C :: Set Every Array Value In Structure To Zero

Nov 22, 2013

i'd like to ask if it's possible to fill every array in structure to zero. (Without using too much cycles)Something like this (I know that it doesn't work):


typedef struct {
char name[30], sname[30], adress[30], day, month; int year; char number[9], email[30];
} person;
void create_list(person z[100])


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C++ :: Why Can Initialize Array Nested In Structure Like Array

Feb 7, 2015

Example :
struct x {
int v[4];
const x test = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

Why can I do this? How does the compiler know to write to this in the proper way? I get that v would be contiguous. Does that have something to do with it?

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C :: 6 Structure Array For Employee Pay

Jul 23, 2013

Ok, so this assignment is to create a structure that allows input for up to 6 employees that then makes a 6 structure array showing Employee ID, Employee Last Name, Employee Pay Rate, Employee Hours Worked, Employee Pay, and Total Gross Pay for All Employees.

I don't have a printf yet for total gross, but right now I am just trying to tackle the input. Obviously I am not doing it right because although gcc complier is not giving errors the program is not ending when I type 'q' (sentinel issue) or when I reach 6 employees. It just continues input forever. Here is my code so far:

//Cameron Taylor
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXARRAY 6
struct Record{
int idnum;
char lname[20];
double pay_rate;

[Code] ........

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C++ :: Sorting A Structure Array

Jan 22, 2013

i need to print the names as they appear in the original file, print the info of the person with the highest distance, print the info sorted by ascending ID number, and print sorted by name alphabetically. the first two parts work fine but sorting by ID and Name dont work.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>


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C/C++ :: Not Able To Initialize Structure Variable Inside Main Whose Structure Defined GL

Aug 27, 2013

I am trying to run a programme implementing a function with structures in c... which is:

struct store  {
        char name[20];
        float price;    
        int quantity;

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Store Data Structure Into 2D Array

Mar 22, 2013

I have this data store into a data structure.

i j x y w h w*h
0 0 0 0 9 11 99
1 0 0 11 9 10 90
2 0 0 21 9 11 99
0 1 9 0 8 12 96
1 1 9 12 8 7 56
2 1 9 19 8 6 48



struct data {
/*! horizontal position */
int x;
/*! vertical position */
int y;
/*! width */
int w;


data and then i have an array /*! it contain group_id of each data line*/ int group_id[16]={0,0,0,0,3,3,1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,1}; I never worked with 2D array before. My problem is that i want to create a 2D array of that data for example if i write data[j][i].. It will give me the reference/value of all data lines that belongs to j column, and same with group_id[j][i]. I don't know how i can store these structure vaules in this like 2D array.

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C :: Printing Sum Of Variables From Array Of Structure?

Oct 10, 2014

I have an array of structure that takes family information (name, age, and state) after it takes the users input it prints back all of the information that was input and then prints the family members that just live in Texas. After that I am trying to implement a function to average out the ages of all family members but I cant seem to get it right, whenever it gets to that part of the program it just outputs 0. I also tried adding an & sign prior to FAMILY[i].age and got an error of int from ptr with no cast.

Also I realize that the code only shows adding of the family members ages which is fine for now as I am concentrated on getting that to work in the first place.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//Global Variables
int i=0, a=0, sum=0;


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C++ :: Structure Record Type In Array

Feb 24, 2015

I have to enter the Instructor ID and invokes getFees to find the fees of the given instructor. Then it will displays the message that shows either the fees or "No such instructor ID" if not found. the function prototype is

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int DECLARED_SIZE = 7;
int search(const int a[], int number_used, int target);
struct InstructorType


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C/C++ :: How To Access Element In Array In Structure

Jan 31, 2015

#include <stdio.h>
struct stack{
int n,,a[100];
int main()

[Code] ....

this program is not running why can't i access elements in this way directly.

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C++ :: How To Use Structure Pointer Through A Structure Public Member Definition

Dec 7, 2014

Why doesn't this compile?

struct hi(){
void other();

void hi::other(){
std::cout << "Hi!" << std::endl;

[Code] ....

Makes no sense the structure is written before the structure member function is called so why is there compile errors ??...

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C :: How To Store Array Of Structure At Shared Memory

Jan 16, 2014

I have one requirement to store an array of structure at shared memory. Also the shared memory should have one counter to store number of elements in the array.

I tried to look at some placed but didn't find anything relevant.

So my first question, is it possible that we can store two things on same shared memory. And second if not then how to achieve the same?

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C++ :: Passing Nested Structure Array To Function

Feb 27, 2014

I've been able to write the program completing all requirements except for one... creating a function that accepts a nested structure array. Here's the program:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct PayInfo {
double hours; // Hours worked
double payRate; // Hourly payRate


I don't even know where to begin. Specifically, concerning all the aspects of the function.

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C/C++ :: Not Displaying Values Inside Structure Array (GCC)?

Apr 22, 2014

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 22
struct inven {
int Iid;
double uprice;
int uoh;
char name[MAX];


doesn't seem to want to display the disp* fucntions at all

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C/C++ :: Copy Content Of File Into Structure Array

Feb 8, 2014

I am trying to write a program for a library system that allow stuff to add, remove, view and delete customer. i try to use file to store data and i open the file in mode read then i store then i put the content of the file into a structure. now the problem started it is only showing me haft of the content and here is the coding.

