C++ :: Forward Declare A Class Template?

Aug 23, 2012

i hit the point where i have two class templates that are dependent on each other (in detail, class a stores a pointer of class b), creating a cyclic include issue.

Usually i resolve this with a forward declaration, but i cant seem to figure out how to do it with a template class.In fact, ( i think) i got it to work for this :

template<typename T>
class a
T x;

but not for this:

template<int b>
class b
int getb(){return b;}

Where the template is not for a specific "type".

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C++ :: How To Forward Declare Inner Class?

Dec 30, 2013

How can I forward declare an inner class?

I currently have this:


class Enigma
Enigma(char r1,char r2,char r3,char r4, char r5, char r6, char r7, char r8, char r9, char r10);
~Enigma(){delete[] R;}
Enigma(const Enigma& rhs)=delete;
Enigma& operator=(const Enigma& rhs)=delete;


I'd like to be able to define Rotor outside of Enigma, but the compiler complains about incomplete types.

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C++ ::  how To Declare Template Function Inside Template Class

Dec 5, 2013

I'm trying to implement a simple template array class, but when i came into the operator< i actually have to use a template :

my code is something like :

template<typename _Type, std::size_t _Size>
class array {
public :

[Code] ......

but i am having an error of shadows template param 'class _Type' is it w/ the name conflict between the array template parameter and the function template parameter ?

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C++ :: How To Declare Class As Forward In Header File - Regular Use In CPP File

Jan 17, 2015

lets say we have a valid class with full implementation, X. can this class be declared as forward in Y header file:

Code: class X;

class Y{
X* m_X;

but still be used as regular in the cpp file?


#include "Y.h"
#incldue "X.h"
T Y::function(){

visual studio prevents me from doing it , I wonder if the standard also says so.

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C++ :: Declare Template Type Object Inside Template Type Class Definition

Oct 12, 2013

Let me put it into the code snippet:

This class build the singleton design pattern.
Here you have full control over construction and deconstruction of the object.
template<class T>
class Singleton


I am getting error at the assertion points when i call to the class as follows:

osgOpenCL::Context *cxt = osgOpenCL::Singleton<osgOpenCL::Context>::getPtr();

I tried commenting assertion statements and then the debugger just exits at the point where getPtr() is called.

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C++ :: Class Forward Declaration Ignored?

Nov 14, 2013

I have a class "SelectionGroup" which derives from a class "RMFObjectContainer". RMFObjectContainer has member variables of type SelectionGroup, so I need to include SelectionGroup.h in the header of RMFObjectContainer.h.

However, since SelectionGroup needs RMFObjectContainer to derive from it, I get a typical case of mutual inclusion.

I then proceeded to put the forward declaration
class RMFObjectContainer;
instead of
#include "RMFObjectContainer.h"
into the header of SelectionGroup.h.

However, I receive the following compile error (MSVC2010), as if the forward declaration was unseen:

#pragma once
#include "Solid.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "SelectionGroup.h"


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C++ :: Use Of Class Template Requires Template Argument List

Nov 6, 2013

Error1error C2955: 'DoubleLinkedListInterface' : use of class template requires template argument listdoublelinkedlist.h10
Error2error C2244: 'DoubleLinkedList<T>::DoubleLinkedList' : unable to match function definition to an existing declaration doublelinkedlist.cpp7

Error3 .cpperror C2244: 'DoubleLinkedList<T>::~DoubleLinkedList' : unable to match function definition to an existing declaration 12


#pragma once
#include "DoubleLinkedListInterface.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include <iostream>


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C++ :: Partial Template Specialization With Template Class

May 27, 2013

I have a generic template class with another template in one of its types. Now I want to specialize one of its methods for a particular (template) class, which leads to a compile error, however.

Here is the example:

#include <stdio.h>
template<typename Type>
class Obj1 {
void ID() { printf("Object 1, size = %zu

[Code] .....

GCC ends with:
:35:27: error: type/value mismatch at argument 2 in template parameter list for ‘template<class Type, template<class> class O> class Foo’
:35:27: error: expected a class template, got ‘Obj2<Type>’

What is wrong with the specialization? Can it even be achieved and how (if so)?

