C++ :: Crypt Arithmetic Puzzle - Replace Each Letter As S Number

Oct 28, 2013

Dont know how to replace each letter as s number ... this is the question i was given ...

In cryptarithmetic puzzles, mathematical equations are written using letters. Each letter can be a digit from 0 to 9, but no two letters can be the same. Here is a sample problem:


A solution to the puzzle is S = 9, R = 8, O = 0, M = 1, Y = 2, E = 5, N = 6, D = 7.

Write a program that finds a solution to the cryptarithmetic puzzle of the following:


The simplest technique is to use a nested loop for each unique letter (in this case T, O, G, D). The loops would systematically assign the digits from 0 to 9 to each letter. For example, it might first try T=0,O=0,G=0,D=0, thenT=0,O=0, G = 0, D = 1, then T = 0, O = 0, G = 0, D = 2, etc., up to T = 9, O = 9, G = 9, D = 9. In the loop body, test that each variable is unique and that the equation is satisfied. Output the values for the letters that satisfy the equation.

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C++ :: Replace 2nd Occurrence Of Letter?

Apr 27, 2013

i`m currently racking my brains out over this issue. How do i go about the x as the first occurrence of the letter?

lets say helxo , x is the 2nd occurrence of l. I will want to change back x into l

i have replaced it with x in the earlier step with this code...

string everySecondChar(const string &s,char source,char distance)
string t(s);
for(std::string::size_type even =0,pos=t.find(source,0);pos!=std::string::npos;pos=t.find(source,++pos))


i would like to reverse the process now, letting x becoming l again!

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C++ :: How To Replace 2nd Occurrence Of A Letter With X

Apr 21, 2013

Supposed i have a word hammer.

how am i suppose to search for the 2nd occurrence of the letter and then replace it with x?

example hammer will become hamxer

I thought about using replace for it, however i`m lost on how to find 2 occurrences of the same letter in the word.

string formatEncrypt(string message) {
int msgLength=message.length();
for(int i=0;i<msgLength;i++) {
if(message[i] == 'j' {

[Code] .....

at line 31 i tried to put a z into the alphabet that occurs twice.

this is what i have done so far

example: hello world

It will turn out as helzlo world

However i want to make the output appear as helzo world

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C :: How To Initialize A Variable That Is Not A Letter Or Number

Feb 25, 2014

In C how can I initialize a variable that is not a letter or number? For example with a number I can :


int i = 5;
for ( i = 0; i <=5; i++ );
printf( "%d", i ) This would display a row of 5's

but what if I wanted to display a row of -----? What I am trying to do is read in a simple txt file, around the file I want ----1----2-----3 ect ect on the top ----a----b-----c down the side Then I want to be able to change the file at lets say position c2 and save it. This is the early stages of my attempt to set up a editable table.

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C :: Magic Letter For Making A Constant Number Be Int?

Sep 26, 2014

For example if I have typed 0xFF (a literal hex number that represents the value 255 for Unsigned Char or -1 for Signed Char) in part of my program. That 0xFF is treated as a Char not an Int, because the value is within the range supported by Char, the C compiler always tries to use the smallest datatype possible for the number that is needed for a literal value like this.

Unfortunately because Signed Char is the default Char type, 0xFF is translated into -1. I am wanting to use it to represent 255. So I'm trying to tell the compiler that 0xFF should be interpreted as either an Int or an Unsigned Char. How do I do this?

I already tried typing it with the magic letter "I", like this: 0xFFI

But that didn't work. What is the correct way to do this?

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C :: Euler Project - Number Letter Counts

Apr 30, 2013

I am working on Euler Project exercise number 17. Here is the problem from the website.

"If the numbers 1 to 5 are written out in words: one, two, three, four, five, then there are 3 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 19 letters used in total.If all the numbers from 1 to 1000 (one thousand) inclusive were written out in words, how many letters would be used?"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NUMSTART 1
#define NUMEND 1000

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Differentiate A Word / Letter And Number In A String

Aug 22, 2014

I have one string from user. Let say,

"The deviceId is 2"....but user also can give input like this..
"The deviceId is a".

