C++ :: Using OOP To Implement Matrix Class That Provide Basic Matrix Operations

Mar 27, 2013

i want to know how i can solve this question? do i need to create a class or write the program codes.

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C :: Linked List Or Hash Table For Matrix Operations And Representation

Jul 21, 2014

I have matrix in C with size m x n. Size n isn't known. I want to have operations on matrix such as : delete first element and find i-th element. (where size m woudn't be too big , from 10 to 50 columns).

What is more efficient to use, linked list or hash table? How can I map each column of matrix to different element of linked list or hash table; depends what I choose to use?

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C/C++ :: How To Implement Depth-First-Search With Adjacent Matrix

Nov 1, 2014

What I have done : Created functions to accept inputs from user and read,print out adjacent matrix.

What I need : How do I start DFS in adjacent matrix so that I can output the vertices of each connected component of a graph? I'm confused with adjacent matrix and the term 'component'.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#define maxV 8
using namespace std;
int V,E,x,y;
int a[maxV][maxV];

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Widget That Implement Some Matrix Functions Using Data From A Text File

Dec 3, 2014

I need to write a widget that will implement some matrix functions using data from a text file. The input data will be spreadsheet like and fully determined with complete rows and columns. I need to do the following,

1. populate a data structure with the input data (double) to create matrix x
2. transpose the input data matrix x to create x'
3. multiply x * x' to create a square matrix x'x
4. take the determinant of x'x

This is pretty standard linear algebra, but not something I have done in cpp before. Implementation such as the best data types to use to store each of the three matrices, how they are sized, and what library functions may be available for the matrix functions like transpose, multiply, determinant, etc.

I will be removing each data row from the initial input to observe the effect on the determinant in case that has any effect on program design.

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C++ :: Accept Matrix As Argument And Display Its Multiplication Matrix

Jun 1, 2014

I just want to know the code of the program: Write code to accept matrix as aurgument and display its multiplication matrix which return its multiplication matrix.

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C/C++ :: Assign A Matrix To Submatrix Of A Bigger Matrix?

Feb 27, 2012

I want to assign a matrix to submatrix of a bigger matrix.

ublas::matrix<int> A(8,5);
ublas::matrix<int> B(2,5);
for(size_t i=0;i<A.size1();++i)
for(size_t j=0;j<A.size2();++j)
for(size_t i=0;i<B.size1();++i)
    for(size_t j=0;j<B.size2();++j)
ublas::matrix_range<ublas::matrix<int> > a(A,ublas::range(0,2),ublas::range(0,5));

and it works.

but if the matrix is compressed_matrix type, there's something with it. the error log as below:

Check failed in file boost_1_48_0/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/matrix_assign.hpp at line 1078:
detail::expression_type_check (m, cm)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::numeric::ublas::external_logic'
what(): external logic

I'm not sure this is a bug or not.

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C++ :: Find Matrix P For A Square Matrix A

May 25, 2014

I have to prepare a project. But I don t know how can I do this. Program will find a matrix P for a square matrix A such that P^-1 A P ....

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C++ :: Add Three Objects Of A Class Matrix

Apr 9, 2014

I have been working on an assignment where I have to add three objects of a class Matrix. The class should have the flexibility to add more than two oprands without changing any operand on Left hand side of the '=' operator.

Matrix obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4

I am using the following code for this

Matrix Matrix::operator + (Matrix &obj) {
if((this->Columns == obj.Columns) && (this->Rows == obj.Rows)) {
for(int i=0;i<obj.Rows;i++)

[Code] .....

the problem is that it is just adding only 2 operands. How can I add more?

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C++ :: Matrix Class Using Vectors

Jul 23, 2012

I have implemented matrix class using vectors. code is

template <class T>
class CBSMatrix : public CBSVector< CBSVector<T> >
CBSMatrix(long r,long c, T t) {
setsize(r, c);

[Code] .....

Although i have implemented the cols() but things in it are confusing me specially this line "if(size()) return at(0).size();" and "CBSVector<T> v(cols());" this line in add row function is also troubling me. in main i have done some thing lyk CBSMatrix <int> mat(5,5,0); now how to put values in this matrix. How to put values in this template based and vector based wired matrix because first row is created in this and then cols are added to that row.