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C++ :: Template With A Specialized Template Class Parameter?

Nov 2, 2014

how I want the code to look. Only problem is it doesn't work (Line 11). I have some experience with templates but I'm not a pro.

Basically I want the "Channels<3>" to be a type that I can use to specify a Cable with similar to vector<float/int> it would be Cable<Channels<2 or 3>>.

What have I messed up with the syntax?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Not Declare Object For A Class?

Jul 15, 2013

is it possible to don't declare an object for a class and use the function of this class ? i saw a code use this but i cannot find it again .

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C++ :: Declare Class Member Outside Of Constructor?

Jun 27, 2013

Basically, I need to set a variable outside of the constructor and make it accessible to the entire class.

It would need to work something like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
template <typename MT> class CallbackFunction


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C++ :: Template Class With Template Members

Feb 9, 2015

I have a class like this

PHP Code:
template<class X>
class A {
  X m_x;
    X* foo();
    X* bar();
    //others are not related to X

I would like to get rid of

PHP Code: template<class X> 

For class level but still use it for members. Like this

PHP Code:
class A {
  X m_x;
    template<class X>
    X* foo();
    template<class X>
    X* bar();
    //others are not related to X

However, I am still stuck at

PHP Code: X m_x; 

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C++ :: How To Declare Array With Constant Size Inside Of Class

Jul 29, 2013

I wanted to add that the template argument is needed because its a "special case" but if that doesn't work what would be the next best way to solve this problem. I want to be able to declare the const size of the array outside the class far removed from it actually. I'm actually going off this page

[URL] .....

Heres the code

#include <iostream>
template <int F>
class C


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C/C++ :: Declare Parent Object Inside Class Constructor

Mar 24, 2014

This keeps giving me the error

ecg.h:18:11: error: field "next" has incomplete type

How do I do what I need? It does the same thing whether I use a class or a struct. This is C++ code

struct ECG_node {
double voltage;
clock_t time;
ECG_node next;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Declare A Struct / Class In A File For Local Use But With Internal Linkage?

Mar 15, 2013

I've been wondering about something for a while:

Is it possible to declare a struct/class, in a cpp file, designed for local use, but with internal linkage?

The usecase is that every once in a while, I want to wrap "startXXX+endXXX" function pairs in a simple RAII struct. I just declare the struct in my cpp and use it once.

However, if I do this, (AFAIK), the compiler will generate an entry in the link table, which means I could potentially have link conflicts if I declare the same struct twice in two different cpp files.

Unless I'm mistaken, since the struct is declared in the same cpp that it is used, I wouldn't need external linkage. Is there a way to avoid it?

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C++ :: How To Initialize Static Member Of Class With Template And Type Of Nested Class

Oct 7, 2014

How to initialize a static member of a class with template, which type is related to a nested class?

This code works (without nested class):

using namespace std;
struct B{
template<typename Z>

[Code] ,....

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C++ ::  Template Class Inheriting A Templated Class

Dec 9, 2014

I'm making a minimal spanning tree class that inherits a graph class, both are templated. This is my mstree.h so far:

#ifndef _MSTREE_H_
#define _MSTREE_H_
#include "graph.h"
namespace MSTreeNameSpace


and I keep getting these errors:

mst.h:9:25: error: expected template-name before ‘<’ token
class MST : public Graph<T>
mst.h:9:25: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘<’ token
mst.h:9:25: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘<’ token

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C++ :: Passing Class As Type In Template Class

Nov 30, 2013

I am trying to pass a class as a type to a template class. This class's constructor needs an argument but I cannot find the correct syntax. Is it possible?

Here is an example of what I described above. I did not compiled it, it is for illustrative purpose only. And of course argument val of the myData constructor would be doing something more useful than simply initializing an int....

template <class T>
class templateClass {
templateClass() {};


My real code would only compile is I add the myData constructor:

myData () {};

and gdb confirmed that it is this constructor that get called, even with dummy(4).

