C++ :: Passing Array As Argument To Function?

Feb 10, 2013

how can i pass an array as an argument to the function? in getCoin() fcn, I am supposed to pass coins array as an argument to the function. fcn prompts user to enter coin(Date, Type and Country). values entered by user are read and assigned to the coins array. I tried the code below.

//# include "Coins.h";
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Passing Argument Into Function

May 21, 2013

How to pass an int that I got from user input into a function to use it. I am trying to print out the words to a string of numbers.

I got the input from user.
I got an absolute value of the input.
I then separate the string into individual digits and name them.
I can print these out.
Then I started my if statement by checking if the original input was zero, and if it is, printing zero and exiting.
Then I an trying to pass the digits into a switch function and this is where I go off the rails.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Passing Function As Argument

Mar 11, 2015

I have two questions :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void func1() {
cout << "Func1" << endl;

[Code] ....

Why ptr_func1() does not work here?

IntelliSense: expression preceding parentheses of apparent call must have (pointer-to-) function type

2) How can i pass func1 to func2 as parameter?

I tried void func1(void* function), but I think I'm wrong here.

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C++ :: Passing A Function Pointer As Template Argument To A Class

Aug 15, 2012

I have in the past written code for templated functions where one function argument can be either a function pointer or a Functor. Works pretty straightforward.

Now I am in a situation where I am actually trying to pass a function pointer as template argument to a class. Unfortunately this does not work, I can pass the Functor class but not the function pointer. Below code illustrates the issue:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
// For demonstration
const char * external_library_call() {
return "FFFF";

[Code] .....

The idea is to have the definition of the Record class simple and readable and have a maintainable way to add auto-conversion functions to the class. So the lines I commented out are the desirable way how I want my code to look. Unfortunately I could not come up with any way that was close to readable for solving this.

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C :: Passing Argument Of Incompatible Pointer Type - Warning In Function Call In Main

Jun 4, 2013

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int size_b_row1;
int size_b_col1;


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C++ :: Passing Function As Argument To Other Function?

Jul 3, 2013

I am trying to pass function as argument to another function. My idea is to write function that can works with any type of array, and for it to be able to compare array items I'd like to use my own compareTo function. But I need to be able to pass function to use for comparing argument.

To say it short I am trying to write my own qsort that would take compareTo as one argument just like original qsort does.

Here is my code

// test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
template <class T>
int compareTo( T a,T b){


and errors

1>d:my documentsvisual studio 2012projects est est est.cpp(29): error C2896: 'void DoSomething(T,int (__cdecl *)(T,T))' : cannot use function template 'int cmp(T,T)' as a function argument
1> d:my documentsvisual studio 2012projects est est est.cpp(8) : see declaration of 'cmp'
1>d:my documentsvisual studio 2012projects est est est.cpp(29): error C2784: 'void DoSomething(T,int (__cdecl *)(T,T))' : could not deduce template argument for 'T' from 'int [3]'
1> d:my documentsvisual studio 2012projects est est est.cpp(21) : see declaration of 'DoSomething'

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C :: Declaring Array Within Function Argument

Sep 14, 2013

I have a function


int exec_program(char * arguments[])

I can call it like this without a problem:

Code: char * uselessvariable[] = {"/bin/echo", "Testing", NULL};exec_program(uselessvariable);

However I get an error if I try to compile it like this:

Code: exec_program({"/bin/echo", "Testing", NULL});

How, in c, I can put this array inside of the argument in one line without having to name a new variable name?

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C++ :: Function With Array Object As Argument

Jan 18, 2013

I am trying to build a function with an array object as argument. Please see the following code:

// main.cpp
const int a = 10;
void test_func(double x, array<double, a> &y) {

This code cannot be compiled because the "a" in parameter is not identified. I cannot neither put const int a as argument to the function.

Here I need "a" to control size of the array from the main.cpp. How can I make this work?

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C++ :: Function Argument As Array Size?

Feb 22, 2013

I made a function like follows:

void foo(const double va, const int q) {
int qaa[q];

However, the compiler indicates allocator cannot allocate an array of constant size 0... how can I use the argument "q" to fix the size of array "qaa"?

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C/C++ :: Array As A Function Argument By Reference Program

Feb 23, 2014

// This program should get to grades and calculate the average.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void getGrades(double[], const int&);
void getTotalAver(double[], double&, const int&);

[Code] .....