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C++ :: Adding Arrays And Matrix To A Class?

Feb 5, 2014

I'd like to start out by adding an array to a C++ class. I'd like to be able to reference the array using a class object that I create, for example:

Class is Stone.

Stone Bob is an instance of "stone" that I name "Bob".

"Bob.array[1] = "granite";" tells the compiler that the second element in the array (with the first being the zeroth element) is a string containing "granite".

I'll eventually want to extend this to an n x m matrix within the "stone" class that can be referenced as: Bob.matrix[1][3]="lignite";

I tried to make this work using a text again and again last night to no avail. My code is below.

NOTE: Since I am dynamically allocating memory space, I'd like to avoid memory leaks when using this class with dynamically allocated arrays and matrices. Not sure how to do this. Also need some insight into "destructor", and why my simple version reduced to a comment below doesn't seem to please the compiler.


// AINOW.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std:: string;
using std:: cout;
using std:: endl;
using std:: cin;


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C++ :: Reading From Boolean Matrix Class

Feb 18, 2015

Question for coding transivity in c++

a->b b->c then a->c

It should contain a main code reading from boolean matrix class. for ex)input file is

0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7

8 is the number of no.

what program should do.
1. check if 0->7 first(0th element)->last
2. check every 5th(5,10,15...) element is to last 5->7

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C/C++ :: Matrix Class - Addition / Subtraction

Jul 7, 2014

I'm working on a matrix class and I've hit a few snags. Here's what I've got so far:


#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
class Matrix {
int matrix[50][50];

[Code] ....

Where I have questions is in implementing the addition and subtraction bits into the class itself. I understand that I'm going to have to do a copy operation (this from reading in C++ Primer Plus 5th Edition). Right now I'm just after adding/subtracting as the rest will be variations on the same theme.

So, here it goes:

As I understand the problem, I need to pass my two matrices as arguments to an addition function. This is going to involve having to copy the values of the two existing matrices into temporary matrices within the addition function, then I'll add them, and store them in a new matrix which will be my return value. So...something like this:

int Matrix::matrixAdd(int R, int C, const Matrix & matrix1, const Matrix & matrix2) {
int sum;
Matrix matrix;
for (int i = 0; i < R; i++)

[Code] ....

I do end up with errors there...C2240, and C2662. Again, I'm new to working through this, but that's what I've got. My idea is that I'm passing the maximum size of the array as defined by the user, in this case a 2x2 array, it'll cycle through and add up to that imposed limit...I went 2x2 because it's small enough that testing doesn't drive me up a wall.

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C++ :: Adding Two Objects Of Class (Matrix)

Feb 13, 2013

I am trying to add matrices a and b. I am getting an error in the "add" function, probably because I have m[i] in it, and m is not an array. What is the correct way of writing the "add" member function here?

Also, although the "read" and "write" member functions of the class are working just fine, do you think there is a better way of writing them?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int rows=3;
const int columns=3;


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C/C++ :: Resizing Matrix And Zero-parameter Class Member

Sep 19, 2014

I'm attempting to make a matrix class, and so far I've made a member that can make a vector of vectors, but I'm not sure how to go about resizing the vectors if need be.

EX: resizeArray(3,3) should return a 3x3 vector.

Also, for some reason when I call my default member, matrix(), I get an error that says.. "Request for member numrows in myMatrix, which is of type matrix<int>[][]"

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;


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C :: Binary Game - Using Values With Some Basic Logical Operations

Apr 24, 2014

When things at work get overwhelming, it's not unusual for me to briefly "escape" by writing small programs simply for fun. A few days ago, I had an idea for a "binary game". I completed the first draft of it yesterday.

The idea is simple. The game uses 8-bit values. At the start of the game, a random "target" value is generated. The player is dealt a "hand" of seven values. The object is to use the values in your hand, along with some basic logical operations, to create the "target" value. While the idea is simple, the game itself can be quite difficult.

