sorted by the name and sent to sort.txt by using a function .
I am looking for a way that I could check the information of a folder and a drive, to show the data size and storage amount (KB, MB, GB). This is so that I can compare the size of a folder to the storage capacity of a disk drive.
I'm a beginner at programming and I'm not sure how to read in information from a text file. What I want to do is take a text file which contains around 20 rows and 3 columns of numbers, and put these into an array which can then be used for performing calculations. How do I do this? Would I need to declare the size of the array beforehand? When accessing my file, do I include the full address?
The relevant part is lines 29-33:
Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> /* this is a simpllified code using BEM equations */ main()
Your goal is to open this struct of students (the binary file). Once open, the first job is to print out each student. Afterwards, display all students with a gpa of 3.5 and higher. Finally, display all students with the major of Computer Science or Game Programming. Be sure to title each category of items.
He gave us a .cpp file and a .h file that we're suppose to use to run the program. He doesn't want us to change his original code, except we can add the needed code to run his code (i.e. Struct & Main).
My problem is that I get an Abort() crash message in VS2013 when I try to run it. Now, in line 95 of the cpp file if I replace the char* with "", it runs fine showing the GPA with blank entries for the other print parameters. I've read the Binary Files chapter of the Pearson textbook several times and it doesn't have anything to say about working with char pointers.
Header file:
#pragma once //Professor's code struct StudInfo //Start of my code { char* fName; char* lName; char* major; double gpa;
I'm intrested in creating programs of games and such which learns while playing and saving the information for further use. For example a tic tac toe game where the program saves evry game it won or lost and creates a tree of some kind that store the information of the game and save it in a file when the program is being quit. The problem i'm having is how to save a tree in a file efficently.
I have a tab separated file that consists of 10 columns. (classical txt file).the third column is the one interesting to me it consists of some strings like :
according to the value in the third column i wish to split my text file sot that i have files string1.txt string2.txt and string3.txt such that each file contains the whole line. how to do it in c++ with hash tables (maps) and all those fancy tools all ready and waiting for me to use them but in c i am crippled.
My idea was to first go through the file, hash all values in tht third column so i get a unique set of elements and then for each distinct string(element) in the third column create a file pointer, then go once more through the file and as I encounter a specific string(element) type, write the whole line into the appropriate file.
I have a program that gives the user the option to create an employee ID, name, address and so on. It also has the option to search employee by employee ID.
What I want to know is how to add and replace employee info. For example employee changes address. Also how to delete employee information from text file.
Here's my code:
//This program uses file input and output for an employee information system. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main(){ ifstream inFile; //declare ifstream as inFile and ofstream as outFile ofstream outFile;
I'm having trouble in getting my program to read from a file and put all the proper data into its proper class variables. I have a class (called Champion) that has string variable for a name and a vector of strings for items. I also have a vector of Champion that holds multiple champions. Here's my code:
I'm trying to read information from a file and put the data into vectors of its appropriate type. For example: the file will have an int ID, string firstname, string lastname, double salary, int hours_per_week, and string work_position. All this data is separated by ";". I don't know how to read this file into the appropriate vectors: vector<int> ID, vector<string> fname, vector<string> lname, vector<double> salary, vector<int> hpw, vector<string> work.
I am trying to use a combination of windows batch scripts as well a C++ program to put users data into one single .CSV file. Right now, I have a batch file that will output data from the command line into multiple .txt files. These files are mac.txt, serialnumber.txt, computermodel.txt, and computer name.txt. What I want to do, is to have users run the batch file, which will in turn run the .exe C++ file which will concatenate all their data into one file, computerinfo.csv. The file format for this file would be to have the mac address, serialnumber, computer model, and computer name all in their own column.
My main issue is that these individual files don't have the format that I would like, but based on the command prompt functions, there isn't really any good format. For example, the mac.txt file has the following format:
Physical Address Transport Name =================== ========================================================== xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx DeviceTcpip_{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} yy-yy-yy-yy-yy-yy Media disconnected zz-zz-zz-zz-zz-zz Media disconnected
but all I really want is xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
The other files have other issues with format, but if I can figure out this one then the others should be a piece of cake.
Also, I want the output of this to all go in one row, and as other users run this file, they will go into new rows without touching the rows above.
What I want to do is create a file that will ask the user to enter his info,n then store it in a text file The screen will ask the user if he wants to update his info. if he says yes then the screen will be cleared and the old info will be printed on the screen. The user will enter his new info that will be stored in a new file. My problem is that once the user finishes entering his input the program just closes D: and the rest of the program won't run.
int main() { string ans; ofstream Xfile("original.txt"); cout <<"Enter your name and address please"<<endl; cout<<"Press Ctrl+Z+Enter when you are done"<<endl; string name_and_street;
I have to create a small data base for a shop. One of the functions i am creating is taking a customers ID and scanning that through a text file and to print out the info about that customer. What i am having trouble with is where do i insert the string compare in my program?
//declaring array for input of customer ID int customer_ID [20]; printf("Please enter the customer ID:"); gets( customer_ID ); //users input stored in the array
I have been asked to create a program that accesses an inventory file done in excel, look for a alpha-numeric code, which will be inputed by the user, and return to the user informations related to the position of that code, and informations related to the header of the column in which the code resides.
An example of the function I need the program to perform would be:
User inputs: 1429-R1
And the program returns: Marco's 6A, 8/21/2014, 3/7/2014.
so I wrote this code in class today and I'm almost done but I need to come up with some sort of equation to add up all the total values. The problem is I am reading data off a txt file so it's all being read as one thing. I don't know how to get each specific value and add them all together. This is my code so far.
I end up multiplying the amount by the price to get the total value as shown in the code above. Now I just don't know how to add the total value of each item to get the total overall value. Also I haven't used invTotal because I want that to be the overall total.
I'm trying to add more student information to the specific txt file. I did struct my student information and separated it with an array with max size of 200.
The inside of my current file looks like
Toshi Aka Nonal Donald
The first one represent student[0] and next one is student[1] and so on till student[199]. Right now, only 4 space is occupied, which means the array has information till student[3] but not from student[4] (I guess it has null condition).
What I want to do is, I want to add a new student information to student[4] and till student[199] once at each time.
So, my prompt will look like Would like to add a new student? Y/N (if yes goes to below statement and exit if NO) Hi. Please enter the information of new student. ___________ Student added. Please press any key to continue.
If the key is pressed, it goes back to my initial prompt and continues till I press N.
I sure I'm not using for loop to do this thing, because I'm adding student name one by one.
However, the array is already occupied by other student name till student[3] so, I want to add a new student information to student[4] (I don't want to overwrite the current information). And if student[4] is occupied, then [5] and so on.
This code is working totally fine. Right now, I'm trying to update a specific data from the student info. Let's say I'm trying to update my student number of Daniel. So, in this case, I want to replace 6744590 to some other student number. I think I have to use fseek() or rewind() and use fputs() but, I don't know how I should decide where to look.
How would one go about doing this? I am very fond with Windows I/O, but not so much with this subject. I am decent with fstream, probably not as skilled at it as I should be, but I assume <fstream> would be a better choice, since it isn't locked to Windows.
Anyway, say I have a .txt file like this:
Bill is a cow. Bill likes meat. Bob is a pig. Bob and Bill are friends.
And I want to count the number of times "Bill" is written. How would I do that?