C :: Converting Char Array To Int16 Type

Apr 18, 2013

I am trying to convert a char buffer[1024] with raw data to int 16 buffer2[1024] which is supposed to have hex data (0x01, 0x02 kind of format).

char temp_buffer[1024];
block_size = sizeof(temp_buffer);
num_blocks = sizeof(char);
Status = mount(0, &myfsObject);
if(Status != DAVEApp_SUCCESS)

[Code] .....

I am verifying the data of resultant buffer by creating a new file and writing data to it. The result which i got is:

Code: H uy H uy H uy H uy H uy H uy H uy H uy

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C++ :: Changing Array Of Numbers Of Type Char To Type Int?

Apr 27, 2013

I'm having some problems with changing an array of numbers of type char to type int. Every time i try to sum 2 array indexed values it returns some letter or symbol. Also, if i change the type of the array in the functions the compiler gives me an error message. I would also like to add that the problem requires that the first two arrays be char so each individual number gets assigned to a different value.

My current code is:

#include <iostream>
void input(char a[], char b[], int& size_a, int& size_b);
void convert(char a[], int size);
void reverse(char a[], int size);
void add(char a[], char b[], int c[], int size);
int main()


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C++ :: Convert Element Of Int Type Of Array To Char Type?

Dec 21, 2013

how to convert an element of int type of an array to char type?

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C++ :: Converting String To Char Array

Mar 30, 2014

In this program, I have to ask the user for an employee, then the program will check to see if the file for that employee exist, if it doesnt then it will automatically create the file.

ReadNew function reads the file....check to see if it exist

CreateNew function creates a new file.

In my code I have no problem with the first part of reading file.. and my createnew function works in other programs where I am asking for input of file name to create the file name. However in this code I cannot figure how to automatically pass the input filename from the ReadNew function to the CreateNew function. I can't ask the user to enter the name a second time, so I have to pass the input filename into both functions. Here is my code.


//Create a file, append to it, and read it.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
char filename[256];
string n;
string filelist;
void CreateNew(ofstream & FileNew);


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C++ :: Typecasting Char Array To Int (Not Converting)

Jun 1, 2014

I am looking for the correct syntax to typecast a character array as an int. So I would be able to do something like this:

char ch[4];
//...Read characters from file into ch or something, etc...
int i = ( int ) &ch;


char ch[4];
//...Read characters from file into ch or something, etc...
int i;
strncpy ( ( char* ) &i, ch, 4 )

I want all the 4 characters ( or bytes ) of ch to be classed as an int. So we are taking the 4 bytes of the character array and placing them in 4 bytes of the integer? How would i go about this?

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C :: Array Of Char Pointer Type Mismatch

Apr 20, 2013

I have an array of char pointers:

Code: char *input_args[MAX_ARGS];

And I have this function:

Code: BOOL parseArgs(char **input_args[], input arg_num);

I am trying to pass a pointer to this char pointer array like this:

Code: parseArgs(&input_args, args_num);

But the compiler is complaining:

Code: warning: passing argument 1 of 'parseArgs' from incompatible pointer type ...

note: expected 'char ***' but argument is of type 'char * (*)[20]'

Tried a bunch of stuff but nothing works.

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C++ :: How To Insert Strings Into Array Of Type Char

Sep 2, 2013

How to insert strings into an array of type char and also delete strings from that char array.

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C++ :: Global Char Type Array Initializing

Mar 20, 2015

I am not getting any error below

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main()
char sqr[3];
sqr[0] = '1';
sqr[1] = '1';
cout << sqr[0] << sqr[1];
while (1);

but if I move my char type array before main , I get error l

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char sqr[3];
sqr[0] = '1';
sqr[1] = '1';
void main()
cout << sqr[0] << sqr[1];
while (1);

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C++ :: Wrong Return Type When Returning Char Array As Pointer

Apr 25, 2014

I am writing a class Player which has several char arrays as private fields. I am trying to write a method which returns an array as a pointer, but doesn't alter the array in any way, thus the const.

Here is a snippet:

Code: class Player
int rating;
char first[MAX_NAME_CHAR + ONE_VALUE];
int groupNumber = NEG_ONE;
char * GetFirst() const
return first;

Visual studio is saying that the return type doesn't match.

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C :: Set Variable Of Type Char Equal To Element In Array Of Characters

Mar 3, 2014

I am trying to set a variable of type char equal to an element in an array of characters. For example:

char data[4] = "x+1";
char element;
element = data[2];

This seems like a logical progression from number arrays, but when I print both element and data[2], I get data[2] as expected, but element gives a different character every time (I assume a garbage value).

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C++ :: Converting Int To Char

Feb 20, 2014

Why is this

Code: fFile << (char) (i)p.x, (char) (i)p.y,(char) (i)p.z); not the same as this

Code: printf("%c%c%c", (i)p.x, (i)p.y, (i)p.z);

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C++ :: Converting Char To Hex

Nov 8, 2014

Having trouble converting char to hex.

according to here [URL] ....
ô in decimal is 147 and print ô using alt 147

and here [URL] ....
ô in dec is 244 but prints ⌠ using alt 244

put on console

char c = ô;
cout << (int)c << endl;

prints -109 and print m using alt -109

I am using alt to test char output. Why I'm getting a negative value? Which of the tables are correct? I have string of char that I want to print in hex. I get a hex string but the hex value don't correspond to any of the two tables on the websites because the console converts special char to negative values.

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C# :: Converting Typeof To Instance Type?

Sep 29, 2014

I'm trying to send out a message to all classes that are a Director. The only issue I'm running into is converting the typeof the object so the receiever parameter can hold it.

