C++ :: How To Declare Array With Constant Size Inside Of Class

Jul 29, 2013

I wanted to add that the template argument is needed because its a "special case" but if that doesn't work what would be the next best way to solve this problem. I want to be able to declare the const size of the array outside the class far removed from it actually. I'm actually going off this page

[URL] .....

Heres the code

#include <iostream>
template <int F>
class C


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C/C++ :: Declare Parent Object Inside Class Constructor

Mar 24, 2014

This keeps giving me the error

ecg.h:18:11: error: field "next" has incomplete type

How do I do what I need? It does the same thing whether I use a class or a struct. This is C++ code

struct ECG_node {
double voltage;
clock_t time;
ECG_node next;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: How To Declare Array With Undefined Size

Oct 7, 2014

I need to make a program that will let the user input values and it will only stop accepting once the user has inputted a negative number then it will display its mode and frequency.

The problem is I can't find a way to let the user input values freely without asking first for the no. of values he will enter.

int main() {
int i,j,k=1,p,a[20],b[20],n,cnt=1,big;
printf("Enter the number of elements:

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Can Declare A Multidimensional Array Without Providing Size To It

Mar 8, 2013

I need a multidimensional array and it should be declared without giving size to it.will it be possible?

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C++ :: Cannot Allocate Array Of Constant Size 0

May 17, 2012

I have the following code:

unsigned int bh = 3;
unsigned int b= 2*bh+ 1;
float s[b];

I get the following 3 compilation errors:

error C2057: expected constant expression
error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
error C2133: 's' : unknown size

I am using Visual Studios 2010. What is wrong?

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C++ ::  how To Declare Template Function Inside Template Class

Dec 5, 2013

I'm trying to implement a simple template array class, but when i came into the operator< i actually have to use a template :

my code is something like :

template<typename _Type, std::size_t _Size>
class array {
public :

[Code] ......

but i am having an error of shadows template param 'class _Type' is it w/ the name conflict between the array template parameter and the function template parameter ?

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C++ :: Constant Array Size - Generate Random Index Number

Nov 20, 2014

This is my coding so far and I am confused to what the constant for array size is

//initialize arrays
string states[ARRAY_SIZE]={"Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona"};

string capital[ARRAY_SIZE]={"Montgomery", "Juneau", "Phoenix"};

while (play again) {

//generate random index number
int index = rand () % _______

what goes after the rand () % ?

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C++ :: How To Get Array Size Inside Method

May 30, 2013

I have one array with size of 5 and passing this array to one method. I want to get size of the array inside method. If i get size of array inside method, i'm getting only "1",but not "5".

int v[5];
cout<<sizeof(v)/sizeof(&v[0])<<endl; // here i'm getting size as 5
void CreateArray(int val[])
cout<<sizeof(val)/sizeof(&val[0])<<endl; // here i'm getting size as 1

Is there any way to get size inside method ?

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C++ :: Declare Array Of Array But With Different Size?

May 20, 2013

how declaring this: { {1, 2}, {1, 2, 3} } Both outer and inner array had known size.

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C++ :: Declare Template Type Object Inside Template Type Class Definition

Oct 12, 2013

Let me put it into the code snippet:

This class build the singleton design pattern.
Here you have full control over construction and deconstruction of the object.
template<class T>
class Singleton


I am getting error at the assertion points when i call to the class as follows:

osgOpenCL::Context *cxt = osgOpenCL::Singleton<osgOpenCL::Context>::getPtr();

I tried commenting assertion statements and then the debugger just exits at the point where getPtr() is called.

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C :: Compiling Sudoku Program - Declare Constant Instances As Global Variables

Sep 18, 2013

I am trying to compile a c program for sudoku. I have declare const instances as global variables, but when i try to compile the code it says that my declarations are not constant, here is some of the code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

const int GRIDSIZE = 3;
const int GRID_SQUARED = GRIDSIZE * GRIDSIZE; //this line
const int ALL_VALUES = (1<<GRID_SQUARED)-1; //and this give//the error

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C++ :: Creating 2D Array Within Class Using Constant?

Oct 17, 2014

I've been given specific instructions to create an array inside a Class Matrix using a constant n. This is my class but I am getting errors. I thought that maybe I had to initialize the const and the array using the constructor function Matrix() instead of directly in the class, but I didn't have any luck with that either.

class Matrix
const int n=3;
int e[n][n];

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C++ :: Declaring Array Inside A Class

Apr 18, 2013

class Hallway {
// DO_04: Declare a Light array of size MAX_LIGHTS
// Hint: look through the methods below to find the name to use
// for the array

int numLights;
int lights[MAX_LIGHTS];

[Code] .....

I keep getting the error " this.lights[i] is not a struct or class and so you cannot use '.' " on line 34.

How am I supposed to define my lights[] array? I can't modify anything except directly after each comment block.

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C++ :: Non Constant Member Function Being Called Inside Constant Member Function?

Dec 28, 2012

#include <iostream>
class Hello {
void Test() {


As i know a non-constant member function cant be called inside a constant member function but how the above code has been compiled successfully and giving the expected result .

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C++ :: How To Return Element In Array That Is Inside A Class

Nov 16, 2014

I have a program where I roll a die X number of times and need to print how many times it lands on each side. I tried to create an array in the class aDie that increments each time the corresponding number is rolled but when I go to call and print it in the main my out put is 0. I just picked how many times it landed on the side 4 just to see if it works and it doesn't.

#define ADIE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class aDie {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Proper Way Of Using String Array Inside A Class

Jul 23, 2014

class myclass{
string myarray[5];
myarray[0] = "one"; myarray[1] = "two"; myarray[2] = "three"; myarray[3] = "four";
myarray[4] = "five";

this works in main function but doesn't work in the class;

1. Why this methods doesn't work inside class but works in main function?
2. What is the proper way of using string array inside a class?

