C++ :: Cannot Allocate Array Of Constant Size 0

May 17, 2012

I have the following code:

unsigned int bh = 3;
unsigned int b= 2*bh+ 1;
float s[b];

I get the following 3 compilation errors:

error C2057: expected constant expression
error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
error C2133: 's' : unknown size

I am using Visual Studios 2010. What is wrong?

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C++ :: How To Declare Array With Constant Size Inside Of Class

Jul 29, 2013

I wanted to add that the template argument is needed because its a "special case" but if that doesn't work what would be the next best way to solve this problem. I want to be able to declare the const size of the array outside the class far removed from it actually. I'm actually going off this page

[URL] .....

Heres the code

#include <iostream>
template <int F>
class C


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C++ :: Constant Array Size - Generate Random Index Number

Nov 20, 2014

This is my coding so far and I am confused to what the constant for array size is

//initialize arrays
string states[ARRAY_SIZE]={"Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona"};

string capital[ARRAY_SIZE]={"Montgomery", "Juneau", "Phoenix"};

while (play again) {

//generate random index number
int index = rand () % _______

what goes after the rand () % ?

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C++ :: Bigint - Global Constant Size

Sep 14, 2013

I am making a class called "bigint" and i have to have a global constant "size". How do I make that global "size" the size of bigint? If "size" is an array and "bigint" is an object how does that work? Heres the instructions for the program..

-You must use the class construct to implement your ADT.
-The ADT bigint need only work for positive numbers.
-Use a global constant value for the maximum size of the bigint that is, a constant sized array.

-The size of the bigint must be specified by a global constant
-A method (constructor) to initialize a bigint to zero.
-A method (constructor) to initialize a bigint to an int value you provide [0, maxint]. Example: bigint(128).
-A method (constructor) to initialize a bigint to a char[] you provide. You can assume what is provided is a valid bigint. Example: bigint("299793").
-A method to write a bigint that prints at most 60 digits per line.
-A method to compare if two bigints are equal. It should return a bool - true if equal and false otherwise.

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C++ :: Dynamically Allocate Array Of Strings

Jul 26, 2014

I know I can allocate it this way, on the stack:

char* str[5];
for(i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
str[i] = new char[STR_SIZE];

But if I want to allocate array size through 'new', what's the syntax for that?

I thought this might work, but it gives error: "Initialization with {...} expected for aggregate object"

char* newString[] = new char[5][ARRAYSIZE];

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C/C++ :: Dynamically Allocate Array And Sort

Aug 31, 2014

Write a program that dynamically allocates an array large enough to hold a user-defined number of test scores. Once all the scores are entered by the user, the array must be passed to a function that sorts them in ascending order. It must use another function that calculates the average score. The program should display the sorted list of scores and average with appropriate headings. The program must use pointer notation instead of array notation. Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for test scores; keep prompting the user for a new grade. Do not accept negative numbers for the number of scores the user wants to enter.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
double getAverage(int*, int);
void sortScore(int *,int );

[Code] ....

I have no errors in my code but when i run it and i enter a positive interger it just goes into a loop to enter a positive number.

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C Sharp :: Release Memory That Allocate To Array?

Apr 9, 2012

I use the array of Radiobutton,string,.. in my project. How i can destruct these array from memory,because i see the stackoverflew exception.

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C :: Distinguish Between Character Constant And String Constant

Feb 20, 2015

Can distinguish between character constant and string constant giving examples

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C++ :: Creating 2D Array Within Class Using Constant?

Oct 17, 2014

I've been given specific instructions to create an array inside a Class Matrix using a constant n. This is my class but I am getting errors. I thought that maybe I had to initialize the const and the array using the constructor function Matrix() instead of directly in the class, but I didn't have any luck with that either.

class Matrix
const int n=3;
int e[n][n];

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C++ :: Counting Elements Of Constant Array?

