C++ :: Imitate Code For Matrix In CMD Using Bat File?

Sep 25, 2014

I'm working on a project for my son. I want to imitate the code for the matrix in CMD using a .bat file.

~note: this is an example of whats going on, not the whole code

@set /a bottomlimit = 0
@set /a upperlimit = 2
@set /a result1 = %bottomlimit% + %random% %% (%upperlimit% - %bottomlimit% + 1)
if %result1% == "2" set /a result1 = " " <- this is the part that is messing up, it doesnt change the 2 to a blank space and keeps echoing as 2
echo %result1%

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C++ :: Using OOP To Implement Matrix Class That Provide Basic Matrix Operations

Mar 27, 2013

i want to know how i can solve this question? do i need to create a class or write the program codes.

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C++ :: Accept Matrix As Argument And Display Its Multiplication Matrix

Jun 1, 2014

I just want to know the code of the program: Write code to accept matrix as aurgument and display its multiplication matrix which return its multiplication matrix.

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C++ :: Read Matrix From A File?

Jan 24, 2014

how do i code my stuff in order to read the following data into array?

Assume in a text file.

content is:
rows = 2
cols = 2


following my code above..im still unable to read the matrix in the following file

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C/C++ :: Assign A Matrix To Submatrix Of A Bigger Matrix?

Feb 27, 2012

I want to assign a matrix to submatrix of a bigger matrix.

ublas::matrix<int> A(8,5);
ublas::matrix<int> B(2,5);
for(size_t i=0;i<A.size1();++i)
for(size_t j=0;j<A.size2();++j)
for(size_t i=0;i<B.size1();++i)
    for(size_t j=0;j<B.size2();++j)
ublas::matrix_range<ublas::matrix<int> > a(A,ublas::range(0,2),ublas::range(0,5));

and it works.

but if the matrix is compressed_matrix type, there's something with it. the error log as below:

Check failed in file boost_1_48_0/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/matrix_assign.hpp at line 1078:
detail::expression_type_check (m, cm)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::numeric::ublas::external_logic'
what(): external logic

I'm not sure this is a bug or not.

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C++ :: Struct Matrix - Read From TXT File

Jun 18, 2013

I am having a structure called matrix as shown below to represent a matrix your read from a text file.

struct matrix
double mat[30][30]; //content of the matrix mat
int row; //number of row in the matrix mat
int col; ////number of col in the matrix mat

Declare 3 variables of structure matrix, m1, m2 and m3 in main to be used as describe below.


1.Write a function void readFile(char *filename, matrix *m) that will read a matrix from a text file and copy to the structure matrix m.

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Visual C++ :: Saving Matrix To UTF-8 File

Sep 15, 2012

I have written code that saves a matrix to a utf-8 file. This code works just fine when invoked from a win32 console app, but if I attempt to use the exact same code by invoking it within a SDI Doc/View Serialize(CArchive& ar), if(ar.IsStoring), it fails, but in a somewhat unusual manner. Namely, the file shows up in the designated directory, but it is an empty file (0 bytes), and the 'Unable to open file' message is seen in Debug config. Note that both the win32 console app and the SDI app are both using a Unicode character set, however, only the SDI app uses the method inside a Serialize(CArchive& ar) method, whereas the win32 console app evokes the save method directly from within _tmain. Why this seemingly illogical disparity occurs.

Here's the template code I have used in innumerable applications to save matrices to a disk file.

namespace TNT {
// saves a TNT double matrix, discriminating between real and complex matrices by virtue of the respective file markers, 'MATCALC94R' and 'MATCALC94C'.
template <class T>
void SaveRealBMatrix(const Matrix<T> &M, string sfilename) {
_RPT0(0, "SaveRealBMatrix:
_RPT1(0, "sfilename =: |%s|

[Code] ....

Here's the code from the SDI document Serialize(CArchive& ar) that fails as described above. Note that m_M is a class member TNT::Matrix<double> m_M that has been verified to exist in the Serialize method.

void CMyWndDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) {
if (ar.IsStoring()) {
CString csFileName = ar.m_strFileName;
wstring ws = csFileName.GetBuffer(0);
string s(ws.begin(), ws.end());

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Function In One Src File Called From Code In Different Src File - Linker Error

Mar 27, 2015

I have a function in one src file called from code in a different src file.

In ig_cfunc.cpp

#include "ig_tools.h"
int x2_count = 0.0;
float rel_branch_degree_tmp = 0.0;
string type;
vector<int> is_disp_type;

[Code] ....

I am getting a linker error,

ig_cfunc.cpp:1609: error: `calc_rel_branch_degree' undeclared (first use this function)

I have deleted all of the objects and recompiled to make sure that everything is in sync. I can't see what the issue is here and I'm not sure what to do next. This code actually worked until I changed the name of the function, so the types are all correct and such. This is the format I use for all external functions ....