#include <stdio.h>
# include <windows.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
void search(int s,struct books eli[20]);
void view(int x,struct books eli[20]);    

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Rearrange Structure Element On The Basis Of Positions Given In Other Array

Apr 8, 2013

I want to rearrange the positions of structure elements on the bases of perm_array.

typedef struct gg{
element d;
int group;
} gg;
gg col_data[16];

[Code] ....

How can i rearrange structure element like {ptr+2,ptr+3,ptr+1,ptr+0} ?

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C :: Filling Structure Client / Storing Different Instances In Array

Mar 31, 2013

Here is what I have going on.


struct client {
char firstName[stnd];
char lastName[stnd];
long ID;
char email[stnd];
float funds;
float wager;

typedef client...I would like to have these fields filled with this function below and stored in an array... Basically Multiple users and this is my function for it, if I can get it to work proper -.- .... I don't get syntax errors but I do get warnings


void getct(client *cl, int *pclientCounter) {
char input[buff];
char *pinput = NULL;
int typef = 0;
int lengthf = 0;


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C :: Implementing Trie Data Structure With Dynamic Array

Jun 23, 2013

i can't implement trie with dynamic array .the problem is in this line i think :


childs_size = (node_p -> childs_value_p)[0] + 1; here is my code : Code: #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct trie_node {
unsigned char *childs_value_p; // pointer to an array of child nodes value
struct trie_node **childs_ptp; // pointer to an array of child nodes pointer
struct trie_node *failure_node_p; // pointer to failure node


i could write this code with binary tree instead of dynamic array but need a large amount of memory for about 13000000 strings of length 16 . is there any better solution with lower memory usage to implement trie ?

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C++ :: Structure Record Type In Array - Unresolved Structures

Feb 25, 2015

Why I do have this error message?

1>------ Build started: Project: TMA04, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>TMA04.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "double __cdecl getFees(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (?getFees@@YANV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z) referenced in function _main
1>C:UsersEvgericDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsTMA04DebugTMA04.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

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C++ :: Storing File Data In Array With Structure Type?

Feb 20, 2015

I have a structure

struct Wine
string wineName;
int vintage;
int rating;
double price;

how can i store the file data below in an array with the structure type???

Dow Vintage Port ;2011;99;82
Mollydooker Shiraz Carnival of Love ;2012;95;75
Prats & Symington Douro Chryseia ;2011;97;55
Quinta do Vale Meão Douro ;2011;97;76
Leeuwin Chardonnay River Art Series ;2011;96;89

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C/C++ :: How To Get Array Of Structure Code To Read Form A File

Dec 10, 2014

I tried to make the program read from a file text the first name or last name but o cant seem to get it. i tried alot of different ways. how can i get the array of structure code to read form a file?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
const int NUM_STUDENTS = 17;
const int NUM_QUIZZES = 10;
const int NUM_EXAMS = 5;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Value Assignment To Structure Member Inside The Structure?

Oct 7, 2014

Is it possible to assign a value to structure member inside the structure.like.....

struct control{  
char tbi:2 =0;
char res:1 =0;

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C :: Bitfield Array - Using Standard Technique Of Creating A Structure Within Union

Mar 27, 2013

Any way that one could create a bitfield using the standard technique of creating a structure within a union, as follows:

typedef union {
struct {
unsigned b0 : 1;
unsigned b1 : 1;
unsigned b(n-1) : 1;
} bits;
unsigned int value;

BIT_FIELD_TYPE; Except, what I'd like to do is to replace all the single-bit elements in the bits structure with a single statement that creates an array of, say, 32 values. The clear advantage of this is that it could be traversed using an iterator, ...

main() {
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
... (print out foo.bits.b[i]) ...

So far, I've not figured out a way to do it, either as an array, or using a pointer to iterate through the individual bits.

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C++ :: How To Add A Loop / User-defined Function And Array / Structure To Code

Apr 24, 2012

We had to write a "selling program for computers, laptops and tablets", which I did but for the extra credit, we have to have those three points in the application and I have tried but how to do the "extra credit" part, which I really need.

1.) A loop to prompt the user if they would like to place another order

2.) At least one user-defined function

3.) An enumerated data type, array or struct (structure)

I did one of these three, it's a "DO WHILE" loop asking users if they want to make another order, it's right at the beginning of the code.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
double desktop();//function prototype
double laptop();
double tablet();

[Code] ....

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C :: Writing Structure Array Bytewise To Binary File And Read It Back

Aug 21, 2014

I would like to write a complete structure array to a file and read it back, recovering all the data. I have tried the following:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NUM 256
const char *fname="binary.bin";
typedef struct foo_s {
int intA;
int intB;
char string[20];


//---------------------------------------------------- but the mac field is reading back some random value repeatedly. Why is that? And how do I fix this?

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C++ :: Creating List Of Medical Resources And Their Attributes - Input To Structure Array Not Working?

Mar 23, 2014

I wrote this program to create a list of medical resources and their attributes, a task I have been performing repeatedly lately. I'm still fairly new to C++, so I thought to create a structure "Resource", and then an array of those structures "city[300]". My problem is that the input doesn't seem to be happening: the program runs, but when it prints to screen/writes to the file at the end, all the shows is:

Resource Type:

for every resource that was input. All the fields are blank.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Resource {
string typeID;
string name;

[Code] ....

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C :: How To Create A Structure That Pointing To Another Different Structure

Mar 17, 2013

how I can create a structure that pointing to another different structure. And also passing structure to function.

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