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C++ :: Bigint - Global Constant Size

Sep 14, 2013

I am making a class called "bigint" and i have to have a global constant "size". How do I make that global "size" the size of bigint? If "size" is an array and "bigint" is an object how does that work? Heres the instructions for the program..

-You must use the class construct to implement your ADT.
-The ADT bigint need only work for positive numbers.
-Use a global constant value for the maximum size of the bigint that is, a constant sized array.

-The size of the bigint must be specified by a global constant
-A method (constructor) to initialize a bigint to zero.
-A method (constructor) to initialize a bigint to an int value you provide [0, maxint]. Example: bigint(128).
-A method (constructor) to initialize a bigint to a char[] you provide. You can assume what is provided is a valid bigint. Example: bigint("299793").
-A method to write a bigint that prints at most 60 digits per line.
-A method to compare if two bigints are equal. It should return a bool - true if equal and false otherwise.

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C++ :: Not Declare Object For A Class?

Jul 15, 2013

is it possible to don't declare an object for a class and use the function of this class ? i saw a code use this but i cannot find it again .

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C++ :: How To Forward Declare Inner Class?

Dec 30, 2013

How can I forward declare an inner class?

I currently have this:


class Enigma
Enigma(char r1,char r2,char r3,char r4, char r5, char r6, char r7, char r8, char r9, char r10);
~Enigma(){delete[] R;}
Enigma(const Enigma& rhs)=delete;
Enigma& operator=(const Enigma& rhs)=delete;


I'd like to be able to define Rotor outside of Enigma, but the compiler complains about incomplete types.

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C++ :: Declare Class Member Outside Of Constructor?

Jun 27, 2013

Basically, I need to set a variable outside of the constructor and make it accessible to the entire class.

It would need to work something like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
template <typename MT> class CallbackFunction


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C++ :: Forward Declare A Class Template?

Aug 23, 2012

i hit the point where i have two class templates that are dependent on each other (in detail, class a stores a pointer of class b), creating a cyclic include issue.

Usually i resolve this with a forward declaration, but i cant seem to figure out how to do it with a template class.In fact, ( i think) i got it to work for this :

template<typename T>
class a
T x;

but not for this:

template<int b>
class b
int getb(){return b;}

Where the template is not for a specific "type".

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C++ :: Make Class Created Static Inside Another Class?

Dec 17, 2013

it seems everytime i use statics in a class i come across with a porblem.

this time i wanted to make a class i created static inside another class.

MainVariables.h file
static fge::window mWinMain;

if someone ever wants to reach it
MainVariables.cpp file

fge::window MainVariables::mWinMain;
fge::window MainVariables::GetWinMain()
return mWinMain;

but when i created some other MainVariables classes at other places instead of them reaching to the same window two window is being created.

yes i know maybe there are better methods but currently i m working on polymorphism and i need some static members.

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Visual C++ :: Access Variable Inside Class From Other Class

Nov 9, 2013

I am trying to access a variable from another class through another class but it is not returning its "instance"?

Class View

V3D_Viewer viewer;
Class MainWindow

viewer* myView;
myView = new viewer();
Class Test

MainWindow window;

I am new to c++ references and pointers,

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C++ :: Call From Class Created Inside A Class

May 21, 2014

I have 2 Classes.
-> StateManager
-> Intro

The StateManager creates the Intro. I want that the Intro calls a function of the StateManager if finished. How can I achieve that?

At line 24 at the Intro class you can see what I tried.


#pragma once

#include "State.h"
#include "Intro.h"
class StateManager{
std::vector <State*> States;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Create A Class Object Inside Another Class

Feb 20, 2015

My thought is that I would need to establish a variable for the class in the header and call the class within the .cpp file

//class A.h
B b;

Then in class A, to create the object and use a method from the object I would -

//class A.cpp
int someAmethod(){

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C++ :: Initializing Object Of Class Inside Another Class?

Mar 7, 2014

I have a class MySeqBuildBlockModule that I am inheriting from: public SeqBuildBlock. Other than constructor and destructor, this class MySeqBuildBlockModule has a method: prep.

class MySeqBuildBlockModule: public SeqBuildBlock {
friend class SeqBuildBlockIRns;
MySeqBuildBlockModule (SBBList* pSBBList0, long TI1_In, long TI2_In)// more arguements in this constructor of derived class
: SeqBuildBlock (pSBBList0)


I would have like to intiantiate an object "myIRns_3" of a class defined in third party library

SeqBuildBlockIRns myIRns_3(pSBBList2);

and would like to access it from the prep function as:

double dEnergyAllSBBs_DK = myIRns_3.getEnergyPerRequest();

I tried to instantiate following in either private section or in constructor; but w/o any success:

SeqBuildBlockIRns myIRns_3(pSBBList2);

ERRORS encountered:

When I tried to do it inside the constructor, I get the following errors:

MySBBModule.h(113) : error C2065: 'myIRns_3' : undeclared identifier
MySBBModule.h(113) : error C2228: left of '.getEnergyPerRequest' must have class/struct/union type
MySBBModule.h(116) : error C2065: 'pSBBList' : undeclared identifier
MySBBModule.h(116) : error C2227: left of '->prepSBBAll' must point to class/struct/union

When I tried to do it in private section, I get the following errors:

MySBBModule.h(106) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'pSBBList2'
MySBBModule.h(113) : error C2228: left of '.getEnergyPerRequest' must have class/struct/union type
MySBBModule.h(116) : error C2065: 'pSBBList' : undeclared identifier
MySBBModule.h(116) : error C2227: left of '->prepSBBAll' must point to class/struct/union

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