When I compile it. I got a linker error.Undefined reference to the functions.I have problems passing data by reference.

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Visual C++ :: Being Argument Array Not Copied When Calling Function

Feb 7, 2013

The code below outputs this:
a[]= 00
a[]= 10
a[]= 10
a[]= 10
a[]= 11
a[]= 11

But I was expecting this:
a[]= 00
a[]= 10
a[]= 10
a[]= 00
a[]= 01

This describes how the process is running in machine:
1. Defining a[2]{0,0}; ii=0; aj=0
2. Calling function func(a,ii,aj) |func({0,0},0,0)|
3. func({0,0},0,0) defining w=0; static aa=0
4. func({0,0},0,0) if(0) returns aa=1
5. func({0,0},0,0) for j=0
6. func({0,0},0,0) for Outputing "00", because a[2]={0,0}, look (1).
7. func({0,0},0,0) for if(!0) | because a[0]=0| returns w+=func(a,ii+1,j) |func({0,0},0+1,0)| and calls func({0,0},1,0)
8. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({0,0},1,0) defining w=0
9. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) if(1) returns a[0]=1, because of static aa=1, см 4.
10. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for j=0
11. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for Outputing "10", because of a[2]={1,0}, look row #9
12. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for if(!1) |because a[0]=1|
13. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for j=1
14. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for Outputing "10"
15. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for if(!0) |because a[1]=0|
16. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for if if(1==1) |because ii=1, func({0,0},ii,0)|
17. func({0,0},0,0) for if func({1,0},1,0) for if if return 0
18. func({0,0},0,0) for if w=0 |because func({1,0},1,0) gives 0|
19. func({0,0},0,0) for j=1

And from now, something is happening that I cannot understand:
20. func({0,0},0,0) for Outputing "10"

Why so? If func has itselfs local variables, including a[2]={0,0}.

I was expecting this:
20. func({0,0},0,0) for Outputing "00"

So a[2] array is not local variable. Why it happens?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int func(bool a[],int ii,int aj) {
int w=0;
static bool aa=0;

[Code] ....

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C :: Passing Argument 1 Makes Pointer From Integer Without A Cast

Mar 6, 2015

print_int_ptr(int *a){

printf(" a %i
" ,a);
printf(" &a %i
" ,&a);

[Code] .....

I get that warning : passing arg 1 of `print_int_ptr' makes pointer from integer without a cast|

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C :: Passing Argument 1 Makes Integer From Pointer Without A Cast

Mar 26, 2014

I am having some errors with pointers and passing arguments.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_FILE_LENGTH 20
typedef struct node_{
int value;
struct node_* next;


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C :: Modifying Linked List - Passing Pointer As Argument

Feb 27, 2015

I am having trouble modifying a linked list. I am writing a function to delete the last node from the linked list, but it gave me incompatible types error.Here is my struct:

typedef struct PCB{
int id;
struct PCB *next;
struct PCB *prev;
}PCB_rec, *PCB_p;

Here is my function to delete the last node (given the pointer is pointing at the last node of the list):

void del_last_node(PCB_p *process_list){
PCB_p temp = process_list;
if (temp->prev != NULL){
temp = temp->prev;

[Code] ....

And here is how I called the function:

Code: del_last_node(&process_list);

It gives me the following errors:
initialization from incompatible pointer type at line:
PCB_p temp = process_list
assignment from incompatible pointer type at line:
process_list = temp

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C++ :: Passing 2 Dimensional Array Through Median Function To One Of 2 Other Function

Aug 20, 2013

I want to use one median function "selectfunction" to choose one of the 2 other functions at random to pass my 2-dim array to the selected function. There is a problem in the median function

#include <iostream>
#define random(x)(rand()%x) // for random number between numbers of 0 and 1
using namespace std;
void proc1 (int iArray[][2]);
void proc2 (int iArray[][2]);
void selectfunction(int iArray[][2]);
int A[4][2] = {{1, 2} , {3, 4} , { 5, 7} , {8, 1} };


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C :: Print Values Of Array From Function By Passing Array?

Nov 1, 2014

I wanted to print the values of a array from a function by passing the array as well as the number of elements to be read. For a single dimensional array, this is how i have written it. It's pretty straight forward. I want to read 5 elements from the 5th element in the array.

void display(int array[],int size) {
int i;


With this code I want to print the five elements from the element present in [0][4].

