C++ :: Char Array Variables In If Statements?

Mar 25, 2013

I'm currently doing the exercises for the fifth chapter (Loops) and I've done all of them, but I wanted to go the extra mile on the last program I'm supposed to design. The program is a poll and all the input from the user will be with numbers. However when a letter is pressed then of course you get wrong behaviour from the program, it keeps looping endlessly.

Here is a fragment of what I think is the way of doing it - but of course it's not working

int p = 0
char anyLetter[]={"abcde"};//Initializing char variable
char a = anyLetter[p];
else if (userAnswer[n] == a)//if statement where char needs to be used.
cout << "Pressing a letter maybe? It's only with numbers. Try again." << endl;

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C++ :: Force Variables To Be Stored In Char Array

Jan 7, 2015

I want to declare a char* array, and then make any future variables declared to be stored in a specific location within the char* array. Is this even possible, and if it is how would I go about doing it. (I plan on storing any primitive data type in it (not classes or structs), and they may signed or unsigned).....

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C/C++ :: Force Variables To Be Stored In Char Array

Jan 7, 2015

I want to declare a char* array, and then make any future variables declared to be stored in a specific location within the char* array. Is this even possible, and if it is how would I go about doing it (I plan on storing any primitive data type in it (no classes or structs), and they may signed or unsigned). I want to be able to use the variables like any other variable, I just want the variable's address to be within the char* array.

I am trying to make a program that is similar to a virtual machine and an emulator put together, and it can only run one os (which will be hard-coded into to the program). The reason I wanted to do this is because it would be the easiest way to make sure that all variables in memory are in one contiguous block, that way the part that manages memory wouldn't have to store the locations of each variable (which would have been necessary for the virtual memory manager).

An example of what I am wanting to do is

char* ram [256]; // Address 0x00 to 0xff

// Code to make sure that new variables' addresses are in ram[] if necessary

unsigned short a = 5; // Gets stored at address 0x00

unsigned int b = a; // Gets stored at address 0x00+sizeof(a)

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C++ :: Why If Statements Will Not Recognize Characters Inputted For Char

Oct 4, 2013

/*Write a program that mimics a calculator. The program should take as input two integers and the operation to be performed. It should then output the numbers, the operator, and the result.(For division, if the denominator is zero, output and appropriate message.) Some sample outputs follow:


#include <stdio.h>
int main()


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C/C++ :: Convert Char Variables To String?

Apr 17, 2013

I need to find some sort of method to convert a series of char variables to a string, to be shown in a label. I've searched for two days and experimented myself just as long, and the closest I've gotten simply puts ASCII values into the string with the following command:

label1 -> Text = System::Convert::ToString(fdp8), System::Convert::ToString(fdp7), 
System::Convert::ToString(fdp6), System::Convert::ToString(fdp5), 
System::Convert::ToString(fdp4), System::Convert::ToString(fdp3), 
System::Convert::ToString(fdp2), System::Convert::ToString(fdp1);

fdp1-fdp8 are all char variables.

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C :: Local Variables - Swap Char Pointers

Apr 23, 2013

I have the following code. According to this the values of pointers p[0] and p[1] remains unchanged since the swap is made to local variables in swap function.Now my doubt is how can I swap the pointers p[0] and p[1] inside the function swap??


#include<stdio.h>int main(){char*p[2]={"hello","good morning"};
printf("%s %s",p[0],p[1]);return0;
}void swap(char*a,char*b){char*t; t=a; a=b; b=t;

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C++ :: Returning Variables As Char Type With If Statement

Feb 17, 2014

Ive been getting an odd error with this code when I try to compile it, as well as Im not quite sure as how to return my variable "compType" as a char type.

#include <iostream>
#include "Shape.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;
void inputShape( char shape)

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Booking System - Comparing 2 Char Variables In Check Function

Aug 31, 2014

I had problem in comparing 2 char vairable in check function


variable r take input from user and compare to room_no read from file.


[Code] .....

