C :: Printing Sum Of Variables From Array Of Structure?

Oct 10, 2014

I have an array of structure that takes family information (name, age, and state) after it takes the users input it prints back all of the information that was input and then prints the family members that just live in Texas. After that I am trying to implement a function to average out the ages of all family members but I cant seem to get it right, whenever it gets to that part of the program it just outputs 0. I also tried adding an & sign prior to FAMILY[i].age and got an error of int from ptr with no cast.

Also I realize that the code only shows adding of the family members ages which is fine for now as I am concentrated on getting that to work in the first place.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//Global Variables
int i=0, a=0, sum=0;


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C++ :: Printing Out A Cout Statement Using Stored Variables

Feb 9, 2015

Im trying to run my program and it works fine until the very end where I want it to read "<name> is a <gender> citizen of <nation>." with the corresponding variables. Here is my work for the time being. Also is there a way to make it where if someone puts a M or m for gender, it will spit out Male instead of just m or M.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char gender;


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C++ :: Uninitialized Variables In Structure

Aug 7, 2013

I have a structure

Code: struct time{
char hours;
char minutes;
char seconds;
char dummy;

I have kept dummy as the data to be aligned.I will update hours, minutes, and seconds , but will not use dummy in any case.

If I don't initialize 'dummy' does it make any errors ?

Do I need to initialize hours, minutes, seconds as well before I use the structure ?

If so is there any particular reason ?

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C :: Uninitialized Variables Inside A Structure

Aug 7, 2013

Let me say I have a structure

struct time{
char hours;
char minutes;
char seconds;
char dummy;

I have kept dummy as the data to be aligned.I will update hours, minutes, and seconds , but will not use dummy in any case. If I don't initialize 'dummy' does it make any errors ? Do I need to initialize hours, minutes, seconds as well before I use the structure ? If so is there any particular reason ?

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C/C++ :: How To Pass Structure Variables Between Functions

Jul 13, 2014

I have a project for class where I have to create a structure and get user input for 3 structure variable arrays of 10. I am trying to figure out how I can use the same function to fill my different section of variables.

My Structure is an employee file of ID number, name, hours, payrate, and then gross pay. I have to create a function for each input function. I am confused on how to pass the structure variable so that I do not have to write 3 functions for each input. I would like to be able to get all the info for the first structure variable and then recall the same 5 functions for the next before moving along. I hope that I have been able to make this clear. Here is my code:

using namespace std;
struct PayPeeps_CL//Payroll Structure {

[Code] .....

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C :: Printing Array With A New Value

Nov 21, 2013

I have an array, ary[size+1] and the original values entered and then another value, x, entered. I found the index of x that makes the array nondecreasing order


void InsertX (int ary[], int size, int x)
int i=0;
int j;
int index;


But i can't figure out how to print the new array with x in it, using its index

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C :: Printing A Box Using 2D Array

May 8, 2013

how to print a box using 2d arrrays. i have to create a tetris game which a im stuck at this stage... so far i have tired i can only come out with this..my coding done so far is as follows:


#include <stdio.h>
#define ROW 15
#define COLUMN 15
void disp_box (char b[ROW][COLUMN])


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C++ :: Why Can Initialize Array Nested In Structure Like Array

Feb 7, 2015

Example :
struct x {
int v[4];
const x test = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

Why can I do this? How does the compiler know to write to this in the proper way? I get that v would be contiguous. Does that have something to do with it?

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C++ :: 3 Dimensional Array Printing?

Oct 25, 2013

I want to make a program that asks the user for a message and then print out a large graphic of that message. For example, if the user types "he" I want to print out

H..................H EEEEEEEEE
H..................H E
H..................H E
H..................H E
H..................H E
H..................H E
H..................H E
H..................H EEEEEEEEE

(treat the periods as spaces. I only put them there because it wouldn't separate the H's correctly.)

I will loop this to continue until the user types quit.

1. How would I set this up to store the user input characters into an array?

2. How would I print out the stored data in the shape of the word?

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C++ :: Printing Out Prime From Array

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to print out prime from array. I have viewed other sources that are similar and tried to use as reference, but only to confuse myself. This is what i have so far.

void get_output(int&Max,int array[]) {
for(i=1;i<=10;i++) // allow 10 outputs on a line. {
for(int i=0;i<Max;i++) {

[Code] ......

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C/C++ :: Printing The Contents Of The Array?

Feb 18, 2014

I am writing a code with C where I will give an integer and get the binary conversion of it.I tried to fill the binary digits into an integer array.But when I normally print it will give the proper output.But when I try to print the contents of the array it will not produce the proper result.

My code would be as follows.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()


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C/C++ :: Reading And Printing 2D Array?

Apr 10, 2015

I have a program where I need to read in a 96 number .txt file and perform some operations on it.However, the numbers it reads in are all inncorrect. I got it to work in XCode, but it doesnt work in DevC++ which is where the teacher will be running it. Do I have any major error?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define rows 8
#define cols 12
void makeArray(FILE*,int[][cols]);
int getScore(int[rows][cols],int,int);


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C :: Printing Duplicates Found In Array?