Here is an example of the output:

Code: --------------------
T: 1111 1100 (0xFC)
0: 0000 0000 (0x00)
1: 1100 1110 (0xCE)
2: 1010 0011 (0xA3)
3: 1100 0101 (0xC5)
4: 1011 1111 (0xBF)
5: 1010 1011 (0xAB)
6: 0001 1011 (0x1B)
7: 0001 1011 (0x1B)

: Looking at the first column:
- 'T' is the "target" value
- '0' can be thought of as the "game board" - this is the value that needs to match the target value for a win
- '1' - '7' are the values in your "hand"

You can apply logic AND ('A'), OR ('O'), or XOR ('X') to a value in your hand with the value on the "game board". You are also allowed to apply logic to two values in your hand to create a new value for your hand. When a value from your hand is used, it is removed.

Some examples of the commands:

A30 --- apply logic AND to value #3 in your hand, and the "game board" value
O23 --- apply logic OR to value #2 in your hand and value #3 in your hand
X70 --- apply logic XOR to value #7 in your hand, and the "game board" value

You can also be dealt new values (as long as there's room in your hand) with the '+' command. 'H' or 'h' prints the help, and 'Q' or 'q' exits the game.

I haven't thoroughly tested it yet, since I just finished it a yesterday, but so far it looks good. The program itself uses only standard C.

I was dickering with the idea of supporting more logical operators (NOT, NAND, NOR, XNOR, shift), but I like the simplicity and resulting difficulty of the current implementation.

During initial testing, I realized it's possible to have doubles in your hand. Also, it's quite possible to be dealt the target value directly, which means that you could potentially win with one move, chance permitting. At first I thought about defending against these conditions, but came to the conclusion that it is fine as is - chances of an instant win are small, and if it does occur, would still be an enjoyable experience. Besides, if you're dealt the target value after the "game board" value has been modified.

Also, I did not allow a value of "zero" in the players hand. This was originally because I thought it would be of little use (though I've been reconsidering this). This also means that if two values in the hand are combined and result in zero, both values are removed and no new value is added. This was originally a bug, but I think I'll just reclassify it as a feature

So far, I found that the best strategy is to avoid modifying the "game board" value, and just play with the values in your hand. If you can get the target value in your hand, you just OR it with the "game board" and you're done.

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C++ :: Matrix Class (strings But No String Header Allowed)

Sep 27, 2013

I am IT student and had a C++/C (oral + paper) exam today. One of the tasks was to write a 2D-Matrix (as the question said) class with following restrictions:

- No <string> header is allowed
- Only Dtor needs to be implemented
- No templates
- Following should be possible:

std::cout << mat1 + mat2 + "some randome string";
mat1 += mat2; So i did the following:
In Matrix.h i wrote: Code: Class Matrix{
int rows, cols;
char *arr[][];

[Code] .....

Now..this destructor made me loose some points since the Prof. said that it is not correct. The corrected version was:

for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
delete [] arr[i][j];
[Code] ....

Now, i agree on that error i made, but it is only in case we use the "new" keyword to reserve place dynamically for each string(for each char*). So this raised the question in my head about:

Since the following is allowed in C++

char* str1 = "hello";
char* str2 = "you";
arr[1][3] = str1;//arr[1][3] was initialized to "_" without new keyword
arr[6][0] = str2;//arr[6][0] was initialized to "_" without new keyword why would someone use the new keyword..

I mean like this:

arr[1][3] = new char*[sizeof("sometext1")+1];
arr[1][3] = "sometext1";
arr[6][0] = new char*[sizeof("sometext2")+1];
arr[6][0] = "sometextw";

What is happening internally in C++ in both the cases(with and without new keyword)?

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C++ :: Matrix Class - Template Constructor Doesn't Work So Well

Feb 5, 2013

I realized a Matrix class to practice and I have a problem I can not solve! Here my problematic code:


template <class T>
Mtrx::Mtrx(dim m, dim n, const bool random_constructed = false, const T min = static_cast<T>(0), const T max = static_cast<T> (10))

[Code] ...