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C++ :: Comparing Char Array To Char Always Returns True

Dec 23, 2014

I've made a code to check whether or not a save file has been created correctly, but for some reason it always returns this line: readdata[qa]=='1' as true. in which qa is the counter I use in a for loop and readdata is a character array consisting of 50 characters that are either 0, 1 or 2.

this is the entire code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


at first is also went wrong at line 22 and also returned that as true, but then I added brackets and it worked.

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C++ :: Concatenate Two Char Arrays Into Single Char Array?

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to concatenate two words from a file together. ex: "joe" "bob" into "joe bob". I have provided my function(s) below. I am somehow obtaining the terminal readout below. I have initialized my memory (I have to use dynamic, dont suggest fixing that). I have set up my char arrays (I HAVE TO USE CHAR ARRAYS (c-style string) DONT SUGGEST STRINGS) I know this is a weird way to do this, but it is academic. I am currently stuck. My file will read in to my tempfName and templName and will concatenate correctly into my tempName, but I am unable to correctly get into my (*playerPtr).name.

/* this is my terminal readout
joe bob
<- nothing is put into (*playerPtr).name, why not?
joe bob joe bob
seg fault*/
//This is here to show my struct/playerInit


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C :: Char Array With A Phrase To Char Word

Nov 28, 2013

I need to do a function that copy every word from a text to a char word. How can i do it?

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C/C++ :: Array With Two Variables And Loop

Feb 18, 2014

I have two variables t and x in an array that alternate. I want to add two t's and find the average and then do the same for the x's. After that, I want to find the slope of x -> t. My problem is that I specify the n for t, but since it's local I can;t use it for the slope. Here's my code so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double PA [8] = {0.0001234, 1.0005434, 0.0005678, 1.0023423, 0.00063452, 1.0001546, 0.00074321, 1.00017654};

[Code] ....

And, can I actually use the n2 as an index, or will the processor not understand that?

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C :: Parsing Char Array To Array Of Struct To Process Packets

May 28, 2013

I wrote this simplified version of a program i am writing that parses data in UDP packets. In the process of doing so i pretty much answered all my questions and fix all the problems i was having.

decodeSystemMap function will be in loop, and will proccess packets that have mostly the same data, only a few items will be added or changed or deleted.

whats the best way to check if there are any new, deleted, or removed items in the packet and only modify those?
Is there anything unsafe / dangrous about the way the code is now?

/* * File: main.c
* Author: david
* Created on May 23, 2013, 11:57 AM

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

[Code] ....

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C :: Automatic Declaration Of Array Variables

Jul 14, 2014

I have some files:

file1: 1000x500 array of numbers
file2: 2000x600
file3: 300x5000

I would like to automatically declare array variables of myarray1, myarray2, myarray3... that reads the numbers from files:

for (i1=0; i1<nrows; i1++)
for (i2=0; i2<ncolumns; i2++)
fscanf(filename, "%lf", &y);

nrows and ncolumns can be passed from a config file. Also I can cat all files into a single filename. However, the difficult part is:

How to declare different myarrayX automatically ? (A workaround is to declare a huge 3d array but I do not want to do this).

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C :: Printing Sum Of Variables From Array Of Structure?

Oct 10, 2014

I have an array of structure that takes family information (name, age, and state) after it takes the users input it prints back all of the information that was input and then prints the family members that just live in Texas. After that I am trying to implement a function to average out the ages of all family members but I cant seem to get it right, whenever it gets to that part of the program it just outputs 0. I also tried adding an & sign prior to FAMILY[i].age and got an error of int from ptr with no cast.

Also I realize that the code only shows adding of the family members ages which is fine for now as I am concentrated on getting that to work in the first place.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//Global Variables
int i=0, a=0, sum=0;


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C :: Rotating Array And Assigning It To Different Variables

Feb 3, 2013

I have a problem with rotating an array and assigning it to different variables. This is wat i have done.


int n[16],a[16],n1[16],n2[16],n3[16],n4[16],n5[16],n6[16],n7[16],n8[16],n9[16],n10[16],n11[16],n12[16],n13[16],n14[16],n15[16],n16[16], c=0;
int x[16],i,j,k;
int rotate();


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C++ :: How To Save Two Digit Variables In Array

Feb 11, 2014

I am trying to redefine an array, but the result can only display one digit variable. I want the program to display 97 98 99 *+, but the program is only displaying 789*+.

int main() {
string test="abc*+";
for(int i=0; i<test.size;i++)


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C++ :: Passing Array Of Variables By Reference?