I just need to know how to differentiate a word/letter and number in the string.

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C++ :: Program To Calculate A Grade Letter Into Number?

Feb 7, 2013

So I have to write a program to calculate a grade letter into a number.

Letter grades are A, B, C, D, and F, possibly followed by + or –. Their numeric values are 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0. There is no F+ or F–. A + increases the numeric value by 0.3, a – decreases it by 0.3. If the letter grade is illegal (such as "Z"), then your output should be "INVALID LETTER GRADE"; If the combination is illegal (such as "A+" or "F-") then your output should be "INVALID GRADE COMBINATION"

Also the code should look like this
Enter your letter grade: C+
Grade value is [2.3]

// Input
cout << "Enter your letter grade: ";
string s;
cin >> s;


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C++ :: Program That Counts Number Of Occurrence Of A Letter In A File

Feb 3, 2013

I need to create a program that asks the user for the filename, then counts the number of occurrence of each letter in that file.

Ex. if the file contains

Output will be

a = 6
b = 1
c = 2
z = 0

This has been my program so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include <cstdlib>
void countingFunction(string sentence) {

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Filling Array With Non Letter Char And It Outputs A Number?

Sep 2, 2014

I am trying to fill an array with blank spaces and instead i get the number 32 over and over, i think this is the ANSI code for that character. how do i get the character itself?

char values[max];
values[o]=' ';
printf("%2d ", values[o]);

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C Sharp :: Assign A Specific Number To Each Letter In A Sentence?

Feb 14, 2014

I have a string - a whole sentence that I want to assign a number to each letter, space, comma and period etc. So all "A's" will have the same number, all "B's" will have another number etc. I don't want to use the ASCII numbers because they all need to be sequential and some of the punctuation isn't. I have put the string into a char array to separate each character out and was thinking about running it through a loop with if statements for each letter and assigning numbers there and then saving the numbers in the order they appear into a list as a string but I keep coming up with errors so I don't know how to do it or if there is a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do.

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C++ :: Enter Number Or Letter And Sort In Ascending Or Descending Order

Jan 8, 2013


1. Choose what to enter NUMBER or LETTER.
2. Choose type of sorting ASCENDING or DESCENDING.

main() {
int x,y,z;
cout<<"choose Number or letter

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Crypt Input File Using ECIES

Nov 15, 2014

I am trying to make a basic crypting program, you simply input a file and it's crypted using ECIES.

So I use cryptopp, ( see the function : [URL] .....).

So I thought I just needed to open the files and crypt the content like that :

file = "lorem.txt"
std::ifstream if1s(file);
std::string content((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(if1s)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());

[Code] ....

Encrypt is a custom made function to make encryption simplier here is the header :

string encrypt(string message);

This works pretty well on text files but when I try to crypt a 1 mb image, the output is 0.5 kb which obviously can't be right, so I wonder if there is some specific way to crypt some files.

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C :: Crypt File With XOR Instruction - Fread / Fwrite Segmentation Fault

Jan 21, 2015

I try to crypt file with XOR instruction, by always receive segmentation fault. What's wrong with it?

#include <stdio.h>
main() {
FILE *fin,*fout;
char buff[40];
int a=0x11;
int i=0;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Crypt Source Code Of Ufasoft Miner To Make It Undetectable

Oct 18, 2012

I need to have Ufasoft Miner source code modified so it's rendered undetectable to antivirus software. The source code is located here: [URL]

It's programmed in C++.

We have other unrelated projects after this, that you might apply to.

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C++ :: GUI For N Puzzle

Dec 27, 2014

Some issues i had with my N puzzle code. I finished it and now i need to make a gui. It should respond the my code, and work according to my code. I never did something like this and i don't know where to start, what to read or what do to.