Here's my code for sending the message:

messageDispatcher.DispatchMessage(new Telegram(typeof(Director), this));

Here's where the receiver of the message gets assigned:

private IOwner receiver;
private object message;
public Telegram(object receiver, object message) {
this.receiver = receiver as IOwner;
this.message = message;

I tried using the Activator class to instantiate the object but was running into issues with getting it to accept the object passed. Here's what I had had:

this.receiver = (IOwner)Activator.CreateInstance((Type)receiver);

No matter what I've tried the receiver ends up being null. How could I go about assigning the type correctly to it?

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C/C++ :: Determine Input Type Without Converting

Sep 19, 2014

Originally I had to create a simple integer palindrome program that looped while the user entered 5 digit inputs (entering -1 stopped the loop). I did this using a conversion to string, reading the length to determine if the length was valid, and then reading the string forward and backwards inside of a while loop. (snippet below)

while( digitsEntered != -1)//Allow user to quit by entering -1 to end the loop
ostringstream convert;//conversion stream
convert << digitsEntered;//converted text from number goes in the stream
convertedString = convert.str();//store the resulting conversion to convertedString

[Code] ....

The next stage of this program was to do the same thing with strings instead of integers. However, the option to end the loop by entering -1 is still a requirement.

I think the way to do this is to first determining whether the input is a string or an integer, and if it is a string then read it and if it's an integer determine if it's -1. However, whenever I write code to do this, it converts strings to 0 so the string is not stored and cannot be read to determine if it is a palindrome. Is there a way to determine the type of input without converting it into a different type i.e. read string and then keep string or read number and keep number?

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C++ :: Converting Int To Char - Getting Error

May 31, 2013

I am tying to convert an int to a char. Below is an example of the code that I have but I am getting an error('=':left operand must be l-value). I am not seeing a problem with the code.

int num = 5;
char temp[2];
char final[2];
itoa(num, temp, 10);
m_pRes->final = temp;

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C++ :: Converting Char Pointer To String

Mar 5, 2013

Here's the code I'm working on:

string* arrayPush(string *array, char **toks){

if(array[sizeofHistory -1].empty()){
//find the next available element
for(int i=0; i < sizeofHistory; i++ ){

[Code] ....

toks is an array of pointers to strings. I need to assign a toks to array[i].

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C++ :: Converting String To Char And Float

Nov 15, 2013

So I have to convert ("a499.9") into a char and a float while ignoring the a.

I have the string stored in a buffer and found how to get the char, 4. But I don't know how to get 99.9 as a float.

Here is my code so far.

#include <string>
using namespace std;
main() {
buffer = "a499.9";

[Code] ....

My output:


How to get that double out?

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C++ :: Converting A String Input To Char?

Feb 8, 2015

I am writing a program that asks the user for their gender. I know that atoi converts arrays into integers, but I need the input from the user in the form of F or M into a char, and return it to the main function to be displayed at the end of the program.

string Employee::getgender(char gen)
cout << "Please enter your Gender: " << endl;
//atoi function would go here, what for char?
return gen;

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C# :: SQLException - Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Numeric

Oct 22, 2014

I am writing a simple program to suck in a txt file then pump it into sql.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

[Code] ......

How I can get past this error and get the data into sql? I read a couple articles on .tag but not sure I understand what to do.

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C :: Type Cast To Char

May 7, 2014

I have this program.

int test_variable;
int main() {
test_variable = (int)0x12;

Now my doubt is what is the advantage of type casting 0x12 to int. suppose if the test_variable data type is "char" then should i type cast to "char"?

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C++ :: Char Data Type Variable

Jun 12, 2013

I have two char variables, m_GPSOffset[13] and m_FileName[100]. When m_GPSOffset has a value assigned to it, say for instance +11:25:30. The first entry of the value, in this case +, is always stored in m_FileName. I am clueless on why this is occurring.

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C++ :: Convert Int Type To Constant Char

Jun 17, 2014

How can you convert int type to const char*

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C :: Unsigned Char - Pointer Type Casting

Dec 2, 2013

I came across some code and it's not clear why it is casting an unsigned char * to another pointer type only to free it right after. Here are the relevant structures:

struct _Edje_Message {
Edje *edje;
Edje_Queue queue;
Edje_Message_Type type;
int id;
unsigned char *msg;

[Code] .....

As you can see, _Edge_Message has a *msg field, but in the function below, they cast it to the other two structure types inside the case blocks of the switch statement only to free it. What is the point or advantage of doing this?

_edje_message_free(Edje_Message *em) {
if (em->msg) {
int i;
switch (em->type) {

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Returning Variables As Char Type With If Statement

Feb 17, 2014

Ive been getting an odd error with this code when I try to compile it, as well as Im not quite sure as how to return my variable "compType" as a char type.

#include <iostream>
#include "Shape.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;
void inputShape( char shape)

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Multi Condition Function For Char Type

Jan 30, 2013

I have always written like a>='0'&&a<='9'&&a>='a'&&a<='z' in loops etc, but no more. Basically add whatever you want to condition, and if you want point a to point b just separate them with a '-' sign. Simply

bool isCharInside(char check,string condition="a-zA-Z*/+=|-|0-9"){
for(unsigned int x=0,z=getLenght(condition);x<z;++x){
for(;condition[x]<=condition[x+2];++condition[x]){if(condition[x]==check)return true;};x+=2;}
else if(check==condition[x])return true;
return false;}

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C++ :: Does Uses Of Pointer In Char Type Cause Extra Overhead

Sep 8, 2014

Does uses of pointer in char type cause extra overhead?

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