C++ :: Nested Range For Loops With Multi-dimensional Array
Jun 1, 2014
This is a test program that takes a number of arguments from the command prompt and concatenates them into a string object. I was looking into the possibility of using the range-based for loop for this purpose. Can it be done with pointer based arrays? I am mainly doing this because I want to have a firm understanding of range-based for, but also would like to do this with least amount of code possible.
This is my working program:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc > 1) {
std::string concatenatedArgs;
[Code] ....
Can I somehow replace my while-loop with a range-based for? I tried the following but the compiler points out that begin and end were not declared in the scope of the range-based for loop.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc > 1) {
std::string concatenatedArgs;
I have this multi-dimensional array. There are 12 rows, each represents the months, and 2 columns, the 1st column represents the lowest temperature and the 2nd column represents the highest temperature.
I need to find the lowest temperature in only the first column and the highest in only the 2nd column.
This takes in the temperatures. LOHI = 2, MONTHS = 12, LOW = 0, HIGH = 1
i want to make a two-dimensional array that is consisted by objects but i dont want to initialize the objects when i make the array.. i just want to make an array that each of his "cells" has the size of an object.For example,
class Human{ int hm=5; ... };
and now i want to make a two dimensional array that each "cell" has the size of an Human but not a Human itself.
What output would you expect from this program?" The output was not what I expected. I've psuedo-coded this out and I'm still missing something.
#include <stdio.h> int main () { int numbers[10] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int i, j; }
The output: Code: 1 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 So when I look at this first loop I see that j = 0, which is less than 10, so then the program statement should commence, which is another for loop. So in this inner for loop I see that i = 0, which is not less than j, so this loop should terminate. Then the value of j increments by 1 and the first go around of the loop has completed.
Now I see that j = 1, so this is less than 10, and the inner for loop commences once again. This time though, i actually is less than j, so numbers[1] = numbers[1] + numbers [0], or numbers[1] = 0 + 1. Now the value of i is incremented by 1 and the first go around of this inner loop has completed. Then the value of j increments by 1 and another go around of that loop has completed.
So now j = 2, i = 1, and numbers[2] ( which is 0 ) = numbers[2] + numbers[1], or numbers[2] = 0 + 1. I was expecting the output to be an array full of 1's. However this is not the case..
I need to create subfunctions to do basic Matrix mathematics (addition, subtraction, etc.) I need to be able to pass bot of my Matrices to subfunctions. I started with the addition sub function and I cant get the code to run. I keep getting expected primary-expression before ']' token error for line 75.
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std;
I am working on the game of fifteen.Yes this is home work. I was wondering if it is possible to save the indexes of an element in a two dim array. I need to find the position of the space in the two dim array save it, find the position of the tile which is passed in as an int and swap the two if they are adjacent. Here is my code
Edit: I can do this by saving i and j in separate int variables but is there a more elegant way of doing this
int board[MAX][MAX]; void init(); void swap(int* lhs, int* rhs);
So in class our teacher assigned us a program where we have to use nested for loops to creates triangles. How does the 2nd for loop print more than 1 star? since the for loop will only run the cout 1 time until it gets to the escape sequence, how does it print more than 1 star on a line? this is what is confusing me. I feel like if i can grasp the understanding of that and what the for loops are doing i can finish the rest of this program with ease
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main()
The user will enter the number of '*'s on the 1st row (ntop) and then the number of rows forming the trapezoid (nrows). (using <iostream>, cout)
For instance, an inverted trapezoid with 7 '*"s in the 1st row and 3 rows forming the inverted trapezoid looks like: 1******* 2 ***** 3 *** (this pyramid is centered, in case it isnt when its posted). Also, each descending row has two less asteriks than the above row.
I am having trouble with the four loop displaying the number of "*" and " ". I know its a relationship with variables in the for loops, my output is just never doing what i want it to.
THis is the guideline for the for loop:
Use for loops to display the inverted trapezoid. Your outer for loop will iterate the total number of rows times. For each row use one nested for loop to display blanks (the 1st row contains no blanks) and another nested for loop to display the characters '*'.
Heres my for loops so far:
for (i = nrows; i >= 1; i--) { for (j = 0; j >= nrows; j++) { cout << " "; } for (k=ntop; k >= 2; k--) { cout << "*"; } }
N3337 wrote:86) this ensures that a top-level comma operator cannot be reinterpreted as a delimiter between init-declarators in the declaration of __range.