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C/C++ :: Puzzle And MinHeap Program

Apr 6, 2014

When ever i run the code in my VS it gives me this error .

driver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall LinkList::LinkList(void)" (??0LinkList@@QAE@XZ) already defined in 8puzzle.obj
1>driver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall LinkList::~LinkList(void)" (??1LinkList@@QAE@XZ) already defined in 8puzzle.obj
1>driver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall LinkList::Append(class Node)" (?Append@LinkList@@QAEXVNode@@@Z) already defined in 8puzzle.obj
1>driver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: bool __thiscall LinkList::operator==(class Node)" (??8LinkList@@QAE_NVNode@@@Z) already defined in 8puzzle.obj
1>c:usersgardezidocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsBCSF11M021DebugBCSF11M021.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========



using namespace std;
class Node {
int ** arr;
int realNumber;
int heuristicNumber;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Code To Create A Sudoku Puzzle

Dec 30, 2013

how to create a code to create a sudoku puzzle using C++ compiler

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C :: Program To Find Out Solution Of Sudoku Puzzle?

Jan 28, 2014

I'm doing a program about finding out the solution of a sudoku puzzle. I've been thinking about how I'm going to check every box of the small 3x3's. What would be the best and most efficient way of doing that?

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C++ :: Puzzle - Invalid Types Int For Array Subscript

May 15, 2012

#include <stdio.h>
void f( char *a ) {
((int *)a)[1][1] = 8;
int main() {
int a[2][3] = {

[Code] ....

3.cpp: In function 'void f(char*)':
3.cpp:5: error: invalid types 'int[int]' for array subscript

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C :: Convert A Number Grade To A Letter Grade

Feb 24, 2013

i'm having trouble with my c programming assignment. i'm trying to convert a number grade to a letter grade. I'm trying to Write a function (called: numToLetter) that takes as input a number from 0 to 100 and returns a character ( a single character ), based on the following: if the number is between 60 and 70 return Dif the number is greater than 90 return Aif the number is between 70 and 80 return Cif the number is between 0 and 60 return Fif the number is between 80 and 90, return B and i need to use the return statements to call the function like for example:

if (a > 90) return ('A');
elseif (a > 80)
return ('B');
elseif (a > 70)
return ('C'); else
return ('F');

how do if write my code with this function?

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Visual C++ :: Puzzle Game - Implement A Way To Save Board State Throughout User Inputted Path

Mar 16, 2013

I've been trying to figure out how to implement a way to save this board state throughout a user's inputted path. At the end, I need the output to print out the board states (user's path) of how he or she got the puzzle solved. This puzzle is the 15 Puzzle; but we have it to change by the user's input on what size they want to play (3x3 to 5x5). How to save the board state of each user input, then print those out in order from beginning to solved puzzle state. Subsequently, I would also need transferring the board state to change with using a vector to store the size based on user input. How to proceed, using a first search to solve the puzzle from the current board's state.


/*Calculations set as a header to keep compiling simple and faster*/

#ifndef calculations
#define calculations
int solved[5][5];
void initialize(int board[][5], int);
void slide(int board[][5],int move,int);
bool isBoardSolved(int board[][5],int);

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Arithmetic Using A For Loop?

Feb 15, 2013

One thing that I was not able to fully understand even though I read through the section on it a few times, is the for loop. I mean, I understand the premise of (statement, condition, update statement). However, I do not quite understand how a math problem is affected by this.

How this works using multiplication and division? And lastly, why would you use a do.. while loop?

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C :: Convert String To Arithmetic?

Mar 16, 2014

I've got this string: Code: char * string = "2+2"; I want to get an integer value = 4 from this. How would I go about doing this.

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C++ :: How To Create BST For Arithmetic Expression

Jan 15, 2015

I am a c++ leaner, I am trying to create a BST tree for this expression: 2346*+/8+, and do inorder and postorder to get the in-fix version, and postfix version of the expression. I am having difficulty to create the binary tree for the expression. Here is my peso code:

inorder fn{}
postorder fn{}
input the file;

[Code] ....

The tree I want to create is like this
(/) 8
+ 2
* 3
4 6

My problem for this code is that after create (4*6) tree, I cant link (+3) with (4*6).

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C/C++ :: Printing Out Arithmetic Sequence

Oct 6, 2014

I made a program that prints out arithmetic sequence.. but problem is that,

when I enter a(first term) =5, d(differnce)=2.4 and n=3 the program prints out only first two terms not three.. for all the other numbers it works correctly..

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