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C++ :: Create Random Matrix And Print It Out In Text File

Feb 11, 2014

I am trying to create a random 3x3 matrix and print it out in a text file using basic functions. My code below will not compile.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
//nxn Matrix = 3x3
const int ROWS = 3;
const int COLS = 3;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Widget That Implement Some Matrix Functions Using Data From A Text File

Dec 3, 2014

I need to write a widget that will implement some matrix functions using data from a text file. The input data will be spreadsheet like and fully determined with complete rows and columns. I need to do the following,

1. populate a data structure with the input data (double) to create matrix x
2. transpose the input data matrix x to create x'
3. multiply x * x' to create a square matrix x'x
4. take the determinant of x'x

This is pretty standard linear algebra, but not something I have done in cpp before. Implementation such as the best data types to use to store each of the three matrices, how they are sized, and what library functions may be available for the matrix functions like transpose, multiply, determinant, etc.

I will be removing each data row from the initial input to observe the effect on the determinant in case that has any effect on program design.

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C++ :: Find Matrix P For A Square Matrix A

May 25, 2014

I have to prepare a project. But I don t know how can I do this. Program will find a matrix P for a square matrix A such that P^-1 A P ....

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C++ :: CPP File Not Showing Code

Nov 19, 2013

i have been making code of a chessgame and now sddenly computer freezed and now there's not code in .cpp file! Although my .cpp file shows size of 16kb but when i open it . there's nothing except bank file

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C/C++ :: Output To File Is In Hex Code

Apr 2, 2014

Here is program I have written which reads the destination, then finds it from a separate file, and reserves the information on a different file. But the reserved file has hex code information, how can I output my result to the file in normal alphabet/number/symbol characters? I've tried fputs,fprintf, and fwrite , and all give me the same result. The array c, is the one to be written to file.

void main {
FILE *afile = fopen("flightrecord.txt","r");
int i=0,j=0,k=0,z=0,y=0,sum=0,seat=0,g=0;
char destination[10],a[1000],c[1000],b[1000],name[100],last_name[100],c_number[15],plane[]={'P','6','2'};
printf("What is your destination?");

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Output File Into New Program Or Code

Apr 24, 2013

ofstream outFile;
outFile << setw(8) << "90.0";
outFile << setw(8) << "75.0";
outFile << setw(8) << "36" << endl;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Code To Read 2D Array From TXT File

Apr 11, 2013

So the premise of my code is to read in a 2d array from a .txt. The array is a game board but the first two lines are what determine the size of the board. After i read it in i want it to find wherever te character "U" is, and then display the array but only showing U and whats around it. Problem is i cant get the array to print the right size and the code for displaying the U is not working either.

ifstream inputFile;
int boardSizeRow;
int boardSizeCol;
inputFile >> boardSizeRow;
inputFile >> boardSizeCol;



W WW w S W
W H W GW w W
W W W W w w W
SW w w W
w W G W
G W w W
D wwwww W
K w D W
w w W w w W
G w W
ww w S w W

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C++ :: Making Exe File From Source Code?

Sep 4, 2013

I use a programming language called layout which nobody here has probably ever heard of. It was discontinued over 15 years years ago but it was a very visual & easy to use piece of software - no coding required. In fact once you name all the variables on cards (forms) from then on it's just mouse clicking & occassionaly typing a number if required. It used blackboxes in a flowchart arrangement which were pre-done code for doing just about anything. i.e opening windows, handling numbers & text, files etc. I have written many programs with it including database management, quoting software & currently use it in my business to track my jobs & do invoicing & ordering. It's a pity it wasn't updated & still around today.


Back to the problem. Being a 16 bit program it was written to run on Windows 3.1 but still works on Windows 7!! as long as it is the 32 bit version. I need to write a program that will run on 64 bit W7 without resorting to using a virtual PC solution. I have tried to find something similar that I might be able to use instead but so far nothing comes close to Layout. I just remembered today that layout can produce not only .exe programs but also various versions of C/C++ including visual c++. So I got this idea that if I could get those files I might be able to stick them into a C compiler program to re-make a "modern" exe file.

I could just do a simple sample program & send the source code to them to see if it works on a 64 bit version of Windows 7. how I can do this myself to produce a working exe file.

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C/C++ :: How To Append Txt File In Code Blocks

May 14, 2014

I've been using code::blocks to work on text files through fstream. But i cannot make it append using my code.

Here's my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
fstream dataFile;
dataFile.open("demofile.txt", ios::out);

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Code For Bin File Doesn't Work

May 14, 2014

Ive been having a hard time creating bin file. Whenever I append data, the data wont show in browse function. And this program works good without the bin file code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


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C/C++ :: Code For A Server That Creates A Log File

Mar 12, 2013

I am trying to write a c code for a server that recieve msgs from a client and put that msg in a log file dedicated for that client along with the msg reception time and client IP address.......