Sep 10, 2014

I define an integer variable and pass it by reference to a function.

int func(int &x)
// do something
int x;

However, I have not only one variable but an array of variables with its predefined name. How do I pass to the function by using loop? Example:

int x, y, z;

How can I do this by using loop?

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C++ :: Convert Uint8 Array To Unsigned Char Array?

Mar 2, 2012

I have the following code which attempts to assign a u_int8 array of 256 to an unsigned char[256]:

unsigned char testData[256]=pSample->data;

I get the compilation error:

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const uint8_t [256]' to 'unsigned char [256]'

What is the safe way to cast or convert here?

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C/C++ :: If Else Statements Being Ignored

Feb 7, 2015

My problem is that some of my conditions are not being triggered when the price level of a medium or large discount is smaller than the cost of the widget(defined as .40) An example being ,base price, $2 med discount 80%, and large discount 90%. My med discount is,1.6(80%) off of 2, so $.40, which is fine, but 90% off mean 1.8(90%) off of a base of $2, which is $.20 which is too low., and should trigger the 4th if statement, Nick you are discounting large purchases too much!. However when I run this in the program, I am triggering the first if statement.

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define widget_cost 0.40
int main (){
float sellprice;
float discount_med_price;

[Code] ....

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C :: Boolean Value Use For If And Else Statements

Apr 20, 2013

Am i using boolean values correctly? our professor wanted boolean value use for the if and else statements.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define GRAVITY 9.8
#define LIMIT 500
#define SEC 5

[Code] ....

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C :: IF Statements Within Loops

Jan 29, 2014

I've just started learning the C language, and I'm stuck on something that is probably quite simple.how to get IF statements working within WHILE loops. My code is below. I am trying to write a program to count the number of words in a sentence, and obviously stop counting after a full stop has been entered. I created a variable called 'spaces' which will increase by one after the user enters a space. However, when the IF statement is in place, the loop never terminates, even if I enter a full stop. When I delete the IF statement, the loop functions correctly.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char x;
char a;
char y;
int spaces = 0;


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C++ :: How To Use If Statements With Strings

Jul 3, 2013

I've got a very simple but annoying problem.

if (letter3=="

This is a code. the string "letter3" contains the string "
". What I want to happen is when, letter3 contains the text "
" I want to go to the function PrintCharacterLineEnd.

However, as of right now it's not working.

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C/C++ :: Using Strings And If Statements?

May 3, 2012

The problem with this code is that there are no errors showing, but when i compile the program, the if else statements do not carry out as they should do. Both if statements show the same answer, for example the second if statement. If I type Y or N then I get the same thing, 'You will now choose an event'. How do i get rid of this problem? Is char supposed to be used or string?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>


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C :: For Loop Skipping Statements

Jan 26, 2013

im a newbie C user and im having a little trouble in these for loop of mine im using. the first iteration is all fine but on the second and succesive iterations the first gets statement is skipped. im making a program that would ask the user to input multiple informations for atleast 5 people. i was also asked to use structures.. here is the code i have come up so far.. ive been stuck in it for like 3 hours now.


void main()


gets part for the line "Enter ID Number is skipped on the second iteration..

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C :: If Statements For Dice Rolling

Oct 9, 2014

I'm very new to C Programming and am doing some homework for my intro to C class. "There is a game where one can play and bet money on. Two dice are rolled and the numbers that appear on the dice are added together. If the total is 7 or 11, then the user wins. If the total is 2 or 12, then the user loses. If a different total appears. then the user gets their money back."

I have written the program below:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main()
int d1,d2,sum;


However, after finishing the program, I realized that I NEEDED to use random numbers!!! How do I make my program generate random numbers within a range of 1-12? Also, how do I make my program generate NEW random numbers EVERY TIME instead of ONCE??

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