But shows an error that

D:BennetCodeblocks CLearning CSingleDimentionalArray.c||In function 'main':|
D:BennetCodeblocks CLearning CSingleDimentionalArray.c|18|warning: passing argument 1 of 'display' from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]|
D:BennetCodeblocks CLearning CSingleDimentionalArray.c|2|note: expected 'int (*)[10]' but argument is of type 'int *'|
||=== Build finished: 0 error(s), 1 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|

I know when you pass a array as an argument it gets decomposed into a pointer, but with a multi-dimensional array this is not the case. how this works for mult- dimensional array's?

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C++ :: Passing 2D Array To A Function Where Size Of Array Is Not Known At Runtime

Jun 27, 2014

I'm wondering if it is possible to pass a 2d array to a function where the size of the array is not known at runtime.

I've tried

function ( array[][6] ) ;

But the size of the array has to be constant so it cannot be declared later.

I've tried using a template but you still have to declare the size of the array at runtime. Is this even possible at all?

The only other way I can think of is using a dynamic 2d array but how to create one and manipulate it.

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C :: Passing Array To Function?

Jul 31, 2014

I want to pass array to function, to fill array with new values and then to print the array in the main. But I have problem because it prints me just array of zeros. Maybe the concept is wrong, I'm new with passing arrays to function.


void printSum(int *return_array) {
int return_array[3];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 3 ; i++){
return_array[i] = 5;


void printSum(int *return_array);
int main {
int m_return_array[3];
int i,j;
for(i= 0 ; i < 3 ; i++){
m_return_array[i] = 0;
} printfSum(start,m_return_array);


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C :: Passing 2D Array To A Function

Sep 17, 2013

I need to pass a 2D array to a function. I want to know, where I may have made a mistake. This is the piece of code that I found on the web, and I am using it to allocate my 2D array.

signed char allocate2D( int** arr2D, int rows, int cols )
int i;
arr2D = malloc( rows*sizeof( int* ) );
if( !arr2D )
return -1;


My main function passes the 2D array to the function

Code: signed char read_root_message_file( int **Root_Messages, int *num ) This is how I pass the array in the main function to the above function:

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
int **Root_Messages;
Root_Messages = NULL;
read_root_message_file( Root_Messages, &num_root_msg );


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C :: Passing Array To A Function?

Apr 6, 2013

Would this be an example of passing an array to a function??


void wipe (int theArray[] ) {
int index;

Inside function wipe() sets each array element back to 0.


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C :: Passing Array To Function

Jan 19, 2014

I am following a tutorial and the topic was passing array to function so i tried to do a BMI calculator by myself. I am using code blocks to compile the codes, it is actually working while using compiler's run button. But when I open the exe file, its closing the window after entering the persons' weights and heights. Here is the code


// Passing array to function example BMI calculator of n person
void assess(float bmi[],int a);
int main(void){
int n,i,j;


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C++ :: Passing Array To Function

Jan 8, 2014

I am learning arrays i want to whats the following effect of cods while passing array to the following function

void fun(array[])
void fun(array[4])
void fun(array[],4)
void fun(array[5],4)

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C++ :: Passing Array In A Function?

Apr 18, 2014

i have defined an object which is an array of my class called Player now i want to pass this whole array as a parameter in a function, i think it will be done by using pointers but i am not able to figure out how it is done?

Player player[4];
void showscoreboard(" ", int cround){}
" " represents the blank where the array should b passed.

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C++ :: Passing 2D Array To Function

Feb 10, 2013

I was trying to pass the following 2-dimensional array to a function called jac_inv


where jac is a 3x3 matrix
function is as follows:

void jac_inv(int *jac, int m) {
double determinant=0.0;
for(i=0;i<m;i++) {
for(j=0;j<m;j++) {

[Code] ....

However,I get the following error

invalid types 'int[int]' for array subscripts

Is it with regard to passing a multi dimensional array to a function?

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C++ :: Passing Array To Function?

Jan 8, 2014

i am learning arrays i want to whats the following effect of cods while passing array to the following function

void fun(array[])
void fun(array[4])
void fun(array[],4)
void fun(array[5],4)

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C# :: Passing Array List To A Function

Mar 10, 2012

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1


When i try to compile, it gives a error saying "the parameter array must be a single dimensional array" what is the problem here.?

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