The log file must be created if it doesn't already exist.....

Here is a code that i wnat to customize and it already opens a communication channel between server and client......

Here is my code:

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "sys/socket.h"
#include "sys/types.h"
#include "netinet/in.h"
#include "error.h"

[Code] ....

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C :: Error While Using Struct In Code To Read From File

Jan 31, 2014

I am trying to use struct to store variables from a text file and use them in the main program. I have first tried running the program without using struct and declaring the variables within the main program and it runs fine. But after using struct, it gives no compilation error and a segmentation fault as output. Also, if the size of file/variable size is unknown can I declare variables as char string[]??

The code is as below:


struct test {
char string1[10000];


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C :: Encryption Code File Reading Error

Dec 3, 2013

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int encrypt_data(FILE *);

[Code] ....

I am trying encrypt the file "encrypt" when I enter it I get "Error in reading file"

I think its a problem with the fgets() and scanf()...I tried both fgets out and then scanf but I get the same error.

I look in the directory and see that when I enter a file to be encrypted a blank file with a "?" at the end is created in the directory. so I try to encrypt "encrypt" it shows error then creates "encrypt?"

I then tested it by entering a random file name that does not exist


Please enter file to be encrypted: fakefilename

Error in reading file.

I look in the directory the non existent file now is listed "fakefilename"

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C :: Get Code To Display A Table With Values From A File

Feb 20, 2015

get my code to display a table with values from a file. my current code fills up all the sections of the table with the same data. here is what I need: from a file .txt I upload numbers that should show a table like this :

Lake Beach Average E-Coli Level
Ontario Kew Beach 47.12 OPEN Huron Goderich 51.13 CLOSED Simcoe Sibbald Point 0 INSUFFICIENT

my problem is in the last two columns. The ave. E-coli has one value for all which should look like the above table but my code doesn't. Also my recommendation shows the beach # instead of open close or insufficient.the data is:

Lake table
1: Ontario
2: Erie
3: Huron
4: Muskoka
5: Simcoe

Beach table
100: Kew Beach
101: Sunnyside Beach
103: Sandbanks
201: Port Dover
202: Port Burwell
203: Crystal Beach
301: Goderich
302: Sauble Beach
303: Kincardine
401: Muskoka Beach
501: Sibbald Point
the .txt file contains the following data:
1 101 5 66.6 33.3 22.2 98.9 11.1
5 501 2 33.3 44.3

now this is my code:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
FILE *in;


fix the two last columns so the correct info shows like the table above.

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C :: Code To Hit Database And Check File Size

Jan 13, 2015

I have been given a task of checking the size of file in Linux machine using C Program. Below is what I came up with

#include <stdio.h>
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *fp;
char ch;
int size = 0;

[Code] .....

But Now I have been asked to modify this code in a way that instead of passing the file name as parameter, I have to make a database connection and fetch the value of the filename and location from the database table and check the size . My program has to repeat this process every ten minutes, which means every ten minutes my program has to hit the database, fetch the value and check the size in the file system.

I heard like I Have to create a Fork Call, and have the child instance run every ten minutes.

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C :: Added Header File In Code Blocks

Aug 27, 2013

In my c project in code blocks , I have added another source file (KillerMoves.c) and a header file under the same name (KillerMoves.h). I added the "include guard" to prevent double inclusion. But from some reason, the program suddenly crashes with no warning or specific error. Without the new files,the program runs without any problems. This is the source .c file:


#include "KillerMoves.h"
void initKillersTable(){
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
killersTable[i] = -1;


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C++ :: File Reading And Code Modularity Using Ifstreams

Aug 24, 2013

How to compact my code. I have a file that my program will read several times. Each time a different test will check it for something specific. I can't check it all at once because I let the user specify what to check. I'm currently using an ifstream with a while loop to read until the end of file.

Here are three approaches :

1. I keep a static ifstream in a function and call it each time I want a new line to read. The function will "remember" what line is at and returns a new line each time (I suspect this can work but I'm not 100% sure). Each function can then be separated and call readline to get a new line back.

2. I make one giant while loop and make case statements that call the correct case and pass the string all the way down to the test function that is being run.

3. Write everything to some sort of array buffer. The file isn't terribly big about 1000 lines.

What should I do? Is the first approach even worth the effort to cut down a few lines of code? The second case doesn't seem to be much better as I cannot reuse anything.

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C++ :: Code For Displaying Text File Not Working

Dec 6, 2013

i have turbo c++ 3.0 installed . my program is compiled without error and is running. but when i choose option to display scores in the consol , it hangs . check my code. i have to run this on same compiler. i just want to display all the contenets of text file .



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