What in the world would be a valid example of when this might occur? (IE one that isn't blatantly misusing the quirks of the language).
This topic can also serve as a review topic on this presentation as well: [URL] .....
Write a program that prints a multiplication table using nested loops. In main ask the user for the smallest column number , the largest column number and the size of the increment. Ask the user for the same information for the row values.
In the example the column values entered are: 5, 15 and 2 and the row values 3, 6 and 1.
Given those numbers you would generate the following table.
Multiplication Table | 5 7 9 11 13 15 ___|___________________________________ | 3 | 15 21 27 33 39 45 4 | 20 28 36 44 52 60 5 | 25 35 45 55 65 75 6 | 30 42 54 66 78 90 Print the 24 values with the grey background. The other numbers show the values to be multiplied.
Code: #include<stdio.h> main() { int a,b,c,d,e,f; int i,j,total; printf("Please enter smallest column number: "); scanf("%i",&a); printf("
[Code] ....
Challenge: As an added challenge try to print out the column headings (5 7 9 11 13 15) and the row headings (3 4 5 6)
For each quarter, calculate and display the beginning principal balance, the interest earned, and the final principal balance for the quarter.For example: The user entered 1000.00 for the beginning principal balance, 5.25 for the interest rate, and 8 for the number of quarters. The output from this part of the program should be similar to the following:
Have an assignment due in a few weeks and I'm 99% happy with it My question is is there a method or process for reducing redundant code in nested loops. Ie my code compiles and runs as expected for a period of time and after a few goes it omits a part or prints an unexpected out ext so basically how to find when the redundancy occurs with out posting my code so I can learn for my self?
How can I concatenate two 2-dimensional int arrays into one larger 3-dimensional array. This question is also valid for the 3-dimensional vectors. I know the command for the one dimensional vector as:
I had a hard question in my C++ final exam and I'm trying to solve it for the last 3 days. I haven't succeded yet! Here is the question: You have a one-dimensional array A[20]={1,2,3,4,...,20} and B[5][4] you have to assign the A array's elements to the B array but there is an order which is: B[5][4] = { { 12, 9, 11, 10 }, { 14, 7, 13, 8 }, { 16, 5, 15, 6 }, { 18, 3, 17, 4 }, { 20, 1, 19, 2 } } and there is a restriction: you can only use ONE for statement, nothing else!
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main(){ int A[20] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 }; // define A array's elements. int B[5][4] = { 0 }, k = 1; // define B array and k counter.
I can't narrow the statements to one,This program works perfectly but it shouldn't be that long, we need ONLY ONE FOR statement, not two!
I have a 3D array that contains 200 strings. I'm trying to copy all these strings into a 2D array. How can this be done? This is what I have so far but it isn't working correctly.
Code: for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) { dest[i][j] = source[0][i][j]; } }
The finished product would be with 100 rows, 2 columns.
Example : Code: struct x { int v[4]; }; const x test = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
Why can I do this? How does the compiler know to write to this in the proper way? I get that v would be contiguous. Does that have something to do with it?
I wrote this code, and everything was working well, but part of the assignment is that it must include nested loops. Once I added the nested while loop, which is basically an if statement, my life was ruined. I am trying to nest a loop in the code that will basically tell the compiler that if the value "loopVol" were to exceed the value of "final" after adding an increment, to run the program for the "final". How can I do that?
initial = 10 final = 123 increment = 10
as of now, the program would stop at 120, but I want to nest a loop that will tell the compiler to calculate at the final if this happens.
I am making a basic music library that stores information rather than files. I need to read from a .txt file the artist's name, the album name, the song name, and the song length. What I am confused about is storing the information in an array of Artist structures.
struct Song{ string songName; int songLength; }; struct Album{
[Code] ...
How to read the information into an array of Artists. Also, how would I be able to figure out if the artist already exists in the array when adding a song and if the artist does, add the album under the existing artist.This is how I am reading in the info:
Artist newArtist; Album newAlbum; Song newSong; ifstream inF("library.txt"); while(!inF.eof()) {
Write a program using user-defined function which accepts an integer array and its size as arguments and assign the elements into a two dimensional array of integers in the following format: If the array is 1,2,3,4,5,6, the resultant 2D array is
I've been able to write the program completing all requirements except for one... creating a function that accepts a nested structure array. Here's the program: