C :: Program To Find Out Solution Of Sudoku Puzzle?

Jan 28, 2014

I'm doing a program about finding out the solution of a sudoku puzzle. I've been thinking about how I'm going to check every box of the small 3x3's. What would be the best and most efficient way of doing that?

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C++ :: Code To Create A Sudoku Puzzle

Dec 30, 2013

how to create a code to create a sudoku puzzle using C++ compiler

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C/C++ :: Puzzle And MinHeap Program

Apr 6, 2014

When ever i run the code in my VS it gives me this error .

driver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall LinkList::LinkList(void)" (??0LinkList@@QAE@XZ) already defined in 8puzzle.obj
1>driver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall LinkList::~LinkList(void)" (??1LinkList@@QAE@XZ) already defined in 8puzzle.obj
1>driver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall LinkList::Append(class Node)" (?Append@LinkList@@QAEXVNode@@@Z) already defined in 8puzzle.obj
1>driver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: bool __thiscall LinkList::operator==(class Node)" (??8LinkList@@QAE_NVNode@@@Z) already defined in 8puzzle.obj
1>c:usersgardezidocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsBCSF11M021DebugBCSF11M021.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========



using namespace std;
class Node {
int ** arr;
int realNumber;
int heuristicNumber;

[Code] .....

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C :: Compiling Sudoku Program - Declare Constant Instances As Global Variables

Sep 18, 2013

I am trying to compile a c program for sudoku. I have declare const instances as global variables, but when i try to compile the code it says that my declarations are not constant, here is some of the code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

const int GRIDSIZE = 3;
const int GRID_SQUARED = GRIDSIZE * GRIDSIZE; //this line
const int ALL_VALUES = (1<<GRID_SQUARED)-1; //and this give//the error

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C/C++ :: Exponents Solution Do Not Give Right Answer If Last Number Ends In 5

Mar 19, 2014

I have two unassigned variables A,B . My program goes as follows

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>  
using namespace std;    
bool die (const string & msg);  

[Code] ....

This a program that makes a calculator in which this is a small portion of it, all the exponent numbers work exceptfor anything ending in 5.

Examples go as follow 2^3=8, 3^2=9, 5^2=24

I want to why this happens, is it because they are unassigned variables?

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C++ :: GUI For N Puzzle

Dec 27, 2014

Some issues i had with my N puzzle code. I finished it and now i need to make a gui. It should respond the my code, and work according to my code. I never did something like this and i don't know where to start, what to read or what do to.

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C++ :: Puzzle - Invalid Types Int For Array Subscript

May 15, 2012

#include <stdio.h>
void f( char *a ) {
((int *)a)[1][1] = 8;
int main() {
int a[2][3] = {

[Code] ....

3.cpp: In function 'void f(char*)':
3.cpp:5: error: invalid types 'int[int]' for array subscript

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C :: Check If Certain 9x9 Sudoku Grid Is Valid?

Sep 30, 2013

So my program is to check if a certain 9x9 sudoku grid is valid. i have to get the input through command argument. so for example.

./a.out sudoku.txt

So we have make my c program to use FILE I/O open and what not

program behavior must be as follow File does not exist.File contains something other than a sequence of 81 integers (too many, too few, non-int).

One or more of the values is not in the range 1..9 Violation of Sudoku rules (this is the big one!) In case 4, you should report the violation (or any one of the violations if there are multiple -- you do not need to exhaustively enumerate all violations).

For example: Row Violation: entries (2,2) and (2,6) are both equal to 7. (Similarly for column and box violations). All i know is that i need to make a 2d 9 by 9 array

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C++ :: Data Structure In Sudoku Game

May 23, 2014

I want to know if you have made Sudoku game in c++, which kind of data structure did you use? shortly, which part of the game did you use for? [Array, Stack, Queue, Linked List, Binary Search Tree]

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C# :: Sudoku Solver Using Loops / Textboxes

Apr 28, 2014

As it is known there are nine boxes and in each box we can put numbers 1-9 without repetition. I am trying to check a given filled Sudoku puzzle whether appropriate numbers are inserted in each of the nine boxes. For the time being I don't consider row repetition and column repetition. I wrote the code using loops and condition

I used 9*9 text-boxes. The names of the textboxes is sequential like for example for the first box

Actually, I used also the controls id to access the text boxes, and each box is checking with the neighboring boxes for equality both in forward -> and backward <-


So here is the code

public void BoxCheck() {
int start = 82, end = 74;
int i, b, f;
for (int p = 1; p <= 9; p++, start -= 9, end -= 9) {
richTextBox1.AppendText("Box " + 1);

[Code] ....

This works pretty fine, but is is the right way to do it? it is efficient? Remember for a full checking I have to include row check and column check as well, this is just for checking within each of the 9 boxes in Sudoku.

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C++ :: Crypt Arithmetic Puzzle - Replace Each Letter As S Number

Oct 28, 2013

Dont know how to replace each letter as s number ... this is the question i was given ...

In cryptarithmetic puzzles, mathematical equations are written using letters. Each letter can be a digit from 0 to 9, but no two letters can be the same. Here is a sample problem:


A solution to the puzzle is S = 9, R = 8, O = 0, M = 1, Y = 2, E = 5, N = 6, D = 7.

Write a program that finds a solution to the cryptarithmetic puzzle of the following:


The simplest technique is to use a nested loop for each unique letter (in this case T, O, G, D). The loops would systematically assign the digits from 0 to 9 to each letter. For example, it might first try T=0,O=0,G=0,D=0, thenT=0,O=0, G = 0, D = 1, then T = 0, O = 0, G = 0, D = 2, etc., up to T = 9, O = 9, G = 9, D = 9. In the loop body, test that each variable is unique and that the equation is satisfied. Output the values for the letters that satisfy the equation.