Aug 21, 2014

This is going to seem like a stupid question but how can I count the elements of a const array. Surely c++ compilers provide a count for const arrays?

const wchar_t* ItemHandler::itemNames[] = {L"Coins", L"Matches"};
const wchar_t* ItemHandler::itemIconLocations[] = {L"./media/Items/coins.png" , L"./media/Items/matches.png"};
const bool ItemHandler::itemStackable[] = {1, 1};

I want to count the elements so if the server sends a bad item id it won't crash every client in range lol. I heard that the sizeof keyword returns the size of the array in bytes. I used to think the size of keyword would return the element count but found out it isn't.

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C++ :: How To Pass Constant BYTE Array Declared In Function As Parameter

Apr 20, 2013

I have this code:

const BYTE original[2][4] = {
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}
void function(const BYTE** values){

[Code] ....

You might notice that the above code doesn't compile, this is the error:

cannot convert parameter 2 from 'BYTE [2][4]' to 'BYTE *'
Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast

Even after some search I couldn't really find an answer to my problem, how do I pass the const BYTE array which I declared above in the function as a parameter (or what structure do I need to set for the function as a parameter)?

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C++ :: Accept Integer Array And Its Size As Arguments And Assign Elements Into 2 Dimensional Array

Jan 10, 2015

Write a program using user-defined function which accepts an integer array and its size as arguments and assign the elements into a two dimensional array of integers in the following format: If the array is 1,2,3,4,5,6, the resultant 2D array is

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 0
1 2 3 4 0 0
1 2 3 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0

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C++ :: Passing 2D Array To A Function Where Size Of Array Is Not Known At Runtime

Jun 27, 2014

I'm wondering if it is possible to pass a 2d array to a function where the size of the array is not known at runtime.

I've tried

function ( array[][6] ) ;

But the size of the array has to be constant so it cannot be declared later.

I've tried using a template but you still have to declare the size of the array at runtime. Is this even possible at all?

The only other way I can think of is using a dynamic 2d array but how to create one and manipulate it.

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C++ :: Why Would A Class Allocate An Instance Of Itself

Oct 4, 2014

I'm currently learning the Qt framework and doing my first tutorial. Straight away I saw something that baffled me:


Code: namespace Ui {
class Notepad;
class Notepad : public QMainWindow

[Code] ....

Note the ui pointer and the heap allocation in the class constructor; I can't wrap my head around why one would do this. What's going on here?

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C++ :: How To Allocate Memory When It Comes To Using Templates

Oct 25, 2013

I'm currently learning templates -- & my logic is in a knot with what I am trying to do which is the following:

-Create a function name load
-Accepts a filename (the filename is a text file of integers)
-Open the file
-Create an array(dynamically allocating an array) filling it with the elements read in from the file & returns the array(so that the return type of the array is a pointer to the element type of the array).

//Header file:
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
void load(std::string filename, T *&arr, int *size);


how to allocate memory when it comes to using templates..

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C/C++ :: Max Size Of Array?

Oct 27, 2014

I'm trying to put all of the words in a text document into an array but this text document is 2,138 kb, and when my program is crashing when I try to put it into an string array. Could the file be too big to put into the array?

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C/C++ :: Getting The Size Of Array?

Jun 12, 2014

Here is what I've tried:

int numbers[] = {8, 2, 0, 4, 100, 5};
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(numbers); i++){
cout << numbers[i] << endl;

However the results in the console is: 8 2 0 4 ,What am I doing wrong? Am I using the wrong built in function or something? I googled this and one of the links that came up stated to just do something like


but that didnt work for me either...


Also, I know that I just enter the size of the list manually, in this case make i < 6 but I still want to know if there is a built in function or something.

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C :: Function That Allows To Allocate Memory To Variable

Nov 8, 2013

I am trying to make a function that allows me to allocate memory to a "mem" variable and setting each of its chunk's status to FREE. FREE is defined as 0. Below is my code of the function.


int allocate(mem *mm, int num_chunks, int chunk_size) {
int i;
mem *temp;
if((mm = (mem *) malloc((num_chunks + 1) * chunk_size)) == NULL){
perror("Failed to Malloc


mem; If my function works the way it should, it should print out five 0 because that is how I set them in the function, but this is not the case. I've looked at my function for 2 hours, but I could not figure out any logical error. Now, I think my problem lies with my limited knowledge of pointer arithmetic. On the other hand, when I insert 1000 as the second argument into my function, it gives seg faults, which is not the case for smaller values like 5, 10, 15, etc.