And here the relative main section:

Mtrx rand1 ( 5, 5, bool);// ok

Mtrx rand2 ( 7, 3, bool, -5, 20);// ok

Mtrx rand3 ( 7, 7, bool, 0., 15.);// compilation error: undefined reference to
// "Mtrx::Mtrx<double>(unsigned long, unsigned, bool, double, double)"
// collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I compiled in a Linux OS with g++ -std=c++11

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C++ :: Template Class For Matrix Manipulation - Expected Initializer Before Constant

Jan 29, 2013

I wrote a template class for Matrix manipulation. The compiler cannot compile the source and complains

Matrix.h:144:41: error: expected initializer before ‘const’

What is the problem of the code enclosed below?

#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H
* @file Matrix.h
*The Matrix template class written for simplify the matrix manipulation.

#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
class Matrix {
int rows,cols;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Convert Compact Form Of Matrix Into Matrix Form

Oct 4, 2014

3 3
2 1 3 2 3
1 0 2
1 2 6

First line shows row and column number

First index of the second line tells the number of non-zero entries of the first row and second index tell the column number where the non zero entry is placed

for 1st row of matrix:

non-zero entries=2
column number=1
non-zero entry=3
column number=2
non-zero entry=2

covert this in the given form
0 3 3
2 0 0
0 0 6

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C++ :: Graph Class - How To Provide Virtual Iterators

May 29, 2013

I have a 'Graph' class, which has derived classes for Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List representations.

How do I provide iterators for traversing vertices and edges, when the iterator classes would have different implementations for the different derived classes ?

The following way is the only one I can think of, but seems quite cumbersome.

class Base {
class BaseIterator {

virtual const BaseIterator& begin();
virtual const BaseIterator& end();

[Code] .....

Or is there a pattern for doing this that I'm not aware of ? Would composition be a better idea here compared to polymorphism ? I mean, I can think like..a Graph can 'have' several representation 'objects' within it.

All the involved classes are templates,not sure if that makes the situation different.

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C# :: Abstract Class Provide Functionality Without Affecting Child Classes?

Mar 6, 2014

The abstract class can provide more functionality without affecting child classes.If we add any method to the interface ,then will it affect all the child classes ?

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C++ :: Get Matrix Indexes From The Value

Oct 17, 2013

I have a 3x3x3 matrix with values hanging from 1 to 27.

The order is this: Code: m[0][0][0] = 1;
m[0][0][1] = 2;
m[0][0][2] = 3;
m[0][1][0] = 4;
m[0][1][1] = 5;
m[0][1][2] = 6;
m[1][0][0] = 10;
m[1][0][1] = 11;
m[1][0][2] = 12;
m[2][2][0] = 25;
m[2][2][1] = 26;
m[2][2][2] = 27;

Is there an easy way to compute the indexes given the value? For example, I know that the first index can be found by dividing the value by 9.0: Code: const int firstIndex = ceil(value / 9.0) - 1; What about the second and the third indexes? I couldn't find a pattern in the numbers, and I didn't want to iterate through the matrix (the indexes will be calculated many times).

The other option is to create arrays where the values will be indexes and the matrix indexes will be the values. I'm not sure if it is the best way though

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C :: Getting Error On Matrix

Mar 6, 2015

I've a code and it works on my linux laptop; however it doesnt work on a matrix server. Im getting error Code: file.c: In function CondCheck:file.c:40:3: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 [enabled by default] The code of the programme


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
int BinaryConverter (int bina)


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C++ :: How To Print Matrix

Jan 27, 2015

I wants to print matrix such that Consider that original matrix look like following

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Now I want to print like following

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

we can use only two for loops.

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C++ :: Inserting A Row Into A Matrix?

May 1, 2013

I'm writing a function that inserts a row into a matrix and deletes the last row.

But I'm having trouble. What do I need to add to this function:

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C/C++ :: Add Row To Irregular Matrix?

Apr 7, 2013

//matrix :

12 5 35 35 35 65 170
48 15 190 85 27 27 24
100 315 119 600 116 129 70
88 110 145 90 90 90 90
77 85 130 55 210 122 200  

// the row :

152 152 149 155 170  

// matrix after adding the previous row :

12 5 35 35 35 65 170
48 15 190 85 27 27 24
100 315 119 600 116 129 70
88 110 145 90 90 90 90
77 85 130 55 210 122 200
152 152 149 155 170  

We use the pointer.

- Can I print out the irregular matrix?

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