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C++ :: Convert SUDOKU Solver From Depth-First To Breadth-First

Mar 5, 2013

/* Sudoku solver using dept-first search*/

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
struct valpos//structure which carries information about the position of the cell and its value {
int val;
int row;
int col;

[Code] ....

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C# :: Sudoku Solver / Generator - Text Box Change Event

Feb 25, 2014

I am creating a sudoku solver/generator. I have 81 text boxes on the form. I want the form to automatically clean up the input, eliminating alpha characters, and values under 1 or over 10. Anyways I have this method written, but I really don't want to go through and type up a change method for each text box. Is there to write a method that fires when ANY text box is changed, and gets the string value from the changed text box?

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Visual C++ :: Puzzle Game - Implement A Way To Save Board State Throughout User Inputted Path

Mar 16, 2013

I've been trying to figure out how to implement a way to save this board state throughout a user's inputted path. At the end, I need the output to print out the board states (user's path) of how he or she got the puzzle solved. This puzzle is the 15 Puzzle; but we have it to change by the user's input on what size they want to play (3x3 to 5x5). How to save the board state of each user input, then print those out in order from beginning to solved puzzle state. Subsequently, I would also need transferring the board state to change with using a vector to store the size based on user input. How to proceed, using a first search to solve the puzzle from the current board's state.


/*Calculations set as a header to keep compiling simple and faster*/

#ifndef calculations
#define calculations
int solved[5][5];
void initialize(int board[][5], int);
void slide(int board[][5],int move,int);
bool isBoardSolved(int board[][5],int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Find Min / Max And Avg Without Arrays In Program

Sep 24, 2014

This program does everything i want except for one major problem and one small one.

1. The program keeps taking my last entered number and counting it as max and min
2. When I go to end with 0 it adsd the enter number prompt then returns.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()


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C/C++ :: Program To Find The Sum Between Two Numbers

Sep 25, 2014

Q)Write a program to find the sum between (2 numbers )

what's the problem here !

int a,b,c;
int sum=0;
printf(" number1=");


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C++ :: Program To Find Vowels In Each Word

Mar 6, 2014

How to make a program that find vowel in each word.

For ex:
he is good.

No. of vowel:

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C++ :: Program To Find Area Of Triangle?

May 26, 2013

i have written a program to find area of triangle, but i meet some errors,

//******area of triangle******//
using namespace std;


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C++ :: Write A Program That Find A Years Day?

Aug 12, 2014

Given that today is June 9, thursday, write a program that will print the day of the week on June 9, after x years from now. Assume one year is 365 days.

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C++ :: How To Find Path To A Specific Program

Feb 16, 2014

In my C++ program, lets call it menu.exe, I want the user to be able to run a specific program when selecting a specific menu, let's call this program cios.exe.

As the users of my program can have the cios.exe installed in any folder location, I need a way to first locate where the cios.exe is located and then start it with ShellExecute. My problem is : How do I find the path to where cios.exe is located in anyones PC as it can be installed it any folder location.

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C/C++ :: Program To Find Majority In Array?

Sep 13, 2014

I have written a program that will input a text file named "inarray.cpp", which contains 10 numbers each separated by a comma, into an array and display the majority on the screen. I am having trouble reading the file in the correct way. For example the numbers have to be on their own separate lines with no commas for my program to work.


I need to read in 1,2,3,4,5...
but instead i am reading 1

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>


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C++ :: Program To Find Transpose Of Given Square Matrix

Mar 24, 2013

I want to find transpos of square matrix.but my program does not run complete.

using namespace std;
const int size=3;
void read(int a[size][size])

[Code] .....

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C :: Program To Find Mean Of Elements In Columns Which Are Divided By 3

Aug 9, 2014

The program need to find mean of elements in columns which are divided by 3. And to print which colmn has the greater mean


For matrix:
7 9 5
17 15 30
29 34 60

Program print: 0 12 45. The greater mean: 3 column.

I wrote this code and it prints 0 12 45 idk how to find which column has greater mean?


#include <stdio.h>
#define max 50
int main()
{int n,m,i,j,k,d,br=0,suma;
int a[max][max];
int b[max][max];
printf("Kolku redici i kolku koloni da imat matricite: ");
scanf("%d %d ", &n,&m);


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C :: Program To Find The Square Root Of A Number

Dec 5, 2013

I am writing a program to find the square root of a number. I am using the Newton-Raphson method..Just to clarify a bit of the code.. fabs(1/(x+1)) < 0.001 is to check for relative error..

EXAMPLE: for user entry of 100 if the iteration process ends in 10.055 the answer will return as 10 which is correct. But it isn't doing that.

It compiles I then proceed to run it..prompts me "Enter a number to find the square root of: I type 100 then hit enter...

"The square root of 100 is -1077834936"

My first time writing a program from complete scratch.

And I know there is a sqrt() function...just wanted to write my own.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double mysqrt(double a);
int main()
double a, result;
printf("Enter a number to find the square root of: ");


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C++ :: Program Displays Not Found Even If Find ID Number

Oct 1, 2014

This is just the portion of my program. This program displays Not Found even if the id number is found.

void search(void) {
char ID[10];
int i, found;
cout<<"Enter ID to search: ";

[Code] .....

Here's the incorrect output

Enter ID to search: 111

Not found
Name: jude
ID: 111
Semester: 1
Major: IT

I just want to remove the "Not found".

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C++ :: A Program To Find All Pair Of Numbers Between 0 And N That Equal K

Oct 29, 2013

int main()
int a=0, c, d, N, K;
bool stopBool = 0;


This is supposed to find take a number N and K and find all numbers between 0 and N that equal K and cout the number of pairs that fit it but it doesn't work.

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