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C++ :: Check If Failed To Allocate Memory?

Jan 13, 2013

what i want to do is if memory allocation fails it display a message shown in the example but its not working

vehiptr = new VEHICLE[vnum];
if(vehiptr == 0)
cout<<"Failed to Allocate Memory"<<endl;
return main();

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C++ :: How To Allocate Huge Amount Of Memory

Mar 8, 2014

I’m writing an application for raw image processing but I cannot allocate the necessary block of memory, the following simple code gives me an allocation error.

double (*test)[4];
int block = 32747520;
test = new double[block][4];

off course with smaller block size (i.e. int block = 327475;) it works fine. Is there an allocation limit? How it is possible to deal with big blocks of memory?

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C++ :: Dynamically Allocate Memory To Struct

Sep 24, 2014

I CANT use std::string, classes, constructors for this project. I am required to use this archaic method of c-style strings with dynamic memory allocation occurring outside the struct.. i know its not the best way to go about this, but there's nothing i can go. I have a struct:

struct card {
char *suit;
char *rank;
int cvalue;

I've created a pointer of size 52 for my deck

card *deckPtr = new card[52];
card *deckHome = &deckPtr[0];

I then try to use

for(int i=0;i<52;i++) {
(*deckPtr).suit = new char[8];
(*deckPtr).rank = new char[7];

I am essentially trying to fill in these arrays from a card file, but I cannot make it past running the program, i get sa seg fault which I dont understand why.

I dynamically allocate memory in my card read in function..

void cardInit(card *deckPtr) {
card *deckHome = &deckPointer[0];
ifstream fin;
char *finName = new char[13];
cin >> *finName

[Code] ....

Its a pretty simple program..and my dynamic memory works for the file name, but I cant figure out why it doesnt work for structs?

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C++ :: Pointer - Allocate Integer Variable To T

Mar 29, 2012

In the code below:

void test(int * i) {
i = new int;
*i = 10;
cout << "i: " << *i << endl;

[Code] ....

The outuput is:

i: 10
t: (some memory position).

If I really want to allocate an integer variable to t, i need to modify the void test(int * i) procedure to void test(int *& i).

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C++ :: Linked List And Dynamic Allocate

Sep 22, 2012

I'm learning now linked list and dynamic allocate. I don't know how can I answer the program writing exercises.

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C :: Malloc Is Used To Allocate Free Memory To A Pointer

Nov 5, 2014

There is a part in the lesson that explains how malloc is used to allocate free memory to a pointer and gives us 2 examples:


float *ptr = malloc( sizeof(*ptr) ); and Code: float *ptr;
ptr = malloc( sizeof(*ptr) );

From my logic in the first case we allocate the memory to *ptr and in the second to ptr.

It's a bit confusing, am I missing something?

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C :: Free Not Working After Malloc Was Used To Allocate Memory

Jun 13, 2014

Consider this program:


// sb_string class v1.04

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct sb_string {

[Code] ....

And here is the output I got:

[harshvardhan@hari-rudra] ~/Desktop% gcc49 -o test test.c
[harshvardhan@hari-rudra] ~/Desktop% ./test
-before Value of len = 1
(in_function)-before Value of len = 1
(in_function)-after Value of len = 1

-after Value of len = 1 I was trying to make a little easier to work with string. Once the memory is allocated by malloc via sb_init() function, the sb_massacre function wasn't working to deallocate the memory. I had used multiple versions of gcc and clang but the result is same.

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C++ :: Allocate Memory In A Function And Call From Main

Aug 30, 2013

So my assignment is to create a program that calls for a function in main that dynamically allocates an array[3] and then have pointers with multiple levels of indirection and pass them by reference so they are not lost after the function. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>


Next part is to ask user for two non-negative numbers and then get the length of those numbers and create an array. for the size of each number they input. Then to separate those numbers and add the cross-sums.

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