May 8, 2013

I'm having some trouble printing the duplicates found in an array. Specifically, when the value is at more than 2 positions. So if the value 3 is at position 1, 10, and 11 it'll print three messages instead of two:

value 3 at position 1 is also at position 10
value 3 at position 1 is also at position 11
value 3 at position 10 is also at position 11

instead of

value 3 at position 1 is also at position 10
value 3 at position 1 is also at position 11

This is real simple problem, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've been trying to implement another array to 'remember' the encountered position, but I haven't had any luck.

for(i = 0; i < num_count; i++){for (j = i + 1; j < num_count; j++) {if (num[i] == num[j]){printf("
value %d at position %d is also at position %d", num[i], i, j);}}}

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C :: Set Every Array Value In Structure To Zero

Nov 22, 2013

i'd like to ask if it's possible to fill every array in structure to zero. (Without using too much cycles)Something like this (I know that it doesn't work):


typedef struct {
char name[30], sname[30], adress[30], day, month; int year; char number[9], email[30];
} person;
void create_list(person z[100])


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C/C++ :: Printing Struct Array After Inputting Information?

Aug 28, 2014

I am doing a data structures program on C++ that is suposse to consist of declaring an array of size five for my credit card structure, that allows the user to input information of five diferent credit cards. I am having a problem with my program, because it runs but after I input the information of the credit card, it does not print out the values that I had input.I dont know where I went wrong with the code or if it is that my approach to solving it is wrong. My code is the following:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct TarjetaCredito


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C# :: Printing All Values Above The Diagonal Line In 2D Array

Apr 11, 2014

I need to print all the values in a square 2d array that are above the diagonal line. So if I have this 6x6 array for instance:


I'd have to print the elements in italics. I've tried this:

for (i = 1; i < a.GetLength(0); i++) {
for (j = i-1; j >=0; j--)
Console.Write("{0,-2}", a[i, j]);

with the array mentioned above but for some reason it keeps printing the elements BELOW the line, when I need it to print those above it. I know that for arrays we usually start loops with a value of 0 but seeing as there should be nothing to print at [0,0] I started the loop at 1.

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C/C++ :: 2D Array For Printing Both Diagonal Elements Of Matrix

Jan 31, 2014

what if we want to print both the diagonal elements!!!!

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C :: 6 Structure Array For Employee Pay

Jul 23, 2013

Ok, so this assignment is to create a structure that allows input for up to 6 employees that then makes a 6 structure array showing Employee ID, Employee Last Name, Employee Pay Rate, Employee Hours Worked, Employee Pay, and Total Gross Pay for All Employees.

I don't have a printf yet for total gross, but right now I am just trying to tackle the input. Obviously I am not doing it right because although gcc complier is not giving errors the program is not ending when I type 'q' (sentinel issue) or when I reach 6 employees. It just continues input forever. Here is my code so far:

//Cameron Taylor
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXARRAY 6
struct Record{
int idnum;
char lname[20];
double pay_rate;

[Code] ........

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C++ :: Sorting A Structure Array

Jan 22, 2013

i need to print the names as they appear in the original file, print the info of the person with the highest distance, print the info sorted by ascending ID number, and print sorted by name alphabetically. the first two parts work fine but sorting by ID and Name dont work.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>


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C/C++ :: Print Array Of Strings Is Printing Null Instead Of Result

Feb 17, 2014

I am trying to print the array of string using this code but the compiler is printing null in the output:

The code is as follows:

char *arr[10];
int i;

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C/C++ :: Not Able To Initialize Structure Variable Inside Main Whose Structure Defined GL

Aug 27, 2013

I am trying to run a programme implementing a function with structures in c... which is:

struct store  {
        char name[20];
        float price;    
        int quantity;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Array With Two Variables And Loop

Feb 18, 2014

I have two variables t and x in an array that alternate. I want to add two t's and find the average and then do the same for the x's. After that, I want to find the slope of x -> t. My problem is that I specify the n for t, but since it's local I can;t use it for the slope. Here's my code so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double PA [8] = {0.0001234, 1.0005434, 0.0005678, 1.0023423, 0.00063452, 1.0001546, 0.00074321, 1.00017654};

[Code] ....

And, can I actually use the n2 as an index, or will the processor not understand that?

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C :: How To Store Data Structure Into 2D Array

Mar 22, 2013

I have this data store into a data structure.

i j x y w h w*h
0 0 0 0 9 11 99
1 0 0 11 9 10 90
2 0 0 21 9 11 99
0 1 9 0 8 12 96
1 1 9 12 8 7 56
2 1 9 19 8 6 48



struct data {
/*! horizontal position */
int x;
/*! vertical position */
int y;
/*! width */
int w;


data and then i have an array /*! it contain group_id of each data line*/ int group_id[16]={0,0,0,0,3,3,1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,1}; I never worked with 2D array before. My problem is that i want to create a 2D array of that data for example if i write data[j][i].. It will give me the reference/value of all data lines that belongs to j column, and same with group_id[j][i]. I don't know how i can store these structure vaules in this like 2D array.

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C++ :: Structure Record Type In Array

Feb 24, 2015

I have to enter the Instructor ID and invokes getFees to find the fees of the given instructor. Then it will displays the message that shows either the fees or "No such instructor ID" if not found. the function prototype is

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int DECLARED_SIZE = 7;
int search(const int a[], int number_used, int target);
struct InstructorType


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C/C++ :: How To Access Element In Array In Structure

Jan 31, 2015

#include <stdio.h>
struct stack{
int n,,a[100];
int main()

[Code] ....

this program is not running why can't i access elements in this way directly.

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C++ :: How To Use Structure Pointer Through A Structure Public Member Definition

Dec 7, 2014

Why doesn't this compile?

struct hi(){
void other();

void hi::other(){
std::cout << "Hi!" << std::endl;

[Code] ....

Makes no sense the structure is written before the structure member function is called so why is there compile errors ??...

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