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C/C++ :: Template Class Is Not A Class Template

Feb 4, 2014

std::cout << "Hello C++ programmers!" << std::endl;

I am trying to create a LinkedList (and then, an ADT stack; // yes, I cannot use the STL stack because the teacher won't let me), and I am getting some weird error when I create a ListNode and declare LinkedList (which has the ListNodes!) a friend of it.

Here is my header-file code for both classes:


#ifndef LISTNODE_H
#define LISTNODE_H
#include "LinkedList.h"


The errors I am getting are:

error: 'LinkedList' is not a class template

I have tried forward-declaring LinkedList in the ListNode.h file, but I get this error:

error: 'ListNode' does not name a type

Are there any other possible solutions to this problem; // without having to resort to crazy stuff like having a .h file #include a .cpp file, or even declaring and defining ALL OF MY CODE in the .h files???

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C++ :: Function In A Class Template

Mar 3, 2013

I have this class templates And This UML.I have to write this function +operator=(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Array<ElemType, SIZE> but I do not know how to start the declaration / or start the function. I have to return a template but I do not know how to do it,

Array<ElemType, SIZE>
-elements: ElemType[SIZE]
+Array(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>)
+operator=(source: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Array<ElemType, SIZE>
+operator==(other: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Boolean
+operator!=(other: Array<ElemType, SIZE>): Boolean
<<L-value>>+operator[](index: Integer): ElemType
<<R-value>>+operator[](index: Integer): ElemType


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C++ :: Template Function Of A Class

Feb 3, 2013

I want to use a template function of a class.

This is my code:

#include "Comparison.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Comparison c;

[Code] ....

But I get the error message:

main.cpp:10: undefined reference to `int Comparison::max<int>(int, int)'

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C++ :: Template Class With Default Value?

Mar 22, 2013

refer to the code below, the attribute class is created with the value type and default value, but why it doesn't work for std::string?

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Using Constructors In Template Class?

Sep 13, 2014

The code below references to a header file and implementation .cpp file, which are not important. My question is what is the proper way to use a constructor in a main file. I have been getting "invalid use of" errors when using letters.Pair(a,b), where Pair(T a, T b) is a constructor that accepts arbitrary type T of variables 'a' and 'b'. So I played around a bit and suddenly found a syntax that works. I need verification for the syntax below:

#include <iostream>
#include "pair.h"
#include "pair.cpp"


Are the comments with the asterisks correct? As in this is always the way you initialize and assign? So letters.Pair(a, b) is not the right way to use constructors?

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C++ :: How To Export Class With Template

Jun 3, 2014

I have the following class header in library, but when i initialize in main the class, i have an error unresolved external symbols. So the class is not exported as it should.


template <typename Key, typename Value>
class UTILITIES_EXPORT MyMap : public QMap<Key, Value>
MyMap() : QMap<Key, Value>() { }


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C++ :: Implementing Stack Using Class Template?

Dec 5, 2013

The following program is designed to demonstrate class templates. The program will evaluate postfix expressions input to the console by pushing them in a stack, and then popping them and evaluating them as such, (ex. entering 3 4 + would equal 3+4 = 7).

The code is below. We are not to modify it, but to fill in the blanks, the places filled in indicated with two asterisks for a line, and one on each side for a part of a line. If I didn't know what to enter (if anything), I put three ?s. If you want to copy and compile for yourself, look for all the *s and ?s.

1) I'm turning up all sorts of errors in the main program file (prog5.cpp) having to do with stacktype.cpp. It has been removed from the program, as it is included at the end of stackType.h. Most of them are "cannot convert 'this' pointer from StackType to StackType<stack> &'. How do I fix that?

2) The program supposedly lacks a default constructor, and it keeps turning up that 's' is an array of unknown size (do I call StackType or stack or what?).

stackType.h Code: #pragma once// Catherine Stringfellow and Trey Brumley
// A Stack is a data type, which stores values in an order where values are added to the top of the stack when pushed,
// and when popped, remove and return the value from the top of the stack.
// Class specification for Stack ADT in file StackType.h
using namespace std;
static const int MAXITEMS = 50;


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C++ :: How To Use The Operator In Class Template In Program

Apr 25, 2013

I have a list of numbers in an array created by a class template

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int CAPACITY = 20;
template <class T>
class A


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